Chapter 92 Leo's Fight (Part 2)

The green mist surrounded Leo like a bubble, making it impossible to see anything other than the mist itself. Even when using Aura he was unable to discern the cultists location. Since the mist is always moving he was rendered blind in every sense.

'Dreifus, do you know what's going on here? She has two abilities and one of them was hard enough to deal with already.' Leo asked while constantly turning around to try and prevent a sneak attack.

'I'm sorry, Leo, but I know as much as you do. All I can say is that you need to be prepared for anything.' Dreifus answered.

The cultist suddenly stepped out of the Mist right behind Leo. He was able to sense her using Aura because she moved out of the mist and towards him.

He had a split second to react and turned around to face her, but halfway through his turn he was punched in the face. He saw the attack coming but he wasn't able to react to it in time.

Leo recoiled from the punch and looked up to face the cultist, but she was gone. There was nothing but mist. Another fist came towards him from behind, this time without any warning from Aura until it was mid swing.

Leo dodged the strike by ducking down and spinning around so he could face her, but there was only an arm appearing from the mist. Leo attempted to strike at the arm but it turned into mist upon contact.

He continued to throw punches at the mist hoping to hit something, but each time the mist would just swirl away as he made contact.

'Fuuuck! How am I supposed to hit her when I can't even find her!?' Leo shouted angrily in his mind. 'I don't think she's hiding in the mist, it's more likely her body actually IS the mist.

Because she's spread out so much, she just shifts the mist in the spot you attack so you miss. If you hit everything at once then it should deal some damage.' Dreifus said with a hopeful tone.

'Hit everything at once? I'm not fast enough to do someth... Oh... I think I know what you mean.' Leo had a look of realization on his face in that moment.

He channeled energy into his fist and focused on making it spread out rather than compressing it, although this technically makes the attack weaker it was the only way he could think to make contact.

Even so, hitting the mist wouldn't work, as there would be nothing for the energy to connect with. So instead, Leo raised his fist and slammed it into the ground below him.

[-10 Energy]

[Energy 11/40]

The energy hit the wood beneath his feet and spread all around him, creating a small bubble of energy that radiated outwards for about 10 meters. A bright blue light was created for a few seconds before the energy dissipated, lighting up all nearby areas.

As the energy hit the mist, all of it was pushed back before dissappearing and a body was seen flying backwards several meters before hitting the ground hard, sending shards of wood flying everywhere.

As the light dimmed Leo could see the cultist getting up from the ground and he knew that his attack had worked. He hadn't seen the cultist get hit by the energy because he was semi-blinded by his own attack for a moment.

'Hey Dreifus, did you notice that she didn't use that red energy while she was in mist form. I don't think she can use them at the same time.' Leo asked while he and the cultist both prepared themselves for the next round of combat.

'I did, but even so, you only have one attack that can hit her when she's in mist form and it uses too much energy compared to the amount of damage it does. You need a way to surprise her.' Dreifus answered. Leo smirked 'I have an idea.'

"That was Interesting. I didn't think you'd be able to hit me while I was like that, although it wasn't a very strong attack." The cultist said with a mocking tone.

"It was my first attempt at something like that, I didn't know what the outcome would be like, though I'm not surprised that it wasn't all that strong. Anyways, now you know I can hit you if you surround me again so that annoying trick won't work twice." Leo shrugged his shoulders.

"Just because I can't surround you with my mist doesn't mean Its useless child. Even if you get close enough to hit me, your attacks will either completely miss me when I turn into mist, or you'll be forced to use a similar attack to last time, in that case the power will be weak and you'll be wasting your time." The cultist reached up and pulled her hood and mask off her face, throwing them to the ground.

A giant smile appeared on the woman's face as her long blonde hair fell to the sides of her body, reaching her hips with its length.

"Just come with me quietly and I won't have to hurt you. Im not allowed to kill you, but nobody said you needed your arms and legs intact." Her grin became sadistic and her eyes glowed a dull purple.

'After I do this she'll be aware that it's something I can do. I just hope it's able to deal some decent damage.' Leo thought to himself as he got into the stance he would use for a palm strike.

Leo and the cultist were standing about 8 meters away from each other, too far away to hit someone. Leo brought his Aura back from its maximum limit of 100 meters and condensed it to only fill a space of 10 meters around him.

Leo stepped forward with his right leg and pushed his right arm forwards simultaneously, just like always when doing a palm strike. The difference being that he kept his hand in the shape of a fist.

As his fist moved forwards, an obvious look of confusion appeared on the cultists face. 'He's so far away, is he planning on punching thin air?' She let out a small laugh, finding amusement in Leo's actions.

As the fist stopped, having finished the motion for the attack, Leo did something he had just made up a moment ago.

The cultist was still laughing when a force collided with her stomach. It felt like a fist had just smashed through her gut with incredible power. Her eyes widened as a massive amount of pain spread through her body and the invisible force blew a hole right through her.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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