King's Awakening

Chapter 327: The Jones Family Representative Withdraws Jones Group from Bidding?

Chapter 327: Chapter 327: The Jones Family Representative Withdraws Jones Group from Bidding?


Sitting on the stage, Azure Dragon instinctively cast a questioning gaze towards White Mitchell upon hearing those words.

White Mitchell nodded silently. He had already guessed the Jones Family’s tactics. He had been prepared for them and no matter how they tried to stir the pot, it would only be a self-inflicted humiliation.

Seeing this, Azure Dragon turned his gaze back to the Jones family, opening his mouth to say with a nonchalant expression, “Speak.”

Upon witnessing this, the members of the Jones family were overjoyed.

Seeing this, Sherry Jones, standing beside White Mitchell, felt another twinge of pain in her heart. She helplessly watched the members of the Jones family, wanting to step forward to plead with them to cease their actions.

“Granny, Uncle, I beg…” Sherry tried to plead with a pained expression but Will Jones interrupted her.

Will Jones sneered, throwing a dismissive glance at Sherry, “You’re remembering to call me uncle now? Too late!

Since you returned, you’ve caused chaos in our Jones Family, not only supporting White Mitchell to act recklessly, but also forcefully taking over our shares in the Jones Group.

And now you think you can beg for forgiveness? Do you think we would forgive you?”

Sherry, upon hearing these words, fell silent, futilely trying to explain, “I didn’t, I didn’t, I…”

But the Jones Family didn’t even give her a chance to explain. Amanda cut her off, berating, “No such thing, in front of Mr. Azure Dragon, you dare to defend yourself?

Do you dare to say White Mitchell didn’t seriously injure Noah Weiden? Do you dare to say that you’re not holding 50% of the shares of the Jones Group?

Those shares weren’t willingly given to you by us, how did you get them and do you think it’s your place to defend yourself? Mr. Azure Dragon has clear sight!”


In the face of the accusations from the Jones family, Sherry felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness and her eyes began to well up with unshed tears.

What the Jones family was saying was partly true, but it wasn’t the whole truth. They were selectively pulling out facts to confuse Mr. Azure Dragon. What would she do if he really believed them?

“Mr. Azure Dragon, it’s not as they say, you…” Sherry desperately tried to defend herself, but she was pulled into an embrace by White Mitchell.

“Bro, I…” Seeing White Mitchell, Sherry’s teardrops finally escaped, painting the picture of utter helplessness.

Seeing this, White Mitchell consoled her with a composed face, “Don’t worry, let’s watch and see. I believe Azure Dragon is a person who can see the truth beyond the surface, he won’t trust their words blindly.”

“But…” Sherry started to say but then sighed deeply, knowing that White Mitchell was right to stop her from arguing any further.

If she continued bickering with the Jones family, it would only make things worse.

But if she allowed the Jones family to continue speaking, she couldn’t predict the outcome.

In that moment, Sherry was filled with inner turmoil.

At this time, the Jones family was without an ounce of mercy, instead revelling in Sherry’s predicament with snide contempt.

Then, Old Madam Jones, the head of the Jones family, addressed Azure Dragon on the stage, “Mr. Azure Dragon, I am the Chairwoman of the Jones Group.

Indeed, Sherry forcefully took 50% shares from me, but I still hold the other 50%.

I am well aware of the depth of the Jones Group. We have never been qualified to bid for the development in Nezzi as we had always been in the cosmetics industry, not having been involved in any real estate projects.

Therefore, I am here to formally propose, on behalf of the Jones Group, that we, the Jones Group, withdraw from the bidding for the development in Nezzi!”


As soon as this was said, the hall was instantly filled with gasps. The many journalists gathered to collect information immediately turned their attention towards the Jones Family.

No one had expected that the Jones Group, which at one point overshadowed the Imperial Group in popularity, would withdraw from bidding at such a crucial time.

Was this a case of familial conflict causing the downfall of a promising candidate?

Many journalists speculated, with some expressing certainty that Sherry had forcibly seized the shares of the Jones Group and that her family was seeking revenge.

Others argued that Sherry had been too ruthless, which prompted the Jones family to rise and resist.

Of course, there were also those who defended Sherry, believing that the Jones family was being overly greedy.

In short, the various speculations spread among the press, and some journalists who were ahead of the rest even sent their information back to their news agencies to be published that evening.

Public opinion was stirred, with much of it pointing fingers and hurling insults at Sherry, accusing her of reckless and ruthless behavior, not sparing even her own flesh and blood for her ambitions.

Azure Dragon, standing on the stage and hearing all these rumors, responded with a stern rebuke, “Silence! Every single one of you, shut up! Anyone who disobeys will be removed from this place!”


With his words, Azure Dragon’s aura as the War King exploded and rolled over the crowd.

In just an instant, the room went silent, everyone prudently closing their mouths and standing fearfully at their spots.

Even the Jones family was startled by Azure Dragon’s unexpected surge of aura.

Somehow, they felt that the gaze Azure Dragon was giving them was blatantly different and his eyes seemed to convey a certain extent of disgust.

At this moment, White Mitchell, holding Sherry’s hand, slowly walked towards the Jones family.

As he walked, White Mitchell began to speak, “Since when has the Jones Group participated in the bidding for Nezzi? I seem to have no knowledge of it. We’ve always participated in the bidding in our own personal capacity, not as representatives of the Jones Group.”


Upon hearing White Mitchell’s voice, the members of the Jones family snapped out of their shock, their gaze quickly shifting towards him.

The next second, Amanda snapped and said, “White Mitchell, we’re in front of Mr. Azure Dragon, how dare you be so audacious!

Even if you argue till you’re blue in the face, it won’t stop us from withdrawing from the bidding.

You’re using the employees and accounts of our Jones Group to bid in your own name? Who are you trying to fool? Do you think Mr. Azure Dragon is a three-year-old child to be fooled by you?”

White Mitchell casually smiled, responding, “Oh? Really? You didn’t mention it, and I almost forgot about that. Elijah, can you please enlighten them about who currently are the employees for Jones Group?

And while you’re at it, let them know how much money is there left in the Jones Group’s account! Let them see clearly and understand.”

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