KLRXO Stories

Chapter 102: Mom’s BARE Intentions

Chapter 102: Mom's BARE Intentions

Mom's BARE Intentions By Klrxo

"Who wants popcorn?" Rosie shouted as she joined the family for movie time. It was a Friday night tradition at the Jenkins home.

"I do!" her five year old daughter Missy shouted.

Rosie scooped some popcorn from a large bowl to a smaller one and handed it to her daughter. She then looked over at her son. "Thomas, popcorn kiddo?" she asked.

"I'm good, thanks," the teen muttered, forcing a smile. Much to his displeasure, family movie night was a requirement from his parents, in hopes of having a night to bring the family together.

The one thing Thomas did like about movie night was it allowed him to steal looks at his mom, who he thought was the sexiest woman on the planet. Rosie Jenkins looked like a 38-year-old Farrah Faucet, with striking facial features and shoulder length blonde hair. However, what fascinated Thomas the most was her body. He could hardly look at it without blushing. This was because he loved big boobs, and his mom had a ridiculously large rack that defied the laws of gravity by regularly wobbling around, even under a snug modest covering.

"What's this movie about anyway?" his dad Pete asked as he sat down next to his wife of nineteen years.

"I don't know much about it, except that it's a comedy and Gail said it was hilarious," Rosie said. "That's what you said about last week's movie too and it turned out to be 'hilariously' long and stupid." Rosie slapped her hubby on the knee playfully. "Give it a chance," she said.

Thomas loved watching comedies on family night, only because he could sneak peeks at his mom's jiggling breasts every time she laughed at a scene. Even though her monster mounds were his favorite part of her, they weren't the only things he was fascinated with. His mom had a wonderful peach- shaped ass and sexy shapely legs that always looked so smooth and strong. Tonight, she happened to be wearing some pale pink sweat-shorts, which allowed the boy to peek over at his leisure, and study her sexy bottom-half.

He was more than embarrassed when he noticed her looking over at him, catching him in the act.

Rosie was well aware of her son's wandering eyes, but also noticed how red his face would become and how he always looked away timidly.

She had also become aware of a regular pattern of behavior during movie-time that she found troublesome. This one came about a half-hour into the film, when the pretty female character in the movie took her top off. It only really showed the girl's back and a small portion of her ass, but like clockwork, her son blushingly got up from the couch and rushed away. "I gotta use the bathroom," he said, just as he always did.

Thomas would always return when the scene was over.

The worried mother decided to bring this up with her husband later as they sat in bed. "Can I ask you

something?" she said.

"I charge a kiss on the lips for questions this late," her husband joked.

"A price I'm fine with paying," Rosie said as she leaned over and planted one on his lips. "Mm, my best customer," he muttered with a big smile.

His wife slapped him on the shoulder playfully. "And your ONLY customer I certainly hope?" "Of course... he said. "Business is slow this time of year."

She tickled him this time. "Not funny, you shit!" "Ok seriously, what's your question?" he asked.

"Do you ever notice how Thomas dismisses himself from movie-time, every time there's a semi-

undressed female on the screen?" "Yeah, I've noticed," he said.

"You don't find that a bit odd?"

"They boy's shy, what are you gonna do?" Pete said.

"Shy? Honey, these are family movies. That wasn't even full nudity tonight and he rushed away like he'd

just got the shock of his life."

"Rosie, some boys are just shy like that. At least we know he's probably not addicted to porn," Pete


"No, but reacting that way... to just to mild nudity. That's not normal."

"Define 'normal.' Everyone's different. Thomas just happens to be extremely shy and timid about those things."

"So what happens if he's on a date, and a girl tries to make a move on him. What's he gonna do, run off?" Rosie asked.

"Maybe he will. If the girl likes him enough, she'll just be patient and help him work through those


Rosie fed her husband a testy look. "We were both his age when we started dating. If you ran off when I tried to make a move, I would have taken it personally and not gone out with you again."

"Gee, thanks."

"Of course I wouldn't do that now, but my point is young girls are selfish, and they take everything personally. If Thomas marches out on a date, he'll be lucky if that girl every speaks to him again," Rosie explained.

"Look, we don't know that he'd even do that, ok. I mean, maybe he's just embarrassed to watch that stuff in front of us. Maybe he doesn't have issues at all when he's around girls at school."

"You could be right," Rosie said with a softened expression. "Maybe I am just overreacting." "YOU, overreact? Never!" Pete joked.

His wife took another playful slap at him. "I'll try to ignore the whole exiting the movie thing, but I just hope this level of shyness doesn't extend beyond that."

"And I'm right on board with you," Pete said. "Let's just not make any assumptions just yet."

Rosie knew her husband had a point. Perhaps she was assuming the worst when it came to their son's shyness. Still though, she wanted to be sure. She was curious to see how he'd react in an uncomfortable situation outside family movie-time, so she formulated a plan.

"God, what a beautiful day!" Rosie's friend Gail said as they walked onto the beach carrying their big beach bags.

"And the beach isn't packed like it usually is," Rosie said, then looked back at her son trailing behind them, pulling the cooler. "How you doing back there, kiddo?"

"Good," her son said, plugging along in the sand. Near him was Rosie's daughter Missy and Gail's 19- year-old daughter Paris.

"Hey, Paris, will you swim with me?" Missy asked. "Maybe, if the water's not too cold," Paris answered. "How's this spot?" Gail said, dropping her bag on the sand.

"Seems as good as any to me," Rosie answered, spreading her towel out. "Thomas, you should swim with us," his sister suggested.

"Maybe in a little while," the teen answered, bringing the cooler to rest, then sitting down. "Come on, Paris!" the young girl said, excitedly dashing for the water.

"I'll be right down," the 19-year-old giggled.

"Looks like you made a new best friend, Paris," Rosie joked. "I don't mind. She's adorable."

Thomas's eyes suddenly widened as the three women began stripping down to their bikinis. Through the corner of her eye, Rosie watched her son's reaction carefully. This was the moment that would either prove or discredit her theory about him being shy outside of family movie-time.

The teen watched as Paris pulled off her skirt, bending over and pointing her bikini-clad ass back at him. He quickly looked away, but was struck with the site of Paris's mother Gail in her bikini-top. It wasn't the most revealing top he'd ever seen, but the fact that she had huge motherly boobies made it seem extremely risqué to him.

His face turned all kinds of red, and when he timidly moved his head again, he was met with the site of his mother's body this time. Rosie was facing him, bent forward, exposing the hugest, gaping cleavage he'd ever seen.

"I gotta... um, go to the car," the boy announced, hopping up and scrambling away. The three women watched him abruptly rush off. "Is he ok?" Gail asked with concern. "I'm not sure. I'll go check," Rosie said, following after her boy.

While the boy awkwardly rushed towards the parking area, the bikini-clad mother patiently followed. Rosie's huge ballooning tits trembled delightfully as she walked. Her bikini was by no means inappropriate, but the fact that her tits were so enormous and fat surely made it seem that way. "Honey?" she called out, following her boy. "Honey, hold up a minute."

"I just um, forgot something in the car, mom," he answered.

Thomas finally arrived at the vehicle, got in the back seat and closed the door. A half a minute later, his

mom opened it and looked in at him. "Okay, what did you forget?" she asked patiently. "Just... my um..." he muttered, pretending to look around for something.

"Uh-huh, that's what I thought," Rosie said, then got in and closed the door.

The mother crossed her sexy bare legs, but Thomas pretended not to notice. "What's going on with you?" she asked.

"Nothing," he answered, shrugging his shoulders. "Thomas, look at me," she said patiently.

"What, mom, I just wanna sit in here for a few minutes." "Will you please look at me?"

"No," he muttered timidly. "Why?"

"Why do I have to?" he asked.

"I think the more appropriate question here is why don't you want to? I'm trying to have a conversation with you," Rosie said.

"Mom, there nothing wrong. I'll be down in a few minutes." "Is it because I have a bikini on?" she asked frankly.


"I think it is." "It's not."

"Then why did you rush away suddenly when we took our cover-ups off? The same way you ran away last night when the girl got partially naked during the movie," Rosie said.

"I had to pee."

His mom giggled. "You did not. You do that every time, kiddo. Any time there's a love scene, or a woman

partially undressed, you rush away until the scene is over, then you come back. Why?" "No reason, mom. Can we just drop it?"

"No, we can't. I get that you want some time alone right now, but I'm not leaving until you look over here and have this conversation with me," she said with motherly authority.

Thomas slowly peered over, first spotting his mother's dangling bare foot. It was so dainty and sexy, with fleshly painted blood-red toenails. His eyes drifted up her smooth matronly leg, which seemed to shimmer from being freshly shaved and having a recently applied layer of suntan oil. Next, he followed her bare midriff up to the monstrous swell of her tits. Despite it being a 'modest' bikini, the amount of breast-meat that was spilling out all over the place was obscene, forcing the teen to quickly look away again.

This time, the concerned mother uncrossed her legs , placing both feet on the floor between their seats, and leaned over to touch his shoulder tenderly. "Thomas, honey... look at me. Just look at my face," she said lovingly.

The teen looked over into his mom's deep blue eyes. "You're timid, I get it, but are you like this all the time?" she asked.

"I guess so," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "You guess so. It's a yes or no question, kiddo." "I just um... get embarrassed," he admitted.

"Embarrassed when you see a woman partially undressed, or in a bikini?" "Yes."

"Have you always been that way? I never really noticed you acting funny until recently," his mom said. "Ever since I can remember, I get that way sometimes."

"But you had a girlfriend earlier this year," Rosie pointed out. "What would happen when she took

something off in front of you?"

"What do you think would happen, mom?" "You'd run away?" Rosie asked curiously.

"Yes, I'd get embarrassed. Why do you think she's not my girlfriend any more? She thought I was weird."

Rosie rubbed his shoulder. "I'm sure she didn't think you were weird, but girls your age are extremely self-conscious. She probably thought you were running off because there was something wrong with her," she explained.

"I told her there wasn't, that it was just me... it's just the way I am."

"I'm sure you did, honey. Unfortunately, younger girls are a little less tolerant to issues like that. Their brains are wired to take things personally. Trust me, I was that age once."

"I guess I'll just never have a girlfriend then," Thomas said with a sulking face.

"Nonsense," his mom said.

"It's not nonsense. What girl would wanna go out with a guy who can't even look at her when she takes

her clothes off?"

Rosie knew he was right. If he continued on this way, he'd be hard pressed to find a girl that would stay with him. She also knew these issues were deeply psychological and there was no easy solution. "Gail and I will put our cover-ups back on. Will you please just... take a few minutes then come back down?"

"I'll try."

"I love you," his mom said tenderly.

He glanced at her pretty face. "Love you too."

Rosie got out and strode away from the vehicle. The boy couldn't help but peek out the window and watch her move back towards the beach. The bikini-bottoms were molded perfectly around the meat of his mom's luscious undulating buttocks. The fatty flesh of her ass made her buns jiggle delightfully atop her sexy mommy-legs.

As he often did, he imagined his mom's naked ass beating against his nuts, this time while they were in the car together. He imagined her stripping off her bikini and climbing on top of him. Then their bodies would become a sweaty heap of pounding sex on the back seat. He imagined her huge tits bouncing and smothering him nearly unconscious as he fired hot cords of cum deep inside her.

"Damnit," the boy gasped, pushing his hand against his hard bulge, while trying to shake the forbidden thoughts from his mind.

"Everything ok?" Gail asked as Rosie returned to the beach and slipped her bikini cover-up back on.

"Have any suggestions on how to deal with an extremely shy teenager?" she said.

Gail giggled. "I had a feeling that might be the issue."

Rosie sat down on the sand next to her. "It's bad, Gail. I mean, he would hardly look at me when I was trying to talk to him."

"Is it just with you, or..."

"No, it seems to be ANY girl. Last night it was the girl in the movie we were watching. It was mild nudity,

I mean like... mega-mild."

"Wow, I could understand if he was just going through puberty, but eighteen? He should be well past any embarrassment of the female body at this point," Gail said.

"I know he should, and that's what has me so worried."

"My cousin's wife's a sex therapist. Do you think he'd be open to seeing her?"

"Knowing Thomas, probably not. He does need some sort of therapeutic intervention though," Rosie said. "If he keeps going this way, he may never have a normal relationship."

"True. Well, If you really wanna help him, maybe you should look no further than right from home." "Explain?" Rosie asked, looking at her friend curiously.

"Well, if he's embarrassed around YOU, that must mean he's attracted to you too, right?"

"The modest mother in me wants to say you're crazy for thinking that, but I've seen the way he looks at me."

"That being the case, why don't you do some desensitization therapy with him?" "Desensiti-what??" Rosie asked.

Gail quickly looked it up on her phone. "Desensitization... to make a hypersensitive individual insensitive or non-reactive to something."

"Ok, and how would I do that?"

"Well, typically, it's by exposing them to the thing that causes their hypersensitivity, in small doses, until they've become completely non-reactive to it. It's kind of like the analogy of the frog in boiling water. If you stick a frog in boiling water, it'll react wildly just like Thomas did when he saw us today, but if you put a frog in cool water and slowly bring it to a boil, there will be no reaction at all," Gail explained.

"So, let me see if I understand you correctly. You think if I start exposing Thomas to different parts of my body slowly, then I might break him of his shyness?"

"Makes sense to me. I mean, you could try to get another girl to do it, but in my opinion, the home is the perfect laboratory, and mom makes the perfect scientist," Gail said with a giggle.

"Oh thanks, so my son's a lab rat now?" "You know what I mean," Gail said.

"I know, and I'm sure this type of therapy is bound to still get a reaction out of him. I should be the one to deal with him when he gets like that."

Gail reached over and patted her friend on the knee. "You know I'm there for you if you need anything." "Thanks," the mother smiled. After a short silence she looked back over at Gail. "So where do I start?" "Where do you start?"

"Yeah, with this desensitization thing. I don't wanna do too much too soon and freak him out, so where

should I start?"

"Hmm," Gail hummed, thinking about it a moment. "What if you start with an accident?"

"An accident?"

"Yeah, you know, 'accidentally' exposing something to him." "Like what though?" Rosie asked with a smile.

Gail thought about it for a moment longer. "Here's an idea..." she said.

Thomas was hanging out in his bedroom that evening when he heard a tap at his door. "Can I come in,

Kiddo?" Rosie asked peeking her head in.

"I don't really feel like talking right now, mom," he said, assuming she was there to discuss what happened at the beach again.

"Who said I'm hear to talk? I'm washing the beach towels and was wondering if you still have yours in


"Yeah, in the bag over there, but I didn't really get it that dirty though."

"That's ok," Rosie said, stepping into her son's room. "We might as well wash it with the others."

Rosie was wearing a white terrycloth robe that fell to her mid thighs. She stepped over to her son's bag on bare feet and bent over to open it. "Do you have anything else in here you'd like me to wash?"

Thomas watched his mom bend over. Her ass was pointed towards him and as she bent forward, her robe slipped up and a portion of her panty-clad ass became exposed. "No," he muttered, his eyes widening. His mom wore white cheeky panties that left nearly half her apple-bottomed ass exposed.

"Are you sure? Some of these things look dirty," his mom said.

Thomas soon realized that the panties were so frilly that he could see the shadow of his mom's ass-crack right through them. He quickly looked away, with his face beat red and walked towards his window. "It's fine, mom. I can wash that stuff later," he said in a frazzled tone.

Rosie sensed his uneasiness and quickly straightened up. "Ok, got what I needed then, thank you," she

said, then left.

Once outside, the mother did a cute fist-pump in the air. "Yess!" she whispered out loud. "Clearly

uncomfortable for him, but at least he didn't run off."

The next morning, Rosie's husband went off to play golf and Missy had gone over to a friend's, leaving the mother home alone with her son. Rather than give him another peek up her robe, she decided to take it one step further.

Thomas came downstairs to the kitchen, but when he spotted his mom at the sink, he stopped dead in his tracks. She was wearing a big white t-shirt, but the hem only fell to the middle of her ass, and she was wearing thong panties this time. He could faintly see the green thong tucked between the cheeks of her meaty behind. With his heart racing, he started to back away, but that's when his mom peeked over her shoulder and spotted him.

"Good morning, kiddo," she said, just like she had any other morning.

Thomas quickly disappeared.

"Thomas?" his mom called, drying her hands as she started after him.

By the time she got to the kitchen entrance she saw her boy rushing back upstairs. "Thomas, honey?"

she said, but it didn't stop him.

"Shit," the mother muttered to herself. "Too much too soon maybe."

She started up the stairs, and when she got to his door, she found it closed. "Thomas, I'm coming in,"

she said, knocking, then opening his door. Her son was laying on his back on the bed.

The teen peeked over to see his mom closing the door behind her. From the front, he could see a dainty triangle of panty-cloth covering her puffy pubis. As she stepped across the room, it became obvious that she was braless beneath the big t-shirt. The way her mammoth melons wobbled heavily and the protuberant nubs of her nipples poked out from beneath the cloth made the fact unmistakable.

The timid teen quickly turned over and faced the wall away from her, then felt his pretty mom sit down on the edge of his bed. "Honey, can we just talk a minute?" she softly asked.

"Go ahead and talk," he said, unable to see her.

The mother knew her true purpose was to have him look at her. He needed to look at what she was wearing, and to be comfortable with it.

She slid onto her tummy beside him, with the luscious half-moons of her mommy buttocks fully exposed. "Will you turn over and look at me while we talk?" she asked.

Thomas peeked back and his eyes went straight to her ass. The sight of it so close took his breath away

and he quickly sat upright. "Jesus, mom, you're naked down there!"

"I'm am not, honey. I have panties on. Look," she said, pulling at the string.

This didn't ease her son's anxiety one bit. He quickly got up and rushed away, back out of his bedroom.

"Thomas, come back," his mom said.

Rosie sat up, making her big boobies shift about. "Ok, I expected this would happen," she said to herself. "Patients and persistence. You can do this, Rosie."

The mother walked out of the room and found her son downstairs on the couch. She stepped over close to him and held her hand out.

"What?" he asked, glancing at her panty-covered crotch. He looked just long enough to see that they were semi-sheer, making it obvious that his mom was completely shaved beneath.

"Back upstairs. Let's go."

"Why? Are you afraid dad might walk in and see you wearing that in front of me?" he asked. "Don't be a wise-guy. Take my hand and let's go," she said patiently.

"Why are you wearing that?"

"I'd be happy to have this conversation back upstairs where were before. Coming?" she asked.

Thomas took her hand, then followed her back up the steps. He couldn't help but take a peek down at her swaying buttocks as they moved back towards his bedroom. Even though she had a thong on, she might as well have been naked down there. Her meaty ass-cheeks jiggled delightfully as she shamelessly led him back to his bed.

"Sit back against the headboard," she said.

Thomas timidly did as his mom asked, and hardly looked at her as she sprawled back on her tummy beside him, just the way she had the first time.

The beautiful blonde mother looked at him. "Why are you so afraid to look at it?" she asked. "It's just an ass. Everyone has one."

"Yeah, but there's other parts of you that not everyone has."

"You mean my breasts and vagina?" Rosie asked with an amused look.

This turned her son's face a shade of red. "Mom," he muttered.

"What, those are perfectly proper terms," she said. "It's not like I said my tits and pussy." Thomas turned his head blushingly, making his mom snicker.

"I'm sorry, Kiddo. I just wanna help you, that's all." "You wanna help me not be embarrassed?"

"Yes, and I think the best way to go about doing that is by letting you see me like this. If you get used to seeing this enough times, then maybe you'll be less likely to react the way you do, when you're around half-naked girls your own age. Does that make sense?" Rosie asked.

"I guess so," he muttered, still looking towards his window.

"However, if you're gonna look away from me when I'm around and talking to you, then you might as well run off like scaredy-cat again."

"It's embarrassing, mom."

"Embarrassing why? If anyone should be embarrassed it should be me. I'm the one laying here with my

ass out," she said amusingly.

"You're not embarrassed at all though."

"The body's not a thing we should be ashamed of, kiddo. Besides, it's not like either one of is ugly and weigh eight-hundred pounds or anything," she joked. "What do we have to be ashamed of?"

"So you're really gonna come in to my room wearing THAT every day?" he asked, glancing at her naked bubble-butt.

"Maybe not here in your room, and maybe not wearing this exact thing, but yes. It's time for you to face your fears head on, with mom's help."

The next day, Sunday, the family went shopping at the mall. They spent time looking in their favorite stores. At one point, Pete followed his daughter into the arcade, and Rosie grabbed her son by the hand.

"Honey, Thomas and I are gonna take a walk," she said to her husband. "There's something he wants to show me down that way."

"We'll be in here when you're finished," Pete said, watching his daughter excitedly jump on a game and begin playing.

Rosie quickly led her son down the mall, her dainty heels clicking against the tile floor. "What am I showing you down here?" he asked, looking over at her.

"Nothing," she said, them smiled mischievously, "but I wanna show YOU something."

"Oh," the boy muttered, then hesitated when he saw that his mom was leading him into a woman's

lingerie store. "Mom, no!"

"Honey, yes, come on, don't be afraid." "I'm not afraid, I'm just..."

"Embarrassed? You don't have to be. It's alright. Just trust me, okay?" she said.

"Why are we going in there?"

She took both his hands and gazed at him with her beautiful blue eyes. "We're facing your fears head on together, remember?" she said.

"Whatever," he reluctantly muttered. "Good," she said, leading him in.

Once inside, the mother snatched the first outfit she saw, which was a strange purple color. A friendly

looking saleswoman greeted them with a smile. "Hi. Looking for anything in particular?" she asked. "Your dressing room," Rosie responded.

"Dressing rooms are in the back."

"Thank you," the mother responded, tugging her son along.

They arrived in the dressing room area and Rosie stopped at the door. "You're trying on that thing?" her

son asked.

"Ugh, no, yuck! That's ugly," the mother said hanging it on a rack outside the door. "Then why are we back here?"

"I am trying SOMETHING on, but you're picking it out," she said with a smile. "What?"

"That's right. Go back out there and pick out something you like, then I'll try it on for you." "Mom, no... can we just go."

"Sorry, kiddo. That's not the plan. Go pick something out."

Thomas glanced out at all the delicate negligee. "But everything out there is like..." "Revealing? That's the point, remember? You agreed to let me help you...so let me help you."

"Fine," the boy muttered, then walked back out into the display area. He browsed around awkwardly.

"Need any help?" the pretty sales lady said, stepping up behind him. "No, I'm good."

"Is that your mom back there?" she asked. "Why?"

"Just curious," the lady smiled. "We get a lot of Moms bringing their sons in here. It's a judgement-free zone, don't worry," she said.

"Yes, it's my mom," Thomas muttered, not really looking at the girl.

"She's pretty. Big boobs too," she said, making the boy's face go red. "She'd look really good in a

babydoll nighty." "What's that?"

The sales lady walked towards a corner of the store. "They're over here," she said.

A few minutes later, Thomas arrived back at the dressing room and handed his mom a black silky- looking number. Rosie just smiled and opened the dressing room door. "Don't you dare go anywhere, mister," she said in a stern but playful manner, then disappeared inside.

It was the longest three minutes of Thomas's life. Despite his mom's warning, he was tempted to race out of there, especially when he heard her voice. "You can come in," she said softly.

"Mom, do I have to?" he asked. "You really don't want to?" "This is just...embarrassing."

"So YOU DO want to, but you're just afraid?" "Yes," he confessed.

"Would you be less afraid if you came in and I wasn't watching you?" "Maybe, I don't know."

"What if I was blindfolded and couldn't see you looking at me. Would that make it easier?" she asked.

"I guess. Maybe, but..."

"Go ask the sales lady for a blindfold," his mom said. "Really? They sell blindfolds here?"

Rosie giggled. "Honey, this is a lingerie store. Of course they sell blindfolds here. Go get one." "Ok," Thomas said, then wandered back out onto the display floor.

"Everything ok?" the sales lady asked. "Does she need a different size?" "No, um...do you...um..."

"Do I what, hon?"

"Never mind," Thomas said, then rushed back to the waiting room. "Mom, I can't do it." "You didn't ask her?"

"I couldn't, it's too embarrassing."

His mom giggled. "Oh, Thomas. I'll close my eyes tight, I promise. Just get your ass in here." "Can we just forget about this?" he said, frozen in fear.

The door to the dressing room suddenly popped wide open and the boy's eyes about bugged out of his skull. Rosie was standing there facing him wearing a stunning black baby doll chemise lingerie set. She was in a sexy pose, with one silky leg bent at the knee and sticking out the slit of the transparent chemise, and as promised, her eyes were clenched closed.

Thomas could see that she was wearing a black thong beneath the chemise, and the top portion allowed the huge mounds of her creamy cleavage to be exposed. He couldn't imagine her wearing anything sexier.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked.

With his face red with embarrassment, Thomas suddenly rushed away, back through the store.

"Thomas?" his mom called, but there was no stopping him.

A few minutes later, fully dressed again; Rosie found her son sitting on a bench in the mall waiting for her. "Well... that could have gone better," she said.

"Sorry," the boy muttered.

She sat down next to him. "Thomas, if I'm gonna help you overcome your shyness, then you're at least

gonna have to put in some effort yourself." "I know."

"You say that, but then when it comes time for me to show some skin, you run off." "I'll try to get better."

Rosie reached over and took his hand. "I want you to have a happy, normal relationship with girls, and I'll do anything to help break you of your shyness, even if that means tying you down and forcing you to look at me," she half-joked.

The next day, while her kids were in school, Rosie had Gail over for coffee. It wasn't long before the conversation centered on Rosie's son.

"Making any progress with Thomas's shyness?" Gail asked.

"Not much. Every time I show some skin he rushes away. This desensitization thing is gonna be a tough battle I think."

"Maybe not. I did some reading last night. Found out some interesting things that might make it easier." "Such as?"

"Well, this article said that usually a boy's shyness is caused by his own lack of confidence, and a bad self-image," Gail explained.

"So you think Thomas is being this way because of how he feels about himself?"

"Yes, which is probably why he's still running off, no matter how hard you try to make it easy for him. He feels intimidated, because of his own lack of experience and self confidence," Gail explained. "He may even think he's ugly."

"That's ridiculous! Thomas is far from ugly."

"Of course he is. In fact he's extremely handsome, but maybe he just doesn't see himself that way, because he hasn't been around girls that express that too him much."

"I feel so bad now," Rosie said.

"Why? You're trying to help him. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I know, but I've been trying to shove it down his throat without seeing what the real root of the problem is. He has a poor self image."

Later that afternoon, Rosie decided to alter her approach with her son, to include what her and Gail had discussed. "Hi, kiddo! How was practice?" she asked as Thomas arrived home.

"It was ok. Coach has been really hard on us here lately." "Probably because he "really" wants you to win."


"I'm sure he knows what a valuable player you are though. You make catches out on that field those other boys couldn't even come close to making," Rosie said.

"Well, I try to give it my all."

"I have a load of your laundry ready to go. That shirt is filthy. Why don't you take it off and I'll throw it in with your other things"

"Ok, um, I'll take it off down in my room, then bring it down to you," he said, seeming reluctant. "Nonsense. Just slip it off now, and I'll throw it in real quick," she said, stepping forward and lifting it off

herself. She eyeballed her son's bare chest. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "What?" Thomas asked, standing there awkwardly without a shirt on.

"The coach must really have you guys working out this year. You're developing some great muscle tone."

"Really?" the boy asked, looking down at his lean chest.

"Yes, really. I mean, you're not gonna notice it as much as other people will, because you see yourself

without a shirt on every day, but damn, kiddo. That's impressive." "Thanks!" he proudly smiled, then rushed off.

A half-hour later, when Thomas was sitting on his bed doing homework, his mom peeked her head in.

"Hey Kiddo, can I get some advice?" she asked. "Advice?"

"Yeah, you know... your opinion on something," Rosie said, coming in and moving towards his bed.

He shouldn't have been surprised to see her wearing something super-sexy and revealing, but he was. His mom wore a white thigh-length Kimono robe, that was made of semi-sheer mesh, allowing him to faintly make out her nude body beneath it. Her huge mommy-melons bobbled heavily beneath the fabric, moving freely without a bra.

"I'll only stay a few minutes, then I'll leave, ok?" she said, sitting down with him on the mattress, with her silky legs spread off to the side.

"Alright, um...what did you need to ask me about?" "Just a few fitness tips."

"Fitness tips?" he asked.

"Yeah, I mean, you're in such good shape. I figured you could give me a few pointers on how to get fit


"I thought you went to a palates class?"

"Well, yeah, I do, but I figured where you're so lean and fit, it might benefit me more to do some of

whatever you're doing."

Rosie could tell her son's head was already swelling with more confidence. "Coach has us doing a lot of

squats, sit-ups, stuff like that, to build a strong inner core," he said.

"Sit-ups I'm familiar with. Squats, not so much. Could you show me how to do a few?" Rosie asked.

"Sure," Thomas said, crawling off the mattress and standing next to the bed. "You keep your back

straight, then just crouch down like this," he said, squatting down. "Then back up."

Rosie climbed down off the bed. The tie to her robe was lose, making it peek open, revealing a

monstrous cleavage. "Ok, so keep my back straight, like this, right?" she asked.

Thomas stared at her jutting mounds. He could faintly make out the huge pink circles of her areola through the decorative mesh fabric. "Honey," his mom said, snapping him from his trance. "Is this right?"

"Yes," he said, his face still a little red with embarrassment.

"Good, because if I wanna be in such amazing shape like you are, I gotta make sure I'm doing them

correctly," she said. "Right," he boy smiled.

"So, then I just crouch down, like this, right?" the mother asked, squatting her lovely ass towards the

floor, while bowing her legs open at the same time.

The boy's heart skipped a beat as he found himself gazing at his mom's shaved pussy. The puffy outer lips were slightly splayed open, revealing some of her pink inner curtains and the domed hood that was covering her clitoris.

"Thomas?" his mom said, causing him to look up at her face. "Am I doing this right?" "Your um... legs are spread apart further than they should be," he timidly muttered. "Oh, sorry," she said, snapping her thighs together. "So, like this?" she asked.


"Then back up," Rosie said, springing back upright, making her giant boobies jostle beneath the


"That's um... all there is to it," her boy said.

Rosie didn't wanna push things too far. She did what she needed to do, and her son had stuck around this time. It was a huge victory. "Thanks, Kiddo!" she said, then sashayed to his door.

Thomas's jaw hung open as he watched her bare buttocks sway beneath the robe as she left.

Rosie was startled by a voice as she exited her son's bedroom. "There you are," her husband's voice said.

She turned towards Pete with a surprised look as she held the robe closed, in hopes of hiding the fact that it was sheer. "Hey, you're, um... home early," she pointed out.

"Yeah, got all my work done at the office, so I figured I'd call it a day," he said, then let his eyes take in what she was wearing. "Why are you in that thing?"

"Oh, I was just gonna take a shower, but I needed to talk to Thomas first."

"In that?" Pete asked, seeming more confused by the second. "Isn't that a little inappropriate to be

wearing around him?"

Rosie felt uncomfortable having this conversation with Pete right outside their son's door. She'd made some progress today and the last thing she needed was for her husband to fuck things up. "Can we talk in the bedroom please?" she asked, moving past him.

Once inside their bedroom, Rosie sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you remember how I expressed some

concerns about Thomas's shyness, after we watched the movie together last week?" she asked.

"Yeah, I remember. Why?" Pete asked, eager to hear his wife's justification for wearing something so risqué around their son.

"We agreed that we wouldn't become concerned unless he started doing those things in other situations, and he has."

"What do you mean other situations?

"At the beach the other day, when he saw Gail's daughter in her bikini. He ran and hid in the car," Rosie explained. "He's been doing the same thing when he sees me in something like this."

Pete chuckled and rolled his eyes. "He SHOULDN'T be seeing you in 'something like this.' You're his mother," he exclaimed.

"Honey, please, just hear me out. I've been wearing a few... revealing outfits the past few days, because I thought it might help him feel more comfortable around girls who are showing some skin."

"You really think that's ok for a mother to do?" Pete asked.

"Help her son overcome some anxiety? Yes, I do." "By parading around half-naked in front of him?"

"He's facing his fears. Who else is gonna help him through this, if not his own mother? All the girls his own age just take it personally and dump him," Rosie explained.

"If he needs to see a psychologist, then we'll take him to one."

"He doesn't need a doctor, Pete. What he needs is to feel good about himself. Once he has a positive self-image, then he'll feel confident around girls, and won't run away like we saw him do the other night."

"I won't argue with the self-confidence part, but you're not wearing things like that in front of him, end

of story," her husband said, then walked into the bathroom.

"Pete's being a completely fuddy-duddy about this whole thing," Rosie complained, as she spoke to Gail on the phone.

"I'm surprised you told him what were doing."

"I had to. He saw me coming out of Thomas's wearing nothing but a see-through robe."

"Awkward," Gail said.

"Very, and when I try to explain the whole desensitization and self-esteem thing he just shut me down." "So he doesn't want you helping Thomas to face his fears?"

"He does, but apparently he wants me in modest attire while I'm doing it," Rosie said in discouraging tone.

"Well that really sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it. The whole idea is for Thomas to be exposed to

skin, so he get desensitized by it."

"Well, on a positive note, he does seem to be better," Rosie said.

"Really? That's great. So maybe it's time he sees mom in the buff," Gail suggested. "Already?"

"Why not. He's seen you nearly naked and is managing it alright. Maybe it's time to take things to the

next level.

The next morning, Thomas wrapped a towel around his waist and walked across the hallway to take a shower. When he entered the bathroom, he got the shock of his life. There, completely naked and toweling off was his gorgeous mother.

"Good morning!" she said with a smile, her monstrous tits ballooning outward. "Mom, what are you doing?!" he asked, half-hiding his face. "Why are you naked?" "Do you remember the robe I had on yesterday?"


"Your father told me not to wear anything like that in front of you anymore," she said. "So, I'm not

wearing anything like that in front of you anymore."

"So you're just gonna be... naked? Why are you showering in my bathroom?"

When Rosie saw him backing out the doorway, she diverted the conversation. From the size of the morning wood protruding from beneath her son's towel she felt confident in her next words. "There's a rumor going around about you, you know?" she said.

"Rumor?" he asked.

"Yeah, but don't worry, it's a good rumor." "What is it?"

"Well can I tell you without you getting embarrassed?" Rosie asked.

"Ok," the boy muttered, glancing down at the upside-down triangle of his mom's shaved mons.

"Well apparently some of the girls at school are saying that you have an extremely large penis," Rosie said. Of course that part was untrue, but she wanted to boost her son's self confidence as much as she could.

"I don't know about that?"

"Well, it's not usually something a girl makes up. A rumor like that usually has some merit behind it," his

mom said, glancing down at the unmistakable tubular bulge beneath the towel.

"Well, I'm not sure where a rumor like that got started." "Did your um... ex-girlfriend ever see your penis?"


"Oh, um... what about any of the other girls at school? Did any of them see it?"

"No," Thomas said, hanging his head. "No one has ever seen it, that's why the rumor can't be true."

"Maybe... one of the guys in the showers after practice was impressed, and started the rumor," she said with a quirky smile. "I mean, you never know, right?"

"I don't shower at school, mom," Thomas said. "Why do you think I usually shower after I get home." "Oh," Rosie muttered, realizing her plan had just been foiled.

"See, the rumor's untrue," the boy said in a defeated tone.

The mother had one more card to play, so she bravely did so. "Well, you may be right, but..." she said,

looking at his package, "...from what I'm seeing right now, I think there's some truth to that rumor."

Thomas had forgot all about his morning wood. He looked down at it in embarrassment, then quickly rushed away.

"Damnit," Rosie whispered in frustration, then followed her son to his room.

Thomas plopped onto his bed, glancing over at his bare-naked mother as she stepped inside his room

with only a towel wrapped around her hair. "Mom, could you just put some clothes on," he said.

Rosie stopped in the middle of his room, placing her hands on her hips. Her huge tits heaved heavily on her chest, her large thick nipples poking out the centers of her wide areola. "Do you really want me to put some clothes on? Because I don't think you do," she said.

"Why do you think I don't?"

"Because you're always staring at my tits, that's why."

"No I'm not," he blushed.

"Yes you are, which is fine, but don't sit there and tell me to put some clothes on if you really don't want

me to," Rosie said.

"I do want you to," he muttered.

"Fine," she said, turning for the door.

"Wait," Thomas then said, staring over at the meaty ass crowning her gorgeous legs.

Rosie turned back around, making her giant milkers wobble back and forth. "Wait, what?" she asked.

"No, I don't want you to put clothes on," he admitted, then looked away, embarrassed by making such a confession.

The mother smiled, then came over and sat on the edge of the bed. "That was a very brave thing for you to say. For you to openly admit that you want a naked girl to stay in your room, rather than hiding your face, shows real progress," she said.

"I guess."

"I have a confession to make. Two confessions actually," Rosie said.

"What are they?"

"Well, the first one is... I lied about that rumor. I'm sorry. There really wasn't a rumor going around

about how big you are," she said.

"Oh, so, what's the other confession?"

"I may have lied about the rumor, but I wasn't lying when I said that you look really big to me down there," she said, glancing from his bulge back to his eyes. "Are you big down there, kiddo?"

Thomas shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know," he muttered.

"Do you wanna show me, and I'll give you my honest opinion?" Rosie asked.

"That's kind of embarrassing though, mom."

"I know, but I'M naked, so it's not like you're alone in this situation." "I don't think anything would embarrass you, mom" Thomas teased.

"You're right," she said, then casually reached down and untucked his towel, making it open apart around his waist. Thomas's big boner sprung up off his loins, the fat bell tip reaching nearly to his belly- button.

"Mom, come on!" the boy said, trying to cover his junk with his hands.

"Thomas, you have nothing to be embarrassed about, now move your hands," she said. "Fine," the boy muttered, slowing moving his hands away from his stiff prick.

Rosie reaction was completely genuine. "Oh wow, kiddo!" she exclaimed. "Even if there wasn't a

rumor... there will be soon enough."

"You're gonna start a rumor about me?"

Rosie giggled. "No, but the first girl at your school who sees this thing will. Then you'll have more girls

begging to be your girlfriend than you can count," she said.

"You think so?"

"I know so. I was a girl your age once, remember?" Rosie reminded him. "So, I assume since no girl has

ever seen you naked, that means you've never even used that thing, am I right?" "Yes. I wanna use it, but I just get too embarrassed."

"Well, you have no reason to be embarrassed. You have everything a girl wants. You're sweet,

handsome... and VERY well endowed," Rosie confessed.

"Are you sure you're not just saying that because you're my mom?"

"Honey, I've heard girls and other moms talk about how handsome you are, and I'm not making that up."

"Yeah, but... what about the other part?" "Your penis you mean?"


Rosie chuckled as she eye-balled her son's appendage. "Do me a favor. I'm gonna go get something. Get

on your phone and look up 'average penis size' for a man," she said, then got up. "I'll be right back."

Thomas sat up and reached over for his phone, but he froze suddenly as he watched his naked mother step across his room. The thick cheeks of her bare mommy-buttocks jiggled and swayed as she shamelessly made her way to his door. She turned and peeked back at him, giving him a teasing look at her body in side profile. Her monster melons sloped down like big udders, capped with rubbery papilla. "Are you checking out average penis size, or are you checking out your mom's naked body?" she teased, winking over at him.

"Well, you said it was OK, didn't you?"

"True. I'll be right back and you can stare some more," she teased.

She returned a minute later with something in her hand. Thomas was surprised at how comfortable he felt watching her big boobies bobble around as she came back over and sat on the edge of his mattress. "Did you look it up?" she asked.



Thomas looked at his phone. "It says here on google that the average length of an erect penis is

between 5.1 and 5.5 inches," he said.

"So, that's the average. So now the question is... are you below average, average-length, or above average. An above average dick is one in which women would consider large."

"I'm not sure what I am honestly," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Let's find out," Rosie said, then used the mini tape measure in her hand. She clasped the loose skin above her boy's scrotum with her thumb and forefinger. "I'm just gonna lift your erection, so it's pointing straight up, and we can measure from your pubic bone," she explained.

"Oh, um... ok," he muttered nervously.

Once his boner was pointing straight up towards the ceiling, the busty mother took a measurement, running the tape along his dick, all the way to the tip. "8.5 inches!" she said.

"That's a pretty good size I guess," Thomas said.

"Pretty good size? Kiddo, you're three inches above average," Rosie said. "Every woman on earth would

consider that a large, desirable dick."

"What about what some people say though, that size doesn't really matter?"

"That's bullshit. Yes, technique is important too, but if a woman has a man with technique AND a big

dick, even better!" Rosie said.

"Cool," the boy said, trying not to blush. "Guess I'll have to work on the technique part, since I've never really had sex before."

"Yes, well, that'll come in time," the mother said taking a second to look over her boy's pointing boner. It was no doubt longer than her husband's, and much thicker as well. "Looks like the muscles in your chest aren't the only ones that are extremely well-toned," she commented.

"What do you mean?" he asked, even though he had a pretty good idea. "My penis has muscles?" "Well, the flesh has muscle fiber. It's the blood that makes it erect and engorged like this," she

explained, then gently traced her nails around the base of his boner. "The real strength of a man's penis is down here at the base. Do you see all these bulging muscles and tendons down here?"

"Yes," the boy answered, his heart racing fast at the very fact that his own beautiful mom was pointing out parts of his dick to him.

"That's what sustains the force of a guy's thrusts during sexual intercourse," she explained.

Thomas and his mom looked each other in the eyes. "You ok with this, kiddo?" she asked, making sure he was comfortable.

"Yes," he said, nervously nodding his head.

"Good," she said, giving him a satisfied smile and climbing onto her knees, straddling his lower legs. She still had her two fingers clamped around the upper skin of his scrotum, making his boner point straight up.

Thomas stared across at her giant boobs, while his mom peered straight down at his big barbed peter- tip. "It's the nob of your prick that has the most important job of all," Rosie said. "That's the part that can really make a girl go out of her mind."

"How so?" Thomas asked, dying to hear more.

"It's the part she feels first. It's the part that paves the way for all the rest of all this," she said, making his boner shake stiffly back and forth.

"Paved the way inside her?"

"Yep, it's the head of the chisel that carves through all that tight juicy pink pussy," Rosie said, staring down with lust-filled eyes.

Thomas let out an audible sigh, his boner twitching. He'd never heard his mom say "pussy" before and it was the most incredible thing that had ever entered his ears. Speaking of pussy, his eyes drifted down her sexy torso, to her mons-veneris. Protruding from her outer folds, her thumb-sized prepuce had peeled back some, exposing her clitoris, which looked just like his own bell tip, only much smaller.

"If it carves just right," the mother said, staring at the knob in a dreamy-eyed gaze, "things will get very...very wet, real quick." Rosie let a string of saliva fall from her mouth and it poured over her son cock-tip, running down his shaft.

"Jesus, mom," the boy whimpered, wiggling around, aroused out of his mind. He couldn't believe his mom just let saliva drool out of her mouth, onto his boner.

"It's ok, kiddo," she said, as her pinching fingers became a whole fist stroking up his hard shaft, using her spit to lubricate her slow sensual strokes. "Mom's just letting you know what'll happen, that's all. Once the girls at school discover your big muscled dick, it's all they'll think about."

Rosie pumped his long thick rod of cock-meat up and down slowly, while looking up into her boy's eyes. "They'll want you to split their twats, and pack it all in there, so they can feel every meaty inch of you," she said in a sultry voice.

"Good grief," the boy sighed, not able to lay still, as he watched his Mom's pretty hand squeeze up and down his boner.

"You'll be plunging through the tube of their cunts, making them squeeze and spew their juices all over

you," Rosie continuing as if in a cock-stroking trance, pumping her boy's lovely prick up and down.

Thomas writhed delightfully, watching his mom's huge tits jostle around heavily from her cock-stroking motions. Her nipples were definitely more pronounced now, and darker shade of pink.

"Will you like that, kiddo?" the mother asked, looking up into his pleasure-filled eyes. "Will you like

fucking a girl and making her big titties bounce up and down?"

"Yesss!" the boy hissed, more turned on than he ever had been in his life.

"Feeling her hot flesh..." Rosie cooed, then stroked her son's dick harder. "Clutch you..."

Stroke, stroke, stroke, Stoke.

"Squeeze you!"

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stoke.

"While you suck n chew on her big titties!"

Stroke, stoke.

"And her rubbery nipples!"

Stroke, stroke, stoke.

"Pounding your big meaty prick inside her!"

Stroke, stroke.

"Ohh shit, mom!" the boy cried out, pumping his hips.

"There you go baby! Fuck her hard, kiddo!" Rosie cheered. "Make her remember that big dick forever!"

Stroke, stroke, stroke.

"I'm cumming!" Thomas announced.

Stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke.

"Send it straight up the pussy, baby!" his mom shouted.

Suddenly, with a jerk of his hips, Thomas began blasting huge pearly-white cords of jizz high into the air. His mom continued to pump his boner tirelessly, milking out rope after rope. "Oh Thomas, yess! Squirt it all out, honey! Come on!"

Even after his hips had settled, his mom continued tenderly milking his rigid boner, making every drop come oozing out.

"Still hard," she gasped in wonder. "You're still hard, it's amazing," she said, lengthening her strokes

once again.

Entranced by his still-erect dick, the mother slowly moved her knees up along his waist, inching her pussy closer and closer to Thomas's cock. "With one cum out of the way, your staying power now would probably be tremendous," her shaky voice said, but it was as if she was telling herself this fact and not her son. "I almost forgot how young guys can stay erect like this. There's no refractory period."

Thomas had no idea what a "refractory period" was, but he wasn't about to ask his mom and break her trance, as she looked about ready to mount his cock.

The boy's mouth hung open, his tongue nearly hanging out, as he stared up at his mom's giant looming tits. Her cleavage was so long and deep that he had little doubt that she could swallow his entire head between her boobs.

Suddenly his mom's knees rose from the mattress, and now it was her bare feet resting astride him. She bowed her thick thighs open shamelessly, and he felt her take a firm grip at the base of his prick. "I haven't been hammered by a boner like yours in so long," she cooed.

The teen sighed audibly as he looked at his mom's splayed-open pussy. Her labium were so engorged they almost looked almost more purple than pink. Between them, the boy could see her juicy coral slit. It lowered towards his dick and he felt her meaty pedals tickle the tip. "Would it be so bad, Thomas?" she asked with a shaky voice. "Would it be so bad if mom was your first?"

"No," the boy managed to spout out.

The mother gazed dreamily down at the prick as it hovered near her pussy. "Can mom be the first to take your big virgin cock," she hissed lustfully, then swiped her thick pink tongue across her top lip.

Thomas felt the heat of her genitals as she maneuvered his cock-tip into the mouth of her vestibule. Next, he experienced a wet warm sensation as her gaping hymen slipped over his glans.

"Ohhh!" the boy sighed in excited delight.

"NO!!" Rosie suddenly shouted as she came to her senses, scrambling off the bed. "I won't cheat on your father!" she said as she quickly rushed out of his room.

Thomas let out a deep sigh, like he'd been holding his breath for the last two minutes. He was actually shocked his mom let things go as far as they did, but to say he was let down by her abrupt exit was a major understatement.

Two days passed without a word about the incident from his mom. It was like it never happened. Also missing, were the scantily-clad outfits that she'd been wearing around him. It was sadly like his mom had given up on the whole idea of helping him.

Thomas had to admit, in just that short time, she had helped boost his confidence, and made him a little less shy around girls.

At family movie night, when a group of bikini-clad girls came up on the screen, Thomas stayed there with his eyes glued to the screen the whole time.

After the scene, he peeked over at his mother and found her smiling at him proudly. The next day was Saturday, and Thomas went downstairs for some lunch.

"What are you spending this lazy Saturday doing?" his mom asked as he saw her in the kitchen.

"Nothing much. Probably just hanging out."

"I gotta run out for awhile. Wanna go with me?" she asked.

"Sure," he muttered, more than happy to spend his first one on one time with her since the incident. As they drove across town, Rosie finally pointed out the elephant in the closet. "Are you mad at me

about what happened the other day?" she asked. "Why would I be mad?"

"I don't know, because I was teasing you relentlessly and nearly raped you," she half-joked. "Did you see me struggling, trying to get away?"

"No, which impressed me quite a lot actually. So did the fact that you stuck around during that bikini scene last night," Rosie said.

"Thanks," Thomas said with a proud smile.

"You've made real progress. I'm sorry I let my own weak moment derail us," she said. "It's no big deal, mom, really."

"Good, because I'd like to get us back on track." "Back on track?"

"Yes, you've made progress, but I don't want you slipping backwards, into your old timid ways again," she said.

"So, when you say getting back on track. In what way do you mean?" the boy asked, curious what to


His mom flashed him a mischievous smile. "I guess you'll find out when the time comes. The best tests are the ones that come when people least expect them to."

"Alright, so um... why are we going out of town? When you said you were running out, I thought you

meant to like the store or something," Thomas said. "Well, I guess you thought wrong," his mother teased. "So, you're not gonna tell me where we're going?" "Nope."

"Fine," he muttered, resigned to see how this played out.

After a ten-minute drive, they arrived at the public dock to the local lake.

"Ahoy there, mateys!" Gail said, as she and her daughter Paris waited on their family's pontoon boat.

"Hey guys, room for two stowaways on there?" Rosie asked.

"Come aboard," her friend answered.

"You should have told me we were going out on a boat, mom. I would have brought my trunks," Thomas


Rosie looked at him and smiled, as if she knew something he didn't. "You won't be needing trunks," she


They set off across the lake and Thomas was left to wonder what his mom meant by "won't be needing trunks." Paris smiled over at the boy, who was only a year younger, as she sat across from him. Thomas always though she looked like the young actress Ariel Winter, and he knew she was popular with the guys.

"Are you excited to graduate this year?" she shouted across to him over the noise of the boat engine. "Yeah, I can't wait."

"Have you thought about what college you wanna attend?" she asked.

"Not really. You?"

"I start cosmetology school next month. I'm super-psyched," she said.

"I bet," he said, glancing at her plump tits as they threatened to spill out of her blouse..

Thomas looked over at his mom, who stood next to Gail, who was driving the boat. He watched them exchange a series of whispers, while looking right over at him and smiling. He didn't know what they were discussing, but from the looks of their exchange, it had to be something extremely naughty.

"So you're sure you wanna do this?" Gail said into her friends ear.

"Is SHE sure she wants to do this?" Rosie asked, glancing over at Gail's daughter.

"Oh, she's sure, trust me."

A few minutes later they were moving into a private cove, with nothing but secluded woods surrounding them. Most of the land around the lake was protected, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts.

Gail stopped the boat and dropped the anchor. "Houston, we have landed!" she shouted. "Doesn't look like the moon to me," Thomas joked.

"Oh, you hear that, Gail. It sounds like my boy here wants to be mooned," Rosie said.

"Sounds like it," Gail giggled. "Ready... one, two, three!"

Thomas watched as the two mothers quickly turned around, bent over and pulled their shorts and panties down over their thick bare asses. He smiled bashfully and looked away.

"Well, at least he has nowhere to run this time," Rosie joked.

"Not unless he wants to swim to shore," Paris added.

"Which would be quite a swim," Gail said. "We're still quite a distance out."

"How bout some music?" Thomas's mom said, then blasted the radio. It was a sexy R&B tune that Thomas knew all the girls at school loved to dance to.

To his delight, the three women on the boat began to swing their hips, dancing closely together to the tune. "WOOOO!" his mom shouted, which echoed across the lake.

Thomas was a little surprised when the three women gravitated near him, and began slowly undressing while they danced. The boy turned all kinds of red as he watched them teasingly swing their asses, while slowly stripping down to their bras and panties.

"You like our sexy bikinis, kiddo?" his mom asked, with her half her huge milkers spilling out of her lacy bra.

"Yeah, they're nice," he said blushingly, not realizing it was really their underwear..

She suddenly reached back to unclasp her bra. "Just kidding. We'll all be swimming in our birthday suits

today," she said, unclasping her bra.

Gail and her daughter giggled and unclasped theirs also. Before the boy could blink, he had three pairs of huge naked knockers bobbling around in front of him. His mom's, of course, were the largest of the

three, but Gail and her daughter each proudly displayed a set of jumbo titties, that would give any guy instant wood.

Speaking of wood, by this time Thomas was sporting a major hardon beneath his shorts. The women were all peeking over at it lustfully as they peeled off their panties.

Using the elastic waistband, Rosie shot her dainty panties at her boy, hitting him in the face. This got a laugh from Gail and her daughter.

"Panty war!" Paris shouted, as her and her mother launched their own panties towards the boy.

Thomas smiled and blushed. He could swell the aroma of pussy and sweet perfume. Part of him was tempted to jump off the boat, and make the long swim for shore, but he didn't. That's because the better part of him was enjoying the show.

"Now it's time for someone else to shed their clothes," Gail said, looking at the boy while still dancing erotically, swaying her shaved crotch in front him.

His mom grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to his feet. "Or you could just stand up and we'll strip

you ourselves," she said, lifting his shirt up and off.

"There's an idea," Paris said, squatting down and unbuttoning the boy's shorts. Her mom knelt next to her, and together they forcefully yanked Thomas's shorts and briefs off at once. His big erection sprung to attention in front of them.

"Mmm, what do you say we get this heat-seeking missile into the water, girls." Gail said, staring at the long meaty boner.

"Dive in, kiddo!" his mom said, giving a little shove towards the edge of the boat.

"I'm going, I'm going!" the boy giggled, then dove into the lake.

When he emerged, he looked at the three naked beauties standing on the edge of the pontoon. "Looks like you guys are the ones who are scared to jump in," Thomas pointed out.

"I'm not scared!" Paris said, then dove in gracefully, giving Thomas a quick glimpse of her luscious teen ass.

"I want a water-noodle," Rosie said, throwing the pink foam noodle-shaped float into the water, then let out a playful scream as she dove in.

"There's only one 'water-noodle' I wanna touch," Gail said, giving Thomas a naughty smile before diving


Now in the water, the three women closed in on the boy. He playfully dove under and emerged in a different area.

"Get back here, shark-boy!" his mom joked, swimming after him.

He dunked back under, but this time he came up within arms-length of Paris, and she latched on to him.

"I got him!" she giggled playfully.

Thomas laughed as he struggled to get away, but he didn't try too hard. Her wet body felt amazing holding on to him beneath the water. He soft boobs pressed against his back, and he was surprised to feel her hand grasp his cock. "Oh, shark-boy's got quite the shark fin," she joked.

"Mmnn, I wanna feel," her mom Gail said, swimming up to them and grasping onto the boy's boner also.

"Well, it's certainly big enough for three hands to squeeze on it," Rosie said as her hand joined the other two, circling the boy's thick boner. "Here, kiddo, put the water-noddle under your ass, so we can hold onto you without sinking to the bottom."

Thomas sat on the float, which still made his body sink underwater, but allowed the woman to grasp onto him without having to kick their legs to keep themselves afloat.

Gail and her daughter moved in close to either side of him, their big jugs buoyantly rubbing against his chest. Rosie moved back behind her boy, so that her monster melons were squashed against his back. The way they were positioned made all their heads bobble closely together out of the water.

"My God, he's so hard," Gail said, squeezing the boy's blood-filled cock with her hand.

"I wish my boyfriend was this well endowed," Paris said.

"I told you the girls would react this way, did I not?" Rosie asked her boy as he turned his head to look at


"Yes," Thomas answered.

"Girls just love big dicks, Thomas," Gail said.

"We sure do," her daughter said with a smile. "And there aren't too many hot guys out there with one's this large."

"Really?" the boy asked, aroused at the feel of the surrounding tit-meat pressed against him.

"Yes, that's why when your mom explained your situation and, you know, the things you've been struggling with, I offered to help," Paris said.

"Oh, help how?"

The beautiful 19-year-old released his cock and threw both arms over his shoulders. Gail moved aside so her daughter could get all the boy's attention. Paris stared into Thomas's eyes. "By helping you drop that virgin status today."

"Oh," the boy muttered, glancing at his mom who smiled back and nodded. "You're getting laid today,

kiddo! Isn't that exciting?" she asked.

"Laid?" Thomas asked. "You mean like..."

"Fucked, handsome boy," Gail giggled. "You're getting fucked."

Paris gazed at him with her pretty green eyes. "Do you wanna fuck me, Thomas?" she asked. "Do you wanna see what it feels like in a girl's pussy?"

"Sure," he muttered, nervous but excited as hell. Paris was a hot piece of ass, and he had no doubt there were an army of guys who would die to be in his place.

The sexy girl pulled herself against him, with her arms circled around his neck. Thomas felt her smooth legs wrap around his waist, and her hairless vagina rub against his boner. "Fuck me, Thomas," she cooed in his ear. "Fuck my ass off."

He felt Gail and his mom's hands maneuver his prick into Paris's snatch, then he felt the warm sensation of her hymen sheath his nob.

"Ohhh!" the boy sighed out loud.

His mom gazed into his eyes excitedly. She looked so damn sexy with her blonde hair wet and slicked

back. "There you go! Squeeze it up into that tight pussy, Kiddo," she said encouragingly.

Paris used her legs, which were locked around him, to push her cunt further on to his cock. "Oh my God, it's big!" she squealed, feeling her pink vaginal walls stretch around his fat prick.

Thomas loved the way she was clinging on to him, mashing her plump boobs against his chest as she struggled to get all his meaty love-organ inside her. She began pumping her ass up and down, working the last few inches into her vaginal depths. "Shit! Holy shit, what a dick!!" she cried while writhing against him.

"Wow!" the boy exclaimed, looking at his mom, as he felt Paris's ribbed pussy squeeze and chew at his dick.

"Feels good, doesn't it, Kiddo?" she asked with a smile. "Incredible," he muttered.

"See what you've been running away from? See how good a girl's body can make you feel?" "Fuck!" Paris gasped, humping her pussy up and down on Thomas's cock.

Unbeknownst to the fucking youngsters, both their moms were rubbing their horny pussies beneath the water, while watching their teens go at it. "She fucks just like her mother," Gail said proudly, looking over at Rosie with a smile.

"Well at least she's not a screamer like her mother, otherwise we'd have everyone on the lake rushing

out here to check on us," Rosie joked.

"You're not exactly Sally Silent when you're getting fucked either, sister."

"I plead the fifth," Rosie joked, then moved up and squeezed her son from behind. Thomas was now sandwiched between his mom's giant tits and Paris's humping body as she pounded against him.

"Ohh, does her pussy feel good, honey?" she cooed in his ear. "Does it feel good on your long hard cock?"

"Yes," the boy sighed, feeling his glans carve a path over and over, through the smothering walls of Paris's vagina.

"Oh, God, yes! It so fucking good," Paris's shaky voice cried out. "Is he gonna make you cum, baby girl?" her mother asked. "Yes! I'm so close!"

"That's my girl. Cum all over that big peter," Gail said.

The 19-year-old's body humped faster and faster as she neared her climax, then suddenly she cried out passionately, grinding on Thomas's hard cock-muscle frantically. "Uughhh!" her sweet voice screamed out, echoing across the water.

"Ohh wow!" Thomas gasped, looking his mom in the eyes with a big wonderful smile, as the cute girl close to his own age came hard, while using his body like a fucking post.

"Ohh, she's cumming hard on you, kiddo," Rosie giggled. "You like that?"

"Uh-huh," he muttered with a nod, feeling Paris's plump titties rub all over his chest while she ground their crotches together.

Paris finally leaned back, her head wobbling and her eyes half rolled back in their sockets. "Ohh, fucking

shit!" she gasped, trying to catch her breath. "That good, huh?" her mom asked.

"Haha, yeah, you could say that," her daughter said breathlessly.

Gail looked at her friend. "I'm not gonna lie. I'm so horny I could fucking die over here," she admitted. "Join the club," Rosie giggled.

Gail looked at her daughter. "Would you think your mother's a trashy whore if she took a turn?" she


"No," Paris said, "I've seen how small dad's dick is, so I wouldn't blame you one bit." "When did you see your father's dick?"

"Mom, I live under the same roof as him. I've accidentally seen it few times. If I had a husband that small, I'd be craving the real thing too," Paris said.

Gail exchanged a smile with Rosie. "God, I love this girl," she said. "She's brutally honest, just like her mother," Rosie said.

"Alright, let's get back on the boat. Time to give this stud his first taste of hot milf pussy."

The four of them swam over and climbed back on to the pontoon. Their wet naked bodies glistened in the hot afternoon sun. "Have a seat, Captain Big dick," Gail said, turning the driver's seat towards Thomas.

The boy sat, with his hardon at full mast. His heart raced excitedly as he watched Gail and his mother hover in front of him, like prowling cougars. Their titties moved about heavily, capped by engorged nipples.

"Time to rock the boat," Gail said, moving toward the teen. She climbed on to him, straddling his lap, then reached down and guided his stiff peter into her horny fuck-hole.

"Oh, shit yes!" she hissed, lowering her lush ass and sheathing the boy's cock in hot slippery vagina.

Standing their watching her best friend fuck her son, Rosie couldn't help but reach down stroke her engorged clitoris, while squeezing one of her big fatty breasts. She thought that maybe by offering Thomas his first pussy today, that it would not only boost his confidence, but extinguish her desire to have hot nasty sex with him. She was wrong. Now she wanted his cock inside her more than ever. Yes, she adored her husband, but she was wise enough to know that Thomas could give her the kind of pounding that Pete never could.

The sight of her friend's cunt pounding up and down the stiff unyielding meat of her son's whopper of a boner, made her cunt tingle with desire. Her nipples were so fucking hard they felt like they might pop off the ends of her heaving tits. She bit her bottom lip, listening to the sounds of their wet naked bodies beat together in the heat of an intense fuck.

Thomas sighed delightfully, feeling his tender prick hammer through the hot pleated walls of Gail's gripping cunt. Her fat oversized mommy-boobies bounced and rippled all over his face as she rode him in a steady cock-humping rhythm.

"Ohh God, it's so fucking good!" the mother cried out.

Thomas had memories of his mom's friend Gail baby sitting him when he was younger, just when he started discovering how wonderful girls were. He always remembered being fascinated by the huge swell of both her tits and her ass. Now here he was, carving away at her most secret place, with that huge wonderful ass beating against his nuts, and his face nudged between those same large jugs, while they bounced around on him.

"Feels good, huh, mom?" Paris asked as she sat and watch, while rubbing her own pussy.

"My God, it's so big n hard!" Gail answered. "You're gonna hear your mother scream out like a whore in a minute."

Meanwhile, Thomas was staring at his mom as she stood there a few feet in front of him frantically rubbing her pussy. Her monster tits were ballooning out between her arms, jiggling from the motion of her hand rubbing her genitals.

They looked into each other's eyes for a moment in a mutual lustful gaze, then Rosie's eyes went back to her boy's cock as it pumped in and out of her bestie's mature pussy. She could see the muscles and tendons at the root of his boner flexing and bulging out, sustaining the force of his deep cock-thrusts.

"Ahhh, fuck, fuck fuuuck!!" Gail cried out.

Rosie watched her friend's big buttocks tremble. A tremendous orgasm was making the flesh of her meaty ass ripple delightfully. Then, while Gail continued shrieking out in orgasm, Thomas's mother watched a sheet of hot girl-cum burble out around his prick and run down onto his balls.

"Oh wow! Ohh, damn!!" the boy moaned, feeling his own flood gates open.

"Cum hard, Thomas!" Rosie shouted encouragingly, as all this excitement sparked her own orgasm. "Cum hard in her pussy!"

Rosie's knees got week and she lowered to the floor of the boat, still frantically rubbing her clit to the site of her son and best friend bucking and trembling.

"Wow, I think all four of us were coming at the same time just then," Paris pointed out.

"Too bad mine was ten times stronger than yours," Gail teased, spitting her tongue out at her daughter while resting against the teenage boy in the seat.

"That's ok. I have a feeling I'll get to enjoy that cock again real soon, right Thomas?" Paris asked, smiling

naughtily over at him.

"Sure," the boy said, then shared a smile with his mom.

Later, at home, Thomas was laying on his bed replaying the wonderful experience of losing his virginity, when he heard a tap at his door. "Can you come down to my room a minute, kiddo?" his mom's voiced asked.

"Be right there, Mom."

Thomas got up and went down to his parent's room. When he walked in, he froze suddenly and his eyes

got as big as silver dollars. "Woah!" he muttered.

His mom was standing there in a sexy white lingerie body suit. It was made of a thin transparent mesh, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her monster melons stretched the top of the suit out and her big rubbery nipples looked thick and aroused.

"Like it?" she asked. "Heck yeah."

"I got it at our favorite store in the mall. You remember the one I mean, right?" she asked with a wink.

"Yeah, I remember. That looks really good on you," he confessed.

She shook her head in disbelief. "You're starting to amaze me every day," she said. "Why?" he asked.

"Why?! Why do you think?" she asked. "Look at you. No more than a week ago, you'd run away if you

saw me wearing something like this." "That's true."

"But now you're calm and brave, and not even a virgin any more."

"I guess I have you to thank. You helped me get over being so shy, AND you got me laid," he said,

making his mom laugh.

"You're right, you do have me to thank," she said, sashaying over in front of him. She gazed deeply into his eyes. "So how do you wanna thank me?" she asked softly.

Thomas glanced out into the hallway. "Dad and Maggy aren't here?" he asked.

"No, why?" his mother asked, stepping up and running her hands softly across his shoulder. "Did you have something wild in mind?"


"Yeah, wild. You know, something that might have the headboard knocking against the wall, or me

screaming out mindlessly," she said in a sexy tone. "Oh, that kind of wild," Thomas muttered.

"Well, that's the best kind of wild, isn't it?" Rosie asked. "The kind where we're both naked," she said,

then lifted off her son's shirt, "and our hot flesh is beating together." "Yes," the boy muttered, his heart going crazy in his chest.

Rosie sat on the edge of her bed. She leaned back, resting on her elbows, then lifted her dainty bare feet from the floor, bringing her knees back and splaying her thighs wider than Thomas ever imagine a girl could.

"The kind of wild where I spreads my thighs, and let my son hump like a sex-crazed animal between them," the mother said seductively.

Thomas gazed down to where her thick thighs met in the middle. The hairless meat of her labium pressed lewdly against the mesh of the fabric, making him lick his lips.

"Do you wanna go to that wild place with me, Kiddo?" Rosie asked. "Do you wanna bump bellies with your mommy?"

"What about dad?" Thomas asked. "I thought you wanted to be faithful to him?"

"I do, but I also wanna have hot nasty sex with you. So, I just went with the one I wanted to do more."

Thomas smiled. Oh," he said, then watched as his mom extended her already splayed legs back into a huge spread eagle, with her little feet pointing back at the headboard.

"You never answered my question," she said, gazing over at him with her luscious legs scissored open. "You wanna go back to your room?" she asked, then ran her hands teasingly down her thighs, "or do you wanna get all up in here...and work out some sexual aggression with mom?"

The old Thomas would have split by now, but the new Thomas wanted to stay and get his dick wet. "I'll

stay, he answered.

His mom suddenly sat up, her giant boobies jostling beneath the mesh. She scooted to the edge of the bed in front of her boy and quickly tore his shorts off.

Thomas watched in wide-eyed amazement as his mom grasped his hard cock at the base, lowered her head and began whipping her skilled tongue all over it.

"Ohh damn, mom!" he sighed, feeling her wet wiggler dance all over his big barbed tip.

Next, Rosie began teasing him by gobbling up just his peter-tip and letting it pop from her lips over and over.

"God!" the boy exclaimed, reeling unsteadily as his prick was teased.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the bed. "Lay down," she said, which he quickly did.

Once the boy was on his back, she knelt beside him and began sucking his cock in earnest. She wrapped her pretty hand around the root, and beat his dick into her mouth, making the boy's toes clench with delight.

"You like that, kiddo?" she mewled, kissing his dick over and over.

"Yes," he sighed.

"See what girls will do for a guy with a big yummy dick?" she asked, then continued kissing all up and down his pink cock.

She stuffed it back in her mouth greedily and bobbed her head up and down in traditional blowjob fashion. While she sucked, Thomas could feel her tongue rolling all over his boner. His legs trembled as he felt the tip of her licker dig rapidly against his frenulum, making his fat knob swell even bigger.

"Ohhh wow!" he moaned, delighted by the skills she was showing him.

He watched in amazement as his cock popped from her mouth, then she let a mix of saliva and his pre- cum run from her lips, down onto his dick. Using this as lubricant, Rosie whipped her circled fist up and down his hardon a few times. "Mmm, it's gonna feel so good with my pussy around it," she cooed, jerking the hard slab up and down. "Squeezing it and bathing it with fuck-juice, like only a Mommy's pussy can."

The mother was beside herself with lust. Her son had the type of cock that most married women only dream about. It was long and fat, and so engorged with blood it felt like it was carved in granite. "Fuck my throat!" the mother whimpered, before swallowing his cock entirely, mashing her lovely lips around his cock-base.

"Ohhh God," the boy gasped, feeling his mom deep throat him.

She came up off his cock and gasped lewdly. "Grab my hair, Thomas! Fuck my throat!" she said

breathlessly, before swallowing him whole again.

This time, the boy did as she asked, using her hair to keep her rounded lips sealed around the root of his pecker. He felt his cock flex and throb excitedly inside the wet warmth of her mouth and throat.

Rosie came up for air again, but resumed her normal cock sucking. Her boy watched her work her magic, feeling his nuts clench up more and more the longer it went on.

"Cum down my throat, kiddo!" the mother urged between the full length plunging of her lips.

Since this was an experienced mother giving this type of head to someone who had never gotten a blowjob before, it didn't take the boy long to cum.

"Ohhh!" his trembling voice whimpered.

"Mmmnn," the cock-gobbling mother hummed as sweet ball-juice began to pulse into her mouth and down her throat.

She swirled his milky excrement around all over his blood-swollen bell tip, making his orgasm even more intense.

Once the cum stopped flowing, the busty mother slid her body up on top of her son's, running her nails through his hair as she gazed wildly down at him. "Was that your fist blowjob ever?" she asked.


"And how did I do?"

"I can't imagine it being any better than that was," he confessed.

"Would you object to mommy sucking your big dick every day like that?" she asked.

"No way."

"Are you ready for the main event?" she asked, staring teasingly. "Are you ready to pillage my special place with that big pink muscle of love?"

"Yes," the boy muttered, his heart racing. "Take it then," Rosie said, raising an eyebrow. "Take it?"

"That's right, take it, Kiddo. Show mommy what a stud man you've become!" his mom said.

Thomas knew he'd overcome a lot with his mom's help, and this was the final test. His mind and body suddenly swelled with courage. "I'm gonna take it!" he said confidently, quickly rolling on top of his mother.

He grasped onto her mesh outfit and tore it off her like tissue paper, making her giant melonous tits roll around on her chest. "There's my boy!" the mother exclaimed with excitement in her eyes.

Thomas brought himself down on top of her and went straight for her lips. They kissed passionately, like long lost lover that had finally been brought together.

He swiveled his hips, making his boner plow through her labium a few times, before his knob got caught in her velvety socket. "Push it in!" Rosie gasped, throwing her lovely naked legs around him, high up on his back. "Push it straight up the pussy!"

In a quick second, the boy's tender cock was fully sheathed, and Rosie's puffy outer labia were mashed against his cock-base.

His horny mother began humping her hips beneath him, eager to be fucked hard. "Come on!" she gasped, setting them in motion.

Thomas's young ass flew up and down between her wide-open thighs as he punched his prick through her heavenly hole. "Yess! Like that!! Fuck this girl!!" his mom cried out, grasping his ass with her long blood-red nails and aiding his cunt-pounding thrusts.

The boy had experience three pussies now, and each one felt uniquely different. He didn't just feel this way because she was his mom, but her pussy felt the absolute best to him. The ribs along her inner lining were more pronounced, and her cunt muscles were tighter, creating amazing friction on his dick. In fact, if she hadn't just blown him, and got one out of the way, he'd be dumping his first load in her right now, that's how good it felt.

Lewd wet smacking sounds filled the bedroom, as Thomas fucked his mom on his parent's marital bed.

Rosie felt wicked letting her son lay pipe inside her right where her husband slept at night, but she justified it by telling herself it was all for a good cause. If she hadn't helped her son, he'd still be the shy, scared teenager he was before. She doubted her husband would see it that way, but that wasn't stopping her from doing what she thought was right.

Married women knew the spot in their vaginas where their husband's dicks would stop, unable to go any further. Thomas's big dick glided right past that spot in Rosie's pussy, squeezing way up into her dark inner sanctum, where big juicy knobs get licked by quivering cervical flesh. "

"Damn, mom!" the boy groan, getting such licks, as he pounded as deep as he could.

"Oh, Thomas!" Rosie cried out with a trembling voice. "If you keep fucking me this deep, I'm gonna cum

all over you!"

The boy placed his hands on the mattress and raised himself up while he fucked, so his could see his mom's pretty face when she came. As an added bonus, he'd get to watch her fleshy tits roll around all over her chest.

Reaching her climax, the beautiful mother arched her back in ecstasy, making her mammoth tit-mounds balloon skyward towards her son's face. "Uuunngghh!" her pretty voice screamed out, her face masked in pleasure, as her entire lush milf body quaked from the power of a cock-induced orgasm surging through her.

When her back hit the mattress again, her boy followed, latching his lips around one of her engorged nipples and sucking as hard as he could.

He reached down with both hands and grasped the meaty flesh of her ass, while driving his steel-hard prick inside her. Her strong motherly legs clutched around him like an anaconda in a mating ball. The big bed jerked and creaked, making sounds Rosie had never heard before.

Her son's big ball-sack beat against the elastic ring of her asshole. Foaming juices forming around the root of Thomas's cock as it relentlessly hammered through her pussy.

The boy snarled in pleasure as he felt his mom's cuntal grip tighten. Rosie used the muscles in her pelvic floor to squeeze her boy's boner as tightly as she could within the tube of her slippery vagina.

"Hnnggff!" the boy grunted again, muffled by the mask of fatty jiggling tit-meat around his face.

"I'm cumming again, baby!" the mother announced, humping her hips frantically off the mattress.

This triggered the boy's nuts to release a raging torrent of hot cum that began hosing into his mom's clasping cunt-tube.

For several minutes they bucked and squealed, enjoying the mind-blowing sensations that were sweeping through their naked bodies.

A week later, the family was sitting at the dinner table, when Pete looked across at his son and smiled. "I

hear your becoming quite the Casanova with the ladies."

"I don't know about that?" Thomas blushed.

Rosie looked over at her husband from the stove and smiled curiously. "Where did you hear that?" she


"My coworker said his daughter and her friends can't stop talking about him."

"Well, our son's a cute, confident man now. I'm sure he has women of all ages with their eye on him,"

Rosie said, giving her son a sexy wink.

"None of them are as special as you, mom," Thomas said, getting up and bringing his dishes to the sink.

"Aww, you're too sweet," she said, then leaned over and whispered in his ear. "And you taste sweet too."

"Hey son, do me a favor and fetch my toolbox in the garage for me, will you?" Pete said.

"Sure, dad. Something broken?"

"Yeah, your mother and I's bed. The damn thing's falling apart," Pete said. "I don't understand it." "Neither do I, hon. Really strange," Rosie said, smiling knowingly at her son.

Thomas smiled back at her, recalling how just that morning his mom had rode him to mutual orgasm on his parents' bed. His stomach was still tingling at the thought of the two hours he'd spent with his face stuffed between her huge doughy-soft breasts. This, while her wonderfully snug cunt milked his boner, making his cock pop so hard he nearly passed out.

"You know, you may wanna help me fix my bed too, dad," the boy said. "Jesus, yours is broken too?" Pete asked.

"Afraid so," he said, thinking back on all the wild sexual positions him and his mom had fucked in the past week, nearly pounding his headboard through the wall.

"I don't know," Rosie said. "Maybe we better call a police detective, see if they can figure out while all

the beds keep breaking in this house."

Rosie and her son flashed each other an amused smile, clearly anxious to find another piece of furniture in the house to break together.


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