KLRXO Stories

Chapter 149: Mother’s New King_2

Chapter 149: Mother's New King_2

Well groomed and wearing a handsome suit, Leo waited with others in the wedding procession. They were gathered in the courtyard, waiting for the Queen to arrive. He could hear the excited crowd outside the castle walls. It was a day where thousands had come from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the new royal couple.

Instrumentalists began to descent the stairway, playing a beautiful wedding arrangement. A procession of women followed. They were servants of the Queen. Aura and Delfeni stepped down the stairway. They both wore beautiful gold-colored gowns. They smiled over at the Prince and Aura gave him a sexy wink.

Everyone gasped as the Queen arrived at the top step. She was absolutely stunning! Her wedding gown was a burnt-orange colored halter-style gown. It fit her body like a glove, accentuating her amazing curves. Lined with a jeweled hem, the top cut straight across her breasts, leaving an almost obscene amount of creamy cleavage on display.

Her silky dark was down and perfectly styled, the golden crown on her head gleaming in the sunlight. She stepped gracefully down the stairway and Leo watched her, in absolutely awe of her beauty. She gave him a loving smile, showing her gleaming white teeth, as she took his arm. "Hello my love," she said softly.

"You look so beautiful," Leo said. He could hardly believe he was about to marry such a Goddess of a woman.

"And you are as handsome as ever," she said, gazing into his eyes in a manner the Prince wasn't used to seeing.

The wedding procession made its way out of the castle, onto the road leading through the village. Thousands of people lined the streets, cheering and celebrating, watching the royal couple walk proudly, arm in arm.

As was tradition, Leo and his mother were followed by Prince Peter and many of the royal Knights. They were all on horseback and displayed their shiniest armor.

It was clear that Peter was still far from happy as he watched his brother and Mother affectionately make their way towards the church.

Leo felt his Mother squeeze his arm, pressing it even tighter against the side of her spongy breast. She pulled him down to whisper in his ear. "Seeing all these people makes me realize how much I can't wait to be alone with you," she said.

Leo flashed her a smile. She again rose up and whispered. "I'm gonna tear off all your clothes ravish you for days," she said, the gazed in his eyes lustfully. Leo's cock stirred as he watched her tongue peek from her mouth and slither across her teeth. He was beginning to see a whole new side to his Mother and he loved it.

Peter scowed as he watched his Mother whisper in his brother's ear. He hated that he had to linger behind and watch them share intimate looks with each other.

"It should be me down there beside her," he told Houlton, the knight who rode beside him, who was also his best friend. "This is horse shit," the Prince complained.

The procession arrived at the chapel doors, where the Priest was waiting. Leo and Arabella exchanged rings and shared the traditional wedding vows.

"Leo, do you take Arabella to be your wife, to rule beside you as your Queen?" the priest asked. "I do," he answered, sharing a smile with his Mother.

"Arabella, do you take Leo to be your husband, to rule beside you as King of the land?" She gazed at her son with a tender smile, her eyes radiating pure love. "I do."

"In the name of the father, son and holy spirit, I now pronounce you husband and wife, King and Queen, to rule on the throne until your mortal time on this earth shall end. King Leo, you may kiss your bride," the Priest said.

Mother and son shared an intimate kiss. "We'll save the naughty ones for later," the Queen whispered.

The crowd erupted in cheers as the royal carriage pulled up and the newly-married couple climbed inside. Flowers and confetti rained down onto the carriage as it sped off back towards the castle.

Arabella plopped down onto Leo's lap and showered him with kisses. "You're mine," kiss, kiss. "Mine," kiss, "mine," kiss, "mine," kiss, kiss.

Leo blushed. The feel of his Mother's ass felt amazing against his rising penis. "Do I get one of those 'naughty' kisses now?" he asked.

She smiled at him naughtily. "You're the King now. Kings don't ask permission. They take what they want."

Leo smiled. "Well in that case," he said then locked lips with his Mother. Arabella tilted her head slightly as a few wet passionate kisses, turned into a full-fledged make-out session.

"Mmmnn," the Queen whimpered, her lips fused against her son's in an open oval. Their tongues lashed wildly in their mouths. Leo wasn't expecting his Mom to have such long thick licker. It was like a spastic little creature flopping around inside his mouth. He loved it.

She ran her long nails through the back of his hair, planting a few more wet kisses. "Shall we just cancel the wedding party? We can go to our chamber straight away...spend the rest of the day...the rest of the week fucking to total exhaustion," she sighed, then planted another deep, tongue-lashing kiss.

Leo's heart was pounding in his chest. For all these years he had seen Arabella as the loving Mother and Queen. Now he was seeing Arabella the wife and lover.

The carriage came to a stop and she broke the kiss. "I suppose we should join the others and celebrate our union, but just a warning...I'll not be able to keep my hands off of you," she teased.

"Fine by me, Mother," Leo said.

The wedding party was full of dancing and feasting. The jester provided plenty of entertainment and laughs for those present. Arabella was certainly right about one thing, she couldn't keep her hands off her new husband. She was constantly kissing and squeezing Leo against her big tits. The groom didn't mind one bit.

By far the highlight of the evening for Leo was removing his new wife's garter. As he slid the golden colored garter down her smooth tan thigh, he was treated to a clear view of her cunt. He was shocked to discover that Arabella had no panties on. Her pubis was completely shaved. He could see her thick clitoral hood peeking out from between her outer folds.

When he came out from under her dress with a thrilled look, she giggled and gave him a knowing smile.

For one song, people formed a big circle and the women weaved around the men, dancing gracefully. Even with other women rubbing their bodies up against his, Leo couldn't take his eyes off his new bride.

Arabella spun around the circle gracefully, giggling with the other women as she weaved around the men. Somehow, her boobs remained covered, but jostled heavily as she moved.

At one point, she gazed over at her new King with a flirty smile, her eyes lingering on his. Her thick wet tongue slithered from her mouth and curled across her top lip. Leo became instantly hard.

Aura slipped around him, rubbing her ass against his protruding lump. "Someone is anxious to get to the royal bed."

Several other women spun around him, many with husbands in the circle, twisted around their King, feeling his hard cock rub up against them. Leo could tell by the look in their eyes that they were horny for him.

Delfeni circled the King, making sure to rub her big plump tits against him. "My handsome King," she whispered before spinning off.

Next came Arabella. Leo watched her move towards him gracefully. He took her hand and pulled her too him, crushing the swell of her big tits against his chest. Their lips collided and their tongues lashed together. As they continued spinning and kissing, the rest of the group formed a big circle around them.

For the next five minute, the newly married couple was the center of attention. Arabella rested her head against Leo's, sharing a lovers gaze. One hand was around his back, the other stroked his cheek, as their bodies slowly spun to the music. It was magical.

Leo was overcome with joy. This beautiful woman with the biggest, softest tits he'd ever seen, was all his. The way she gazed at him with her dreamy brown eyes was enough to send his heart pounding out of his chest. "Are you ready to be alone with me, my love?" she asked tenderly.

"Yes," he answered.

"Let's say goodnight to our guests."

Among the last to congratulate the newly married couple was an older gentleman, dressed in a sleek black suit. He was dark skinned, with a snow-white mustache and goatee. "My best wishes to the lovely Queen and her handsome new King. May the royal marriage be one of peace, prosperity and passion," he said, kissing the Queen's hand.

"Thank you Agamenticus. It was wonderful to see you again," Arabella said.

"You're Agamenticus?" Leo asked. "I've heard stories of you. Are you really a Wizard?" Agamenticus laughed. "I prefer the term crazy old man," he said.

He removed a tiny box, beautifully wrapped, from his pocket and held it out for the Queen. "A gift,

for the royal couple."

"Thank you," the King and Queen said.

Backing away, Agamenticus did a slight bow out of respect. "I bid you good day."

As they watched him disappear into the crowd, Leo turned to his Mother. "Is it true that he gifted you with great sexual prowess," he asked.

Arabella fed him a mischievous smile. "Perhaps we should go and find out," she said."

The couple walked down to their marital chamber. The Queen stepped in first and turned towards her King. Before Leo could shut the door, it closed and locked on it's own. He looked at it, then at his Mother in confusion. "How did..."

His suit began to unbutton, as if by some mysterious invisible force. The garment was suddenly peeled from his body and flung across the room. Clearly baffled, the King looked at his Mother for answers. She just stood there and giggled as Leo's trousers slid down his legs. "You do have powers," he muttered, standing there with his hard dick pointing at her.

"Get into bed. I'll be out soon," she said with a smile.

As she sashayed to her dressing chamber, her robe dropped to the floor, revealing the back of her gown. Leo gasped when he caught site of it's design. There was a heart-shaped cutout on the backside, which left the top half of her naked buttocks exposed. Her meaty motherly buns swayed provocatively as she stepped across the room. She peeked back and flashed him a wink before disappearing inside her dressing chamber.

The royal bed was massive, a cloud of white comfort, with four big jeweled posts on each corner and a huge canopy. Leo crawled onto it and sighed as he sunk in to the softness.

After waiting for a bit, he finally heard his Mother's soft voice, but it sounded distant. "Leeeooo," she called in a sexy manner.

The King crawled to the edge of the bed and scanned the chamber. "Where are you?" he said. "Up here," Arabella said.

Leo peeked out from under the canopy and spotted the Queen about forty-feet up, standing on the giant beam that crossed the room, just under the vaulted ceiling. She looked a Goddess, in a flowing all-white robe that was made of the finest silk. It was so transparent that he could see her naked body, including the big pink circles of her areola and engorged nipples right through the fabric.

"How did you get up there?" he asked, crawling out of bed and gazing up at her.

across the beam on bare feet. "I floated," she said. "I never knew you could do that."

She giggled. "You couldn't have known. I can only use these special gifts when I'm alone with my lover."

"You look like an angel," Leo said.

She stopped and struck a beautiful pose, with her hands on her hips and and a smooth naked leg bent at the knee and sticking out of the slit in the robe. She thrust her breasts out, gazing down at her King. "Are you ready to see your angel naked?"


Arabella untied the robe and let it slip off. The light garment floated like a feather down to the floor. The young King felt faint as he looked upon his Mother's gorgeous naked body. Her breasts were absolutely massive. Two big twin melons hanging heavily from chest. Every curve of her golden brown body was awe inspiring.

The Queen suddenly dove from the beam, floating quickly down, nearing her son, then dipped skyward again. Leo gasped as he watched her naked body rise back towards the ceiling. She smiled at him as she ascended, peering over the swell of her stiff-nippled tits.

"God in heaven," the young man muttered. He instinctively grabbed his hard dick and started stroking, then stopped himself.

"It's ok, love...you can stroke your cock. I'm yours. I want you to," Arabella said, slowly curling her strong leg out in front of her.

"Alright," Leo said, the resumed beating his meat as he gazed up at her.

As the Queen watched him squeeze his prick, she did a series of smooth gracefully flips through the air. Her big breasts bobbled around with the weight of gravity as her naked body floated through the chamber.

"Are you pleased with my body, Leo? Is it everything you dreamed it would be?" "Yes, Mother, it's...it's so sexy I can hardly stand it."

Starting at the peak of the ceiling, she slowly dropped towards him. "Would you like to see my spread?"

"Your spread?" Leo muttered.

"Yes, what I will look like spread out beneath you."

"Oh," he said, then took a big excited gulp. "Yes, I would very much like to see that."

As she slowly descended, Arabella's curvy legs flew open, her pointed bare feet rising way up past her head as her legs splayed into huge spread-eagle.

"Ohh, God," Leo muttered, his tongue nearly hanging out as he gazed up lustfully.

Her shaved pussy was slightly peeled open, revealing a creamy coral gash. The meaty hood of her clitoris protruded from her outer labia as her cunt dropped to Leo's face. "Lick me, my love. Lick my cunt," Arabella said lustfully.

Her lovely snatch landed against Leo's upturned face. He laved his tongue through her smooth folds, her sweet pussy juices sizzling on his taste-buds. "Mmmnnhh," the King whimpered, beating his throbbing meat while digging his tongue through the pink flesh, finding engorged clitoris.

"Yesss, right there," she sighed.

Leo's cock flexed in his hand, his own precum lubing it up as it squeezed across his angry purple knob. He plowed his licker up and down the steamy slit.

"Ohh God, lick my ass now. Lick all of me," the Queen's voice quivered as she just hovered there in the air, her smooth curvy legs thrown way up, her sexy little bare feet pointed at the ceiling.

Like a starving Dog, Leo tongued her asshole, tucking his face between her slightly-parted buns. He went back to her clitoris, positioning his face so he could see up her pubis and stomach, right up to to the huge rounded undersides of her massive tits. "Mmmnnnhhh," he whimpered, tasting her sweet nectar while watching the cloud of tit-flesh hover above him.

"Ohhh my darling," Arabella squealed. Her legs curled down, trapping Leo's head between her strong smooth thighs. Her calves criss-crossed behind him, so it looked as though she were sitting on his shoulders. She clawed at the back of his head, pulling him in tighter against her cunt.

"Yesss, ohh God, yesss," she cried.

Her clit was quite large and protruded out from under it's hood like a fat grape. Leo wrapped his lips around it, sucking hard, then whipping his tongue on it's rounded surface. Immediately Arabella bucked as if she'd been shot by an arrow, gasping and squealing, smothering the King's head between her quivering thighs.

Suddenly, she shot upward, off her son's juice-soaked face. "Unnnggghhhh," her sexy voice cried. Leo watched her rise into the air, her pretty face turned to the side and contorted in pleasure.

She was squeezing her tits, her gorgeous, motherly legs trembling wildly as an orgasm surged through her cunt. He watched a pulsing jet of hot girl cum squirt down her leg and rain down on him.

"Amazing," he muttered out loud.

Arabella floated up and straddled the beam near the top of the ceiling. Leo stroked his boner as he watched his Mother's strong golden-brown legs extend as they hung astride the beam.

"Mmm, I suppose the Mother's of the village were right," Arabella said. "Right about what?"

Arabella squeezed her cannons between her forearms, making them balloon outward. "About you pleasing their cunts while their husbands are away."

"Oh," Leo muttered, slightly embarrassed.

"I'm more connected with the women of the village than you think I am, Leo." Arabella said, bringing her chest down on the beam, squashing her tits and making them bulge out at the sides.

Leo couldn't take his eyes off of her. He'd already nearly cum several times and had to slow his strokes. She was now laying on her tummy, with her legs bent up at the knees, her little feet arched and waving around playfully.

"They tell me how much you like to have your cock and balls sucked," Arabella said. "Yes."

"So tell me. I'm sure you've had women do one or the other at one time, but have you ever had a woman suck on all of you at once?"

"All of my cock and all of my balls in a women's mouth, at the same time you mean?" "Mmm-hmm."

"Ha, no. It sounds amazing, but I'm afraid I'm much too large down there for that."

Arabella smiled and slipped off the beam. She dropped quickly to the floor, but slowed at the last second, landing softly and gracefully on her feet.

Wearing nothing but her wedding ring, the sexy Queen stepped towards her son, her big tits swaying with each step. She stopped in front of him and squatted down.

She replaced his hand with hers, giving it a couple slow strokes. She could feel the web of bulging veins in her hand as she watched the plumb-sized knob balloon outward, packed with blood. She leaned in and gave it a gentle kiss. It was like an introductory smooch.

She stared at it and smiled a moment, realizing all the places it would go and all the extraordinary pleasure it was about to experience. She shivered at the thought of such a huge cock fucking her silly for the rest of her life.

She peered up at him with a naughty smile. "Ready, King, Leo?" she asked. "Yess."

She slid her hand down, cupping his balls between her thumb and forefinger, then pinning them up beside his hard dick.

She pulled his cock into her mouth. Leo watched the ring of her pretty lips drop down his shaft. Somehow, her lips stretched open even more, slipping both his nuts into mouth. He felt his knob sink into her throat.

"How..." he sighed out loud.

Without even a gag, Arabella's nose pressed against his thin wiry pubes and she held him there, letting him soak in her throat.

Something suddenly touched Leo's knob. He was in her throat, so it wasn't something that was suppose to be there. If felt just like a tongue, circling his knob.

"Wow," he muttered, enjoying the sensations. Suddenly the throat-tongue was joined by another, then another. It was like they were forming out the walls of her throat. The three lickers started lashing wildly on Leo's cock, fighting for position on the most sensitive parts of his spongy cock


"Holy hell," the King sighed, buckling a little.

Despite his movement, the tongues didn't let up a bit, fluttering wildly as they circled his knob. One of them paused and wiggled it's wet tip into his piss-slit. Another dug at his meat, just beneath the head.

Leo sighed with delight. He noticed his Mother's eyes were closed, her pink lips spread obscenely around his cock-hilt. He'd had his cock stuffed in there for nearly two minutes. Out of concern he pulled out. A big gob of precum seeped from his piss-slit and lowered towards the floor.

Arabella looked at him, without even a gasp. "Darling, what's wrong?" she asked. "How can you even breathe?" he asked.

She giggled. "You needn't worry about me." "Those things in there...are they tongues?" "Yes," Arabella said with a smile.

"How many are there?"

"How many do you want?" she said.

"All of them," Leo muttered.

"All of them at once? That could become quite intense, very quickly." "I'd like to feel them all."

"Very well, my love," she smiled, then swallowed his cock and balls, just as easily as the first time.

As if they never went away, the trio of tongues started on his knob again. Then, wiggling flesh began to surround his dick. There must have been twenty lickers, attacking every square inch of his shaft.

Warm, wet, wiggling tongues lashed against his nuts at every angle. Every part of his cock, his nuts, even his sack was being licked relentlessly. Some lickers worked together, like they had minds of their own, their wet tips dueling against the same spot. The spots they knew brought the greatest pleasure.

Leo gasped, his eyes rolling back a bit from the extreme pleasure. As if those tongues weren't enough, he felt another elongated licker squeeze from his Mother's mouth, slither along his taint and begin to lash at his butthole.

"OhhhfuckingChrist," the King cried out.

His cock flexed and his knob swelled. The sensations were just too much for even a skilled cocksman to endure.

Inside Arabella's throat, the King's hard prick was covered in a frenzy of wet flailing tongues. His twitching knob began to spit hot spunk, causing milky goo to get mixed around between the pink wigglers.

Leo grunted and as more and more cum squirted out his piss-slit and was mixed around in Arabella's throat like cake batter.

After milking every drop, Leo's wet dick and balls slipped from the Queen's mouth. She took a big gulp of remaining spunk, then fed him a satisfied smile.

Arabella grabbed his hand and rushed him to the bed. "Let's fuck now," she said excitedly.

She turned and kissed him as they flopped together onto the bed. The Queen splayed her thighs and Leo settled down between them. They kissed passionately as he prodded her cunt with his stiff pecker, searching for instance. Arabella helped him, grasping his erection and feeding the big tapered tip into the creamy mouth of her vagina.

They both gasped in unison as they experience the pleasure of their first union.

He felt his Mother's strong smooth legs fold up around him. Before he started thrusting, he decided to use a grinding technique he had done with a lot of women, that he was sure would drive his Mother crazy.

Laying flat against her, with her tits crushed between them, he hooked his arms around her back and grasped her shoulders. Then, he dug his cock in as deep as it would go, feeling his knob press against the squishy head of her cervix.

Arabella gasped, staring back at him with wild dreamy eyes.

Leo started grinding his pelvis. The Queen clasped his ass with both hands, digging her nails in as she rocked her hips, pushing right back at him. The big royal bed jerked and creaked as Leo and Arabella engaged in a wild mating dance. Their muscles were tensed, their bodies sandwiched together in a jerking, writhing pile of naked flesh.

"Ohh, yess, Leo," the Queen gasped, trying to pull his entire body inside her. "Ohhh, yess!"

The grinding became more intense, like a battle of wills, as they pushed against each other, their hips now rocking in a wild grinding motion.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaaaauuuggghhh," the Queen screamed out, squeezing his cock with her strong cunt muscles as she came.

Leo whimpered, feeling his cock soaked with hot girl-cum. He rose up to his elbows, drawing his cock back for the first time, only to punch it back deep again.

He fucked his Mother's pussy with long deep thrusts, watching her big pillowy tits rolling and jiggling on her chest.

When she was done creaming out, Arabella smiled up at him, her big mane of dark hair spread out on the bed around her pretty face. "My turn to show off now," she said.

Arabella rolled them over and took the top position with her knees planted on the bed to either side of Leo's hips.

She pumped her meaty buns up and down, slamming her wet, squeezing pussy onto the base of her son's prick. Leo stared the huge milk-makers swinging just above his face.

He watched them in awe, mesmerized by the way they dangled and flopped around heavily. They were easily the biggest set he'd ever seen.

As if his Mother's cunt didn't feel good enough on it's own, her sheath suddenly transformed into a series of hot vibrating muscles rings. Trapped in it's grip, the rings squeezed the big prick from balls to knob.

"Ohh damn, what is that?"Leo said, arching his back in pleasure. "I've never felt that before."

Arabella giggled, gyrating her Motherly hips and stirring his dong. "Of course you haven't, love." "Can you do it again?"

Arabella pumped her ass up and down, making the tight rings apply squeezing vibrations up and down his throbbing boner. Leo's body jerked in response.

"Damn, that's almost too intense," he gasped.

"That's why I don't use them all the time," she said as her pussy went back to normal, squeezing up and down his hard prick.

"Just once in awhile," she said, bouncing on his dick. "When your not expecting it."

The muscled rings formed again, taking two exquisite pumps up and down the muscled cylinder of meat, before her cunt returned to normal. Leo's eyes rolled back. "Ohhh God in heaven," he sighed.

Arabella giggled as she sat up and did a little grind on his cock. Leo's heart was about thumping out of his chest with the thrill of fucking his own big titted Mother.

As she stirred his erection in her cunt, he gazed up at her big rocking tit-melons. Like those of many of the women he had fucked, her areolas were thick and dotted with milk glans. Her nipples were engorged and stuck out proudly.

Noticing her son's fascination with them, the Queen suddenly dropped on him. Leo sighed with delight as found his face suddenly smothered in warm tit-flesh.

Arabella bobbed her ass on his loins, feeding his cock up and down her slippery cunt-channel. At random, she would apply the vibrating muscled rings, making her son whimper beneath her.

Leo drug his face through her cleavage, feeling her spongy tits jiggle on either side of his face. He drug his tongue along the inside of one of her jugs until he found the nipple.

"Ohhhh, yess," Arabella sighed, wrapping her arms around his head and pulling his face deeper into the flesh of her breast.

The meaty half-moons of her ass continued to rise and fall. Her husband's big cock traveled up and down through the warm pink tunnel of her vagina.

At random, the inner lining would bulge out into a series of fleshy rings and mysteriously vibrate , giving his dick exquisite pleasure.

Leo was in tittie heaven. His face was plastered in the spongy flesh of Arabella's breast. He sucked like a hungry infant, digging his tongue against her hardened areola and nipples.

Arabella sat up, but pulled him up with her. He continued sucking while she plowed desperately

on his cock, her lush hips swiveling frantically. "Ohhh, fuck, I'm gonna cum!" she shouted.

Outside the chamber door Prince Peter listened to his Mother scream in pleasure. His face was an ugly scowl. "Damn him," he muttered.

He heard the bed rocking, his brother's whimpers and his Mother's screams of intense orgasm. "Uuughhh, God, I'm cumming!" the Queen screamed.

Peter let out a frustrated sigh, squeezing the bulge in his pants. "I'll pry that crown off his severed head," he spat, then rushed away.

Back on the royal bed, Leo had rolled his Mother onto her back and was fucking like madman. Her silky legs were wrapped high up around his back, her flesh quivering from the power of his thrusts. The big bed rocked and creaked, Leo snarled as rippled rings squeezed at his wildly burrowing erection.

Arabella's tits sloshed against his chest. Being sunk down in the soft curves of his Mother's splayed thighs and pillowy tits was the greatest rush in the world.

Her experience cunt milked his cock and was helped out by random tightening of the inner rings, a gift not really bestowed for her benefit, but for the pleasure of the King.

"I'm cumming, Mother!" he finally cried out.

"Yess, fill me with your seed, my darling," she gasped.

Leo had never cum harder in his life. What felt like a gallon of hot spunk squirted into his Queen's hot gripping cunt. The vibrating rings of flesh pulled out more and more cream. "Oohhh, God," Leo trembled.

"Yess, I want it all. Give it all to me, my love," Arabella said, cradling his writhing body between here wide-spread thighs. Leo felt the soles her little bare feet pushing at his ass, urging him to squirt his load as deeply as he could.

The full moon at midnight illuminated the castle in a magical glow. All was quiet, except for the faint screams of delight by the Queen of the land.

Inside her quarters, the screams weren't so faint. Arabella's voice echoed across the stone walls as she cried with pleasure.

She was on her hands and knees on the bed, her King kneeling behind her. Their bodies glistened with a sheen of perspiration, her big milk-makers swinging heavily on her chest from her son's thrusts.

Leo had his dick up her ass. He watched his glistening erection slide through the ring of her stretched asshole.

Arabella thrust her meaty buns back at him. "Harder! Fuck my ass harder, Leo!" she panted. Leo obliged, grabbing her soft hips and laying his dick in nice n deep, over and over.

The Queen's pretty face contorted and she gasped again and again as she was struck with yet another mind-blowing orgasm.

She suddenly pulled her ass away, climbing off the bed. Leo watched her, his erection just sort of bobbing up and down. "What's wrong?"

She turned towards him from the center of the room, her tits wobbling. She had a big playful smile. "Come to me," she said.

Leo scrambled off the bed and moved to his Mother. She hugged him, her big wobbling wonders pressed against his chest. "Those married women in the village. Did they ever have you pick them up and fuck them while you stood?" Arabella asked.

"Yes, quite a few of them actually." "Do you know why that is?"


"Because most of them have husbands who are away working so much that they never have time to do that to them. All women crave to be fucked that way," the Queen said, then looked in his eyes. "I want you to fuck me that way, my love."

Leo smiled. "Alright."

"As soon as we are joined together, we're going to do something very special." "What?" Leo asked.

"Better that I show you," Arabella said, twining her arm around his neck.

The gorgeous Mother lept gracefully from the floor, wrapping her legs around him. Leo grabbed her thighs and held her up. She reached down and slipped his cock inside her, then smiled at him. "That must have been very exciting for you. Having all those naughty married women clinging onto like this."

"Yes," Leo blushed.

"Feeling their hot cunts on your cock and their big breast bouncing all over your young chest." "I liked it," the King admitted.

Suddenly his feet left the floor. He looked down, then at his Mother, who was smiling back. "Could any of them do this?" she asked.

They floated towards the ceiling. "I saw you do it earlier, but how is it possible that I..."

"As long as you are touching me, you are as free to float around as I am. Just make sure you don't stop touching me, darling. As your late father accidentally discovered once, it's an awfully long way down," she said.

Leo looked down at the stone floor thirty feet below. "Ouch," he cringed.

He felt his Mother comb her fingers through the back of his hair. They exchanged a lovers gaze, then kissed passionately. Arabella began to bounce on his dick, throwing her cunt down his pole.

Their hovering bodies slowly rolled to the rhythm of their fucking, like in zero gravity. They clung to each other, floating high above the room. Leo squeezed his Mother's warm body, her strong legs still locked around him. He looked up at the nearby ceiling while punching his cock through her juicy slit.

As he dropped under his Mother, she sat up, rising from his chest. Her sexy legs hung off the sides of him. She swiveled her hips, grinding her cunt.

Leo gazed up at the big stiff-nippled tits looming over him. He felt like they were floating on a cloud. He looked again at the bed far below in disbelief.

Arabella smiled at him over the swell of her breasts. "Do you like it?" "It's amazing," he muttered.

She pulled him back and they flipped gracefully. Still joined at the genitals, she slipped her legs up on his shoulders. Leo wrapped his arms around her thighs and took a bunch of deep thrusts, his balls beating on her ass.

He watched his Mother's big tits jostle on her chest. His thrusting had made their bodies flip around, but he didn't care. He kept fucking from beneath her.

Over the next hour they floated all over the room, fucking and kissing in every position imaginable.

Regaining her breath from a hard cum, Arabella looked up at the ceiling. "Let's go higher. Up there," she said.

She clung to her King, their sweat-sheened bodies floating upward. Leo saw a cushion that had been fastened to the wall at the highest point.

"Did you and Father put this up here?"

"Yes, sadly, we never got to use it. He was so excited to, but..."

There was a short pause as she felt a little emotional. "I'm sorry Mother," Leo said.

Arabella turned and set her back to the cushion. "Don't be. This was meant to be, Leo. I believe your Father is here in spirit and he is pleased with what he sees," she said, then pulled him towards her. "Come make him proud."

The Queen circled her legs around him. Leo clutched her meaty ass and fed his cock back inside her cunt. He began to pound her against the wall. "Yesss, fuck me as hard as you can," she cried, clinging to him.

Leo rested his head between her shoulder and neck. He fucked her cunt with savage thrusts, his knob beating against her back wall.

The Queen's strong legs slid higher around his back, like a fleshy harness strapping him between her thighs.

"Ooohhh fuck," he groan, feeling those muscled, vibrating rings return.

They kissed hungrily. The Queen fused her lips against his and his mouth was suddenly filled with a half-dozen tongues. His tongue dueled with them as best it could as they attacked in wild flailing motions from every direction.

She broke the kiss and for a moment Leo watched the cluster of pink tongues wiggle around before retracting back inside her mouth. He didn't break his pace, his body beating against hers as he sliced his dick through her hot pussy.

"Let's cum together," she gasped. "I'm getting close," he announced.

"As am I," she cried as her cunt tightened around his cock. She suddenly trembled as her orgasm struck. "Cum with me, my love," she shouted.

"Yesss, uuuhhggg!!" The King grunted, firing hot spunk deep inside her.

Their bodies rocked and humped as if they were throwing a juicy orgasm back and forth. On and on it went until their bodies went limp and they floated away from the wall, holding each other.

During the late morning there was a pounding at their chamber door. The Queen and King were in bed naked and Arabella quickly got up and threw a robe on.

She answered the door and her son Peter stepped inside the room. "Forgive the intrusion, but I bring great news, Mother," Peter said.

"What is it?" Arabella asked.

The Prince looked over at his brother as he joined them with a blanket around him. "A soldier was just here delivering a message from King Philip. He would like to sign a peace treaty with us."

"A peace treaty? Philip? He's resisted doing this for many years. Why would he do it now?" Arabella asked.

Maybe as a sign of good will to the new King. He has offered to meet King Leo on neutral ground, only a days ride, to sign the treaty."

Leo smiled at his Mother. All this King stuff was so new to him. "That's good, right." Arabella smiled back. "Yes, it is good indeed."

"You needn't worry, Mother. The King will ride with myself and some of our best soldiers. We will be well prepared should anything go wrong," Peter said.

Arabella smiled, still seeming a bit reluctant. "Very well. It is for the good of the Kingdom I suppose."

"Indeed," Peter said.

The next day, after saying goodbye to his wife, King Leo set out with his brother and fifty soldiers of the royal army. The trek was along the mountain range.

Late in the afternoon, they began to weave through some eerie rock formations. Leo's horse screamed and backed up, clearly spooked by something. "What is it?" The King asked his brother.

Peter looked up at the steep cliffs looming nearby. "We're near the lair of the Dragon. The horses sense it. Just keep a tight hold on the reins until we pass through," he said.

Peter dropped back with one of the Knights, his closest friend, Houlton. "On my signal, tell the soldiers to take battle positions. I'll lead my brother around that bend out of site and kill him."

"When he doesn't come back, what will we tell the men?" Houlton asked. "He was carried away by the dragon. There was nothing I could do." Houlton nervously nodded. "I expect to be rewarded for this."

Peter gave him an evil smirk. "You have my word," he said, then looked around to make sure everyone was in place. "Ready... Now!"

Houlton quickly turned his horse and screamed the order back to the men. They all began unsheathing their swords, looking around in confusion.

Peter took off on his horse towards his brother. "Leo, go, go, go!!" he shouted, waving his brother


Peter zipped past him and Leo kicked his horse and quickly followed. They raced around the bend, then Peter suddenly stopped his horse.

"What is it? What's wrong?" The King asked.

Peter glared at him and quickly drew his sword. "You're a stupid fool who has what's mine,"

Before the King was able to draw his own weapon, Peter's sword was swinging towards him. Leo managed to lift his shield and the blade struck it with a loud CLANK, knocking him right off his horse.

Peter circled around. Leo stumbled to his feet and the Prince swung again at him, just missing. Leo tried to draw his own sword, but his brother was much faster and was back on him in a split

-second. "You're a dead man," Peter yelled, drawing back his sword to swing.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly, an arrow shot straight through Peter's arm. He screamed in agony, dropped his sword and fell from his horse.

Leo heard a loud rumble and another fifty of his soldiers came racing over the hillside towards him. The royal carriage was with them. It stopped near the King and Arabella jumped out and raced over to her husband, embracing him. "Are you alright, my love."

"I'm fine, Mother," he muttered.

The Queen glared at Peter, who knelt on the ground, squealing in pain. "You're as predictable as you are stupid, Peter. Philip would never sign a peace treaty. He's as evil a man as you are."

"Get this fucking thing out of my arm," Peter screamed.

"What's wrong, brother? It's only a little stick," Leo said, making his Mother snicker.

A horse rounded the bend. It was Houlton. He stopped and looked at his friend there on the ground. Suddenly, a giant shadow fell over him.

"BOOM!!!" Something hit the ground with immense force, kicking up a cloud of dust and blood- splatter. A dragon, forty-feet high, with rows of razor sharp teeth snarled at the onlookers. The horses went crazy, bucking men off.

The King and Queen embraced as the giant scaled beast extended it's long neck, shooting it's head towards them. It stopped suddenly and sniffed at them.

Peter jumped to his feet and took off like a coward.

The dragon watched him run, then glared back at the royal couple. It sniffed again, then hissed, spread it's massive wings and took off into the sky. They watched as the monster plucked

Prince Peter from the ground, chomping him down as it flew away. "He took Peter," Leo muttered in disbelief.

"Yes. An easier punishment than life in the dungeon. Are you sure you're ok?" Arabella asked her husband.

"Yes," he smiled.

"Ride with me back to the castle," she said, leading him to her carriage. The army escorted the royal carriage away, for their long journey back.

"My King, you smell of dragon's breath," Aura said, a short time later. Her and Delfeni were with the King and Queen on a big lounge within they carriage. They were all naked, but Leo was on top of his Mother, fucking her pussy.

"All well, as long as he doesn't shoot fire out his cock." the Queen gasped, making the girls giggle.

Leo cupped her meaty ass and pounded between her splayed thighs with savage thrusts. "Would you like me to fuck you like a dragon, Mother," he said.

"If you're prepared to hear me roar like one," she cried, her voice shaking from the power of his thrusts.

The King's ass was a blur as he pounded the hell out of her cunt. The Queen turned her contorting face to one side, her back arching, lifting her humping son upwards. "Auuuhhggghhh!!" she screamed, shooting girl-cum along his thrust shaft.

She continued to cry and pant, riding out her juicy orgasm.

"I wish someone would make me roar like a dragon," Delfeni said. Arabella looked up at her son. "You heard her darling."

The Prince scrambled over between Delfeni's legs. He pierced her cuntlips with his cock and buried it to the balls. She drew her knees up, spreading her thighs wide for him. He fucked hard and fast, his balls beating against her upturned ass.

He latched on to her big rippling breast with her mouth. Milk flowed easily and he spent a long while slurping while dicking her hot cunt-sheath.

Aura crawled over and rubbed her tits on the King. "Make me roar too, King Leo," she said.

The King pulled his dick from Delfeni's cunt, then crawled down between Aura's spread legs. "Ohhh God yess," he sighed, sinking his hard cock into her hot pussy-tunnel.

She clung to him, wrapping her own strong motherly legs around him while he humped her cunt. Her soft warm titties jiggled against him as he pounded relentlessly. It wasn't long before he had her howling in orgasm.

He crawled back to his Mother and hooked her sexy legs over his shoulder. His loins clapped lewdly against her ass as he fucked her cunt hard and fast.

Arabella squealed with delight, her big pillowy tits rocking and trembling on her chest. "Let me ride you," Aura whispered, rubbing her tits on him from behind.

He got on his back and Aura straddled him, riding and grinding on his cock. She brought her big tits down and let them swing against his face.

After about ten minutes of cunt-grinding she switched with Delfeni, who in turn switch with the Queen, so that each woman got to cum, soaking his nuts.

Leo flipped his Queen over and slipped between her open thighs. He fucked like a madman, savoring the feel of her soft warm motherly curves around him. He snarled with delight, feeling his knob tingle inside sucking pussy. "Ohhh fuck, Mother!" he cried, as thick ropes of hot spunk shot out his cock, soaking her womb.

They arrived home late and went straight to their chamber. Both got naked and were preparing to crawl into bed, when Arabella brought over the small boxed gift that Agamenticus had given them.

"Shall we open a gift before bed, my love?" she asked.

"That's the one from Agamenticus. It's such a small box. What do you think it is?" She pulled at the ribbon. "Let's open it and see," she said.

Inside the small box was a piece of perfectly round dark chocolate. "Shall we split it?" Arabella asked.

She broke it in half and handed a piece to her son. He hesitated a moment. "Do you think it's just chocolate, or something else?" he asked.

She smiled. "One never knows," she said, then they both ate it. "But if I had to guess, I would say something else."

They both stood there for a moment, gazing at each other. Then...


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