KLRXO Stories

Chapter 172: The Hottest Mom on Island X_1

Chapter 172: The Hottest Mom on Island X_1

The Hottest Mom on Island X

By Klrxo

Chapter 1: Lost at Sea

For almost two days, the Gregory family's yacht had been sailing in a remote area of the South Pacific, far from any port. Hugh Gregory, an accomplished real estate investor, was also an experienced sailor. However, this was his first time navigating through these unfamiliar waters.

The sun bore down relentlessly, casting shimmering tendrils across the vast expanse of azure waters. Hugh stood at the helm of his yacht, his firm hands gripping the polished wooden wheel. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as his eyes squinted against the relentless glare. The map spread out before him, its crinkled edges a testament to countless hours spent tracing routes and charting courses.

Despite his experience, Hugh couldn't shake the gnawing unease that had settled deep within him since they entered these unfamiliar waters. It was as if a hidden force lurked beneath the surface, challenging his every decision. His fingers tentatively traced the intricate network of lines on the map, seeking guidance amidst the ocean's vastness.

As the yacht cut through the waves, Hugh's wife, Kathy, appeared on deck. Her dark brown hair whipped around her face in the wind as she looked over at her husband with a concerned expression. "Hugh, you seem worried. What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's nothing, dear. I have everything under control."

Kathy spread her towel out on the deck and removed her bikini cover up. A skimpy black bikini was barely visible against Kathy's tanned skin, hugging her ample curves and accentuating her already impressive tit-cleavage. The fabric strained against the weight of her enormous breasts, threatening to burst at any moment.

"Mind if I lay out with you, mom?" asked her 18-year-old son, Pierce.

"No, darling, of course I don't mind," Kathy answered as she stretched out on her towel, basking in the warmth of the sun. Her boy situated himself just where he usually did, down by her feet. Pierce's hair was a rich, dark brown, just like his mother's. It fell in messy waves that framed his angular face and accentuated his striking features.

Pierce's body was lean and strong, with defined muscles that hinted at hours spent on the playing field. His arms were sculpted with bulging biceps and his chest was chiseled into a defined six-pack. Every movement he made seemed fluid and precise, his body perfectly tuned for athleticism.

"What a beautiful day, huh?" asked the boy as he basked in the warmth of the sun, lying on his stomach with his face turned towards his mother. This position gave him a perfect view between her silky legs, all the way to the bikini bottom hugging her crotch and creating an enticing cameltoe.

"Perfect," Kathy replied. She couldn't help but notice the admiring gaze of her son as he took in her vacation attire. She knew that the tight black bikini was pushing the limits of what was socially acceptable, but the thrill of it all was too addictive to resist. She adjusted her body slightly, drawing her son's eyes to her giant tits as they wobbled atop her chest.

Pierce, on the other hand, felt a strange mix of pride and shame as he looked at his mother. He knew that her flaunting of her body was

inappropriate, but he couldn't help but be turned on by it. He felt a bulge forming in his shorts, which he was luckily able to hide since he was on his stomach.

Kathy was resting her head on a small cushion, and with her sunglasses on, it was difficult for Pierce to tell if she was gazing at him as they enjoyed the warm rays of the sun. The sweet and seductive scent of his mom's sunscreen mixed with the natural aroma of her skin, creating an intoxicating and alluring aroma that wafted towards the boy.

"Do you think dad knows where he is?" Pierce asked with a hint of concern.

Kathy chuckled, a small smile playing on her lips as she took in the view of her son. She knew that the attention he was giving her wasn't just out of concern for their father. It was a mix of curiosity and lust that she could feel radiating from him like the sun's rays.

"I'm sure your father is doing just fine," she said, trying to reassure both her son and herself. "He's an experienced sailor, after all."

But deep down, she couldn't shake the unease that had settled within her since they entered these unfamiliar waters.

Pierce nodded, satisfied with his mother's response. He observed with fascination as she effortlessly lifted one leg straight up into the air, showcasing her impressive flexibility. She gazed up at the spire of her naked leg and marveled, "I can't believe how much tanner I've gotten since we started this trip." With a playful gesture, she pointed her painted toes towards the sky.

Trapped between his belly and the deck, Pierce's boner flexed with hardness, while staring at his mom's legs. He was taken aback as she lifted her other foot from the deck, leaving both feet suspended in

mid-air. She spread her smooth, tan thighs even wider and sat upright.

"You've gotten dark too, darling," Kathy noted, checking out her son's tan. "Your friends are gonna think we left you on some island and replaced you with a native boy."

Pierce chuckled at her joke, taking a moment to appreciate the relaxed and confident way his mom was sitting in front of him. Her feet were planted firmly on the ground, but her legs were open wide, showing off her shapely figure. Kathy leaned back with her arms extended behind her, pushing her watermelon-sized jugs out proudly. Her son's eyes widened as he noticed the fat nipples that were protruding out beneath the fabric of her bikini top.

"If I flip over, will you rub some oil on my back, honey?" Kathy asked.

"Sure, mom," Pierce eagerly answered.

Kathy lay on her stomach, making her fat tits bulge out at the sides as they squashed against the deck. Pierce moved closer to her, dimly aware that his erection was tenting his shorts. He reached for the bottle of oil and began to massage it onto his mother's back. Her skin felt smooth and warm under his hands, and the whole process seemed surreal and intimate. As he continued to rub the oil onto her back, he could feel the muscles beneath her skin tense and relax.

"That's perfect, honey," Kathy cooed, her voice low and sultry. "You have such strong hands."

Pierce tried to focus on the task at hand, but the sight of his mother's nearly nude body was proving to be a distraction. Her bikini top was struggling to contain her generous bosom, and he couldn't help but be captivated by the view of her curvaceous derriere. Only about half of her bikini bottoms were visible since her ass crack had engulfed

most of the fabric, leaving the flesh of her rounded bubble butt exposed.

"That's so disgusting!" August, Pierce's sister, exclaimed as she caught her brother leering at their mother's delicious-looking ass as she stepped onto the deck.

"What's disgusting?" asked Pierce.

"The way you're ogling mom's ass like a dog eyeing a juicy steak."

August was 19-years-old, a year older than Pierce and the epitome of a bossy older sister. While she was undoubtedly attractive, she couldn't compete with her mother's stunning beauty.

"I am not ogling mom's ass!" Pierced stated in his defense.

"You are so, pervert!"

Kathy spoke up. "August, that's enough. You're overreacting."

"Overreacting?!" she exclaiming, choosing her own area of the deck to lay out on. "At least I say something, mom. You just lay there in next to nothing and let him drool over you."

"August, you're being ridiculous," Pierce snapped back. "I was just rubbing some oil on mom's back."

"Oh, please," August scoffed. "You were practically drooling over her butt and the way it's spilling out of those bikini bottoms."

"I was not!"

"Yes, you were."

"I swear I wasn't!" pierce shouted.

"You were!"

Kathy smiled at the banter between her children, unable to help but feel a sense of pride at their love and protectiveness for her. She couldn't help but feel grateful that she was getting quality time with them, even if August's words were a bit harsh. "Knock it off, both of you," she said, trying to maintain her calm. "I'm sure Pierce has no problems restraining himself around me."

"Yeah, right," August retorted, rolling her eyes as she glanced at her brother's crotch. "Is that why his boner is nearly bursting from his shorts right now?"

"Enough, young lady," Kathy scolded. She was fully aware that her son was erect beneath his shorts and wasn't nearly as bothered by it as her daughter was.

As Pierce continued to massage the oil onto his mother's back, he couldn't help but feel a mix of shame and desire. He knew that his sister was watching him, judging him, and he wanted to prove her wrong. But the sight of his mother's nearly-naked body, glistening with oil and tanned to perfection, was proving to be too much for him to resist.

"That's good, darling," Kathy cooed, her voice low and sensual. "You've reached my shoulders now. Would you mind rubbing some oil on my neck as well?"

Pierce swallowed hard, his erection straining against his shorts. "Sure, mom," he uttered.

His mom recognized that it might be difficult for him to affective apply oil to to her neck while kneeling beside her. "If it would be easier for you, you can straddle my backside, but I'm sure your sister will have something to say about that so just ignore her," said Kathy.

Pierce could hardly believe his ears. Only in his dreams did he think he'd get to mount his mother's meaty derriere. He climbed on top of

her and began applying the oil to her neck, enjoying the exquisitely plush ass-meat pressed against his rigid cock.

August let out a dramatic sigh and gave them both a disgusted look. "Couldn't you two just rent a room?" she exclaimed, clearly annoyed by their behavior.

"August, don't even start!" scolded her mother. "He's just applying some oil to my neck. You're the one making it sexual."

"How can I not 'make it sexual' when it looks like he fucking you from behind?!"

"Enough!" the mother shouted.

Even though Kathy reassured her daughter that she and her son were not doing anything inappropriate, she couldn't help but feel the way his erection pressed against the deep crevice of her ass.

It wasn't the first time that her son had pressed his erection against her while he was "helping" her with something. Kathy's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and desire as she remembered the last time it happened. It was during a family picnic when Pierce had helped her adjust her chair, and his erection had nestled against her hip. She couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement mixed with guilt, knowing that her son was attracted to her in a way that was taboo and forbidden.

Despite her protests, August's words had an effect on her. She couldn't help but wonder if her son's attraction to her was influenced by her own behavior. Was she unintentionally leading him on by allowing him to see her nearly-naked body, and to touch her in such a way?

As Pierce continued to rub the oil onto her neck, Kathy couldn't help but feel torn between her desires and her responsibilities as a mother. She loved her son more than anything, but she knew that

crossing the line with him might have disastrous consequences. She was also aware that August's words held some truth. If Pierce's attraction to her was fueled by her own behavior, then she had a responsibility to be mindful of her actions and set boundaries.

Even so, as she felt her son's erection press against her ass, she couldn't help but feel a surge of desire.

Her thoughts were interrupted by August's voice. "Could you two stop it already? You're grossing me out!" she exclaimed, clearly frustrated by the awkward situation taking place right in front of her.

"Pierce, you'd better stop and climb off me now before your sister loses her mind," said Kathy, rolling her eyes.

Pierce reluctantly complied with his mother's request, sliding off her lusty behind and standing up. His erection was still tenting his shorts, a clear testament to his desire for his mother.

Kathy let out a soft sigh and decided to change the subject. She had noticed that the ocean was becoming choppier, and the waves were starting to rock the boat more than usual. "Hey, have either of you noticed how rough the water is getting?"

Dark storm clouds began to form in the distance, making Hugh even more uneasy as he tried to determine their location. The sea became rough and the wind picked up, making it difficult to maintain a steady course. Hugh's experience on the water was invaluable, but even he couldn't predict the unpredictable nature of the ocean.

His family was growing increasingly uneasy. They had gone below deck, but could feel the boat swaying and rocking under their feet, and the sound of the wind howling through the sails.

Pierce could feel the fatty meat of his mother's tits swaying back and forth against his back as she clung to him from behind. "It looks like things are getting downright nasty out there," Pierce stated.

"Dad's sailed through storms before. He'll get us through this one, honey," Kathy assured him.

As the storm worsened, Hugh decided that it was time to seek shelter from the treacherous weather. He scanned the horizon, looking for any port or safe harbor to pull into. As the waves grew higher, he knew that they couldn't continue to risk their lives out at sea.

Kathy and the kids emerged from the lower deck, their eyes filled with fear. "Will everything be alright, dad?" August asked, her voice trembling as she looked to her father for reassurance.

Hugh struggled to maintain control of the boat, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm going to try and steer us towards that island over there," he shouted, pointing to a small rocky outcrop in the distance. "It's our best chance of finding shelter until this storm passes."

Pierce and August exchanged worried glances, their hearts in their throats. They knew that their father had been masterful in navigating the waters, but this storm was unlike any they had ever encountered before.

Kathy nodded, forcing a brave smile. "We'll make it," she said, her voice steady.

Hugh steered the boat with all his might, the wind and waves battering against them. The island seemed to be getting closer, but it also seemed as though the storm was growing worse.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the water near the boat, causing them all to jump in fear.

"We have to make it," Hugh shouted, his voice hoarse from shouting over the sound of the storm. "We have to get to that island!"

Kathy clutched her children tightly as they rode out the storm, their eyes wide with terror. They could feel the boat rocking violently beneath them, the wind howling around them like a pack of angry wolves.

Pierce managed to catch a glimpse of the island through the driving rain, the jagged rocks along its shore looming ominously in the darkness. He could only hope that his father's skills would be enough to guide them to safety.

As the storm raged on, time seemed to slow down to a crawl. The boat's bow plunged into the waves, sending water crashing over the deck and into their faces. Hugh gritted his teeth, his hands white-knuckled on the helm, as he fought to keep the boat on course.

Kathy watched her husband with a mixture of awe and fear, her heart swelling with pride at his determination to keep them all safe. She knew that their lives were in his hands, and she trusted him implicitly.

Suddenly, the yacht's hull smashed against the shallow rocks beneath the surface and the boat lurched violently. The impact sent all four of them flying, and Hugh cried out in pain as he hit his head on the mast, leaving him dazed and groggy.

August began to scream, her terror-stricken voice piercing the air. Pierce wrestled with the controls, trying to keep the boat from crashing further onto the rocks, but it was no use. The yacht slid onto the jagged rocks, scraping and shuddering as it came to a violent halt. The storm howled all around them, and the wind whipped at the sails, tearing them to pieces.

Kathy clutched at the safety rails, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the waves crash against the rocks, threatening to capsize the boat at any moment.

"We have to get off the boat!" Pierce yelled, as he realized the extent of the damage.

Hugh, still dazed from the impact, managed to regain his composure and yelled, "Grab the life vests! We're sinking!"

With no time to waste, they quickly grabbed onto any available flotation devices and jumped into the churning sea. The waves tossed them around like ragdolls, but they held on tight to each other and fought their way towards the island.

As they struggled towards the shore, the storm raged on, lightning bolts illuminating the dark sky. The wind howled, whipping at their faces and tearing at their hair. But they didn't give up, driven by the hope of survival and the love for one another.

Minutes later they reached the shore, safely clutching onto each other as they looked back, watching their beloved yacht slowly sink into the ocean, the lights flickering and then going out entirely. It was gone, taken by the treacherous waters, making a sudden wave of grief and loss washed over them.

Kathy and Hugh embraced each other tightly, their children wrapped in their arms, the storm continuing to rage around them. They huddled together, trying to find warmth in the cold wind and rain.

"We should head into the trees," Pierce suggested. "We're getting pelted out here."

The thick foliage of the tropical forest called out to them, offering refuge from the torrential rain and wind. As they made their way deeper into the forest, they could already feel their bodies warming up from the relentless storm outside.

The vegetation was alive with the sound of wildlife, birds chirping and monkeys chattering in the trees overhead. Pierce cautiously led the way, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential dangers. Kathy held August's hand tightly, her heart pounding with fear and relief.

As they ventured deeper, Hugh spotted a small clearing, where a stream meandered through the foliage. "This way," he stated, changing their coarse.

They made their way towards the stream, and discovered a small natural cave, offering shelter from the storm. The family huddled together in the cave, the sound of the storm outside seeming to fade away as they sat in silence, wrapped in each other's arms.

"Do you think there's anyone else on this island?" Kathy asked her husband.

"Honestly, I don't know. We should wait for daylight, then we'll have a better look around."

As the storm raged on throughout the night, the family found themselves growing weary. They took turns sitting awake, while the others tried to catch some rest. But as the first rays of sunlight pierced through the dense foliage, they knew it was time to explore what could turn out what could be their new permanent home.

Hugh, with all his experience and knowledge, took the lead as they ventured out into the unknown. The island was lush and green, with tall trees and thick vines entwined around them. They found fruit and berries, enough to sustain them until they could find help.

"We should probably build a shelter," Pierce suggested. He had watched enough of the Survivor TV show to know that was the first priority.

"Yeah, a wise idea," added his father. "For now we just have to assume that we're the only ones on this island, until we have a chance to explore it further."

"Do you think any of our things survived the wreck?" Kathy asked.

Her husband offered a plan. "Why don't you and Pierce go down to the beach and search for anything that may have washed ashore. August and I will start gathering branches to build a shelter."

Kathy and Pierce made their way down to the beach, where they found some remnants of their belongings, including a few of their clothes, towels, and some of their emergency supplies.

"Well, at least it's something," the mother said, trying to stay positive. "How are you doing, honey? You were so brave last night."

She stepped up and hugged him, mashing her oversized tits against his bare chest.The boy marveled at how warm and spongy they felt crushed against him. "I'm fine, just glad we survived that. Are you doing alright?"

As she held her strong boy, the mother's insides tingled and she felt her clitoris throb beneath its fleshy hood. It was followed by twinge of guilt for experiencing such sensations in the midst of such a dire situation. "I'm fine. Everyone's safe and that's what matters most."

"True," Pierce agreed, enjoying how his mother continued to hold him against her bosom. He was aware that it was not an appropriate time or setting to have an erection, but his body had different ideas.

"Sorry," he uttered as the thick meat of his cock pushed against her belly.

Kathy giggled. "It's alright, darling. We're all dealing with the stress of the situation in our own way." She looked down at his growing

erection, the fat tip threatening to tear right through the fabric as it pointed up at her.

The boy blushed, feeling embarrassed about his arousal. "I understand, but I probably shouldn't, um..." he trailed off awkwardly.

"Hey, if escaping from a sinking boat, braving a treacherous storm, and surviving on a tropical island doesn't get you a hardon, I don't know what will," his mother joked, making them both laugh.

August and Hugh were busy gathering materials for the shelter, working together to find the best branches and securing them into place. As they worked, they began to feel a sense of hope and determination. In order to survive on an island that may not have human inhabitants, they understood the importance of working together.

When they all regrouped ,Kathy and Pierce began gathering armfuls of branches, joining August and Hugh in the task of building their shelter. They all pitched in, with Pierce using his father's survival skills to secure the branches in place.

As they worked, they found themselves discussing their plan of action: searching for food, gathering more supplies, and exploring the island to see if there were any other inhabitants. They also worked together to ration the supplies they had managed to find on the beach.

Kathy let out a slight laugh, trying to lighten the mood as she stated, "After all this effort, it would be pretty frustrating if we discover there's a luxurious island resort just a short walk away."

"That would be something, wouldn't it?" Pierce agreed, trying to smile through his exhaustion. He noticed how one of his mom's huge tits was threatening to slip out of her bikini top. It was in such a

precarious spot that he could clearly see part of the fringe of her areola peeking from the hem.

Kathy noticed her son staring at her boob, then recognized how it was preparing to fall out. She quickly adjusted it back into place, making her huge melon quiver as she tugged the bikini cup up over its supple meat. "Are you alright, honey?" she asked with a knowing grin.

"Yeah, fine," the boy answered, his face red with embarrassment.

Hugh took a breather, leaning against the trunk of a sturdy tree. "We need to be prepared for anything. We'll search the island for any signs of life or resources, and keep our shelter stocked with what we have. But we also need to work together, and keep positive."

As they worked, the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow on their makeshift shelter. The storm clouds had cleared, leaving behind a brilliant starlit sky. They huddled together, listening to the sounds of the island at night, the waves crashing against the shore and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures.

Although they were exhausted and hungry, the family felt a sense of unity and determination. With each other's support, they knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead on their new island home.

Sleeping under the shelter was awkward. Fortunately, they had salvaged some cushions from the yacht that had floated ashore, providing some comfort. The family huddled under the two blankets they had to stay warm with mom and August laying in the middle between the men. Pierce certainly didn't mind being the one next to his mother. They were snuggling in a way his dad and sister never would.

"Goodnight, honey," his mom whispered as they embraced for warmth, her mommy-mammaries smothering his young chest with fatty fluff.

"Goodnight, mom," he replied with a sigh. Pierce couldn't help but feel his heart race as he lay next to his mother this way under the thin blanket. He was aware of how close their bodies were, the warmth of her soft skin radiating against his.

Kathy felt her son's heartbeat thudding against her body, the rhythmic pounding matching the beat of her own. She couldn't deny the feeling that was growing inside her, the arousal that seemed to be seeping into her very bones. She could feel her fat nipples hardening against his chest, as if they were trying to reach out to him.

Kathy could feel the solid heat of her son's erection pressing against her thigh, which was draped across his midsection. His dick throbbed and pulsed through his shorts with each beat of his heart. Kathy's respiration rate increased from the feel of the muscle and sinew bulging from his long, vein-encrusted slab.

The air between them was filled with the heady scent of arousal, the musky and slightly sweet smell of mature pussy and teenage cock that only added to the tension in the small space.

As they lay there, Kathy couldn't help but think about the strange circumstances that had brought them together in this desperate situation. The adrenaline and stress of their ordeal had taken its toll on her body, making her desire for her son more intense than she ever would have thought possible.

Pierce, on the other hand, could feel the stirrings of his own desire as well. The closeness of his mother's body, the warmth of her skin against his, and the feel of her huge, fleshy mounds pressed against his chest had ignited a fire within him.

Kathy knew she had to do something to calm the desire that was building between them. She gently nudged her son, trying create some space between them. "You should face the other way now, honey," she whispered.

Pierce slowly rolled over, his eyes still half-open in the dim light. He couldn't help but notice how his mom's giant tits looked even bigger with her laying on her side. One enormous tit-melon was stacked on top of the other, the moonlight casting a warm glow on her mile-long cleavage.

"Sorry," he mumbled, feeling awkward and embarrassed at his own arousal.

"It's alright," Kathy reassured him, trying to keep her voice to a whisper. "We're both just trying to find some comfort in this situation."

As Pierce lay there, facing away from his mom, he couldn't get the image of her massive tits out of his head. His erection throbbed and leaked its bubbling precum against the fabric of his shorts, as his mind raced with thoughts of what it would feel like to squeeze and suck on them. He dwelled on how wonderful they would look leaping and rippling up and down her chest if he were fucking her. It was then it occurred to him that he'd gone a full day without masturbating.

"No wonder I'm so freaking horny," he told himself, squeezing his prick though his shorts.

"I just need to pee," the boy stated, slipping off the cushion. "I'll be right back."

Kathy sat up, watching her son disappear into the darkness, knowing that after a day of hard work his prick must be aching for release.

The boy didn't go far before he fished his erection from his fly hole and began beating off.

Closing his eyes, he envisioned the sight of his mom's juggernauts bouncing and swaying as he fucked her from behind. He thought all about stuffing her tight pussy with his "make-your-mommy-feel-good" cock, the way he had watched other men do in the adult films he had seen on the internet.

"Pierce?" his mom whispered, startling the boy as she snuck up behind him in the darkness.

"Uh, yeah, mom? I was just—"

"I know what you're doing, silly," she whispered, placing her hands on his shoulder reassuringly. "I just didn't want you wandering out here by yourself."

"I'll be ok. I'll just, um...finish real quick."

"Go ahead and finish," his mom whispered in his ear, her soft breasts pressed against his back. "I'll stay right here to make sure no ferocious animals sneak up on you," she chuckled.

"Oh, um...all right," Pierce replied, shocked that his mom would stand right there with him while he masturbated in the darkness.

As Pierce's hand began to move furiously over his erect cock. The sound of his mom's soft breathing became more pronounced, almost like a comforting hum in Pierce's ear. The lewd, creamy rhythm of his own hand moving faster over his boner mixed with her breathing, creating a symphony of desire in the darkness.

"You've been under so much pressure and stress the past two days, just let your body become consumed in pleasure," Kathy whispered tenderly in his ear.

Pierce couldn't believe his mom was here with him, but he welcomed her presence and let out a long, deep sigh.

Kathy's breaths continued to fall in sync with the movements of his hand, and he found himself on the verge of getting lost in a world of pleasure.

"Just let it all go, sweetheart," Kathy continued, her voice like velvet. "Let the ache inside you be released, and feel the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders."

Pierce couldn't help but feel a surge of relief as he imagined his mom's love emanating from her breath. He let out a small moan as he picked up his pace, his hand moving furiously up and down his jutting member.

Kathy felt a warmth grow in her center as she sensed her son releasing the tension that had built up inside him. She knew she needed to do the same, especially being such a hypersexual female, but the thought of her own needs was temporarily pushed aside, as they were both drowning in desperation and desire.

Pierce felt the familiar sensation of his balls tightening, knowing that his release was nearly upon him. At the same time, he could feel the heat from his mother's body behind him, and it made him even more aroused.

"Mom," he whispered, "I'm almost there."

"I know, darling," his mom replied, her breaths growing heavier, as if matching his pace. "Let go."

With her encouragement, Pierce began to move his hand faster and faster along his cock-shaft, and as he neared the edge, he could feel the tingling sensation spread throughout his teenage body.

Just then, Kathy wrapped her arms around her son, pulling him closer to her. "Let it out, honey," she whispered into his ear, her nipple rubbing stiffly against his back, while her pussy juices dampened the crotch of her bikini bottoms. She envisioned her boy's tumescent penile shaft, curving slightly upward from his crotch, aching to hammer through the tube of tight, succulent pussy like her own.

Pierce felt his mom's support and the musky scent of her arousal enveloping him. It was the perfect moment to release himself and allow his inhibitions to dissolve. In an instant, Pierce felt like he had never been this close to his mother before, and the thought of their intense connection sent a jolt of adrenaline through his body.

The climax hit him like a tidal wave, and he groaned loudly, his body spasming uncontrollably. Kathy felt the tension release from her son's body as his semen shot forth powerfully from his erection. She could hear it splattering against the leaves and the ground below, reflecting the intensity of the moment.

Pierce's heart was pounding, and his breathing grew ragged. He could feel the warmth and satisfaction of his orgasm gradually fade, and his release was accompanied by a sense of relief and contentment. As he began to regain his composure, he was surprised to feel the warmth of his mother's lush embrace still surrounding him.

"Thank you, mom," he whispered, feeling both embarrassed and grateful. "That was... really intense."

"Don't worry, honey," Kathy whispered back. "In times like these, we all need to find comfort and pleasure where we can. And you've just done that beautifully. Now turn around give me a hug."

Pierce slowly turned around, his eyes locking onto his mother's. He could see the warmth in her eyes and the happiness that was reflected there. He moved closer to her the tip of his boner dragging

against her tummy, smearing the remnants of his seed against her flesh. Pierce wrapped his arms around her, feeling Kathy's body heat and her heavy breasts press against his chest.

"I'm sorry, mom," he whispered, his voice shaking with emotion. "I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable."

"Don't be ridiculous, sweetheart," Kathy replied, holding him close. "You didn't make me uncomfortable. I'm the one who followed you out here, remember?"

"I was just feeling really horny, I guess," Pierce admitted, his voice barely audible.

"Hon," Kathy said, looking into his eyes. "It's perfectly normal for a boy your age to be like this. And you know what they say: an orgasm is the best medicine!"

Pierce smiled weakly, feeling both embarrassed and relieved. "I guess you're right, mom."

Kathy smiled back, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "I don't blame you, sweetheart. I've had my own share of tension today. Maybe next time we'll both find some comfort together?"

Pierce's face flushed red, but he couldn't help but feel his heart racing with excitement at the thought. "Next time?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Next time," Kathy said softly, her eyes gleaming with desire. "Now, let's go back to the shelter and get some sleep."

Pierce nodded, still feeling flushed with excitement, as he allowed his mom to lead him back to the shelter. As they walked, he couldn't help but feel a newfound connection with his mother, and a sense of excitement that they had just shared something deeply intimate and taboo. He knew that their secret would be just that – a secret, and

that it would only bring them closer together in ways he could never have imagined.

The Hottest Girl on Island X

By Klrxo

Chapter 2: Searching Island X

As the sun rose over the horizon and painted the sky in shades of pink and orange, the Gregory family began to piece together a better understanding of their dire situation. Their biggest hope was that they were not alone on this dauntingly large island, someone else must surely be living amongst the lush greenery and pristine beaches. Someone who could provide them with guidance and assistance in this strange and foreign place.

"Here's what I think we should do," said Hugh, knowing it was up to him to take charge of the situation. "We'll split up and explore the island, covering as much ground as we can and meet back here in a few hours and share what we've found. Do you think that's a good plan, Kathy?" Hugh asked his wife.

Kathy nodded. "It's worth a try. We can't just sit here and wait for something to happen."

"August, you'll come with me, and Pierce you'll be with your mother," Hugh directed. "We all need to be careful. We have no idea what kind of dangers we might encounter on this island."

As the morning sun began to warm their skin, the family set out in different directions. August and Hugh explored the dense jungle, searching for a sign of civilization. Meanwhile, Kathy and Pierce made their way along the beach, hoping to find someone, perhaps even boat to flag down.

Pierce found himself struggling to keep up with his mother, who seemed to have an almost supernatural energy that buoyed her steps. Despite his fatigue, he couldn't help but be struck by her beauty – the way her dark hair flowed in the breeze, the way her hips swayed with each step. Her luscious ass was more than half exposed in the bikini she was wearing and her exposed ass cheeks were hard to ignore as they undulated deliciously with every step she made.

Pierce watched as his mom effortlessly climbed over rocks, picked fruits from trees, and gracefully stepped over fallen branches. It was as if she were some kind of ethereal being, completely at home in this wild, untamed landscape.

Pierce couldn't help but comment, "Did you grow up in the jungle or something, mom? You seem so comfortable and at ease here."

Kathy smiled at her son. "I was a wild child," she replied coyly, "always exploring and discovering new things in nature. This place reminds me of my younger days."

In the aftermath of last night's events, Pierce could feel a palpable tension in the air between them. It crackled and hummed with raw, unbridled sexual energy, causing his body to tingle with arousal. His eyes were drawn to Kathy's enormous tits, straining against the tight fabric of her bikini top, as they bobbed and swayed with each movement. He couldn't help but feel his desire for her growing stronger each day.

Pierce smirked as they strolled down the beach, the waves gently lapping at their bare feet. "When you said you were a 'wild child,' I thought maybe you meant you slept around when you were my age," he teased, his eyes sparkling mischievously in the warm sunlight.

Kathy laughed heartily at her son's comment, but there was also a hint of seriousness in her expression. "Well, maybe I did sleep around a little bit. You know how it is when you're young and curious."

"Yeah, I know how it is alright," he replied. "I think my curiosity may get me in trouble if I'm not careful."

His mom's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she tilted her head, flashing him a smile that displayed her intrigue. "Why's that?" she asked.

"I tend to be attracted to people that I'm not suppose to be," he replied.

Kathy's eyes widened in surprise, but her smile didn't falter. "I see." She paused for a moment, taking in his words. "Well, honey, we all have our desires, and sometimes they take us down paths we never thought we'd tread."

"Yeah, that true," Pierce said, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "But it's not always that easy to navigate those paths."

"It's definitely not," Kathy agreed. "But sometimes, taking a chance can lead to something wonderful."

Kathy carefully plucked ripe, juicy berries from the prickly bushes that grew along the border of the jungle and the sandy shore. The vibrant reds and purples stood out against the lush green foliage, tempting her with their promise of sustenance. She knew every bite they could find in this harsh wilderness would be crucial for their survival until they could find help.

"We've been walking for ages. Let's find some shade and rest for a bit," Kathy gasped between breaths, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

As they found a shady spot beneath a large palm tree, Kathy collapsed onto the soft sand, her heavy chest heaving with her ragged breaths. Pierce couldn't help but stare at her, taking in her beautiful bikini-clad body, the sweat glistening on her skin, and the way her hair fell in dark, tousled curls around her face.

"I wonder how your dad and sister are coming along?" Kathy expressed as her body cooled off in the shade.

Pierce plopped down beside her. "They're probably enjoying that luxurious island resort you were joking about last night," he replied.

"One can only hope. Speaking of last night," Kathy began, her voice low and sultry. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for infringing on your private time. I hope it wasn't too awkward having your mom there with you while you found some relief."

"It was awkward, but awkward in a good way," he blushed.

Kathy's eyes twinkled with amusement as she asked, "Why's that?" A sly smirk played on her lips, betraying the fa?ade of innocence. "Could it be because I'm on that list of people you're attracted to and shouldn't be?" Her words carried a hint of teasing and challenge, daring the her son to reveal his thoughts.

"I'll be honest, mom, you're probably at the top of that list," he confessed.

"Probably?" Kathy teased, raising an eyebrow.

His voice quivered as he nervously avoided meeting her gaze. "No, not probably," he replied, his heart racing. "You are undeniably at the very top of that list."

Kathy laughed, taken aback by Pierce's confession; she had already suspected his attraction to her. She could feel their connection had changed, becoming more sensual and intimate.

"Don't be embarrassed, honey. I find it endearing that you have a bit of a mom-crush on me."

"You do?" Pierce asked, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Kathy nodded, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Of course. I mean, I'm not complaining, it's rather flattering. After all, you're a handsome young man and I'm sure lots of women wouldn't mind you doting over them."

"Thanks," he blushed, his heart racing to think his mom thought of him that way.

After a short silence, Kathy spoke again while laying back on the sand right next to her son. "So, honey, tell me...what part of me are you attracted to the most?"

It was a tough question for Pierce to answer since he was attracted to every part of his mother's beautiful body. But he knew the one thing that stood out at the moment was her gorgeous legs. "I love your legs," he confessed, staring intently at the smooth, tanned expanse of her calves and thighs.

"These legs?" Kathy playfully asked, extending her naked legs upwards towards the sky, arching them with a grace that seemed almost regal. From Pierce's vantage point, they appeared to stretch on forever, smooth and toned with an underlying feminine power. The curves of her calves and thighs were accentuated by the golden glow of the sun, making them appear even more alluring. Her bare feet, caked with a sprinkle of sand,

added to the carefree beauty of the moment as she pointed her toes towards the sky in a playful display.

"Yes," Pierce answered, his eyes widened at the sight, his breath catching in his throat. "I get tingles every time I look at them."

"Tingles, huh? Do you really like them that much?" Kathy asked playfully, her eyes twinkling with amusement and maybe a hint of something more.

"They're incredible," Pierce managed to say, his voice hoarse. "They don't just look sexy, but strong too."

"I suppose all those years of dedicated Zumba practice have finally paid off, huh?" Kathy asked with a playful smirk, her toned legs gracefully scissoring open, like a graceful dancer doing a split, to display her impressive flexibility. The smooth glide of her movements drew a soft gasp from Pierce, who couldn't help but be entranced by the sight above him. He had only ever imagined her luscious legs spread apart in his most intimate and wild fantasies, but seeing them in person was a whole new level of arousal.

"They're amazing," he whispered, doing nothing to hide his fascination for them. "Just like other parts of you."

Kathy laughed, lowering her legs and quickly turned towards him on the sand. "Such as?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Pierce turned his head to the side, his gaze drawn immediately to her heavy mountainous breasts. As Kathy laid on her side, their fullness was accentuated as they stacked one on top of the other, creating a seemingly never-ending cleavage that threatened to spill out of her skimpy bikini top at any moment. The soft curves and contours of her bosom were impossible for Pierce to tear his eyes away from, and he found himself mesmerized by their enormity.

"Your legs are awesome, but I think your boobs are my favorite things about you," he confessed, his eyes still fixated on them.

"I admire your honesty, honey," Kathy grinned, seeming flattered, "but you really didn't tell me anything I didn't know about you already."

"Really?" Pierce asked, his interest piqued.

"Yes, really. You were fascinated with them when you nursed as a baby and you're just as fascinated with them 18 years later," she teased, ruffling his hair with her hand.

"What I'd give to be a baby again," the teen admitted, drawing laughter from his mother.

Kathy quickly became somber again. "Well, if I could go back in time, it wouldn't be to breastfeed you," she stated. "It would be to tell your father to turn the damn boat around so we wouldn't be in the predicament we're in."

She slowly rose to her feet, feeling the gritty sand sticking to her buttocks. With a playful shake, she brushed off the grains from her rounded cheeks, causing them to jiggle slightly.

"We should continue our search of the beach," she said with determination, glancing around at the vast expanse of land and sea surrounding them.

Pierce's voice was low and tinged with excitement as he spoke, his eyes locking onto Kathy's. "Before we go any further, could I ask a favor of you, mom?"

Kathy arched an eyebrow inquisitively, her curiosity instantly piqued. "Sure, what do you want me to do?"

"I once stumbled upon this video of a girl with voluptuous breasts jogging on the beach in a tiny bikini... it was mesmerizing. Would you mind reenacting that for me?"

Kathy couldn't contain her laughter. "You really have a thing for my boobs, don't you?" she teased, giving him a knowing look.

Pierce chuckled, unable to deny her words. "Can you blame me? They're just so... perfect." His eyes trailed up her ballooning chest before meeting her gaze once again.

"Alright, you boob-aholic. Let's get this done so we can keep searching the beach." Kathy's voice was playful, but determined as she spoke to Pierce.

"Stay right there for a second," Pierce said, his eyes fixed on Kathy's figure as he ran down the sand a short distance. He positioned himself to get a better view of her as she started to jog, her toned legs carrying her effortlessly across the soft sand. Her gigantic breasts bounced in perfect rhythm with her strides, their weight causing her swimsuit top to strain against its ties. Pierce watched in awe as they swayed and rippled, mesmerized by the twin mountains of flesh and their tantalizing movements.

As Kathy continued to jog, her long hair whipped behind her and her sweat-slicked skin glistened in the sunlight. Pierce couldn't tear his gaze away from her, feeling his heart beat faster with each move she took.

"That was amazing!" he exclaimed, trying to prevent the boner from forming in his trunks.

"Thanks," Kathy grinned with pride. "Now put your eyeballs back in your head and let's keep searching."

On the other side of the island, Hugh and his daughter, August, were trying to make their way through the dense foliage, sweat pouring down their faces as they navigated the tangled vines and thick underbrush.

"Dad, I'm starting to think this wasn't such a great idea," August panted, her face flushed with exertion.

"We don't have a choice, honey," Hugh replied. "We have to find out if there's anyone else on this island and unfortunately this is the only way."

They continued to push through the overgrown vegetation, battering their way through the thick foliage and overgrown vines that seemed intent on slowing them down. August stopped suddenly, looking out into the jungle. "Wait, do you hear that?" she asked.



Hugh listened intently, his heart pounding in his chest as he heard it too – faint, muffled, but unmistakable. It was the sound of drumming.

As they pushed further into the dense jungle, the sound of the drums grew louder and more distinct. Hugh and August exchanged an anxious glance, knowing that they were getting closer to whoever was making the music.

The sound seemed to be coming from a small clearing ahead, and as they approached, they found themselves surrounded by a group of female natives, who were dancing around a fierce-looking bonfire, their huge, naked tits bouncing up and down.

In the center of the circle, an older female sat cross-legged on a mat, her eyes closed as she beat a large drum. The natives were wearing colorful loincloths and bracelets made of shells, and their faces were painted with intricate designs in black and red.

Hugh took a step forward, waving his hands in a gesture of peace. "Hello, we're lost and are looking for someone who can help us," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

The steady rhythm of drums and stamping feet suddenly came to a halt, the silence punctuated by the sharp clang of spears being raised in a threatening manner. Hugh and August stood frozen, surrounded by a sea of fierce female warriors, their expressions twisted with anger. "I don't think they understood you, dad," August spoke in a tense tone.

Desperate and fearful, Hugh made a second attempt to communicate with the locals, using his hands to gesture frantically. His words were lost in the crashing waves and the harsh cries of seagulls. "Our boat," he exclaimed, miming the motion of crashing into rocks, "we need help!"

One of the females ran her tongue over her full lips, her gaze fixed on Hugh with a hungry, almost primal desire. "A male!" she exclaimed in a guttural tone, her words a foreign language to Hugh and his daughter. The other females joined in with curious looks, their attention solely focused on Hugh.

The tribe of all women behaved as if it had been a long time since they had encountered a man, possibly due to their own male members being taken by some mysterious illness.

Hugh's heart raced as he realized what was unfolding before him. These women, these feral beauties, were not interested in gathering information about their situation; they were lusting after him, his manhood a sight they could hardly resist.

The woman who had been beating the drum, her fierce energy radiating from every movement, rose to her feet. Her body was adorned with colorful beads and feathers, emphasizing her powerful presence. As she stood, her gigantic tits heaved, drawing attention to their size and weight. Her eyes were fixed on Hugh's body, sizing him up as if he were a piece of meat. "Take him to my tent and tie the female up," she commanded loudly, her voice echoing through the clearing like a lion's roar.

The fierce warriors sprang into action, their movements swift and calculated as they seized hold of Hugh and his daughter. They were like a pack of wild beasts, their muscles rippling under taut skin as they dragged the two captives towards a cluster of primitive huts in the distance. August screamed, her limbs thrashed against their powerful grips, but the native women were relentless and far stronger than she was.

"Please, don't hurt my daughter," Hugh pleaded desperately as he was forced into the largest tent, his mind racing with thoughts of escape.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the rugged terrain, Kathy and Pierce found themselves back at the same cave where they had spent their first night together. But this time, instead of feeling safe and content, they were filled with growing worry for Hugh and August who were still missing.

"Your father said three hours. They should have been back well before now," Kathy stated, her voice trembling with concern.

"Maybe they just got lost and couldn't find their way back," Pierce suggested, trying to remain hopefully. "Or maybe they found help and are just taking a while to get back to us."

"I would say let's go looking, but it's starting to get dark," said Kathy. "I have some matches that we salvaged from the boat. Let's try to get a fire going. Maybe they'll see the smoke and it'll lead them back to us."

"Good idea," Pierce agreed, setting out to collect some wood.

A short time later, as the sky turned to complete darkness, a roaring fire was already ablaze, providing much-needed warmth to their tired bodies.

Kathy's voice was barely a whisper as she spoke, her words laced with worry. "I'm going to try not to be concerned," she said. "Your father is a skilled survivalist. Even if this island is uninhabited, he'll know what to do. If they're not back by tomorrow, we'll venture out and search for them."

"You're right, worrying isn't going to help anyone," Pierce agreed, trying to sound strong for Kathy's sake. "Like you said, we just need to stay here and keep the fire going until morning. That way, if they're nearby, they'll see the light and know we're here."

Pierce and his mother gathered a stack of broken wood and tossed it onto the crackling fire, sending sparks dancing into the crisp evening air. They retreated to their cozy cave, and huddled under the warmth of a large, thick blanket they had salvaged from the remnants of a sunken yacht. The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore echoed through their hidden sanctuary, adding to the comforting atmosphere as they settled in for the night.

"Keep me warm," whispered Kathy, her voice soft and pleading as she scooted closer to Pierce, her body pressing against his in the spooning position beneath the warm blanket. As he wrapped his arms around her, Pierce couldn't help but sigh at the feeling of her round buttocks pressed against his groin, sending a surge of arousal through him. The gentle rise and fall of her breathing against his chest added to the intimate moment, making it feel like they were the only two people in the world.

"This is nice," Kathy whispered, nuzzling next to Pierce. She obviously knew about the fascination he had with her body, so Kathy wasn't at all surprised to feel an erection poking up against her ass.

"What's with the boner, mister?" she teased. "My ass wasn't one of the things you mentioned being attracted to earlier today."

Pierce chuckled lightly, his voice a low murmur beside her. "I didn't say I wasn't attracted to it. I just didn't specifically mention it," he reasoned.

Laughter bubbled from Kathy's lips as she coyly moved her hips against him. She couldn't help but revel in the sensation of his well-toned body pressed against hers. "Oh, you sly dog," she playfully teased, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I suppose I better start getting used to this, huh?" she asked, nudging his cock-tip with her ass-crack. "It doesn't seem like it'll be going away anytime soon."

"Sorry," Pierce blushed. "I'll...um, try not to focus too much on how good you feel."

"Good luck with that," the mother snickered.

Kathy was used to cuddling this way with her husband, but as she lay in Pierce's embrace, she couldn't help but notice the stark difference in Pierce's erection compared to Hugh's. It felt bigger and more rigid, pressing insistently against her ass-crack through the fabric of his shorts. The thought of his throbbing member straining against the material made her pulse race with desire.

Kathy knew it was a terrible time to feel arousal, with her husband and daughter missing and possibly in danger. But she couldn't deny the primal urges that coursed through her body. As a hypersexual woman, she was used to satisfying her needs through either sex or multiple sessions of masturbation each day. Yet, for almost two days now, she had been deprived of both, and she could feel the desperation building inside her like a pressure cooker about to explode.

Kathy spoke softly, her voice barely audible. "Pierce?" she whispered.

"Yeah, mom?"

"Remember last night when I suggested that maybe next time we could find a way to release some of our tension together?" Kathy asked anxiously.

Pierce's heart skipped a beat. "Yeah, I remember," he responded nervously.

"Do you think we could do that now? After this long, exhausting day, I feel like we could both benefit from getting some release."

"Sure," Pierce whispered, his breath warm against her ear. "I'm all for it."

Pierce felt like he needed to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. First, he was getting to snuggle alone with his bombshell of a mother and now she wanted to masturbate along side him. It was a surreal feeling and definitely thrilling.

"You have to promise to keep it between us though. I don't want your dad and sister finding out," Kathy implored.

"I won't say a word to anyone, mom. I promise," Pierce said reassuringly.

For a moment, their minds buzzed until Kathy's voice, soft and hesitant, cut through the silence. "Um...maybe we should undressed and get comfortable," she suggested. Her eyes flickered to Pierce, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue. "I think it would make it easier to...you know, masturbate...if we were naked."

Pierce's heart raced as he tried to process her words. He could hardly believe what she was proposing. "Uh, yeah. Definitely easier," he stammered, his own face turning red. Their eyes met for a brief moment before they both looked away, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

With the dim fire casting a warm glow over them, Kathy and her son stripped off what little clothing they had on beneath the blanket. Their faces glistened in the flickering light as they laid side by side under the soft fabric. The night air was cool, but the heat from the fire kept them warm. The crackling of the flames mingled with their quiet breathing, creating a peaceful symphony in the stillness of the nighttime sky.

Kathy remembered that Pierce was right-handed, while she herself was a lefty. With this in mind, she reached over and tightly clasped their free

hands together, interlocking their fingers. "Are you ready?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Yeah," Pierce answered, his heart racing with nervous excitement.

Kathy's hand slowly trailed down her body, stopping at the soft folds of her shaved pussy. Pierce's hand followed suit, his fingers wrapping around his big throbbing cock. They began to work their genitals in unison, the sound of their breathing and stroking blending with the crackling flames.

Kathy's grip on Pierce's hand grew tighter as their passionate act of self-pleasure began. Their hands moved with frenzied desire, each working their love organs in perfect rhythm beneath the blanket. The smell of sexual arousal filled the air around them, a pheromone-laced scent that seemed to heighten the sensations they were experiencing.

Kathy's voice was a soft whisper, barely audible in the darkness. "Oh God, I really needed this."

"Me too, even though I did it last night."

"Well, you're young. A guy your age should be indulging in self-pleasure at least once a day," Kathy advised, her voice low and full of concern. A minute passed, the crackling of the fire and the soft rustling of the blanket the only sounds in the still night air. Their hands moved rhythmically, each lost in their own fantasies and pleasures. Finally, Kathy broke the silence with a question. "What do you think about?"

"What do I think about?" Pierce repeated, confused by what his mom meant.

"What do you think about when you masturbate?""

Pierce paused, his mind consumed with desire. "Sex," he finally answered.

A thrill of excitement rippled through Kathy's body as she whispered back, her voice quivering with anticipation. "Me too. Are you on top of a girl or is she on top of you?"

Pierce's breath caught in his throat at the thought of his mom touching herself while asking him intimate questions. "She's on top of me," he

admitted, feeling a surge of heat between his legs. He could imagine every detail – the girl's weight pressing down on him, big tits bouncing, her movements driving them both to ecstasy.

Kathy turned her head to the side, a coy smile playing on her lips as she looked over at Pierce. He mirrored her actions, turning his head to meet her gaze. Their eyes locked and they could each see the pleasure reflected in the other's depths.

"Is that your favorite way to fuck?" Kathy breathed, shifting her position slightly and spreading her legs a little wider. She slid her smooth calf over her son's and ran her soft bare foot across his skin, sending shivers of anticipation through his body.

"Uh-huh," Pierce nodded, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Mine too," Kathy confessed, meeting his intense gaze with one of her own. The need to cum was building inside her, desperate and urgent.

Kathy couldn't ignore the heat and need pulsing through her body, but as she lay there pleasuring herself with her son and asking him intimate questions, a twinge of guilt crept in. Her husband and daughter were somewhere out there on the island while she brazenly indulged in this private moment that most would view as improper.

"Do you mind sharing secrets with me, honey?" she asked her son.

"No, not at all," Pierce replied.

"I hope you don't judge me for what we're doing. It's just that both of us have been dealing with so much stress today, I feel like this is something we both need," Kathy explained, feeling the weight of her actions lift off her shoulders.

"I couldn't agree more. I'm already starting to feel more relaxed," replied Pierce, his voice calm and soothing.

After a few minutes, Kathy's seductive voice filled the tiny cave again, laced with desire and temptation. "Would you like to feel my body against yours, honey?" she asked, her words dripping with sexual innuendo.

Pierce's heart raced as he struggled to respond, his body already pulsing with excitement. He could only nod in response.

With a mischievous grin, Kathy wasted no time rolling over pushing her plush body against him. Her bare skin pressed against his, sending waves of pleasure through him. He let out a contented sigh as her giant stiff-nippled tit-melons squished against his chest, their softness a stark contrast to his own chiseled physique.

Kathy's leg draped across his, teasingly close to where he was stroking his pulsating erection. She continued to rub her clit, her own arousal evident in the way her body moved against his.

"Is your fantasy girl still riding you?" Kathy whispered, her lips at his ear. She was so horny for an orgasm it was driving her insane. "Is she still fucking your cock, honey?"

"Yes," he answered, stroking rhythmically on his boner to the sound of his mom's voice.

"Roll her onto her back and fuck her as hard as you can," Kathy squealed, her breathing growing more and more intense, causing her tits to slosh against him. "Make her cum!"

Pierce increased the rhythm of his strokes from the intensity of her words, his body tingling deliciously.

Kathy moaned softly, her voice filled with desire. She could feel her orgasm building inside her, the anticipation of it making her wetter and wetter. Her hand moved faster, her fingers dipping into her slit, coating her fingers with her own juices.

"Do you wanna feel her cum on your cock, honey?" Kathy asked, her voice husky with need. "Is that what you think about when you jerk off?"

Pierce was beyond words now. His entire being was focused on the hand stroking his cock and the feeling of his mother's body pressed against his. He let out a low growl, his entire body tensing.

With a final surge of pleasure, Kathy's orgasm exploded through her, her pussy clenching and unclenching as she cried out in ecstasy. Her body

shook and writhed against Pierce's, her nipples standing turgidly against his chest.

Pierce felt his own orgasm building, the pleasure surging through him until he could take no more. With a final series of strokes he came with a guttural grunt, his cum shooting up across his chest as he bucked his hips against Kathy's body.

The air was thick with the musky scent of their secretions, their genitals still warm and pulsating with the remnants of their intense pleasure. Their chests heaved with heavy breaths, their hearts still racing with the rush of adrenaline and desire. They lay entwined, their bodies basking in the afterglow of their passionate pleasure-session, their hands tightly clasped as they basked in the euphoria of their shared release.

"We'd better put our clothes back on, honey," Kathy whispered with a deep sense of relief in her voice. "If your dad and sister do make it back here tonight they'd get quite the shock if they found us cuddling naked together."

"I suppose you're right," her son replied, feeling exhausted yet satiated. He wished his mom wasn't being so careful not to expose her nude body to him as she put her bikini back on beneath the blanket, but he was certainly grateful that he got to at least feel her naked body against his while they were masturbating together.

On the far side of the island, deep in the heart of the tribal camp, August was unceremoniously thrown into a dark, dank pit. The putrid smell of decay and sweat filled her nostrils as she landed on a bed of straw and dirt. A bamboo lattice barrier was quickly placed over the top, sealing her fate and preventing any chance of escape. As tears streamed down her cheeks, she could hear the raucous laughter and jeers of the vicious female tribe above. For what felt like hours, she had remained tied to a rough wooden post, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty about what horrors awaited her and her father at the hands of these savage women.

The darkness was thick and suffocating, broken only by the voice of a woman as she emerged from the shadows. Her blonde hair was matted and tangled, her clothing dirty and tattered. "Don't worry," she said, her words dripping with bitter sarcasm. "They won't kill you. They'd rather use you to perform menial tasks around the camp, like they do with me."

August's heart sank at the thought of being trapped in this place, forced to serve these savages just to survive. "But your father..." the woman continued, her voice filled with fear. "He may not be so lucky."

August's stomach churned at the mention of his father's possible fate. "What do you mean?" she asked, his voice trembling. "What are they going to do to him?"

"They're a tribe of sex-starved bitches," the woman spat out, her hatred clear in her tone. "Their men must have been wiped out by some disease or something. My husband did his best to pleasure them, which by the way, was NOT fun to watch. But when he began to lose his sexual desire, they killed him in a fit of sexual frustration and rage."

August's blood ran cold as he realized the true horror of this place and what could potentially happen to his father. "How long have you been here?" she asked the blonde prisoner.

"I'm guessing about three month. We were on our honeymoon and our boat got lost in a storm, washed ashore on this stupid fucking island. We were taken captive shortly after," the blonde woman's voice was tinged with sadness, the weight of their situation heavy on her.

August introduced herself and the other prisoner, Tiffany, followed suit. The two stood facing each other, both weary and uncertain of their fate.

"Is it just you and your dad or are there others?" Tiffany asked tentatively, breaking the somber atmosphere.

"My mom and brother," August replied, his tone somewhat more hopeful. "My brother, Pierce will come looking for us. He'll get us out of here, I just know it."

Tiffany's expression darkened as she spoke again. "You better hope they don't capture him too. A young guy with a high libido is as precious as gold around here," she explained grimly. "Let's just hope your old man can get it up and keep it up or he'll meet the same fate my husband did."

The weight of Tiffany's words hung heavy in the air as they both contemplated what horrors may lay ahead for them on this strange island.

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