KLRXO Stories

Chapter 82: Mom’s 5th Wheel Lovin_1

Chapter 82: Mom's 5th Wheel Lovin_1

The Thompson's raced down the country back road, their Dodge Ram Quad-Cab pulling a 30ft. 5th Wheel trailer behind it.

"Mom, Alec's being a dick back here," Claire complained from the backseat of the Dodge.

"Claire, please...watch the language," her Mom Kate scolded.

"What am I doing? I'm just mouthing the words to a song." Alec said defensively.

"This is a long ride kids...I suggest you two suck it up and start getting along back there," their dad Jim said as he drove.

"Honey, why don't we pull over at the next station. I think we could all use some fresh air," Kate said.

"Yeah ok, I probably need to fuel up anyway."

A few miles down the road Bill pulled into a mom and pop service station and they all piled out.

"I hope this place has a bathroom or I'm gonna wet my pants," Claire whined.

Alec wandered out behind the station and down a short path, which led to a river. Like a typical 18 year old, he pulled out his cock and peed into the rushing water. As the last of it trickled from his peter he heard a voice behind him.

"There you are," came his mom's cute soft voice.

He turned to see her carefully stepping down the trail in her pink high-heeled flip-flops. Kate looked like a 39 year old Eliza Dushku. She wore a short denim mini-skirt. Her naked legs were shapely and luscious, with a deep dark tan. A pink tank top completed her upper half and the fabric looked as though it were sculpted around her large breasts.

"What are you doing down here?" She asked almost playfully.

"Peeing," he answered.

"They have a bathroom, silly-head," Kate giggled, stepping up beside him.

"Yeah, but knowing Claire, she'll be in there for a week."

"Sorry, I know it's a pain traveling with your sister. Just...try not to kill her ok?" Kate said jokingly.

"Ok, she just aggravates me sometimes," Alec muttered in frustration.

"Well, big sisters are good at that, but I do know something that might help take your mind off of it," Kate said, turning towards him.

"What's that?" He asked.

"A big hug from Mom," she said, batting her eyelashes, as she gazed at her son with those big brown seductive eyes.

"Okay," he smiled, feeling his heart melt.

Kate stepped forward and curled her delicate arms up around his neck. She was a few inches shorter, but moved in close, squashing her soft tits against his young chest. Alec rested his hands on her lower back and could feel where her body began to flare out into full meaty buttocks.

As they embraced Alec felt as though the breath was being sucked from his lungs. The soft supple flesh of her middle-aged body and her sweet lingering perfume was absolutely intoxicating.

"Was I right?" She whispered into his ear.

"Uh-huh," He muttered, making her giggle.

At the truck Claire climbed back into the rear seat. Her father was in the front waiting.

"Where's your mom and brother?" Jim asked.

"How should I know?" She said.

"Well can you go see what's taking 'em so long?"

"Ugh, fine!" Claire answered in an annoyed tone.

Back at the river Kate leaned back slightly, looking up into her son's eyes.

"So that helped then?" She smiled.

"Yeah, definitely."

"When you were little and you were upset I used to lay you down on your back. I'd crawl over the top of you on my hands and knees and I'd stare down into those cute little brown eyes," she said, raking the long painted nails of one hand through the back of her son's hair.

"Then I'd slowly lower my lips towards you. It was so cute...you'd get sooo excited because you always knew what was coming."

"And what was that?" Alec asked, his heart thumping excitedly.

Standing on her little tip toes, Kate moved her face in close to his, their eyes locked in a stare.

"Kisses...lots and lots of kisses," she said dotingly, giving him a slow sensual peck on his kisser.

"On your lips...and on your cheeks..." she continued, planting a second soft kiss on his right cheek.

"...and on your neck," Kate whispered, then tilted her head and landed another tender wet kiss on her son's neck.

Between kisses their eyes met. Kate's face was masked with a look Alec had been seeing a lot lately. Her eyes were set in a dreamy, stare, her lips curled slightly with a mischievous smile. It was as if she were savoring his reaction to her almost un-motherly-like affection.

She planted yet another kiss on his cheek, closing the wet of her lips against his skin., then repeated with another on his forehead, then one on his neck. Alec's hot mom was showering him with wet, lip-smacking kisses.

"Jesus, get a room you two!" Claire said as she stood at the top of the trail watching them.

Kate and Alec, still embracing, turned their heads towards Claire, like deer caught in someone's headlights.

"If you guys are done making out, dad and I would like to leave," Claire said, stomping away.

"God I hate her," Alec muttered.

Back at the truck Claire climbed in the rear seat and slammed the door. Kate and Alec entered soon after.

"Did you two get lost?" Jim asked.

"No, they were down by the river...kissing," Claire announced.

"We were not kissing...we were hugging," Kate said, flashing her daughter a dirty look.

"Mom, you were kissing his neck," Claire said defiantly.

"Claire...grow up!" Her Mom said with an evil glare.

"Amen," Alec added.

"Fuck you, Momma's boy!" Claire spouted.

"CLAIRE ANN THOMPSON!!!" Kate shouted.

"What?? He is, Mom!! You were kissing on him and he looked like he was getting off on it."

"Alright, that's it...I don't wanna hear another word from you, young lady. Do you understand?!" Kate said sternly.

"Fine!" Claire said in a pout, placing her ear buds in.

The family set off on the road again, each sitting quietly as the miles passed. It wasn't long before Alec got a text message on his phone. It was from his mom.


He glanced up front and noticed his mom's visor was down. She looked backed at him through the mirror and gave him a warm reassuring smile. He smiled back, then typed a response.


Moments later, he saw his mom look down at her phone and then she began typing.


Alec looked towards his mom, but she was turned towards his father.

"Did you say this RV park we're staying at has a swimming pool?" She asked.

"Yup, pool, showers...you name it. It's one of the best in the state," Jim answered.

Alec typed his answer into his phone.


Kate got the text then typed her response.


Alec smiled to himself as he reflected back on the game his mom was talking about. It was a Friday night football game at the High School. The family went, as they often did. On this particular occasion Claire was off with her friends and Jim was down by the field bullshitting with other men his age. This left Alec and Kate sitting near the top of the bleachers alone together.

"Wow, am I glad I brought this blanket. It is chilly tonight," Kate said, unfolding a giant throw-blanket.

"Sure is," Alec said.

"Scootch over here, you can share it with me."

"That's ok mom...I'm good," Alec said.

"What, afraid your friends might see you snuggled under a blanket with your mom?" Kate asked teasingly.

"No...of course not."

"Then quit being a goof and slide over here. I need you to keep me warm," Kate said.

Alec moved over so that he was hip to hip with his beautiful mother. Kate wore a three-quarter length summer skirt and thin cotton top.

They spread the large blanket out and huddled underneath it. Kate started giggling.

"What?" Alec asked.

"We must look like a couple of monks up here, with everything but our heads covered," Kate giggled.

Alec quickly threw the blanket over their heads.

"Now we look like a couple of ghosts," he joked, making his mom laugh.

Kate turned her upper body, brushing her large spongy breasts against her son's arm.

"Well, any girl would love being haunted by a ghost as handsome as you."

"Thanks," he smiled as his mom grazed her nails across his cheek and looked up into his eyes.

Kate kissed his other cheek, then pulled back a little and shared a gaze with him. Looking into his moms dreamy eyes nearly made Alec's heart stop. The fact that they were all alone under the blanket made it all the more exciting.

Their eyes were locked for so long that it was clear to both of them that there was something magical going on. This was more than just the traditional look a mother and son would share. Kate's stare became one of deep curiosity and the ROAR of the crowd snapped them from their revere.

They uncovered their heads to find the home team on the field celebrating a touchdown and crowd going wild. Mother and son joined the cheers.

Back in the truck, Alec was snapped from his thoughts as he got another text from Kate


Again Alec reflected on the football game, him and his mom cuddled under the blanket. In a weird way, it was like their own little unobserved world under there. Their own little cocoon. He remembered her tiny little hand creeping onto the top of his, her fingers interlacing with his fingers.

"God these bleachers are uncomfortable," Kate said, then turned sideways, throwing her strong tan legs over her son's lap.

Her legs were bent at the knees and she slipped out of her high-heeled sandals, placing her cute little bare feet on top of Alec's leg. She snuggled in closer, resting her head against her son's shoulder.

"That's much better," she whispered.

While one hand still gripped his, Kate let her other hand wander under her son's shirt and gently stroke his lean chest with her long, well-manicured nails.

After a few minutes Kate sensed that her son was watching the cheerleaders below. Indeed he was...watching their tits bounce as they threw their legs into the air.

They're pretty aren't they?" She asked.

"Yeah, probably the prettiest girls at our school."

"Which one's your favorite?" Kate asked.

"Umm, uh...I don't know," Alec said awkwardly.

"I bet I do." Kate said.

"Okay, which one then?"

"The big breasted blonde is your favorite...isn't she?" Kate asked, poking her son in the ribs and making him squirm

"She's ok I guess," he answered, feeling his arm sink a little further between his own mom's big bra-busters.

"You know...your mom used to be one of those big breasted cheerleaders down there," she said.

"You used to be on the Bunny squad?"

"Yep, captain of the team. I can't believe it's been almost twenty years," she said.

"Wow, you could do all those moves huh?" Alec asked.

"Still can sweetheart."

"Are you serious?" Alec exclaimed, his eyes lighting up.

"Have you forgotten that I go to yoga class every day?" She answered with a proud smile.

"Yeah, but those are some pretty crazy moves they're doing down there, Mom."

"What...you don't believe me?" Kate asked challengingly.

She lifted the leg closest to him and Alec watched it slowly creep out from under the blanket. Inches from his face, her silky tan leg extended high into the air. In awe, Alec's eyes traveled up the back of her thigh and up her strong, smooth-shaven calf to her sexy bare foot, which was flexed and arched, pointing up at the sky.

Her leg lowered and slid down his back. Kate rested her foot against the bleacher so that Alec was now sitting between her legs.

"See," she grinned smugly.

"Wow!" He muttered, making his mom giggle at his reaction.

In the truck, a text snapped Alex from his thoughts. It was from his Mom again.


Alec got a big grin and glanced up front again. Within seconds his Mom gazed back at him. She had a cute mischievous little smile and cocked an eye-brow, as if waiting for an answer.


A minute later came the response.


Alec typed his answer.


Kate smiled and texted back.


Alec recalled his mom sitting that way, with him between her legs, for quite some time. Whenever the home team made a great play she seemed to squeeze him tightly between her silky legs.

At one point he remembered peaking under the blanket. His mom's skirt was bunched up around her waist and sure enough, her smooth naked mommy-legs were locked around his waist.

Alec typed, remembering it was his turn.



Alec thought for a second, wondering what he should ask her to do. Cramped in a truck with his dad and sister didn't leave him many options. He liked that they were acting flirty with each other, but didn't know how far he should take it.


Alec watched as his mom got his message and smiled to herself. It wasn't long before she peeked up at him through the mirror. For what had to be ten cock-throbbing seconds she stared hard into his eyes...ten seconds of pure magic. As she continued her gaze, Kate puckered her pouty pink lips and softly blew a sensual kiss at her son through the mirror.

Alec's heart raced. His cock was already brick hard and he felt it flex, straining against the fabric of his boxers.






Alec got a big embarrassed smile. He remembered the next day after the football game, his mom tapping on his bedroom door and inviting him to yoga class with her. He said he'd go...just to watch.

At the class, Alec sat in the corner, watching the six grown women, but mostly his mother, going through her routine.

Kate wore nothing but white nylon micro-fiber boy-shorts and matching halter-top, which looked as though they were spray painted on. The middle-aged mom of two had a voluptuous hourglass figure...big jutting breasts, a narrow waist flaring out into wide birthing hips and long shapely legs which seemed to go on forever.

Alec watched in awe as she went through various stretches with the group. A few positions in particular literally took his breath away.

One position was called the straddle-split, where Kate split her legs completely apart against the floor so that they were pointing in opposite directions. Seeing his mom's strong tan legs spread out like this and her tiny bare feet flexed and arched made Alec's cock turn to steel almost instantly.

As she held this position Kate swung her arms up gracefully, then back down. Again she swung them up, like a beautiful ballerina. Her chest was thrust out, her huge tits jutting out almost obscenely.

Alec adjusted himself as Kate peeked over her shoulder, glanced at his bulging crotch, then gave him a cute little wink.

Snapped from the recent memory, he answered her question.






Alec watched as his mom read his text and seemed to giggle to herself. She texted him back.


Kate heard her son SIGH excitedly from the back seat as he got her text. This made her giggle, like a teasing schoolgirl.

"What's wrong?" her husband asked.

"Nothing," Kate smiled. "How are you doing?"

"Good, just enjoying the open road. Pretty country out here?" Jim said, gazing out the window.

Kate took a second to admire the scenery as it passed them by. Up to this point her mind seemed more preoccupied on the handsome boy in the back seat.

"It's beautiful," she said.

It didn't take her mind long to drift back to her and her son's naughty little game.



He watched his mom as she appeared to be thinking of something good to dare him to do. Then, she began to type.


Alec looked over to find Claire slouched against the door. Her eyes were shut and her headphones blaring. He texted back.



Alec couldn't believe what he was reading. Was she serious?? He felt a nervous twinge in his stomach as he looked towards his dad.

"Hey dad," he said.

"Yeah, what's up son?"

"I'm hearing a strange noise. It sounds like it's coming from the back of the RV," Alec said, trying to sound convincing.

"What sorta noise?" Jim asked.

"I don't know...it's strange. You should probably check it out though."

"You're right, might be the chain dragging," Jim said, pulling off to the side of the road.

The vehicle stopped and the second his dad stepped out Kate unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed onto her knees on the front seat. Alec just sort of sat there a moment, as if in disbelief that this was actually happening.

His mom smiled and waved him forward, then glanced to make sure her daughter was still in a slumber.

Alec leaned forward and Kate quickly placed her hands on his shoulders, giving him a sensual kiss on the lips. Just as she had at the river, the gorgeous mother planted a series of wet smacking kisses on her son's cheeks, then on his neck. She felt him shiver as she let her tongue peek from her mouth and do a rapid little flutter against the flesh of his neck.

She brought her face back up and they gazed deep into each others eyes. He was excited...she could tell...and what boy wouldn't be. A young man, barely 18, being showered with flirty affection by his curvaceous middle-age mother.

Kate could see her husband coming back. As Jim walked along the side of the truck, she gave her son another wet peck on the lips, then another...then another.

Alec started leaning back as he sensed his dad nearing, but his mom seemed to be following him, leaning over her seat, planting those wet kisses, like she never wanted to stop. It was only the tint of the windows at this point that was keeping them from getting caught.

The door opened.

"I didn't see anything," Jim said.

Kate quickly sat like she was before he left. She heard her son SIGH excitedly from the back.

Jim sat down and the slam of his door woke Claire.

"What's going on?" She asked groggily.

"Your brother thought he heard a noise," Kate answered.

"I'll keep my window down for a few miles...see if I can tell what it is," Jim said.

Kate glanced back at her son in the mirror, the excited rush still showing on their faces as they shared a secret smile.

After a few miles, it was playtime again. Alec got a text from his mom.




It was pretty obvious at this point that he and his mom had crossed a line and he was anxious to see how far she'd let it go. He decided to press his luck.


Kate got the text and burst out laughing.

"What?" Her husband asked.

"Oh nothing, one of my girlfriends sent me a joke. I'll show you later."

For a few minutes Alec was nervous...worried that he'd crossed the line and that his mom was going to put an end to their fun. Finally he got a text.



Kate gazed out the window a moment as if formulating a plan in her mind. Finally, she gave her husband a worried look.

"Honey, I'm really worried about this noise. What if it's something serious?" She said.

"I kept my window down for awhile, but I didn't hear anything," he answered.

"I know, but it would probably make us both feel a lot better if you pulled over at the next station and checked it out again...just to be safe."

"Alright," he said.

Alec knew his mom was up to something, but wasn't sure what it was. It seemed like forever before they pulled into the next back-road service station.

"I'm gonna go back to the RV and grab some sandwiches out of the ice chest. Claire, honey, what do you want?" Kate asked.

"Tuna fish...and a Diet Pepsi," Claire answered.

"Honey, what about you?" Kate asked her husband.

"Bud lite and a steak...well done," he smiled.

"Cute," Kate giggled.

"I'll pass for now...not really hungry," he said.

"Alec, sweetie, wanna help me?" Kate asked, slipping out of the truck before he even had a chance to answer.

Alec got out and followed his mom along the RV as Jim began doing another inspection of the trailer's exterior. Jim's 30ft. 5th Wheel was his pride and joy, outfitted with all the bells and whistles.

Kate stepped inside the camper and Alec followed.

"Lock the door," she said softly.

Alec closed and locked the door to the trailer, then Kate took her sons hand and led him to the back bedroom, which had a large queen-size bed. She closed the door, then turned and coiled her arms around his neck.

As she had twice that day, the gorgeous mom began planting wet kisses on her son's lips, cheeks and neck. Several times Alec felt her tongue slide, twist and flutter against his skin.

"Does that feel good?" She whispered seductively.

"Yeah," he sighed.

"Wanna make out with me for a few minutes?" She asked, gazing up into his eyes.

"Um...sure," he said awkwardly.

Kate embraced him, crushing her squishy tits against his chest. She tilted her head as her lips moved towards his and all at once they were making out like a horny young couple.

"Mmmmm." Kate moaned as she twisted her tongue through her son's mouth.

Alec was amazed at how strong and fast his mom's tongue was. It seemed to be doing circles around his own, twirling and fluttering.

"Nice rig you got there," They heard a man say as he spoke to Jim, just outside the window.

"Thanks, we call her Katherine's Getaway. Named it after my wife Kate," Jim said.

"Nice. I wouldn't name a pile of shit after my ex-wife. Came home from work one day to find her fucking the shit out of the neighbor boy. Eighteen years old...can you believe that shit?" The man said to Jim.

"Sorry to hear that," Jim said.

"Ahhh, women like 'em young now days I guess. You'd be surprised how many women our age are chasing these young boys," the man said.

Kate smiled to herself as she listened to the conversation while making out with Alec. Their lips were plastered together and their tongues wrestled with desperate hunger.

"Seems kinda silly, doesn't it?" They heard Jim ask.

"Well to me and you maybe, but these women...there seems to be something about these young boys they like," the stranger answered.

"Maybe it's the laziness," Jim said, making them both laugh.

"Well I hear lots of things...rumors of a new generation of boys with dicks that are bigger and harder and their ability to out-fuck us older guys. All bullshit if you ask me," the man said.

"Well, I guess I'm lucky to have a good wife then. A wholesome, good old-fashioned American girl," Jim said.

Jim's comment made Kate giggle and gently pushed her son into a sitting position on the bed. Without hesitation she lifted her pink tank top up over her head, peeling it off and tossing it aside.

She was wearing a thin pale-pink bra with a delicate floral design. Her tits were packed so tight that they were literally oozing over the hems of the gigantic cups. Giving her son a sweet quirky little smile, she reached back and unclasped it.

For the longest time Alec had only known about the types of tits that were in Playboy...semi large, firm...sometimes fake. Then his friends showed him a Juggs Magazine and it shed a whole new light on the world of large breasts.

As Kate pulled the cups of her bra away, her son was greeted with the kind of tits that fuel boys dreams. Straight out of Juggs Magazine...huge sloping, bobbling tits, capped with thick areola and large protruding nipples.

"See, whatever it is...us mom can always pull it off," she said with a proud smile.

"Literally," Alec sighed, making them both giggle. "Wow...they're beautiful mom."

Kate leaned down and placed her hands on her sons knees. She brought her face to his, gave him a peck on the lips and looked into his eyes.

"Lay back," she whispered.

Alec laid back on the bed and Kate crawled above him, her big mammaries hanging down, nearly touching him as they gently swayed back and forth. She gazed at him with a smile.

"There's my baby boy, just like when you were little." She said.

She crawled up a little further so that her pendulous tits hung directly above his ogling eyes. She rocked her chest, making her drooping tit-flesh swing in unison back and forth.

"Holy shit!" Alec muttered.

Kate slowly lowered her lips. Alec's breath quivered and his mom giggled.

"Someone's excited," she said with a smile, showing her gleaming white teeth.

As she started planting kisses, her spongy breasts began to flatten out like soft dough against his teenaged chest.

Kate paused a moment as she saw her husband's shadow move into the window.

"Thank goodness for curtains...not sure we could explain our way out of this one," she said with a giggle.

"Probably not," Alec added.

"Now...where was I?" Kate said, lowering her mouth to his.

They kissed, soft and sensual, then gradually it became heavier as their tongues twisted together wildly.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the trailer door. Kate didn't budge, just kept making out with her son.

"We better get up," Alec said between kisses.

"He can wait...we're busy," she said, then kissed him again.

"Funny, Mom."

"Are you okay with all this?" She asked.

"All what?"

"What do you mean all what...what do you think? All this...naughtiness. You would tell me if it made you feel uncomfortable...right?" Kate said.

There was another pound at the door.

"Yeah, I'm cool with it...are you?" Alec asked.

"Do you really think I'd be laying on you topless, making out with you if I wasn't?" She smiled.

She gave him one final peck on the lips.

"Tell him I'm in the bathroom," she said.

Moments later, Alec let his father in and relayed the message. He sat down quickly on the sofa, trying to conceal the bulge of his erection.

"Is she feeling alright?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, just peeing I guess."

"Well I checked the outside of the trailer and I have no idea what was making that noise you heard." Jim said.

Kate came out with her bra and top back on.

"Hi honey," she said, giving her husband a quick kiss.

"I changed my mind...maybe I will have a tuna fish," Jim said.

"Will you do me a big favor then? I forgot to buy chips and they would sure go good with our sandwiches. Can you see if they have any inside?" Kate asked.

"Barbeque right?" He asked.

"Yup...thank you, hun." Kate said with a sweet little smile.

Jim left and she closed the trailer door behind him.

"Truth or Dare?" Kate asked, turning towards Alec.

"Umm...uh..." Alec muttered as he was caught off guard.

"I wanna see it," she said softly, glancing down at the bulge in his crotch.

"S-s-see it? See what?" He asked.

"You know what...do I really need to tell you?" Kate responded with a little grin.

"Oh you mean..." Alec started as he glanced down at the obvious protrusion.

"Yes...I mean Mr. Cock and Balls. I dare you to show me."

"Geez, Mom." Alec blushed.

"Oh don't 'geez Mom' me...I know what you boys call it, and it certainly isn't penis and testicles. I think that man who was talking to your father outside was right. Boys your age are bigger and harder than the generations before, but I wanna find out for myself." Kate said.

"Well, I don't know, Mom...I..."

"I just unclasped my bra for you, buster. Don't you start whimping out on me. Come on, let's see it," she said, waving for him to stand.

Alec reluctantly stood and Kate impatiently walked over, sat on the soft and turned him to face her.

Now eye-level with his crotch, Kate unbuttoned his shorts and peered up at him with a naughty smile as she unzipped him.

"I have this feeling that this thing is a little bigger than the last time I saw it."

As the shorts fell to his feet, Kate stared at the shape of his protrusion, which leaned to one side, stretching his briefs out obscenely. It looked as though he were concealing a banana beneath his undies.

"Well it certainly looks like something substantial is hiding under there," she said, her eyes big and wide.

She grab the waistband and began to pull them down. As she did this Alec's erection tilted downward until the brief cleared it's length, then the teenaged dong sprung upward, slapping his abdomen, then just sort of bobbed up and down.

"Oh my!" Kate said, staring at the long strong pillar of meat, perched only a foot away.

"Sorry, I guess just looking at your breasts and everything made it kinda hard."

"Kinda hard? Sweetie that thing looks like it's...throbbing," she said, her face flushed.

"Yeah, you could say that," he muttered.

"It's a wonder you don't pass out from all the blood it must take to fill that big monster," she giggled, wetting her lips as her eyes traveled down to his large hairless scrotum.

"I do get light headed sometimes...when it get this way."

Kate was mesmerized. Her own juices began to trickle as her eyes traveled down every veiny inch of her son's long thick barrel of love. She tore her eyes away, looking up into his with admiration.

"It's beautiful," she said softly.

"Thanks," he answered.

"You know...they say when a man presents a woman with a pearl, that he's showing his desire for her."

"Oh." Alec said, a bit confused.

"Is that why your giving your mom a pearl?" Kate asked.

"What pearl?" Alec asked.

Kate's eyes traveled back down to her son's cock and gazed at the big bell-shaped helmet. There at the tip, forming on his piss-hole, was a big bubbling gob of pre-cum. It looked just like a pearl.

"That one," she said.

Alec watched as his mom took her middle finger and slowly swiped the jizz from the tip of his rod. She stood and brought her hand up so they could both look at the gob of milky semen.

"Sooo thick...soo potent..." she said, then slowly sucked it off her finger. "..And as sweet as honey."

"Wow!" Alec said under his breath.

They both noticed his cock as it sprung up to full attention like a divining rod. It twitched and throbbed, the plumb-shaped tip turning a deep purple as it expanded with even more blood. This made Kate giggle.

"Don't you pass out on me," she said.

"I'll try not to," he sighed.

They were both slightly startled by a loud knock at the door.

"I better pull 'em back up," Alec said, glancing down at his shorts.

Kate gently traced her nails across his cheek. Her eyes were locked in a stare with his.

"Stay close to me on this trip...okay?"

"Okay," he answered.

Jim stood outside with the chips. Claire walked over to her dad as he pounded on the door again.

"What the hell's taking them so long...I'm starving," she said.

"Well, if they'd answer the Goddamn door, I could find out," Jim said.

"She's probably making out with him again."

"Claire, come one, enough of that nonsense," Jim said.

"Seriously dad, you should have seen them down by the river...it was sick."

"Honey, they're mother and son...they're allowed to show some affection." Jim said.

"Jesus dad, you're so blind. Haven't you noticed the way mom's been looking at him lately. Moms do fall for their sons sometimes you know...it does happen," she said.

"Alright, enough okay?" Jim said.

"Dad, you have to listen to me. You're not around half the time. You haven't seen the way Mom's been acting around him lately while your at work. I think she has a crush on him,"

"I think you have an overactive imagination," Jim said as the door opened.

"Is my sandwich ready yet?" Claire asked as her and Jim entered the RV.

"I'm working on it honey," Kate said, busy at the kitchen counter.

"You've been working on it for awhile. What have you two been doing back here?" Claire asked, glaring at Alec, who sat on the couch.

"Well I certainly didn't hear you volunteering to help," Kate said.

"That's because you snatched Momma's boy before I even had a chance to," Claire answered.

"Stop calling me that!" Alec snapped.

"It's true."

"Claire if you don't have anything nice to say then you need to go sit back in the truck," Kate said.

"Alec, help me get some of these windows open...it's stuffy as hell in here," Jim said.

"Oh...um...okay Dad," he said, standing awkwardly.

It's was clear as the sun that he was hiding an erection and Claire, of course, was the first to pick up on it.

"Oh my God...you are sooo sick!" She said with disgust.

"Claire!" Kate scolded.

"He has a boner, Mom!"

"So...big deal," Alec said, awkwardly defending himself.

"You're back here alone with Mom and you have a fucking boner...that is just sick," Claire exclaimed.

"That's enough!...Jim please," Kate said, pleading for her husbands help.

"Alright Claire, outside or back in the truck. Let's go!" Jim scolded, ushering her out.

Kate looked at her son and sympathetically mouthed "Sorry."

"I think I'll just go for a quick walk or something," Alec said, squirming out the door.

Jim came back inside and stood by his wife as she worked on the sandwiches.

"That girl...if her brother doesn't kill her on this trip, it'll be a miracle," Kate said.

"Well, not to defend her, but Alec shouldn't be getting erections like that in front of his mother and sister either," Jim said.

"Oh Jim, you know how 18 year old boys are...they have perpetual hard-ons."

"While watching his Mom work in the kitchen? You don't think that's a bit odd?" Jim asked.

Kate got a flattering smile.

"All boys crush after their Moms when their young...and don't tell me you didn't."

"I didn't," he said.

"Yeah right," Kate answered, putting chips on the plates.

"Well, Claire sure seems determined that there's something weird going on with you two."

"And you believe her?" Kate asked.

"I didn't say that...this whole erection thing is just a little strange, that's all."

Kate turned towards her husband.

"Look, he's young...he gets erections and he has an innocent crush on his mom. I'm adult enough to handle that...maybe you should be too," she said, then walked past him with the sandwiches.

Once they hit the road again things cooled down between Alec and his mom, with the exception of a few flirty winks in her rear view mirror.

Alec's hard-on continued to rage in his shorts, yearning for more attention. It didn't help things when his mom put her feet up on the dash. When she followed with a wink in her rear view, he knew she was putting her sexy legs on display for him.

Kate had gorgeous tanned legs that were always freshly shaven and seemed to shimmer with silky softness. She stretched her tiny feet out making her cute little toes, with their ruby-red toenails, part slightly.

Alec's heart thumped wildly in his chest. His cock was so hard as it pushed against his shorts that it was almost painful. Surely there could be no bigger rush that having your own moms strong matronly legs wrapped around you, clutching onto you while you fucked the pussy of your dreams. With all that had happened, Alec couldn't help but wonder if things would eventually get that far.

There was only one text Alec got before they arrived at their RV park. It was from Kate and simply said:


Shady Pines was a deluxe RV park, with a clubhouse and swimming pool. It was a summertime Mecca for upper-class families. They arrived there mid-afternoon and situated "Katherine's Getaway" in the spot they had reserved.

"I hope there's hot guys at the pool...and not just a bunch of ugly old men," Claire griped.

"Well I left my tanning bed behind for a week...so as long as there's sun I'm a happy girl," Kate said.

"I guess I know where you two are spending the afternoon. I think I'll just walk around, get to know our neighbors a little bit," Jim said.

Kate looked at her son. "Sweetie, wanna come down to the pool with us?"

"Uhh, I don't know, Mom. I um..."

As Claire and Jim both disappeared, Kate wrapped her arms around Alec's neck and moved in for a big tit-squasher.

She whispered into his ear softly. "You're suppose to be staying close to me on this trip...remember?"

Ten minutes later Jim stepped inside the trailer as his wife was coming out of the bedroom in a skimpy yellow two-piece string bikini.

"The kids said they'll meet you down there. WOW!" Jim said, staring at his voluptuous wife.

"Do you like it?" Kate asked, spinning around.

"Yeah, but it's uhhh...a little revealing, don't you think?"

"Oh Jim, don't be such a prude. I can't tan in a fucking trench coat," Kate replied..

"Well that's far from a trench coat...closer to dental floss if you ask me."

"I bought something else you'll like..." she said, throwing her arms around her husband's neck. "But I'm saving that for later."

As she strode towards the door he gave her a little slap on the ass, making her cheeks ripple.

"Brat!" Kate said playfully.

Alec and Claire swam in the pool, doing their best to avoid each other. Besides a few old ladies sunning themselves nearby they pretty much had it to themselves.

"Hey kids, how's the water?" Kate asked, as she she strode towards the pool.

Alec's mouth fell open, unable to answer as he watched his barefoot bikini-clad mom sashay towards them. Her big, gourd-shaped tits trembling as she walked.

"Holy shit," he mumbled.

"The water's perfect...so much for the hot guys though," Claire said, then dove under.

Kate set her towel and baby oil down on a lounge chair , then gracefully dove into the water. She came up near her son.

"Wow, that feels good," she said, her hair wet and slicked back.

"Sure does," Alec said.

"Has this cold water helped ease some of the pressure down there?" Kate said playfully, gazing at her son as she floated with only her head above the surface.

"Yeah, until you came out with that bikini on," Alec said, being careful so his sister didn't her him.

Kate giggled, then swam up to him.

"Are you standing on the bottom?"

"Yep," he said, with only his head above the water.

"No fair...you're taller. If we're gonna hang out this deep, I guess you're gonna have to hold me," Kate said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Kate brought herself in close to her son, her doughy-soft tits flattening out against his bare-chest. She coiled those gorgeous mommy-legs around his waist and held onto him.

Claire surfaced near them. "I should have known you two would be all over each other...with dad not around."

"Claire, don't start," Kate said, flashing her daughter a nasty glare.

Claire dove under and saw her mom's strong tan legs clutched tightly around her borther's midsection. She also noticed the way her massive tits were plastered against his chest.

Claire surfaced on the other side of them. "Jesus Mom, have sex with him why don't you."

"Young lady...go away!" Kate said, splashing her daughter with water.

"Gladly," Claire said, swimming off, then getting out of the pool.

Kate looked into her son's eyes. "You may not have to kill your sister...I just might."

"She is annoying, that's for sure," Alec said.

Claire sprawled out on a lounge chair, out of site of Alec and Kate. She had a body much like her mothers, only twenty-years younger.

"So I have to know something...does it feel as good as you thought it would?" Kate asked.

"What's that?" Alec asked.

"My legs wrapped around you. That is what you were thinking about in the truck, wasn't it? Wondering what it would feel like." She said, with a perceptive little smile.

"Well, I..."

"Come on, give us moms some credit. We know a lot more than you think we do," Kate said.

"Yeah, they do feel good," Alec smiled timidly.

"You can hold onto them you know...they're not gonna bite."

Alec placed his hands under his mom's velvety thighs. They felt amazing.

Kate tightened her grip, hugging him snuggly, clutching his toned young body against her voluptuousness.

The hot-bodied Mom rested her head on his shoulder. "You're soo strong"

They were both startled as one of the big old women jumped into the pool. Mom and son giggled as they were overcome by the wave.

Kate released her son, but held his hand as she swam for the side of the pool. "I need to get some sun. Come lay with me."

Kate and Alec climbed from the pool and moved to the lounges. As they grabbed their towels and dried Alec couldn't help but admire every curvaceous inch of his mom's nearly naked body.

"That bikini is really hot, Mom."

"Thanks sweetie. Your father thought it was a little too revealing, but you know how old-fashioned he is," she said.

"Yeah," Alec giggled.

"Pedicures, Brazilian bikini waxes, anal bleaching...all the things I get done on a regular basis he thinks are ridiculous."

"Anal bleaching?" Alec asked.

"I'll show you later," Kate said with a naughty little smile.

Placing her hands on her hips Kate turned around, displaying her meaty buttocks for her son. Half her ass-cheeks were spilling out of her bikini bottoms.

"Do you like it? It's called a scrunch butt bikini."

Alec stared in admiration. "It's sexy."

Kate got a gleaming white smile as she peeked over her shoulder, watching her son stare. "My ass or the bikini?"

"Both," Alec blushed.

Kate giggled, took her son's hand and led him towards a sunny area back behind the lounge chairs. "Come on my Romeo."

They spread their towels out in a small private little grassy area. Kate sat down, squirted some baby oil onto her hands and began rubbing it on the smooth tan skin of her arms and chest.

Alec watched his moms tits jiggle as she rubbed oil into her cleavage and around the contours of her big bulging breasts.

"Better put some on you too sweetie," she said.

Alec put on some oil, but had a difficult time tearing his eyes away from his Mom. Kate rubbed oil down her shapely legs and onto her little feet. It gave her tan a wet glossy sheen that made Alec's cock stiffen in his shorts.

Kate turned over onto her belly, propped up on her elbows and spread her gorgeous legs slightly. Alec remained sitting down by her feet, his heart racing with wicked cock-throbbing excitement.

Kate reached around and untied her top. "So how's the view from down there?"

"Amazing," Alec muttered breathlessly.

Kate giggled and laid her head down on the towel.

Alec wasn't kidding. The view he had would make any cock as hard as concrete. He stared straight up the backs of his Mom's shimmering golden brown legs to the meaty mound of her half-exposed buttocks. The tiny patch of yellow fabric between her legs moulded around her snatch, revealing the pouty folds of her outer labia and the furrow of her cleft of venus.

With her top now untied Alec could see the sides of his Mom's breasts distending outward as they lay flattened against the towel.

His peter flexed in his shorts. A long strong cylinder of teenaged cock-meat aching for attention.

Kate peeked back at him and giggled. "Are you close to passing out again?"

Alec's face was flushed. "Uh-huh."

"Well, if it's that hard maybe you should pull on it a little bit," Kate said, raising an eyebrow.

"Here...now?" Alec asked.

"Well, you could put the towel over your lap and try not to be too obvious about it."

Alec pulled his beach towel over his protruding trunks. "Yeah, I could try I guess."

Kate offered the bottle of oil to him. "Here, once you have it out...get it nice and slippery. That way you can really jerk on it."

Alec fished his cock from his trunks and coated it with oil. The slick fist gliding acrossed his glans felt amazing. He gazed back at his Mom and saw that she was still peering back watching him, her head propped up on one hand. "How's that feel?"

"Incredible," he muttered.

Kate spoke to him softly. "So what sort of things do you like to think about, while you jerk off you cock like that?"

Alec sighed excitedly and shrugged his shoulder.

"Big tits?" Kate asked and Alec nodded.

Kate gazed into his eyes seductively. "Warm slippery pussies?"

Alec's fist squeezed and pulled at his dong. "Uh-huh."

Kate stared dreamily into his eyes. "Do you like to think about loooong smooth legs wrapped tightly around you...clutching you...guiding you?"

Alec gasped, his body quivering. "Oh God, Mom!"

Kate fed her baby a warm smile. "I bet you think about what it'll feel like when that big beautiful slab of manhood squeezes down inside a warm wet hole."

Alec's eyes traveled down to his mom's bikini camel toe. He imagined the cock-gobbling feminine treasure that lied just beyond that thin piece of fabric. He stroked furiously on the slippery cock-head.

Kate smiled as she watched him gawk. He was completely hers, and she knew it. "I want you to imagine what all that pretty pink's gonna feel like when it stretches around that tender dong...sucking you in deeper and deeper and dripping all that warm honey on your stinger."

"O-o-oh shit, Mom!" Alec muttered excitedly, her words making his cock throb and leak.

"And that feeling when you touch bottom is gonna be out of this world... And believe me, with a dick as big yours...you will touch bottom."

Alec's heart was racing. His cock was now coated with hot oil and slippery pre-cum. He milked it with fast furious strokes.

Kate glanced over her son's shoulder. "And you better slow down, because your sister's coming this way."

Trying not to be too obvious, Alec stopped beating off and slipped his hand back out from under the towel.

Claire walked over behind him and gazed down at the way her mom was spread out lewdly before him. "You can't be serious."

Kate glared at her daughter defensively. "What?"

"Are you kidding me? Mom, look at you. Your ass is hanging out of your bikini and I can practically see your cunt," Claire said.

"Claire, you know I don't like that word," Kate scolded.

"Oh please...don't play Miss Modest with me, Mom. It's pretty obvious what you're up to."

"Oh and what would that be?" Kate asked.

"Well lets see...making out at the gas station, dry humping in the pool, locking youselves in the RV and doing God only knows what...and now this."

Kate shook her head. "Young lady, you have no idea what you're talking about."

Claire quickly ripped the towel off of Alec's lap. "Don't I, Mom?"

All eyes were drawn to Alec's cock, brick-hard and glistening as it stuck way up past his belly-button.

"Then what the hell's that?" Claires asked angrily.

"Claire!" Kate scolded, as Alec snatched the towel back and covered himself.

Claire started marching away. "Oh I'm sure dad's gonna love to hear about this."

"Shit!" Alec said, watching his sister stomp out of the pool area.

Kate stood up, tying her bikini top behind her. "Don't worry about it, sweetie. Your father knows the way she is...he won't believe her."

"Maybe we should go back to the camp, just to make sure he doesn't flip out," Alec suggested.

Kate stepped up to her son and rubbed his cheek gingerly. "Honey, it's okay...he trusts me. You heard what he said to that guy at the station. I'm his wholesome bride. He believes that."

"Okay," Alec said.

Kate took her son's hand and began leading him towards the clubhouse. "Besides, we have some unfinished business to attend to you and I."

Inside the clubhouse a few old men were playing checkers, otherwise it was quiet and empty. Through the door came the barefoot bikini clad mom, leading her son by the hand.

"Excuse me, where are the bathrooms?" Kate asked.

"Bathrooms and showers are in the back." One of the old men answered, ogling the big nearly-naked tits bobbling on Kate's chest.

Kate led Alec towards the back of the clubhouse. "Thank you."

As they neared the women's room the door opened and out came another barefoot bikini-clad Mom, leading her teenaged son from the bathroom. The buxom blonde gave Kate a knowing smile in passing. "Hi."

"Hi," Kate smiled as they passed.

Kate and Alec moved into the women's rest room and Kate closed and locked the door behind them. She then turned towards her son and smiled as she stepped up to him, planting a soft sensual kiss on his lips.

For a few a long moments they stared into each others eyes. Alec felt his heart leaping as the woman of his dreams gazed at him with those big almond-colored eyes. As she stared, Kate had little smile of excitement. Being alone and naughty with her son thrilled her to the core and the fact that they were doing it just under her husband's nose made it even more exhilarating.

Alec looked across from them at their reflection in a large floor to ceiling mirror. A handsome teenager facing a gorgeous middle-aged woman built like a brick shit house. They smiled at one another.

"What a site we are huh?" Kate said.

"Yeah," Alec muttered.

"Get down on your knees. There's something I promised to show you."

"There is?" Alec asked.

Kate gave him a peck on the lips. "Yes, there is."

"What is it?" Alec asked.

"Well, you were asking about anal bleaching...so I thought I'd show you my butt-hole. But if you don't wanna see it..."

Alec dropped quickly to his knees. "No I do, I do."

Kate giggled and turned around watching her son lower himself eye-level with her meaty buttocks. "Pull my bikini bottoms to one side for me."

Alec pulled the bottoms aside, revealing her sexy ass-crack. Kate placed her hands on the cheeks of her buttocks and gently pulled them apart, revealing the cute puckered ring of her butt-hole.

Alec's cock twitched in his shorts. "Wow!"

"Isn't it pretty?" Kate asked and her son immediately nodded.

Kate stepped away from her son and strolled behind him to the sink. She lifted herself up and sat on the edge of the counter. Alec found himself being pulled back between her legs until his back rested against her spongy chest.

Without saying a word, Alec's mom reached around and undid his shorts. They fell to the floor and his cock, still rock hard, stuck straight out at an upward angle, bobbing up and down.

Kate gave him a sensual kiss on the cheek. "Now....where were we before your bitch of a sister interrupted us."

Alec grasped his big baby-maker and started stroking as his mom planted little kisses on his neck.

Jim was visiting with his nieghbor when Claire arrived. "Dad I need to talk to you."

"Claire, I'm visiting right now honey, can it wait?"

"She turned and stomped towards their own RV. "No, it's important!"

"Excuse me, " Jim said to the other guy, clearly embarrassed.

Jim entered the RV to see Claire sulking on the couch. "Dad you have to do something about them."

"About who?" Jim asked.

"Mom and Alec...God Dad it's sick!"

Jim rolled his eyes. "What this time?"

"Well, first Mom was practically riding him in the pool and then she was tanning with her legs spread wide open, letting the little perv sit behind her and masturbate."

Jim shook his head and sighed. "Claire, come on...I'm sure that wasn't the case."

"He had his dick out of his shorts, dad...and believe me, it was hard."

"I'm sure your mother would never let something like that happen," Jim said.

"She was letting him do it dad. If you don't believe me go down there and see for yourself...it's disgusting."

Jim threw his arms in the air, then exited the RV to go investigate.

Alec's fist stroked furiously at his cock, making a lewd creamy sound from all the lubricating precum. Kate's tiny hand clutched his large hairless scrotum, her ruby-red nails digging into the tender balls, gently kneading them.

Her other hand caressed his strong toned chest. Her lips were to his ear. "That's it, sweetie, stroke it for me. Stroke it for Mommy."

"Agh, yeah!" Alec groaned.

Kate stroked on his nut-sack with her slippery fist. "Ohh, that's my baby...pull all that cream out of those big beautiful e on."

Alec gazed in the mirror at a site that seemed almost surreal. There he stood completely naked and jacking his big jutting dick, while his own beautiful mother sat snuggly behind him, urging him on.

"What a fucking rush," he thought.

"My poor little sweetheart's been suffering this whole trip, hasn't he," Kate said in a seductive mommy-tone.

Alec stared at his mom's tan shapely legs. They looked so strong and smooth, still glistening with oil as he stood between them. He pictured them propped back into a huge spread eagle, those tiny bare feet flexed and pointed in opposite directions.

His balls boiled within Kate's clutching grip. "Oh-h-h shit Mom!"

"Mmmm, does that feel good, sweetie?"

"Oh yeah," he sighed.

He pictured her tits and what they must do when she fucks. Large pillowy mounds jumping up and down her chest. Those nipples and large thick aroela descending towards his mouth.

"OH WOW, I'M GONNA SQUIRT!" Alec cried.

"That's it baby...cum for Mommy!" Kate implored.

Alec growled as the first powerful rope shot out of his piss-hole. "GGGRUUUHHH!!!"

The huge stringy gob sailed across the room and splashed against the mirror. It was followed by a second milky rope, then a third.

"Ohhh sweetheart...that's my boy!" Kate exclaimed.

"UNGHH, GOD!" Alec groaned as he milked smaller strands of cock-cream from his dong.

Jim entered the clubhouse and saw the two old men playing chess.

"Excuse me, did you see a woman come through here with a teenage boy?"

The two men looked at each other and laughed.

"Women come through here all day with teenaged boys," one of them said.

"Well this woman was wearing a yellow bikini," Jim said.

The same man answered, pointing toward the back of the clubhouse. "Oh yeah...they're uhh...they're back there."

"Thanks," Jim said.

Jim checked the mens room first, but it was empty. He went to the women's room and knocked. "Kate?"

There was no answer, so he knocked again. "Kate, you in there?"

"I'm ok hun...just taking a shower," her voice said from somewhere behind the door.

"Have you seen Alec?" Jim asked.

"He met some boys out by the pool, probably wandered off with them somewhere."

Jim tried the door, but it was locked. "Can I come in?"

Kate answered in an annoyed tone. "Jim, no...this is the ladies room. What do you need?"

Kate was still on the sink, Alec remained between her legs. His head was tilted back onto her shoulder as he fought to catch his breath. His cock-rod still stuck straight out, dripping with stringy gobs of orgasmic bliss.

"I just wanted to make sure you two were okay, that's all," Jim's voice said.

"Honey we're fine...I'm fine, and I'm sure Alec is too," Kate said, then gave her son a loving peck on the cheek.

She looked towards the door. "I need to dry off and I'll meet you back up at the RV okay?"

Jim moved away from the door. "Alright, so you a little bit."

He stopped back at the entrance next to the two old men. "Are you sure the lady in the yellow bikini had a teenager with her?"

"Oh yeah, following along like a love-struck puppy dog," one of them answered.

Jim looked around for Alec and his new friends, but wasn't able to find them, so he headed back to the RV. He didn't want to admit it, but he was actually starting to wonder if maybe his daughter was right. The idea that his wife of twenty years would be doing such things and with their own son made him almost sick to his stomach. He remembered the words of the man at the station.

"Ahh women like 'em young now days I guess. You'd be surprised how many women our age are chasing these young boys."

Later that evening the family was invited for a barbaque with their friendly neighbors in the park. Jim had already met Tom. Kate was surprised to discover that Tom's wife Ashley was the blond that was leading her son from the bathroom, just before her and Alec got there.

Ashley was 39, just a year older than Kate and looked a lot like a middle-aged version of the actress Jennifer Lawrence. Like Jim, her husband Tom made a lot of money and they were owners of large, spacious RV.

While the men prepped the grill outside, Ashley and Kate stood side by side in the kitchen preparing the food. Both women wore a thin, thigh-length summer dress, Kate's was a white tube-top style and Ashley's was pink, with thin little straps. Like Kate, Ashley had gorgeous legs and sexy little tanned bare feet with pink tonails.

Kate glaned down the hall and into the bedroom, where Alec and his new friend Tim lay on the bed playing the play station. "Well the boys seemed to be getting along."

"And I'm sure we won't be seeing much of them. Boys and their video games," Ashley said, making them both giggle.

"Oh I know...getting Alec to do his chores is like pulling teeth sometimes."

"He's adorable. Does he have a girlfriend yet?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, sweet girl, but kind of controlling. You know how young girls are."

Ashley smiled. "That I do. Sometimes I have to remind Tim that him and his girl aren't married...he doesn't need to be with her twenty-four seven."

"So it's tough getting Tim to stay home then?" Kate asked.

"Well, if his dad's not around, it's never a problem," Ashley said, sharing a mischievous smile with Kate as she walked the plate of burgers outside to the men.

Jim watched his wife step out of the RV behind Ashley. She looked so fresh and beautiful and her dark tan in contrast to her white summer dress looked amazing. The tube top made the swell of her breasts look absolutely enormous and left about five inches of cleavage exposed.

Kate smiled at him lovingly and shared a kiss. She loved her husband, despite her growing infatuation with her new young sweetheart.

In order to ease suspicion, she had her son come back to the RV twenty minutes after she did. She knew that Jim would just assume that Tim was who she was talking about, when she said that Alec had met another boy.

Tom was obviously in the middle of spinning a tale before the wives showed up." Yeah so that bass nearly got away from me...it took three of us to drag that son-of- bitch in."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Tom, not that story again."

"Honey, you saw the picture. You think reeling that thing is was a walk in the park?" Tom asked.

Kate looked at Ashley with an amused smile. "Oh believe me, Jim has his share of fishing stories too and he's always eager to share."

"Well then we better go back inside and let the men do what they do best...bullshit and barbaque," Ashley said, making her and Kate giggle.

The wives stepped back into the RV and each took a chip from the bowl, muching it down as they gazed down the hallway.

"That's okay, I think I'd rather go back and hang out with a couple of handsome teenaged boys anyway," Kate said.

Ashley sashayed towards the bedroom. "I concure."

Tim and Alec were on the bed leaned up against the headboard playing their video game, which was being displayed on a 52-inch flat screen across from the bed.

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