KLRXO Stories

Chapter 84: Mom’s 5th Wheel Lovin’_1

Chapter 84: Mom's 5th Wheel Lovin'_1

Chapter 1: Gemini Man

"I get my kicks...on Route...Sixty-Six!" Jewel sang, shifting her lush mature body about.

Her eight year old daughter Ann looked at her like she was crazy. "Mom, you shouldn't do that. Your boobs are way too big," she said.

Jewel put on a playful frown. "Oh so what, girls with big boobs aren't allowed to dance?"

Her husband brought out a few bags from the house. "Did I just hear something about big boobs?" he ask.

"Just our daughter making fun of her old mom again," Jewel said.

"Dang, if you're an 'old mom' that means 'old dad' must be ancient," Martin said, referring to the fact that he was forty-five, six years older than his wife. He looked good for his age, reasonably fit with just a bit of gray.

Ann stuck her nose up and walked off. "I'll come visit you both in the rest home soon." "Cute, Missy. Where's your brother at?" Jewel asked. "He should be out here helping." "Probably playing his game, like usual."

The mother rolled her eyes. "Of course he is. I don't even know why I bother to ask," she said to her husband. "I'll go make sure he has his things ready."

"Tell him he'll have plenty of time to play games once we're on the road," Martin said.

Jewel stopped and looked back at her hubby as if she had a sudden revelation. "You know what, screw that. I propose we make this a 'GAMING DEVICE FREE' family vacation," she suggested.

Martin laughed. "Oh yeah, that'll go over really well," he said.

"I'm serious. We're traveling the historic Route Sixty-Six. There's gonna be so much to see and experience. Would it kill him to take a break from the video games for a few weeks?" Jewel asked.

"Mom, please don't sing that stupid song again," Ann said from not far off.

Jewel giggled and rocked her hips, "I get my kicks...on Route...Sixty Six," she sang, making her jutting breast wobble back and forth.

"Gross!" Ann shouted, plugging her ears.

Of course Jewel Anderson was far from "gross." She looked like a thirty-nine year old version of

the 70's actress Natalie Wood, with sharp beautiful facial features and long silky brunette hair. What truly set her apart from other women, however, was the shape of her body. Her legs were strong and shapely and her ass was like the plumpest, juiciest Georgia peach you'd ever sink your teeth into. By far her most notable feature was the size of her breasts. To not notice the two bowling ball-sized mounds beneath her snug fitting tops was like looking a tree in full bloom, without noticing the leaves.

Her husband responded to the video game recommendation. "You know me, I'll support the idea of no games on this trip," Martin said, "but I'll let you break the news to him."

Cory was sprawled out on his bed with his gaming device, so zoned-in that he didn't even hear the tap at his door. "Cory?" Jewel said as she stepped inside his messy room.

"I'll be down in just a minute, Mom. I'm just about through this level," he said.

"Cory, I need to talk to you. Turn it off, please," Jewel said, in a stern enough tone to let him know she was serious..

The teen huffed, then lowered the device to his bed. "Ok, it's off," he said, "what do we need to talk about?"

Jewel stepped over to his bed, placing her hands on her hips and gazing down at him. With any other male, this sort of stance would create an immediate glance at her huge jutting breasts, but not with her son. She found this strange and a bit troubling. "Nottheslightestpeekatmytits.

That'ssobizarre.Maybehe'sgay,whichisabsolutelyok.Iwouldneverdiscriminatedagainst someone'ssexualpreference,Iwouldlovetojustknowwhatmakeshimtick,besidethose damnvideogames," she thought.

She answered his question. "Well, first off, we're about an hour from leaving on a three week vacation. You really should be downstairs helping out."

"Yeah, ok," he said, sitting up, "I planned on coming down once I got through this level."

Jewel plopped down next to him before he could get off the bed, "And secondly, I have a question. A very PERSONAL question."

"Oh boy," he muttered, unsure of what was coming next. "Do women interest you?" Jewel asked candidly. "Women?" he asked.

"Yes, you know those humans walking around with vaginas and boobs," she joked. "I know what women are mom," he blushed.

"Ok then, back to my question. Do they interest you?"

"I guess so, why?"

"Well honey, it's just that most boy your age are showing more interest in girls than video games. They have posters in their bedrooms of half naked women, not, um..." Jewel said as she tried to discern one of his colorful video game posters, "not whatever those things are."

"That's the Interplanetary Army, Mom," Cory said.

"Yeah, well, that's great, but honey, you're technically a man now," she said, "there are so many other wonderful things you should be experiencing."

"Oh, you mean like a job?" he asked, reminding her of the recent urging of his father.

"Well, jobs are important, yes, but I said wonderful things," she said, "things that create special feelings...inside you."

Cory shrugged his shoulders, not having the slightly clue what she mean. "If you say so," he said.

Jewel smiled at him. "How 'bout we make a deal. You leave the game device at home and I will personally see to it that you have an incredible time on this trip."

"Three weeks without games? Are you serious, Mom?" "Yes, it'll be great," she said.

"We'll be traveling hundreds of miles a day. Without my games I'll be bored out of my skull," he said.

"No, you'll just have more chances to enjoy other things, things you've been missing out on." He snickered doubtfully. "Oh boy, I can't wait."

Jewel placed her hand on his. "Tell you what, since you like games so much, let's play our own game," she said, "a road game."

"A road game?"

"Yeah, how 'bout every day you pick the first letter from the licence plate of the first car we pass on the road. Sometime during that day, I'll pick something new and exciting that starts with that letter to show you," she explained.

"No offence, Mom, but that game sounds really corny," Cory said.

"It won't be corny. It'll be super-awesome! Will you please just give it a chance?" she asked sweetly, gazing through long fluttering lashes.

"Fine," her son muttered.

Jewel bounced her ass on the mattress a few times excitedly, making her big boobies jostle around beneath her top. "Yaaay! We're gonna have a blast."

Martin was a doctor by profession, which meant a healthy salary and the means to purchase a brand new top of the line 5th wheel trailer. The "fiver" was decked out to the hilt. When it came to luxury travel, it didn't get much better.

To pull such a beast required some power, so Martin had purchased a spacious crew cab truck. It would be a three week adventure ridden in style for the four of them.

"Route Sixty-Six, here we come!" the anxious husband said as he pulled the rig out of their driveway.

Five minutes into the ride, Cory was already bored. He checked his phone, scrolling through social media. It wasn't but a minute before he heard his mom clear her throat and he looked up to see her watching him with her hand extended out, wanting him to hand her the device.

"What, I don't have any games on here," he said. "Hand it over," Jewel said patiently.

"So I don't get my phone either?"

"Occasionally, for communication purposes," she answered.

Cory handed over the device, not liking this at all. Jewel put it in her purse, then exchanged a smile with her husband.

Ann looked over at her brother, "Did you get grounded or something?"

"I might as well have," the boy muttered, which made his Mom look back at him and smile.

Martin drove them onto the highway, getting used to the feel of pulling such an expansive load behind him. "We'll connect with Route Sixty-Six in about an hour, kids," he said.

"What's so special about this road anyway?" his son asked.

Martin glanced in his rear view as he explained, pleased that his son was already showing some interest. "It was the nation's first all-weather highway, linking Chicago to Los Angeles. So naturally, it became very popular for motorists wanting to cross the country back then."

Jewel added a part that might actually sound interesting to Cory. "There are lots of points of interest along the way that became familiar landmarks, like charming roadside diners, National Parks, cool caverns," she said, "I think you guys will love it."

"Will there be ice cream?" Ann asked., making her parents laugh.

"I'm sure there will be honey," her mother answered.

About five minutes later, Jewel made an announcement from the front seat, that was totally meant for Cory. "Ohh, look at that, passing our first car..." she said, feeding him a little smile.

Her son rolled his eyes, then played along, getting a good look at the car's license plate as they passed it. He then looked back at Jewel to find her waiting with an curious raised eyebrow.

"Did you get a letter?" she asked. "L," he muttered.

"A letter?" Martin asked his wife curiously.

"Just a road game Cory and I are playing," his wife explained. "Ohh, can I play," Ann asked with annoying excitement.

"No honey, this is just a game for your brother and I."

"Why does he get a game?" the girl whined, peering out her window sulking.

Jewel fed her a stern look, "Ann, pouting won't get you ice cream, just sayin'," she warned.

Once they pulled off the interstate, Martin decided to top off the tank. Jewel and her kids took a bathroom break while he fueled up. Ann got her ice cream, so she was happy, at least for the moment. "Honey, why don't you sit up front with your dad. I'm gonna get in th he back with Cory for awhile," Jewel said to her daughter.

"Cool," the girl answered, happily being able to "one-up" her brother by getting the front seat.

Rather than sit on the opposite side of the rear bucket seat, Jewel opted for the center cushion, so she could sit hip to hip with her son. This also allowed her to see out the front window better, although that had little to do with her decision of where to sit.

She unfolded a big colorful map of Route Sixty-Six, which including brief info of all the roadside attractions. While doing this, the busty mother turned slightly sideways and propped her luscious bare legs up on the back of the seat in front of Cory. "So according to the map, our first stop is the Gemini Man, about twenty-two miles from here."

Her husband Martin glanced back at the big map covering half her body. "You know babe, you probably could have got all that information on these little things they call cellphones," he teased.

"Hey, don't make fun of me," she said, "I wanted to use an actual map so I could feel nostalgic," she said.

Cory noticed his Mom's sexy legs. It was impossible not to, since they were displayed so

blatantly in front of him. Jewel wore a pair of denim booty shorts, which meant every inch of her tan mommy-legs were exposed, right up to her crotch. Strong smooth thighs tapered down to sleek calves and slender ankles. She could model her tan bare feet in magazines, they were so perfect. They were dainty tootsies with cute toes and toenails painted scarlet-red.

Jewel was pleased when she peeked over and saw her teen looking at her legs. "Ok,thisisa goodsign,"she thought, "heseems...intrigued."

Indeed he was. He'd seen some sexy legs on the girls at school, but nothing like this. His mom's gams looked so strong and powerful, yet incredibly soft at the same time. Freshly shaved and lotioned,, they gave off a subtle sheen and smelt absolutely wonderful.

Jewel's pouty lips curled into a mischievous little smile as she peeked over, watching her son stare. She slowly extended one of her legs out completely, flexing her foot and pointing her toes. She studied her boy's reaction the whole time, trying to gauge his excitement level.

There was another "thrill meter" she knew never lied, one that was difficult for a boy to hide. She peeked down to his crotch, curious to see if there was any activity. At first, she didn't notice any, but as she began to look away, a tubular bulge forming down the inside thigh portion of Cory's shorts caught her attention.

The mother's eyes widened, watching an impressive looking trouser-snake beneath the fabric begin to harden. "Goodgrief,Iguess'intrigued'isanunderstatement,"she thought, watching his cock grow larger right before her eyes.

The flabbergasted mother, peeked up at her son's face, watching his eyes gawk, his mouth open and his tongue quickly lick his lips.

Her eyes darted back and forth from his lust-filled face to his growing cock-bulge, her own heart fluttering excitedly in her chest. The cloth-shrouded lump had now completely taken on the form of a fully erect hardon. It's size seemed almost impossible.

"Hecan'tbethatbig!Canhebethatbig?!Howcanhisdickbethatbig??"Jewel's mind screamed.

Her eyes were transfixed on the shape of his swollen knob. Wanting nothing more that to see it react, she parted her legs slightly, lifting her knees up as if she was gonna prop them back in some lewd fuck position, but then paused with her feet hovering mid-air.

She heard a gentle gasp leave her son's mouth, which paired with the flex of his boner, tenting the shorts up even more. Jewel's mouth fell open in absolute awe, her thick nipples hardening beneath her bra. "GoodLord,that...wasincredible!"she thought, wanting nothing more that to see the tube of his prick flex again.

It was clearly obvious to Cory at this point that his Mom was deliberately trying to capture his

attention with her legs. They made eye contact for a short moment. It was a bit awkward, but Jewel smiled sweetly at her boy, as if reassuring him that this was ok.

Cory's eyes went back to the display in front of him and this time his mom extended both legs out, pointing her feet so her toes touched the window. This made her son's eyes widen even more. Jewel watched his boner contract with more blood. His fat knob was pushed so tight against the fabric that she could even see the rounded ridge of his corona.

Cory could hear his mother's excited breath and peeked over to see he staring down at his cock- bulge. Whether she was aware of it or not, Jewel's tongue was peeking out and slowly dragging across her parted lips.

Cory's eyes darted down to her mammoth tit-orbs, noticing right away the hard protuberant nipples at their centers, poking through the layers of both her bra and cami top. The fleshy nubs were as big around as double-A batteries and made his heart speed up even more than it

already was.

In the rear-view mirror, Martin noticed part of his wife's legs extended out, hovering in the air. His voice broke her from her trance. "What are you doing back there babe?" he asked curiously.

She still had the map up hiding her face. "Me?? Oh, um...just stretching," she said, caught off- guard. She brought her legs back down.

"Well, we should be just about there and we can get out and stretch. Keep a watch out so I don't fly right past it," he said.

A few minutes later they were pulling into the attraction. After parking the rig they got out and walked over to the iconic thirty-foot statue. The Gemini Man held a silver rocket ship in his hands, while sporting an astronaut's space helmet that resembles a welding mask.[

"Why's he holding that rocket?" Martin's daughter asked.

"He was named after the Gemini Space Program, that existed back in the nineteen sixties, honey," Martin explained. "Let's get a picture."

Martin recruited the help of a fellow tourist to get a picture of him and his family. "Who's hungry? I could go for a burger," he said, looking at the charming diner that was on the same lot. .

"I am," Ann said, "I want French fries."

"How bout you guys?" Martin asked, looking at his wife and son. "I'm ok," Cory said.

"Yeah, me to. You guys go ahead, honey," Jewel said, "Cory and I will just hang out until your finished."

Martin and his daughter went inside, leaving Cory and his Mom standing there gazing up at the statue. "I'm guessing this Gemini Man was created by a guy with a really small penis," Jewel said, making her son bust out laughing.

"Are you serious, Mom?" he asked.

"What, look at it. Thirty-feet high and I don't care what you say, that is not helmet, it's a penis-tip," she said, "And what's he holding in his hands? His big hard 'rocket,' that's what."

Cory blushed and laughed even more. "Oh my God," he muttered.

"You laugh, but it's probably true. Made by a guy with a puny three-incher, who's probably never fucked a girl," she said.

Cory shook his head. He wasn't used to hearing his usually prim and proper mother talk this way, but he liked it. "If you say so," he said.

"So 'L' huh?" she asked. "What?"

"You got the letter ' L..' Using that, have you figured out what that 'new and exciting' thing was I showed you today?" she asked.

"Legs," he son answered timidly.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding! Correct answer," Jewel said. "So do tell...how 'new and exciting' were they?" she asked, peeking over into his eyes with a curious smile.

"Well, um...they WERE new, because I've never really been that close to a girl's legs before..." "And?" his mom asked.

"And...they were exciting too."

"I could tell," Jewel said, "YOUR rocketship looked even bigger than his does," she teased,

looking up at the statue. "For awhile there it looked like it could blast off through your shorts and into orbit."

Her comment made them both laugh. Of course Cory was embarrassing, but also thankful his mom was being so cool with it. She peered over at him with a playful little grin. "Maybe we should start calling YOU the Gemini Man," she joked.

"I don't know about that," he said timidly.

"So you liked my legs a lot then huh?" she asked. "Yeah."

She looked at him dreamily, with her beautiful hazel colored eyes. "Wanna feel them?" "Your legs?" Cory asked.


"Um, now?" he asked.

Jewel looked back at the diner and could see her husband and daughter waiting in line. "We have time," she said, then looked back at her boy, "let's go to the trailer."

Cory and Jewel stepped inside the 5th Wheel and closed the door. The inside was roomy and luxurious, with the kitchenette, TV area and dining table all in one large space. "Looks like nothing shifted around too much," Jewel said, slipping out of cute wedged flip-flops and heading to the bedroom on bare feet.

Cory followed her to the rear of the trailer, marveling at how incredibly sexy the backs of her tan legs looked. Crowning those smooth gams was a sweet meaty jiggle-butt. Jewel's shorts were so snug that they created some nice ass-cleavage and Cory could see some of that thick butt- meat seeping out from under the hems of her shorts.

They entered the bedroom at the back of the trailer. A huge king-sized bed filled most of the space and a big rear window let in lots of natural light. Jewel sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to her. "Come sit down, honey," she said.

Her son sat right next to her and she took his hand in hers. "It wouldn't be much of a game if you didn't get a little reward for getting the answer right," she said, then placed his hand flat against the top of her leg, near the knee.

Cory took a nervous gulp as she guided his hand along the top of her thigh. "How's that feel?" she asked softly.

"Like silk," he muttered in absolute fascination.

"Have you ever touched a girl's legs this way?" Jewel asked. "No."

"That's why girls keep their legs so soft and smooth. We know guys to touch them."she said, guiding his hand down to her inner thigh. They continued up, stopping incredibly close to her crotch. Cory could feel the heat radiating from her genitals.

"It's warm down there," he blushed.

"We girls have something down there that kinda heats things up," she said with a cute little wink. The boy was looking down at her lap, watching their exploring hands, while Jewel's attention

was focused between her son's face and the growing bulge in his shorts. She ran their hands back up to the top of her thigh, then crossed one leg over the other, accentuating the strong smooth outer thigh of her leg. She guided her son's hand across it, letting him experience the feel of the soft unblemished skin as well as the powerful feminine muscles of her quadriceps.

"They feel so strong," the teen said.

"They are," his mom purred back in response.

Jewel turned, bowing her legs open, placing one behind her son, the other in front of him, resting her bare foot on his knee. She removed her hand from his. "Go back to my inner thighs," she said softly. "Take your time and enjoy how they feel."

Cory didn't need to be asked twice. He was now sitting sideways between her widely spread legs and ran his hands up and down them. His mom meanwhile was enjoying the sight of his obvious erection, watching it flex and throb through his shorts. "Would you like me to feel your legs too honey?" she asked him.

"Sure," Cory sighed, beyond thrilled at the idea.

Jewel ran her hand straight up the leg of his shorts, nearly to his nut-sack, then scratch back down his inner thigh with her long nails, making him gasp and tense up like a board. She gazed at him, both of them sharing a look of equal thrill. "Mmm, you like that honey?" she asked.

"Yeah, that feels good," he muttered as she continued to comb her nails against his flesh.

She gazed down at his dick-bulge lustfully, wetting her lips with her tongue. "MyGod,itmustbe atleasteightincheslong,"she thought. "Iwonderhowthick?"

Cory peered down between her legs. His mom's shorts were snug against her mons, outlining the puffy outer lips of her vulva and a prominent cunt-cleavage.

Her clawing fingers swiped back up his thigh, this time crossing the border of his underwear. Her long nails dug under the elastic leg, barely grazing his bulging nut-sack.

Cory reacted with a whimper and a thrust of his pecker. Jewel watched his fat knob push out so far it looked like it could burst through his shorts. "Ohhh honey!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Holyshit,Momjusttouchedmyballs!"the boy thought in wide-eyed disbelief.

Before he could recover, she repeated her actions, up his thigh until her fingers crept under his briefs, clawed along the base of his balls then back down. "Ohhh man!" his voice shook as he squirmed in pleasure. He never had a girl touch him this way.

His mom giggled and hung on to him with her free arm. "I got you sweetie, just relax," she said, then her fingers traveled the same route again. Cory was incredibly aroused by her actions and the fact that he had free rein to run his hand all over her sexy legs was an added thrill.

Every time Jewel's nails grazed the flesh at the base of scrotum, his hips reacted by giving his prick a little thrust upward, towards her hovering gaze. "That'sright,babyboy.Tryfindinga videogamethat'lldothisforyou,"Jewel thought, "NostupidIntergalacticArmywilleverbeable totouchyoulikeagirlcan."

After a steady dose of thigh stroking and ball-bumping, Jewel noticed a wet spot on her son's shorts where his knob was pushing out. It was clearly precum that had drooled from his piss-slit from all the arousing stimulation.

"Yuuum!!"Her mind screamed. Sure he was her son, but that didn't matter. If she knew it wouldn't freak him out, she wouldn't have hesitated to stretch her lips around that knob and suck that juice right out of his shorts. "Hotyoungball-batter!Ibetittastessooosweet!"her mind whimpered lustfully.

A voice suddenly startled them. "Jewel, you guys in here?" he husband said from the front door.

Her and Cory stopped stroking and quickly adjusted themselves. "Yeah honey, um, just fixing some things that shifted around while we were driving," she lied.

"You gotta try this burger. It's unbelievable."

"Ok, be right out," she answered, trying to remain as calm as possible, even though her heart was still racing.

"We'll be over at one of the outdoor tables," her husband said, closing the door.

Jewel and her son sat in awkward silence for a moment. The mother let out a deep breath, regaining her composure as her thrill-meter began began to return to normal. "So honey, was that 'new and exciting' enough for you?" she asked, patting his knee.

"I would say so," Cory answered, holding his hands over his cock-bulge, which was still fully hard. "Better than a silly video game right? she asked.

"Maybe," Cory said jokingly.

Jewel tickled his ribs, making him squirm. "Maybe??!" she exclaimed playfully.

Not long after, they were back in the truck and off to their next stop. Jewel was back up front with her husband, who was still rambling about how great his burger was. Her mind, however, was on juicy meat of a different type. The site of her son's bulge had intrigued her cock- obsessed mind. It's not that Jewel was a slut, but she was definitely a nymph. Sex was a daily ritual with her husband and intense clit-rubbing masturbation was even more frequent.

She was proud that as sex-minded as she was, she had never once cheated on Martin in their nineteen year marriage. However, if fantasizing counted as cheating, then she was a VERY unfaithful housewife. The fuck-partner of her dreams was young and virile, with a giant cum-

drooling cock that could pound her cunt mercilessly, sending her to the stars and back. It wasn't that Martin wasn't a good lover, or didn't have a decent-sized cock. It's just that the thought of having her thighs squeezed around a young innocent big-dicked stud thrilled her to her core. "I needashowerandsomehotsex,"she thought, her mind switching to how she was gonna get away with raping her husband in the trailer that night.

It took a long while for Cory's cock to become soft again. The thought of what had just happened and how absolutely thrilling it was kept the blood pumping to his crotch. When it came to sexual experience, the teen was pretty much a virgin. He had kissed a girl once in Junior High, but that was about the extent of it.

Jewel was spot on when she suspected that due to his video-game obsession he was missing out on other "wonderful things" that should be important to a guy his age. Cory's mind had been so wrapped up in the gaming world that girl's boobies and asses were the farthest things from his mind. Even masturbation, something that should be a daily part of his life, was nonexistent.

So what made this little experience with his mother really special was that it was so new. The site and feel of her legs made his heart pound faster with excitement than it ever had. The feel of his dick getting hard and throbbing in his shorts was exhilarating. It was stirring up brand new thoughts and desires that he'd never really dwelled much on before. One thing he knew for sure...he wanted more.

Golden Ridge RV Park was a clean, convenient place to park the rig overnight. The great thing about traveling in such luxury was that everything you needed was right there in your own travel- trailer. There was a place to cook as well as a place to pee and have a nice hot shower. It was truly a home on wheels.

"Who wants more pasta?" Jewel asked, standing at the stove. "I"m good babe," Martin said.

Ann was too busy playing with her dolls to answer. Jewel looked at her son. "Cory?"

"No thanks, Mom. That was really good though, thanks," he said.

"You're welcome," she said sweetly. Their eyes lingered a moment as if both silently reminding the other of the erotic experience they'd had earlier.

Cory could hardly take his eyes off the mature beauty, watching her gracefully work in the kitchen area. The site of her strong tan legs was thrilling, but he also began to wonder about other parts of her body as well. "Ibetshehasbiggerboobsthananyofmyfriend'sMoms,"he thought, watching the enormous swell of Jewel's melons jiggle and wobble as she moved about

the kitchen area.

Jewel wasn't oblivious to her son's attentiveness. It was something she wasn't used to, but also exactly what she was hoping for. "Finally,he'sstartingtoshowsomeinterestinsomethingmore ageappropriate,"she thought.

While she soaked in the attention, she also knew discreetness was a must. If Martin suspected that her son was lusting after her, or her him, he would completely freak out. Treading with caution during this new naughty adventure was paramount.

Martin was looking over the map that his wife had in the truck earlier that day. "Tomorrow we're gonna see the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, sixty-three stories high kids and we're taking the ride straight to the top," he said, pointing to the picture on the map.

Jewel smiled at her husband, "You know babe, you probably could have got all that information on these little things they call cellphones," she teased, imitating how he mocked her earlier.

"Ok, so I kinda like doing things the old-fashioned way too," he said.

At bedtime, Cory and his sister refused to share the bunk at the front of the trailer, so Cory took the fold-out sofa in the main living area. His parents, of course, had the bedroom at the rear. The teen could hardly sleep, unable to shake the look and feel of his Mom's luscious legs from his mind.

At some point, he became aware of heavy panting coming from the direction of his parent's bedroom. "Ibetthey'rehavingsexinthere,"he thought.

The idea of his own beautiful Mom being naked and having sex made his heart thump wildly in his chest. He couldn't help but think that even being a fly on the wall, watching her in the lewd act, would be absolutely incredible.

The boy bravely got out of bed and snuck over to his parent's closed doorway. He put his ear to the door and was able to hear the heavy panting and gasping much better this way. Not completely satisfied with the muffled fuck-sounds, he decided to take a risk, so he cracked opened the door and peeked inside.

The bedroom was dimly lit, allowing him to only faintly see his parents going at it on the bed. What was immediately apparent was that his father was on top, his ass bobbing between his Mom's splayed thighs.

"Yesss!" Jewel whimpered, between sharp gasps.

Cory could see her legs, glowing with silky softness, wrapped high around his father's back. They were the same strong legs that he got to feel earlier in the day and were now clutching his father, pulling him deeper between her cradling thighs. He could see her muscles and sinews flexing powerfully, using her strong gams to bounce her thick naked ass off the mattress,

meeting his father thrust for thrust. "Fuck me haarder!" he heard his mother whimpered.

Jewel's eyes were clenched shut. Even though it was her husband fucking her, she was imagining someone much younger. Someone with a monster cock. Someone who was pounding through the delicate pink walls of her cunt and making her want to shake and scream out in absolute rapture.

It was a completely ironic then, that as her eyes peeked open, she saw a young, big-dicked cutie peeking in her doorway. "OhmyGod,ishe....he'swatchingushavesex,"she thought. "Ok,stay calm.ThelastthingweneedisMartinseeinghim."

The mother was amazed at how much more aroused she was suddenly feeling. Knowing her son was watching made her whole body tingle with a forbidden thrill. "Mmm,hewantstosee moreofMommy.Moreofhersexylegs!I'llshowhimwhatmylegscando,"she thought.

Cory gasped as he watched his mother suddenly throw her legs back, scissoring them wide

open and pointing her sexy bare feet back at the headboard. "Holyshit!Lookathowfarbackthe go,"he said to himself, staring at her legs, while fishing his hard cock from his briefs.

He watched her claw at his father's thrusting ass. "Fuck meee! Fuck me haaard!" he heard her cry out. Cory took that as words of encouragement to begin stroking his own cock.

His father propped himself up on extended arms above Jewel as he fucked, giving Cory his first look at her huge naked tits. Because of the dim lighting, he couldn't see much detail, but what he could make out were enormous mounds of sloshing tit-flesh rolling up and down her chest.

His father gasped in pleasure. "Ohh shit, I'm feeling good, babe!"

His mom responded by bringing her legs together and propping them on his father's shoulders. Cory imagined the pleasure his father must be feeling and the thrill of having such a lush body folded in half beneath him.

Jewel couldn't take her eyes off the doorway. She was feasting on her son's reaction. She could tell he was stroking on his dick and it was killing her that she couldn't see more. She wanted to see him jack his cock. She wanted to see the hot potent cum shot out his pisshole. "Beatthat dick,honey!OhhhGod,beatthatbigfuckingjuicydick!" she screamed inwardly, her mind swirling with fuck-lust.

She bucked her hips in a wild frenzy, screwing her hot pussy against her husband's thrusts, making him groan in delight as he was struck with a hard cum.

She screamed out something she wouldn't normally say, which was meant for Cory of course, as she reached the peak of her own juicy climax. "Gimme that hot fucking cum!" she squealed.

Cory's dick tingled and without warning started cumming in big milky ropes as he listened to his mom gasp and whimper in orgasm. The boy's mind swirled, envisioning his Mom's sexy legs

wrapped around him tightly, her cute bare feet hovering above his back. He let out an audible gasp, not really considering the fact that his spunk was splashing against the outside of his parent's door.

His mind swirled with arousal, the likes of which he'd never experience before, making him unsteady on his feet and bumping into his parent's door.

Martin quickly pushed himself off his wife, looking toward the noise. "Cory?" he said.

Jewel knew she had to act and act fast. "I'll check him honey. Just relax," she said, getting up from the bed and throwing her robe on.

She stepped outside the door into a pool of hot spunk. She could feel it oozing between her toes and she knew exactly what it was the moment she stepped in it. She looked over and could see her son laying back on the pull-out sofa, facing away from her.

She turned and looked at her husband. "It looks like Cory got sick...didn't quite make it to the bathroom."

"Oh shit," Martin responded.

"I'll clean it up, then check on him. Just stay put. I don't want you stepping in this," she said, then closed the door behind her.

Cory's heart was racing, partly because of being nervous of his parent's finding his load on the floor and partly because he had just experience the strongest orgasm of his life.

He heard someone, his Mom presumably, rinsing something off in the sink. "Ohshit,shemust havefoundit.Shemustbecleaningitup,"he thought.

Jewel went back to her bedroom door with some paper towels. She crouched down, then peeked over at her son to make sure he was still turned, before dipping a finger into the slimy spunk. She brought it to to her nose and sniffed. "OhmyGod!"her mind whimpered. Then she stuffed it into her mouth greedily. "OhhmyGod,ohmyGod,ohmyGod,OHMYGOD!!"she screamed inwardly, savoring her son's sweet ball-juice.

She quickly scooped up more cum off the floor using three fingers and stuffed it into her mouth. Her taste-buds sizzled, making her eyeballs flutter backwards. Her clit throbbed as she felt the gooey jizz run down her throat. She scooped up even more, lapping off a big mouthful from her fingers. This time she played with the cum in her mouth, letting her tongue curl through it.

As she did this, she peeked over to make sure her son was still turned, then she scooped again. This time she brought the pool of spunk up between her legs and rubbed it like lotion against the thick shaved lips of her pussy.

"Ohhhnnff," she softly moaned, massaging his slippery spunk against the big engorged nub of

her clitoris.

She swiped some from the door and applied more to her pussy, this time deep into her gash and up inside her fuck-hole, clenching her eyes shut and biting her bottom lip in ecstacy. There was some left on her fingers, so she reached down between her buns and rubbed it against the pink ring of her asshole. She simply wanted to feel his young cum everywhere!

Cory waited nervously. Strangely, all he could hear were lewd creamy sounds and his mom's heavy breathing. He slowly turned his head to peek around and saw his Mom crouched down, resting on the balls of her feet, with her heels arched, her naked legs spread slightly. One hand was in her robe, massaging her nipples, while the other was to her mouth as she sucked on three fingers hungrily. Her eyes were closed and the look on her face was absolutely euphoric.

Suddenly, her eyes popped open and they found themselves staring at each other. Jewel quickly stood up and rushed into the bathroom. Cory heard the shower come on.

"Shewaseatingmycum,"the boy told himself in disbelief.

As he mulled over what he'd just seen, Jewel was slumped against the shower wall masturbating furiously. Her huge wet naked tits ballooned out, their thick areola and nipples protruding like big demon eyes. She rubbed her clit frantically, her three fingers shoved back in her mouth, sucking off every bit of sweet baby-making juice that was left.

"HARDYOUNGDICK!!!BIGHARDJUICYCUM-SQUIRTINGDICK!!"he mind screamed out as her wet curvy body began to tremble from a hot climax. Her knees buckled and she lowered to the shower floor in a ball of glistening, shuddering tan mommy-flesh.

Of course Cory was still awake when she emerged several minutes later. He listened to her

clean up whatever was left of his mess, then heard her feet tap across the floor to where he was laying.

He felt her sit down on the mattress behind him. "Are you still awake?" her sweet voice whispered.

He bravely turned his head to find her looking down at him. Her hair was still damp and slicked back from the shower and she smelt amazing.

She smiled lovingly. "It was obvious to me that you enjoyed what you saw going on in there," she said.

Her son nodded timidly.

"And I'm sure it was obvious to you that I liked what I FOUND out here," she said, referring to him seeing her eat his spunk.

"Yes," he muttered.

"So I think we'd both agree that we should probably keep what we saw between us," she said. "Yeah, I agree."

She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "Goodnight my Gemini Man," she whispered with a wink.

Cory smiled. "Goodnight," he said,, then watched her get up and sashay back to his parent's room. The backs of those strong silky tan legs looked amazing, as did the undulating swell of her robe-covered buttocks. Jewel paused at the door and gave him one last lustful look before going into her bedroom.

Cory's heart was pounding so hard he thought it might thump right out of his chest. What looked like another boring family vacation in the beginning, was now looking like it might be the time of his life.

Ch. 2 - Kinda like a Date Almost

"F," Cory said from the backseat, as they traveled down the roadway, passing their first vehicle. Jewel looked back at him. "What honey?" she asked.

"My letter today is F."

She smiled naughtily. "Hmm, ok." "That'saverydangerouslettertobeplayingasexualgamewith,"she thought. An hour later they were arriving at their stop.

"Here we are...Gateway Arch!" Cory's dad announced as they pulled into the lot.

His wife and kids were busy gazing up at the steel and concrete monument as it towered overhead. "Oh my God, it's enormous!" Jewel exclaimed.

Martin flashed her a smile. "That's what she said," he joked. She playfully slapped him on the arm. "You wish!"

"Ok, let's find a place to park this rig," Martin said.

After finding a spot, the family made their way to the entrance of the attraction. "We're going all the way up there?" Ann asked as the little girl gazed up at the top of the six-hundred and thirty foot arch.

"Sure are," Martin answered, "There's a tram that takes you to the top. You're gonna love it honey."

"What's a tram?"

Jewel answered. "It's like if an elevator and a train had a baby." "Gross," Ann scowled.

Jewel giggled, "Don't worry, I saw pictures and it doesn't look scary at all honey," she assured her.

"I hope not."

As Martin paid for their tickets, Jewel stepped over and took Cory's arm, making sure to press her soft breasts against his side. "This should be a little more interesting than 'hard dick man, oh I mean Gemini Man" she joked, making them both laugh.

They explored the displays on the ground level, reading about the history of the area and the monument. Jewel wore a sexy blue mini-dress. It had plunging neckline, showing of her huge succulent cleavage. Cory had a hard time not staring at her boobs. Also her luscious tan legs, which were fully exposed since the skirt fell just below her crotch.

His fascination didn't go unnoticed by his Mom. "IfIhadadollarforevertimeCory'slookedat myboobstoday,Iberichbynow,"she giggled to herself, "Iwonderifhehasahardon?"she thought, sneaking a look at his crotch.

Cory and Jewel were on opposite sides of a display, which was about the size of a table. She leaned down and pointed through the display glass. "That looks really old," she said, referring to the Indian artifact on display.

Jewel was providing her own display for her son and his eyes widened as it captured his attention. Squeezed between her arms, her enormous tit-melons ballooned outward, forming a long deep canyon of cleavage. Her engorged nipples were so hard that they clearly protruded out through the fabric.

"Yeah, real big...uh, I mean real old," Cory muttered.

Jewel giggled and he looked up to see her watching him gawk at her tits. For a moment they shared a prolonged gaze, before Martin snapped them from their lustful trance. "I bought us tickets to the film. They have one that starts in ten minutes," he said.

"Film?" his wife asked.

Cory's interest was peaked. "They have movies here?"

"Sorry, it's not the next Avengers film, son," Martin said. "It's a documentary on the building of the arch. It's only about thirty minutes, but we better head in and find our seats."

They followed Martin to the Museum Theater. Cory brought up the rear, enjoying the sight of the backs of his Mom's strong, smooth legs. Her sexy tan feet were propped in sandals with dainty five-inch heels that CLICKED delicately on the hard cement floor.

"When are we going to the top?" Ann asked impatiently. "After the movie, honey," Jewel answered.

The mother looked back at her teen, pleased that he was still more focused on her voluptuous body than the surrounding displays. She quickly glanced down at the bulge in his shorts. "Good God,Iwannasqueezehisyoungcocksofuckingbad,"she thought, "Iwonderhowdarkit's gonnagetinthistheater...wonderifIcouldcopafeel?"

She gave her meaty mommy-buttocks a little extra sway as she walked, knowing her son's eyes would be transfixed.

They entered the dimly lit auditorium, which was just like the theaters they knew back home, with rows of seats facing a giant screen.

"I wanna sit in the front row!" Ann shouted. "Can we sit in the front row daddy?" "Oh, that may be a little too close sugar," Martin answered.

"Pleeeease!" the girl pleaded.

Jewel spoke up. "Take her up front, hon. Cory and I will sit back here in the back." "Yaay!" Their daughter cheered, rushing to the front.

"Gee, thanks," Martin joked, smiling at his wife.

Jewel's husband joined his daughter up front. "Where do you wanna sit Mom?" Cory asked, looking out over the empty rows of seats. There were only a few people scattered here and there.

"Let's sit in the back row," Jewel said, leading him to the rear of the theater.

They went to nearly the end of the row, in the most secluded part of the auditorium and sat down. From here they could see the entire theater.

Ann waved to her mother from the front. Jewel giggled and waved back. "She's such a little clown," she said.

"Yep," Cory agreed.

Jewel took her son's hand and squeezed, placing their hands on her lap. "This is nice, isn't it?" she asked, "kinda like a date almost."

"Almost, but not quite," her son said.

"True, if it were a real date we'd be making out," she said candidly, "then you'd get to fuck my pussy after the movie."

Her words were like a punch of excitement, straight to Cory's solar plexus. "Geez, Mom," the boy blushed in surprise.

Jewel smiled playfully. "What, it's true. I mean, isn't that what you're suppose to do on a real date?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"You were going out with that Hannah girl for awhile. Is that what you guys would do after you'd saw a movie...fuck your asses off?" Jewel asked, gazing right at him..

"Not all the time."

The movie started and the lights dimmed. Jewel leaned over, snuggling against her boy. She slowly slid their hands onto her bare leg, then under her skirt against her inner thigh.

Cory stiffened up like a board. His heart was racing. Like yesterday, his Mom was taking him on a tour of her legs and he was loving it. The feel of her smooth inner thigh was amazing.

Jewel didn't stop at her leg. She guided her teen's trembling hand all the way to her panty covered crotch. Cory could feel the heat coming from her hot pussy. His fingers wandered along the silky gusset, feeling the puffy folds beneath.

The horny mother brought her lips to his ear. "Do you wanna make it like a real date? Do you wanna fuck me when the movie's over?" she whispered.

Cory's excitement level was through the roof. If it weren't for the events of the night before, he would think his Mom was just teasing him, but he knew that they were already sharing some VERY naughty secrets, so maybe she was serious.

"Fuck? Really?" he asked.

"Yes. F is for fuck," she said. "That is the word you were hoping I would use for your letter, right honey?"

"Yes, but um...where would we do it?" he softly muttered.

She whispered in his ear again. "I have a place in mind, but we won't have much time," she said, "do you think you can cum in under three minutes?"

"Threeminutes?"the boy asked himself, wondering why only such a short time. Yet he knew three minutes with his prick soaked in hot pussy was better than nothing.

"I could try," he muttered.

Jewel left his hand on her crotch and moved her hand over onto the bulge if his erection. She traced it's length through her son's shorts. He could feel her hot breath at his ear again. "Promise you'll fuck me as hard as you can?" she whispered.

He nodded anxiously. The feel of his Mom's fingers squeezing his dick was incredible. It was like they were starting up where they left off the day before, when they had touched each other inside the 5th wheel. "Thisisunbelievable.Man,whenmomsaidshe'dshowme'newand exciting'thingsonthistrip,shewasn'tkidding.AmIreallygonnafuckher?"he wondered.

Jewel unzipped her boy's shorts and snaked inside his fly, wrapping her hand around his thick cock-meat. Her heart was racing with forbidden passion. "OhhmyGodITISbig!Andincredibly thick!Fuck,fuck,fuuuck,Ijustwannasquirtmyfuckingjuicesalloverit!!" her horny mind screamed.

Her clitoris throbbed between her cunt lips. It needed her son's touch badly. She shameless whispered her request. "Put your hand in my panties, honey. Feel how wet my pussy is," she said.

The boy didn't need to be asked twice. He shoved his hand beneath the waistband of her panties, down onto the shaved mound of her pubis. His head was spinning with wicked lust. Neither he

or his mother had focused on one second of movie so far. Yes their eyes were on the screen, but their minds were on each other's crotches.

Jewel's cunt-slot was soaking wet and her son dug his fingers down into the groove of her smooth labium. "Holyshit,that'smom'sfuck-hole!"he excitedly thought.

At the same time, the hot mother was tugging on her son's hardon, feeling it flex and squeeze through her circled fist. "Suchayoungharddick!Ifuckingloveit!Ineeditinsidemesooo fuckingbad!"her mind screamed.

"Rub my clitoris!" the mother whimpered, clamping her hot thighs around her boy's hand. Cory found her thick juicy love-button and strummed on it like a base guitar string. This sent

Jewel's body into a shaking fit and she turned sideways, tossing her naked leg across his lap.

The boy gasped in wide-eyed disbelief. His wildly-horny mother was now halfway on top of him, mashing his face against the swell of her huge boobs while she fisted his cock up and down. If anyone else in the audience turned around, it would have been completely obvious the two were going at it.

Jewel had a tight squeeze on his cock, tugging the loose skin and folding it halfway up his purple knob on every upward stroke. Slippery precum oozed from his piss-hole, lubricating her cock-stroking fist.

She licked her son's ear lustfully, then bit his earlobe. "Finger me!" she hissed, "fuck my hole with your fingers!"

Cory obliged, digging two fingers inside her hot tight hole as deep as they would go. She writhed in delight, nearly straddling him. It was all she could do to keep from crying out in fuck-lust. She grasped her son around the back of his head and stuffed his face down into her cleavage..

"Mmnngghh," Cory whimpered delightfully. Having his face surrounded in warm spongy tit-meat was something he hadn't experienced until now. This, while having his cock beaten off at the same time was absolutely euphoric.

The boy's fingers plunged in and out of her slippery cunt, feeling the warm ribbed lining clasp at his fingers, as if trying to draw them deeper inside.

Jewel humped her smouldering pussy against his digging digits, wishing it was his big teenage cock that was slamming into her instead.

"Fuuuck!" she hissed, just loud enough for her son to hear. She bucked her ass up and down like a bitch in heat. "Fuuuckyess!"

Cory was overwhelmed. He never expected to have a hot older woman using his body like a fuck

-post while beating his boner. He especially didn't expect that person to be his own mother. One thing was for sure, she definitely knew how to stroke a cock. Her fist squeezed up and down his erection as if she were trying to yank it right off his body.

He could hear the juice squelching from her cunt-slot as he fingered her. Her female excrement was soaking his hand and dripping down his forearm.

Jewel's mind was a whirlwind of lust. She wanted to climb the rest of the way on top of him and bury his cock in the deepest regions of her cunt. She wanted to feel his hot hard manhood pulsing inside her. If they weren't in public, there would have been nothing stopping her.

Her huge jiggling breasts heaved around her son's face, her nipples so hard and aroused she felt like they could pop from the ends of her tits. She felt the strap of her bra straining for release, pulling at the four hooks that barely held it on as those huge melons distended outward.

"Holyfuckingwow!!"the teen thought as he felt his knob tingle. He knew he was close to cumming and looked up between her cleavage to see her mom's pretty face wincing, the muscles in her neck straining with intense pleasure. She increased the cock-milking pressure around his cock, dipped her head and let out a deep feminine snarl. Cory knew this wasn't his Mom, the sweet loving woman. At that moment it was his Mom the cock-loving sexual animal.

He felt her cunt tighten and suck at his fingers as her sexy middle-aged body began to tremble in orgasm. His face was tucked so deeply in her cleavage he was kissing her breastbone. The huge mounds of spongy tit-meat began jiggle around his face, causing him to lustfully thrust his pecker up into her stroking hand.

"He'scumming!!"Jewel's mind screamed as she felt his cock lurch and throb.

In a split second, she slid off him, onto the floor between his legs. She stuffed his juicy prick into her mouth and began bobbing her pretty head up and down.

Cory's knees shook and he winced in pleasure as the hot cum began to pour from his dick, into his Mom's plunging mouth. It was all he could do to keep from crying out the feeling so intense.

The stretched ring of Jewel's pouty lips fucked up and down her son's rigid pole, milking the hot ball-juice from his cock, sending it cascading down her throat. "OhhmyGod!"her brain cried out, "hotfuckingcumm.Mmmm!"

The cock-sucking mother had a long strong tongue and she looped it around and around her son's knob, lighting his sensitive glans on fire.

"Ohhhshit,"the boy cried out internally. It was the most intense cum he'd ever had. He felt his

Mom's tongue drag down his long shaft, dragging wetly around the rounded surface of his nuts, then traveling back up to his tip.

"Mmmnn!" she whimpered hungrily, nursing on his big juicy cock-head.

Jewel loved sucking cock and prided herself in the fact that she was a skilled blowjob artist. She took the tip of her licker and dug beneath the head of his prick, where that band of skin met his knob.

Cory trembled and threw his head back in utter delight. "Holyshit,Ican'tfuckingbelieveshe's suckingmycock!"he thought.

When the lights came back up, so did the mother, plopping her sexy ass back on the seat beside her boy. They both quickly straightened their clothing and Jewel licked the cum that lingered on her lips..

They were both still a bit out of breath and flying high from the thrill of doing such a naughty thing in such a public place. As Jewel's husband and daughter approached, she fed her boy one last dreamy eyed look. "Yum," she muttered, giving her lips one final lick to erase any evidence.

"What did you guys think?" Martin asked.

"Oh it was um..."Jewel muttered, then swallowed some residual sperm that was still in her mouth, "it was amazing."

"Can we go to the top now?" Ann asked.

"Alright, to the top it is. Let's go find that tram," Martin said.

Cory was amazing how his mom went right back into wife and mom mode as they made their way back across the museum. It was as if nothing inappropriate had even happened between them. "ThatwasincredibleandIcan'tbelieveshe'ssocoolwithallthis,"he thought.

The tram to the top was a tiny five-seat compartment, with a sort of egg-shape interior. The family all rode to the top together, which only took about four minutes.

"That was an interesting little ride," Jewel said as they got out and began to explore the upper level.

Ann was all smiles as she gazed out one of the tiny windows lining the peak of the arch. "Wow, we're so high up!"

"See that big river down there? That's the mighty Mississippi, the second largest river in America," Martin said.

While his dad was busy giving a geography lesson, Cory was across the way, looking out at the city in the opposite direction. Peering out the tiny window required him to lean forward slightly.

After a few minutes of gazing, he felt a pair of soft squishy breasts press against his back. Jewel leaned against her boy, her pretty face hovering over his shoulder as they looked out the window together. "How's my hot date?" she asked softly.

"Good," he said with a satisfied smile.

"Did you like the way my lips felt around your cock?" she asked candidly. "Of course," the boy blushed.

"Mmm, I didn't have to scrape it off this floor this time," she said with a giggle. "True."

"Are you ready to fuck me?" she asked matter-of-factly. "You were serious about that?"

"Of course I was serious," she answered, "I think I proved that in the theater, don't you?" she asked.


"We'll have exactly three minutes," she said. "Why only three minutes?"

"You'll see," she said, then gazed at him with her big beautiful eyes. "Do you promise to fuck me as hard as you can?"

Cory was finding it hard to breathe. He was so fucking turned on and flabbergasted at the fact that his mom was serious about fucking, he could hardly stand it. "I promise," he muttered.

Jewel lifted herself off him, standing upright and taking his arm. They stepped over to her husband, who was still busy pointing out landmarks to their daughter.

"Honey, Cory and I are going back down," she said. "Already?" Martin asked.

"Yeah, I think the heights have got me feeling a little light headed," she said, "I should be ok once I'm back on ground level."

"Ok babe, we'll be down in just a little bit."

"Take your time," she said, then turned and led her son to the tram.

Both mother and son waited anxiously for their car to arrive. "Is it hard?" Jewel asked, squeezing his arm as she stood beside him.

"What?" Cory asked stupidly.

"Your dick honey. Is your dick hard?" she said. "Oh..um, kind of," he answered.

"We won't have much time, so we need your dick to be rock hard and ready to go as soon as we enter the tram.

"Ok..um..." the boy muttered, looking around awkwardly. "Hug me."

He looked at his Mom. "Hug you?"

She smiled back. "Yes, hug me. Don't worry about these people, they don't even know us," she said.

Cory embraced his mom, feeling her spongy tit-orbs flatten against his chest. She brought her lips to his ear. "As soon as we get inside I'm gonna take my panties off," she whispered.


"I'm gonna sit down in one of the seats while you quickly get your cock out," she said softly, "Then I'm gonna lean back, hook my legs around you and cradle you between my thighs."

Cory's cock was fully hard before she could finish her sentence. "They'll be no time for talking. No time for bullshit. Just slip it in and fuck me as deep and as fast as you can," she said.

She clutched him tighter. "If you do a good enough job, you'll make me squirt all over your fucking cock," she said in a sexy tone.

"Jesus, Mom," the boy sighed excitedly. Now not only was his cock hard, it was throbbing eagerly.

"You like the sound of that honey?" she asked, "Are you gonna help me soak your boner in hot mommy-cum?"


She brought her head back and gazed lustfully nose to nose with him. "Are you gonna stand between my sexy legs and pound my hole with your big handsome cock?"

"Definitely," he muttered, his heart pounding a mile a minute.

They could hear the car arrive behind them. Cory felt like a fighter about to enter the ring for his shot at the title. He was all nerves, but knew he wanted to fuck his mom just the way she described.

The car stopped and they heard the door open. Jewel smiled eagerly at her boy. "Here we go," she said, pulling him into the tram.

By the time the door closed, Jewel's panties had already hit the floor. Time seemed to move in slow motion as Cory watched her do just what she said she would. In no time flat, his mom was sitting on the seat with her skirt bunched to her waist as she threw her strong sexy legs back.

"Get your cock out, honey!" she shouted anxiously.

Cory snapped to it, fishing his hard dick from his shorts. Before he even had it fully out, Jewel had her lovely tan legs around him, pulling him towards her crotch. She pressed her hands on the rounded walls for support, gazing down at her son's boner as it wagged towards her waiting cunt-hole. "Yess!OhmyGod,I'mreallygonnafuckhim!"her mind exclaimed delightfully.

Cory's eyes widened as he saw his Mom's splayed pussy right there in front of him. There was something so lewd and incredibly thrilling knowing that he was gonna split his own mom's married twat. The very cunt that gave birth to him..

He stepped forward and groaned as the spongy knob of his dick pressed between the pouting lips of her wet cunt. Then he thrust his hips forwards, gasping as he slipped the whole length of his pulsing dick into the buttery warmth of Jewel's fuck hole.

He held it there a moment, enjoying the sensation of being fully sheathed. Jewel tugged his ass with her bare feet, setting his hips in motion. "Fuck me Cory!!" she cried out, not wanting to waste a second.

The boy's lean, slim hips humped between her naked legs, hammering the length of his blue- veined cock deeper and deeper into her pussy tunnel. "Ohhh yess! Haaarder!" his horny mother cried out.

"He'sfuckingme!" shethoughtgleefully."Ohfuckyes,he'sdoingit,he'sfuckingmehard!Ican feelhisdick...it'ssobigandstiff...somuchfuckingbiggerthanMartin's!"he brain screamed.

The big titted mother squeezed her smooth legs around his back and pumped her ass off the seat, grunting as she thrust up her cunt to meet his strokes. "Come on, honey, faster! Fuck the shit out of meee!" she cried out.

Cory fucked as fast as he could. Her pussy was so juiced around his throbbing prick that it made slurping, gulping sounds every time he thrust it her. He moaned as he felt her strong cuntal walls sucking around his cock. His strokes became faster and deeper.

"Ohh man, yess!" he sighed, watching his juice-soaked boner slide in and out of her. "Grab my legs!" she said, straightening legs out along his upper torso. "Pound me!'

Cory did just that, hooking his arms around her sexy mommy-legs and spearing his hard prick

deep into her pussy-tube. His crotch beat against her naked buttock. "CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!"

"Ohh shit, Mom!" the boys groaned, feeling his cock rocket through her tunnel of love. Even under the confines of her bra and dress, her big titties jostled up and down her chest.

With her legs hugging him this way, the spires of her sexy little bare feel hovered slightly above his face, providing another visual treat for the humping teen to enjoy as he fucked.

"I'm gonna cum, honey!... unggghhh!" the mother cried out with a cute girlish scream.

Cory pulled his hips back again and again, delivering hard, savage thrusts, burying his cock balls- deep into the sucking grip of her juice-spewing pussy-hole. "Oh damn, I'm getting close too!" he announced.

Suddenly, the tram car jerked and seemed to slow down. "Ohh shit, pull it out. Hurry honey!"

Cory's hardon popped from her cunt-hole, soaked with girl-cum. He slipped it back in his pants and his mom sat up and straightened her skirt, just as the car came to a stop. There were people outside the window waiting.

Jewel giggled. "Phew! That was close."

"Damn, I wish we could have another three minutes," her son said, his cock twitching excitedly in his shorts.

"Oh but we can...only longer this time," Jewel said with a wink, taking him by the arm and exiting the tram. "Give me your phone."

Cory handed his Mom his cellphone. "Don't you have yours?"

"No, I misplaced it somewhere in the museum," she said, dialing her husband on her son's cell. Cory giggled. "Mom, it's right there in your hand," he said.

Martin's voice came over the speakerphone. "Hey babe, did you guys make it down alive?" he asked.

"Yes and feeling better at the moment, but we have another problem." "What?" her husband asked..

"My phone's missing, that's why I'm calling you on Cory's," she lied. "Oh great. Did you leave it in the theater maybe?"

"Honestly, I can't even remember if I brought it in, so Cory and I are headed to the truck to see if it's in there."

"Oh shit, I hope so," Martin said. "What do you need me to do?"

"Wait around there and I'll call you back," she said, "if it's not in the truck I might have to have you retrace our steps...see if we can find it," she said.

"Got it. Let me know," her husband said.

Mother and son exited the building, hurrying towards the parking lot. "There. I just at least bought us an hour."

"You think that long?" Cory asked.

"I'll call him in a bit and tell him he needs to look. He won't come all the way to the rig until he knows we've found it."


There was a sense of urgency as they walked back to the 5th wheel. The experience in the tram had only wetted their appetite for an even hotter, longer fuck.

"I know what you were thinking when you were beating off in mine and your father's doorway last night," she said.

"You do?"

"Yes," she said with a smile, "you were thinking you wished it was you on that bed with me, fucking me hard while I clung to you. I'm not wrong, am I?" she asked.


"You wanted to squirt all that hot cum into my pussy and not on the floor, didn't you honey?" "I was imagining that, yes," he honestly answered.

"I'm glad, because I have to be honest too," she said, "I may have been fucking your father last night, but it was YOUR cock I was thinking about."


"Yes and now we're gonna both get our wish," she said.

They arrived back at the rig, locked themselves inside the 5th wheel and shed their clothes faster than a couple on their wedding night. Cory's eyes about bugged out of his head when his Mom unclasped her big bra and her mammoth boobies sprung free.

The horny naked mother latched on to her teen, locking lips in a fiery French kiss. Before the boy knew what hit him, she had climbed onto his cock, with her strong tan legs circling his waist.

Cory awkwardly held her up, holding on to her silky thighs. They bumped the counter in the kitchen, sending items crashing to the floor. This didn't slow them one bit. They kissed passionately, their tongue dueling.

"Fuck meee!" Jewel panted lustfully, reaching down, grasping her boy's cock and cramming it into her horny vagina.

Cory turned her around, pinning her to the wall while humping between her circled legs. Her big jiggling tits sloshed against his bare chest, her erect nipples poking into his flesh.

"Ohhh!" he sighed excitedly, feeling his tender pink dick prod deeper and deeper into the juicy grip of her baby-chute.

She clawed at his young ass with both hands, pulling him in as deep as he could go. "I need your cock!" she whimpered, shaking with overwhelming arousal, "Ohhh God, I need your fucking cock!"

Cory bucked forward, ramming his dick completely up her fuck hole, stretching the lips of her pussy around the thick muscular base of his cock. He feverishly worked his hips and met her humping strokes, pumping his prick rhythmically through the slippery ribbed lining of her cunt.

"Ohhhh damn, Mom!"

"Squeeze my titties!" Jewel pleaded, bobbing her ass on his crotch, desperately trying to get more of his satisfying cock inside her snatch. "Pull on my tits while you fuck me honey!"

Cory wrapped his palms around the swaying, mammoth globes of her spongy breasts. He squeezed and kneaded and pulled them, making her nipples ache with their hardness against his palms. At the same time he caught the tempo of their humping rhythm, reaming out her pussy with long wet strokes of his swollen cock.

"Get us to the bed!" she panted between kisses, "I wanna ride your fucking cock!"

The boy stumbled into his parents portion of the trailer. They fell onto the big mattress and Jewel took the top position, straddling her handsome son. Cory stared up in wide-eyed wonder at his mother's huge jutting tit-melons. They way they bounced and jiggled heavily was absolutely mesmerizing.

Jewel gazed down lustfully, swiveling her wide hips. "I'mgonnafuckhimsooGodDamngood!"

she thought, "Iwannaeelthathotcumpourintomypussythistime!

She bounced her ass on him, spearing his cock up her rubbery sheath. She was practically beside herself with lust, making cunt tunnel contract and squeeze around his pumping prick..

Cory squirmed beneath her in ecstacy. "Ohhh damn, Mom, you'll make me cum that way!" he sighed.

Jewel got a wild-eyed grimace, stirring her twat with her son's big meaty fucker. She could feel his juicy knob plowing through areas that her husband could never reach. "Ohh Cory honey, your cock feels so fucking good! I love it!" she panted.

Her phone rang in the next room. "That's probably dad," Cory muttered.

"Do you give a fuck? I don't," his mother said selfishly, then dropped her upper half down on top of him.

Cory rubbed his face between her bobbling jugs, feeling their smooth spongy contours bump and rub against his face. His mom's cunt slipped up and down on his boner, fucking it with steady pumps.

The boy's dick bathed in the flow of her juices, feeling her hot secretions run down across his smooth full nuts. His long strong boner dug up through her pink pussy tube, her spongy walls sucking and squeezing on his cock-muscle. On every upward thrust, his knob kissed the rounded lips of cervix, smearing it with his slippery precum.

"Cummmminnnggg!!" Jewel shouted, bucking her ass on him in an animalistic frenzy of incestuous lust. She panted and gasped as the hot juices exploded in her pussy.

Such a hard orgasm was partly due to the fact that Cory's face was pressed deeply against one of her mammoth tits, sucking hungrily at her nipple..

Even if the boy were a skilled pornstar, there's no way he would have lasted a second longer. "Mmmnnggfff!" Came the muffled cry.

Repeatedly the gushers of jism spurted from his peter-tip, inside his mother's clasping pussy. Cory moaned and worked his hips steadily off the bed, draining his cum into her cunt while nursing on the nipple of her smothering tit-orb.

When all of his jism was drained the boy sighed with pleasure, his face still wedged deeply in her squishy cleavage.

"Ohhh honey, I could fuck you ten times a day," Jeweled sighed. "Maybetwentytimes!"she thought.

"I wouldn't mind," he said.

She rose up slightly, letting her tits dangle as she smiled down at him. "Mmm, really? You want Mommy to be your sneaky little cock-whore on this trip?" she asked.

"As long as you don't mind cheating on dad."

"Does it seem at all like I mind cheating on your father?" she asked with a naughty smile. "I love

him, but when it comes to sex I'd rather have your big fucking cock ripping through my cunt." "I like the sound of that too."

They heard her phone go off again. "Speaking of Mr. dull-fuck, there he is now," Jewel said, making her son laugh.

"You're funny mom."

"What? It's true. You saw how quickly he came last night. It's fucking pathetic." "Well, you have an incredible pussy," he boy confessed.

She smiled lovingly. "And I guess it takes an incredible cock like yours to tame this wild pussy, doesn't it honey?" she asked.

Cory looked in the direction of her phone as it still rang. "We better get that," he said. "Why?" She asked, "my phone's still missing, remember?"

"He's probably been calling mine too."

"Tough titty. You're still hard and I'm still horny, so I say ignore the calls for now, roll me over and fuck me again," Jewel said with a naughty smile.

Cory smiled and rolled her onto her back. With his cock still deep in her pussy, he rose up on extended arms, gazing down at the beauty below him.

Jewel gazed up at her new lover with lustful eyes, her long hair fanned out on the bed around her pretty face. Her huge tit-mounds were spread out across her chest, nipples erect and throbbing from the centers of wide areola.

His eyes traveled down her sexy midriff to her shaved pubis. Her large fleshy clitoris stuck out like a tiny cock-head, the lips of her pudenda stretched obscenely around the root of his massive hardon.

"Fuck me Cory," she said softly, squeezing the walls of her pussy around him. "Fuck your cock- whore."

He reacted by flexing his boner inside her, making the big purple helmet of his cock-head swell even larger. He was ready to use it like a battering ram. To pound through her castle walls, crumbling her defences, fucking her in ways that his father couldn't, right here on their bed.

"Here we go, Mom," he said excitedly, tearing his cock back for his first big thrust.

Outside the trailer, the mother could faintly be heard squealing in delight. The big "fiver" began to gently rock and squeak from the wild humping inside.

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