KLRXO Stories

Chapter 88: Mom’s 5th Wheel Lovin’_5

Chapter 88: Mom's 5th Wheel Lovin'_5

Mom's 5th Wheel Lovin' – Chapter 9: Brenda and Jackson

"Cigars!" Martin exclaimed, unwrapping his gift.

"No, a box of cigars!" his wife said, then her and Brenda flashed each other a smile.

Don whispered softly to his wife. "Aren't those the cigars I just bought?" he asked.

"Shush," she whispered back sternly. If they were Don's cigars, they certainly weren't any more. Jewel needed to produce a gift in a hurry, so Brenda had rushed back to her trailer and snatched the first thing she could think of.

"Thanks, babe," Martin said, kissing his wife. He suddenly felt silly again that he had suspected his wife and son were screwing around in the truck. The truth is, they had been, and Jewel could still feel her son's cum seeping from her vagina.

When they got back to their own trailer, the first thing Brenda did was hug her boy. Jackson loved being the object of his mom's affection. She was blonde, beautiful, and her enormous knockers always felt so incredible squashed against his chest. Family members had always said that Brenda resembled the Canadian actress Natasha Henstridge, but with more pronounced motherly curves.

The teen thought back to six months ago, when he had just turned 18, and his mom had started to make her intentions known. After his birthday gathering, when all his friends were gone, Brenda tapped on his door.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Honey, I need your help with something?" she said, fully dressed and wearing her coat.

"Sure, Mom, what is it?"

"Put your coat and shoes on," she said, "I need you to take a quick ride with me."

Before he could ask any further questions, his mom disappeared. She was waiting for him out in the car, and once he was inside, she sped off.

"Where is it we're going?" he curiously asked.

She smiled over at him. "You'll find out when we get there. I told you, I just need your help with something," she said.

"It's snowing pretty hard. It's not the best night to be out." "We're not going far," Brenda assured him.

Brenda pulled into a hotel parking lot, just outside of town and parked the car in a spot.

"What are we doing here?" Jackson asked. "This is where I need your help."

"At a hotel? Doing what?" he asked.

"Bringing our bag in," she said with a wink, opening her door. "It's in the trunk."

Jackson grabbed the overnight bag, then followed his mom into the hotel, where she checked them in. It wasn't until they were moving down the hallway towards their room that he asked more questions.

"So why are we staying at a hotel in the same town we live in, mom?"

"I've been so busy with your three younger sisters that I've neglected my oldest child. I felt that you and I could use some time alone together, to connect," she said looking over at him with a sexy little smile.


When they arrived at the room, Jackson was a bit surprised to see there was only one big bed. "Do they

have a sleeper-sofa or something?" he asked.

"Why, do we need one?" Brenda responded. "Are you too cool to share a bed with mom?" "No, that's um, fine, I guess."

"Good, because the floor looks awfully uncomfortable," she teased. "True."

Brenda plopped the overnight bag on the bed and zipped it open. "I brought you an extra outfit, and some swim trunks. Word is that they have an awesome hot tub here. Wanna try it out with me?" she asked.

"Sure, why not," her son answered.

"Get changed then. I'll go throw my bikini on," Brenda said, snatching a few items from the bag and heading for the bathroom.

Jackson got in his trunks and waited for his mom to emerge from the bathroom. She finally did, dressed in a sexy white bikini cover-up that tied like a robe in the front. "Ready to go soak?" she asked.

"At least we don't have to go out in the cold. The front desk girl said the Jacuzzi's inside the building." "Good, it's freezing out."

They went down to the hot tub area and were pleased to find no other customers using it. Jackson got in first, then watched his mom shed her cover-up. His eyes about popped from his head when he saw how skimpy her bikini was.

"Like it?" she asked, standing there a moment with her hands on her hips. The two-piece yellow bikini set consisted of a tiny bandeau top and micro thonged bottoms. Jackson knew his mom had big boobs, but they looked even more enormous almost completely exposed like this.

"Wow! It's um... tiny," he muttered.

"You are talking about the bikini and not my boobs, right?" she asked with a quirky smile. "Definitely just the bikini."

"I thought so. My boobs and the word 'tiny' would NEVER be in the same sentence together," she said with a giggle, then stepped into the Jacuzzi.

"Oh my God, this feels divine," Brenda said, sitting down next to Jackson and taking his hand beneath the water.

"Sure does. I still can't believe you got us a room for the night."

"Like I said, I've been spending so much time wrapped up in the world of your three little sisters that I've

been neglecting my oldest child," she said, smiling over at him.

"I know they require a lot of time, and I understand," Jackson said. "I don't feel neglected at all."

"Well, that's fine and dandy, but it's still my job as your mom to make sure your needs are getting met." "I have everything I need, mom. Food, friends, a place to live," Jackson said.

"Those aren't the needs I'm talking about, honey," she said, squeezing his hand in hers. "Ok, well what needs do you mean?"

"Your sexual needs," Brenda said. "I talk to other moms who have boys your age. We all know what your needs our boys have?"

"You do?"

"Of course we do. So, are you getting those needs met?" she asked candidly. "Are you asking me if I'm having sex?"

"Well, I know sex is important to boys your age, so I guess I am."

"Well, I don't really do it as much as I'd like, but I still do it sometimes," Jackson confessed.

"Sometimes? Is your girlfriend April not putting out?"

"Well, unfortunately her parents are religious, so she's doing the whole 'I gotta wait until marriage' thing," he explained.

"Oh no, really?!" Brenda scowled. "So no sex at all with her?" "Well, we have done it orally a few times."

"A few times? Honey, you've been with this girl for almost three months," his mom pointed out.

"I know, and I really like everything about her, except that part."

"That's a pretty BIG part," Brenda said. "Sex is so important at your age." "Well I do still take care of myself. You know, the way guys can."

"By masturbating? Honey, masturbation is for boys; you're a man now. You're eighteen," the mother

said sympathetically. "You need a woman, not a hand to jerk with."

Jackson started laughing. He wasn't at all used to hearing his mom talk this way.

"I'm serious, it's not funny," Brenda said, trying to keep a straight face.

"I know. I like April, but I'm certainly in no hurry to marry her. Are you saying I need a new girlfriend then?" he asked.

"I'm saying you need to be sexually active. How you go about that is up to you."

"Maybe you and dad should up my allowance, so I can afford to pay for a hot call girl to have sex with,"

Jackson joked.

Brenda giggled, then slid up onto his lap, sitting sideways and wrapping one arm around his shoulders.

"You're not paying for it, that's not what I meant."

Jackson was delighted by the feel of her plush rounded ass smothering his groin, and his mom's mostly naked tits were now out of the water, looming just below his eyes. His wide-eyed gaze traveled along the massive split of her wet shimmering cleavage. "How do your boobs even stay in that tiny bikini top, mom?" he brazenly asked.

"I have to do a lot of adjusting, honey," Brenda said, using one hand to pull the bandeau-style top up, as it was slowly creeping down and about to expose her areolas. "Gravity's a bitch."

Jackson loved the way her boobies jostled like big mounds of jello as she adjusted them. He still couldn't believe she was wearing something this revealing in front of him. "If my girlfriend were more sexual, and I could attach your boobs to her, I'd be the happiest guy on the planet," he confessed.

Brenda burst out laughing. "What's wrong with these boobs attached to me?" she asked, gazing him in the eyes.

"Well, not a thing, other than you're my mom."

"Well that's not a bad thing. Since we live together, you get to look at them all the time," she said with a


"Yeah, but not the same way I would if they were attached to my girlfriend." "Oh, you mean that 'I wanna reach out and squeeze them' kinda way?" "Yeah, exactly."

"Well, you could always close your eyes while you squeeze on them, and imagine they're attached to

your girlfriend," Brenda said suggestively.

"Seriously? Wouldn't that be a little weird?" he blushed.

"They're just boobs, honey. You used to squeeze and suck on them all the time when you were little."

"Yeah, but I'm not really 'little' any more, mom."

He suddenly felt his mom use her glute muscles to squeeze her ass-cheeks around his growing bulge.

"So I noticed," Brenda teased, giving him a naughty smile.

"Sorry about that," her son said, embarrassed that his cock was hardening beneath her smothering buttocks.

"Don't apologize. I'm sure this isn't the first time mom has made your penis hard," she said, "or you wouldn't be stealing my panties from my hamper as much as you do."

Jackson fed his mom a guilty look and she smiled, rubbing his shoulder reassuringly. "We moms are a lot smarter than you think we are."

"Apparently so," the boy blushed. "So you can admit it... it's ok." "That I sniff your panties?"

"Yes," she said, smiling wickedly as she gazed into his eyes. "And that my boobs aren't the only things

you wish were attached to your girlfriend."

Jackson didn't answer. His smile told his mom all she needed to know. Brenda brought her lips to his

ear. "Do you wanna see mom's pussy, honey?" she softly whispered.

He nodded, his heart racing a mile a minute. His mom continued to whisper "Do you wanna stick your nose between the folds of my labia and smell my sweet motherly aroma?"

Brenda felt his erection flex against her flanking butt-crevasse. She responded with another tender squeeze.

"You would let me do that?" the boy said with heavy excited breath.

"As long as I could smell you too. Fair's fair." "Smell me?"

"Yes, your sperm-filled balls put off a wonderful aroma, just like my pussy does," she said. "I wanna

nuzzle my face into that soft, smooth scrotum and inhale all that warm manly seed."

"Jeez, mom, are you serious?" he asked, astounded that he was even having this conversation with her.

"Does that shock you, honey?" she giggled. "That your mom likes to do naughty perverted things just

like you do?"

"Kind of I guess, and that you wanna do them with me."

"Well, someone has to get the job done when your girlfriend won't. Might as well be mom, right?" "I certainly won't complain. Here though?" Jackson asked, looking around uncomfortably.

Brenda noticed a video camera mounted to the wall looking out over the Jacuzzi area. She knew if her and her son got touchy-feely, it may not be the best place to do it. "Let's go back to the room," she said.

Jackson watched his sexy mother step from the hot tub. Her thonged buttocks might as well have been completely bare, since the string of the bottoms disappeared between the thick jiggling cheeks of her ass.

They quickly toweled off, and Brenda took her son by the hand and led him up the hallway towards their room. The busty mother hadn't bothered to put her bikini cover-up back on, much to the delight of the

old man that passed her in the hallway, watching her huge mommy-boobs bobble around with each sexy step she made.

"Wanna get in the shower with me? Wash off this nasty chlorine?" Brenda asked as they entered the room and the door closed.

"You mean like... naked?"

"Well we can't very well shower with our clothes on, honey," she giggled, then glanced down at his

trunks. "You go first." "Go first?"

"Take your trunks off."

"Oh... right," the boy said, then removed them, getting completely naked in front of his mother.

Brenda's eyes widened at the sight of his big pointing erection. It was capped with a knob the shape, size and color of a fat juicy plum.

"Wow! Have you ever considered the real reason your girlfriend won't have sex with you is because

she's scared of that thing?" Brenda asked, staring at his cock.

"Scared of this?" her son asked, moving his hips and making his big boner wag back and forth.

"Yes, not in a bad way though, honey. If she's a virgin, the thought of being broken-in by someone with a huge dick like yours might actually scare her."

"Yeah, but it's not MY fault I'm the size I am," Jackson said.

"Of course it's not your fault. Maybe you should talk to her about it though, and assure her that you'll go slow and easy the first couple of times," Brenda suggested.

"I can do that," he said, staring at the hard nipples poking out from beneath the fabric of her bandeau bikini-top.

The mother fed him a teasing smile. "Are you undressing me with your eyes right now?" she asked. "Maybe," he blushed.

"Let me help," she said, then reached back and unfastened her top.

Jackson's boner jumped at the sight of her naked tits. He had never seen a woman with such wide areolas and thick protuberant nipples. "Damn, mom. Those ARE amazing!" he exclaimed.

"Still make you wish they were attached to your girlfriend?" Brenda asked.


"Sorry... they're stuck on mom," she said with a smile, then moved her shoulders, making her big ballooning bosoms rock heavily back and forth. "You're welcome to come give 'em a squeeze though."

Jackson didn't need to be asked twice. He stepped up to her, reached out with both hands and grasped her huge naked tits, making his fingers sink into their dough-like flesh. "Dang," he gasped, feeling their immense weight.

"Pull on the nipples, honey. Feel how hard they are," his mother whispered.

The boy grasped her engorged papilla between his fingers and tugged, stretching them out from the huge pink rings of her areola. "Am I being too rough?" he asked, glancing up to his mom's face.

"No, that's fine." Brenda said reassuringly. "It might be too much for girls your age, because their boobs

are young and tender, but a mom's boobs are different." "How so?"

"Our flesh becomes more conditioned through the years to being tugged and sucked and chewed on. It's just how our mom-bodies develop."

"Oh wow, so can I um... slap them together?" Brenda giggled. "Sure, go ahead," she said.

Jackson took a firm grip on both her boobs, then started beating them together over and over, causing her cleavage to make a lewd clapping sound as each fatty melon met the other.

"That's so cool," he said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Cup the undersides while you do that, honey. Feel how heavy they are," Brenda suggested, watching delightfully as her son played with her boobs.

Jackson slid his mitts along the soft elongated undersides of his mom's melons, feeling their weight and spongy softness. He dug his fingers into their fatty flesh, making her rubbery nipples puff outward like two pink marshmallows begging to be sucked on.

He suddenly froze as he felt her hand on his dick, tracing her nails gingerly around the big barbed tip. She stared into his eyes while doing this, gauging his reaction.

"That feels great," the boy whispered.

Brenda smiled at him lovingly, dragging her nails across his broad coronal ridge. "Oh honey, your big dick's gonna visit places so wonderful that you can't even begin to imagine what 'great' feels like," she said.

"My dick will love that."

"I know it will," Brenda agree, running her fingers down his muscled boner, amazing at the feel of the big bulging veins running along her son's shaft. "Right now though it needs a shower, to wash all that nasty chlorine off. Come on."

The heavy-titted mother led her son by the boner into the adjoining bathroom. The shower was huge, with a big glass door. She reached in and turned on the water.

"I think one of us still needs to finish undressing," she said, turning towards her boy and untying the strings of her bikini bottom. She pulled the tiny piece of fabric from her crotch, exposing her naked pubis.

Jackson's heart skipped a beat as he gazed at the upside-down triangle of his mom's mound of Venus. The thick folds of her outer labium formed a perfect cuntal cleavage, which was crowned by a neatly trimmed stripe of pubic fuzz.

Brenda watched her boy's boner twitch excitedly as he stared at her pussy.

"Dang, mom. Your hair doesn't grow in that way down there, does it?" "No, honey. I trimmed it that way," she said. "It's called a landing strip."

"Landing strip? You mean like at an airport? Why's it called that? What's landing down there?" Brenda giggled, then glanced down at his cock. "Take a guess."

"Oh, yeah, right," he said, looking down at his prick and suddenly getting what it meant..

The boy watched his mom step into the shower and the water spray her naked body. He always dreamed about seeing her this was, so he was utterly fascinated.

"Coming in?" she asked, with an mischievous smile.

He joined her in the shower and closed the door. Then he stood there in wide-eyed wonder as his mom lathered him up with suds. Every time her soft stiff-nippled boobies brushed against him, his body would shudder in delight.

When her soapy hand stroked the length of his erection, he about came on the spot. Not only his dick, but his balls also were gently lathered by his mom's hand.

"Wanna wash Mommy's boobs for her?" she asked, gazing up into his eyes seductively. Her honey- blonde hair was slick back from being wet.

"Sure," Jackson said, then spent the next several minutes lathering her big milkers with slippery suds.

The fascinated teen ran his hands all over her tits and nipples. At one point his mother giggled. "This mom's gonna have the cleanest boobs around," she joked, watching her teen maul her wobbly jugs, squeezing to his heart's content.

"Sorry. They're just way too much fun to play with," he confessed.

"Take your time, honey. You can keep playing," Brenda said. "Unless you'd like to dry off and sniff my

pussy, like we talked about earlier."

Jackson released her boobs. "That sounds like even more fun," he confessed. He could have groped his mom's slippery tits all day, but was super-anxious to bury his nose in her crotch.

They stepped out and dried off. "I'm gonna blow-dry my hair. Go in and get the bed warmed up for us," Brenda said.

"Ok, mom," he said.

Brandon assumed they were gonna stay naked, so he crawled into bed with nothing but a hard cock. After a few minutes, he heard the blow-dryer shut off and his bare naked mother stepped into the room, her huge mommy-melons juddering heavily.

"Ready to make that cute nose come in for a landing?" she said, reaching down and running her fingers up her thin 'landing strip' of pubic hair.

"Ready," the boy said, his heart thumping excitedly.

The blonde beauty slipped onto the bed and her boy watched her every move as she crawled towards him like a prowling cougar. Her tits hung down off her chest, teetering back and forth like big udders as she closed in on him. "You can smell my pussy one of two ways," she explained. "I can drop onto my back, bow my legs open, and you can come down between them, or I can straddle your face like a saddle and you can smell it that way."

Both ways sounded beyond heavenly to the teen, but the idea of having his own hot mom plant her cunt on his face sounded greater than anything he ever dreamed.

"You can straddle me," he said.

"Ok... here I come," the mother said with a mischievous grin.

Brenda knew that she also had a choice to make. She could straddle her boy's head in the direction of a 69, or she could face the other way, allowing him to stare straight up her pubic mound and midriff, to the huge rounded undersides of her tits. She decided on the later.

Jackson's eyes were wide with wonder, watching his heavy-breasted mother crawl over him. She started by partially squatting over his face, letting the boy gaze up at the matronly pussy that was about to smother him.

"Dang!" the teen sighed. He'd already seen his mother's pubis, but this was a whole different view of her genitalia that he never dreamed he'd see. Except for the cute landing strip, his mother vulva was as bare as a baby's ass. The outer lips had partially splayed apart, reveal a second, inner layer of blood- engorged labial meat. Crowning it all, was a thick prepuce, that had peeled back to reveal the fleshy pearl of her clitoris.

Brenda kept her mommy-nmuffin hovering there above him for a second. "Ready, honey?" she asked.

The boy could hardly speak. His mom was shamelessly exposing her most private parts to him. Even the pink crinkled ring of her butthole budded out obscenely above his gaze. "I'm ready," he managed to whisper.

The next thing Jackson knew his face was smothered in cunt-flesh. His mom had landed just right, so his nose sunk down into her juicy grotto, nuzzling into her vulvar vestibule.

"Holy damn! It smells incredible!" the boy's horny mind buzzed as he inhaled her fragrant folds. Yes he had snuffed her panties plenty of times, but to smell it directly from the source was a thousand times more powerful and exciting.

He had closed his eyes upon contact, but now when he opened them he found himself staring straight up his mom's upper-half, from her cunt to the base of her jutting breasts. "Good grief, what a sight!" he thought.

He saw his Mom peek down over her giant knockers, smiling at him. "Smell a little better than the crotch of those panties?" she asked.

"Mm-hm," he hummed, his lips pressed against her perineum.

"There's only one thing missing now, isn't there? she asked. "I'm sure when you sniff my panties you

have your hand around your boner. Do you wanna beat your erection while you sniff me, honey?"

Since Jackson couldn't answer, he merely reach down and began stroking his hard penis as she suggested.

Brenda peeked back over her shoulder, watching her son's fist pull at his long brick-hard prick. "There

you go, honey. Stroke on that big pink pickle. Make it feel good," she cooed.

He brazenly slipped his tongue from his mouth, and drug it across the elastic ring of his mom's butthole, making her shudder suddenly and gaze down at him again. "Oh, you naughty, naughty boy!" she squealed.

She began to move her cunt on him, plowing it across his wiggling licker. "You trying to tell me

something?" she asked. "You trying to tell mommy you wanna eat some pussy?"

"Mmn-hmn," the boy answered, delighted by the taste of her sweet nectar, as he dug his tongue down into her juicy coral slit.

"Ohhhh!" Brenda gasped, her eyes rolling back as she felt him plow his licker across the swollen nub of her clit. He sucked it into his mouth, nursing on it like a nipple. "Oh my God, you do that and you'll make me gush all over you!"

Despite her warning, Jackson continued his oral assault on his mom's fleshy love button. He felt her warm thighs squeeze even tighter around his head as he kept his face firmly planted against her gyrating pussy. His cock was now slick with pre-cum, allowing him to beat off in a steady rhythm.

"Ohhh fuck!" his mom panted.

Her pubic landing strip looking like it was rising from the bridge of Jackson's nose. He peered up her mons, along her swiveling underbelly, and watched her huge mammaries wobble around on her chest. He could see the hardened peaks of her nipples, distended out from the centers of her thick-textured areola. It was the most wonderful sight he could ever imagine gazing up at.

His mom suddenly peeked down in a wild-eyed gazed. "Honey, I'm serious. I WILL cum on you if you don't stop!" she warned.

Jackson wasn't about to. He knew he was probably about to be squirted all over, but he didn't care one bit. He just continued sucking and laving his tongue through her tender folds.

Seeing that he didn't mind, the horny mother began to rock her hips, fucking her son's face. For a full two minutes, she gyrated like a workhorse as she rose towards a golden orgasmic peak, before finally screaming out in orgasmic rapture.

Still gazing up her torso, the teen saw his mom's boobs do a big jumping bounce of her chest as she threw her arms in the air and clenched her fists together in rapture. This time when she screamed, a big quivering squirt of hot girl-cum splashed across his chin. It was followed by another, then another, completely soaking him.

For another minute the mother humped and trembled and squealed, overtaken with pleasure. Finally she lifted off her son's face and giggled as she knelt down next to him, surveying the mess she'd made. "I did warn you," she said teasingly.

"I know you did, and I'm fine with it."

"I see that," the mother smiled, then leaned over, letting her warm spongy-soft boobies drag against his bare chest. She stared into his eyes with a sexy look. "Would you be fine with me squirting it all over your dick too?" she brazenly asked.

The boy couldn't believe his ears. "My dick?" he asked, even though he knew exactly what she meant. "Yeah," she whispered, her eyes glazed with lust. "You wanna fuck me, Jackson? You wanna fuck


"Wow!" he gasped, unable to say much more than that.

"You wanna hammer that hard prick up that birthing- tube you slid down eighteen years ago?" she sensually asked. "You want mommy to milk out all those little baby-makers with her experienced pussy?"

"Yes," he hissed.

Brenda wasted no time throwing her sexy leg across her boy, planting her knees astride his hips. She reached between them, grasped on to her son's erection and place the fat plum-sized tip into the mouth of her vestibule.

A thrilling jolt traveled through the teen's body as he felt his tender bell sink into the hot slippery sheath of her vagina. Despite his tremendous size, the mother lowered her outer vulvar lips straight to his cock- base.

She let out a cute little squeal as she felt his broad tip crush against the back wall of her vagina. "Oh my God, honey, you're so fucking big!" she cried out, squeezing her inner pleats around the hard cylinder of meat.

"Oh, baby! Mommy's gonna fuck you so hard!" she whimpered, then set her hips in motion, riding her son's erection.

Brenda's thick ass beat against his balls lewdly as she pumped her pussy up and down his cock. "Yesss!"

she cried out in fuck-lust.

Jackson's eyes, of course, were fixed on his mom's tits, watching the big fatty knockers swing and beat around all over him wildly. Looking further down, he could see their crotches smacking wetly together, his hard dick following the path of her pubic landing strip, slicing through her engorged labium and up into the smothering tube of her cunt.

"Fuck, mom!" the boy snarled, feeling his glans tingle as it glided inside the tight ribbed tube of her cunt.

"I told you you're dick's gonna visit wonderful places, didn't I?" she asked breathlessly. "Yes, I love it!"

"You want mom to make you 'love it' even more?" she asked, then tightened her cunt-muscles. "You

want her to make your balls clench so fucking hard that you cum harder than you ever have?" "Uh-huh," the boy answered, pressing his face down between her swinging boobs.

Brenda clenched her inner muscles powerfully, making her entire pelvic floor collapse around her boy's boner in a hot velvet grip. "Ohh fuck!" he groaned, feeling his nuts clench, just like his mom said they would.

"Cum with meee!" the busty mother shrieked, feeling her own orgasm crest from the feel of her boy's hard dick pumping inside her.

Lights flashed before their eyes as a wild mutual orgasm shot through their naked bodies like an electric current . Thick pulses of ejaculatory fluid blasted from their genitals, mixing together inside Brenda's cunt to form a creamy mother-son cocktail.

When they finally came back to earth, Brenda rested atop her boy in a sweaty heap. "Wow!" the mother said breathlessly.

"Yeah, wow," Jackson said, his dick still twitching with post-orgasmic contractions.

"I think this could be the start of something good," the mother said. "I hope so."

She lifted her head and gazed down at him dreamily. "Wanna go again?" she softly asked.

Brenda and her son would get little sleep that night as they consummated their new sexual relationship by fucking their asses off in every position they could think of. This WAS the start of something good, and even after Brenda's husband Don suspected that his wife and son were fucking, she was determined not to let that stop them.

Mom's 5th Wheel Lovin' – Chapter 10

"Daddy, is there gonna be bats down there?" Ann asked her father as they made their way to the

entrance of Grand Canyon Caverns, a famous stop along Route 66.

"No bats, hon... just lots and lots of rats!"

"What?" Ann said, stopping dead in her tracks with a horrified look.

"Yep! Really hungry ones, with razor sharp teeth," Martin teased in an exaggerated tone. Ann looked over at Jewel. "Mommy?!"

Jewel giggled. "He's joking, honey. Their teeth really aren't that sharp," the mother said, then lunged at her daughter playfully. "But their claws are!"

The little girl screamed and took off, with Jewel chasing after her.

"What are you boys whispering about over there?" Brenda asked Cory and Jackson as they trailed the group.

"Just wondering what other caves we might get to explore today," Jackson said, making Cory giggle.

The mother's lips curled into a naughty smile. "If you're lucky you'll get to wander down some caverns you'll really enjoy," she said with a wink.

Her husband Don heard the exchange as he walked along side her. He was no dummy and knew exactly

what "caverns" she was referring to.

After paying for entry, the two families entered the caverns. They split in to two groups, to take turns riding the elevator twenty-one stories underground into the caverns. Brenda and Don went down with their kids first, then Martin and Jewel went down with Cory and Ann.

Standing behind her husband, who was busy reassuring Ann that there were no rats, Jewel sneakily reached over and fondled her son's prick through his shorts as he stood next to her.

Cory peeked over at his beautiful mom, who was gazing back at him with a mischievous little grin. Her hand felt amazing squeezing at his rapidly hardening meat. She slid her tongue across her top lip, while gazing at him lustfully.

Her husband's voice caused her to move her hand quickly from her boy's cock. "I heard that because the caverns are so deep underground, the temperature is always fifty-six degrees down here, with zero humidity. Isn't that cool?" Martin asked.

"Very cool," Jewel answered with her mind clearly on other things. When the elevator stopped, Martin and his daughter stepped out. "Shoot, I think I left my phone up there," Jewel exclaimed.

"Up where?" Martin asked.

"Where we paid for admission. I must have set it down and completely forgot it was sitting there."

"Do you want me to go back up and grab it?" her husband asked.

"No, that's alright, I'll go," Jewel said. "I'm not riding in this creepy elevator all by myself though. Will

you go with me, honey?" she asked, looking at her son. "Sure," Cory answered.

Jewel pushed the button and the elevator door began closing. "Be right back," she quickly said to her


No sooner did the door close than the busty mother clutched on to her boy and began attacking him with sensual kisses.

"Did you really forget your phone?" Cory asked, loving how he was pinned in the corner, trapped

between the steel wall and his mom's huge soft tits.

Jewel lifted her cellphone from her pocket. "What do you think?" she said with a sneaky smile. "That's what I thought," he giggled.

"Don't waist time talking," she hurriedly said, then began kissing his lips again. "Just kiss me!"

Cory engaged his mother in a fiery French kiss, their tongues dueling wildly inside the boy's mouth. He could feel her thick erect nipples digging into his chest, even through her blouse and bra.

"God I wanna fuck you so bad right now," the horny mother gasped, running her hands under his shirt

and up his chest.

"I wish we could," her son said, reaching both hands around her and squeezing the cheeks of her meaty

ass through her shorts.

"Do you, baby?" Jewel cooed, then kissed him some more. "Do you wanna pump some hot semen in mommy's pink coochie?"

"Yes please!"

They heard the elevator shudder and knew they were close to arriving at the top. Jewel stared into her

boy's eyes with lustful hunger. "I wanna suck your dick on the way back down," she said. "Do we have time for that?"

"Sure we do. It'll be the quickest blowjob ever," she giggled, then stepped away from her boy just as the

door opened.

As soon as it closed again and she hit the button to go back down, Jewel crouched down in front of her son and fished his hard cock from his shorts. The lusty mother wasted no time cramming it into her mouth and began sucking in earnest.

"Oh damn," Cory muttered, his knees going weak as he watched his mom's pretty head bob up and back on his rock-hard dick. He felt her tongue twisting around his boner delightfully while she sucked.

Normally his mom would pop his dick from her mouth and lash her tongue around the juicy head, but not this time. The entire minute it took to drop to the cavern she spent plunging the ring of her lips along the length of his erection, giving her boy a nice oral fuck.

When the elevator hit the bottom with a thud, Cory's pecker popped from his mom's mouth like a cork and she quickly stood up. He barely had enough time to get it back in his shorts before the door opened. His dad was standing just outside waiting with Brenda and Don.

"I found it!" Jewel exclaimed, showing her phone as she stepped from the elevator.

Martin looked at their guide. "Alright, I guess we're ready to tour some caverns," he said eagerly.

The two families followed the tour guide through the maze of lighted caves, marveling at the eerie, sixty-five-million-year-old walls.

The boys of course were just as interested in looking at something else on the trail. Both their moms wore sexy cotton shorts that molded around their meaty derrieres. Knowing their boys were behind them, and staring, Jewel and Brenda put a little extra sway in their hips, making their mommy-rumps sway seductively.

"Are you enjoying the view, boys?" Brenda asked, smiling over at Jewel.

Their husbands were oblivious to the specific view she was referring to, but the boys weren't. Cory and Jackson fed each other a knowing smile. "It's amazing!" Jackson answered.

Jewel chimed in. "I bet you two would love to be able to squeeze down into some of these crevices, and

explore some of these smaller caves, wouldn't you?" she asked, peeking back at her son with a smile.

"Definitely," Cory said, his cock throbbing at the thought of it.

The guide stopped them and pointed over at a wooden deck structure with furniture on it. "And here we have the deepest, darkest, oldest, quietest hotel room in the world," he said.

"Hotel room?" Jewel asked. "Seriously?"

"Yep. The underground suite is completely furnished with two double beds, a living room area, tons of books, and even a TV, with a nice little DVD collection."

"Hardly private though, with tours walking by all day," Brenda said.

"Yes, but once the tours stop, you have it all to yourself down here, with just an attendant topside in

case you need anything," the guide explained. "Oh my God, that would be so cool!" Jewel said.

"Before you get too excited though, I will mention that there's only one suite, and it's booked every night for the next six months, sorry."

"Damn!" the mother said, stomping her foot disappointedly.

"Oh well, there's always next time," Martin said. "I guess we'll just settle for staying in your RV park tonight."

They continued the tour through the maze of tunnels, checking out all the cool exhibits along the way.

"God, what would you do if you ever got stuck down here?" Brenda said to Jewel as they walked side by side together.

"I don't know. I guess that depends on who I got stuck down here with," Jewel said, peeking back at

Cory mischievously.

"True," Brenda giggled. "The boys look so board back there. We should flash them our tits," she playfully suggested.

Jewel looked over at Martin and Don, as the rounded a corner of the cavern with the kids, disappearing from sight. "Let's do it," she whispered anxiously, turning around.

Brenda also turned towards their sons, and both moms lifted their tops and bras up together, making their huge naked titties flop out and bobble around teasingly. "See anything interesting, boys?" Jewel asked, watching her son's eyes go wide.

"I do now," Cory muttered, his lips curling into a big smile.

"Me too," Jackson said, his eyes darting back and forth between the two mother's jutting breasts.

"And what might that be?" Brenda asked flirtingly, rocking her shoulders and making her fat knockers shimmy back and forth.

They suddenly heard Martin's voice from around the corner. "Did you guys get lost back there?" he

called out.

"We're coming," his wife shouted back.

"I WISH we were cumming," Brenda said jokingly, so only Jewel and the boy's could hear. "Me too," Jewel agreed, stuffing her huge boobs back inside her bra.

After the tour, the two families ate at the "Grotto Restaurant," which was perched on a wooden platform overlooking one of the cave's largest rooms.

Half-way through the meal, Jewel noticed her husband was looking a little anxious. "Are you ok, hon? You look a little pale," she said.

"I'm fine, I think I'm just feeling a little claustrophobic," he admitted. "Been down in this cave a little longer than I anticipated."

"Oh, do you wanna take our food back up to the surface?"

"No, no, you guys enjoy your meal. I think I'm just gonna head up to the trailer and lay down a bit."

Before Martin could leave, their tour guide rushed over and stood near the two families. "Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know, if you're still interested in the suite, we had a cancelation for tonight," he said.

"Oh my God, really?!" Jewel asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but I'm sure it'll sell fast. The good news is if you guys are interested, I can get it reserved for


"What's the bad news?" Brenda asked.

"Only four of you would be allowed to stay down there."

Jewel and Brenda flashed each other a look, both thinking the same thing. "We'll take it!" Brenda said without hesitation.

"Whoa, hold on just a sec," Don said. "Honey, I know it's a neat idea, but we don't even know how much this room cost for a night."

They all looked at the guide for an answer. He forced a smile. "For four of you, it's about twelve-hundred

dollars a night," he said.

"Oh, is that all?" Martin asked facetiously.

"But the room includes a cavern tour, so we can deduct the price you guys paid for the tour today," the

guide said.

"Okay, that leaves us at about a thousand. Jewel and I would both be up for staying down here, so that's five-hundred each," Brenda said, then looked at her husband. "We could swing that, right, honey?"

"Yeah, but honestly, I'm not so sure sleeping in a cave is for me," Don admitted.

"Well, we all know sleeping in a pitch-black cave would freak the little ones out, and Martin's feeling claustrophobic, so he's definitely a no-go," Brenda said, then turned and looked over at Jackson and Cory. "I guess that leaves you boys."

Jewel smiled over at her son. "What do you say, boys? Wanna be cave dwellers with your moms

tonight?" she asked.

The two teems looked at each other and smiled. "If we have to, I suppose," Jackson joked.

"Yes, you have to," Brenda said. "Your moms are both brave women, but not brave enough to sleep in a

big creepy cave alone."

"No way," Jewel agreed, making an exaggerated scared face.

"Don't worry, we'll protect you guys from all those scary cave monsters," Cory said.

An hour later, Martin was on his bed in their 5th Wheel, watching his beautiful wife throw some things into an overnight bag. "I don't even know what to bring," Jewel said. "I'm sleeping in a cave. How often does that happen? Do you think it gets cold down there?" she asked.

"Nope. Always fifty-six degrees, zero humidity, remember? You'll probably have the best sleep of your


"More like no sleep at all," Jewel thought, thrilled that she'd be sharing the suite with her handsome son.

"Well, I'll take a sweatshirt, just in case," she said, stuffing it into her bag.

With his wife and son sharing an underground suite for a night, the incident from the Blue Whale trail several days before was still heavy on Martin's mind. Despite what he'd seen and heard, whether Jewel and Cory were screwing that day in the tall grass beside the trail was still a big question mark. He had certainly spent a lot of time trying to convince himself that they weren't, but little red flags he'd seen since then, had kept him wondering. If they were fooling around, catching them tonight would be impossible, since they'd be two-hundred feet underground.

"Just remember, there's nothing living down there. It's a dry cave, so it's just you guys," Martin

reminded her.

"Yeah, but once the lights are off and it's pitch black, I'm sure my mind's gonna imagine all sorts of

creepy things crawling around down there."

"Well, if you guys don't come up tomorrow morning, we'll just assume you've been eaten, and Ann and I

will continue the trip without you," Martin joked.

His wife playfully slapped him on the leg. "Brat!" she said.

Jewel, Brenda, Cory and Jackson were taken down the elevator and given a quick tour of the suite, which consisted of two double beds, a small kitchen and living room area, all situated on a wooden platform perched in the cavern.

"No more tours today, so the caves all yours until tomorrow morning," the attendant said. "I'll be

topside, so if you need anything just use the phone there in your suite. Enjoy!" "Bye!" the four of them said, waving as he disappeared down the cave trail.

"Oh my God, I can't believe that we're actually sleeping down here!" Brenda said.

"Ha! Sleep? I seriously doubt there's gonna be any of that going on down here tonight," Jewel joked.

"Who wants to cuddle and watch a movie?" Brenda suggested. "Avengers?" her boy asked, snatching it from the DVD shelf.

"Jewel and I wanted to watch Goonies," the mother answered, putting on a cute little pouty face.

"Tell you what," Jewel said. "If you boys watch Goonies with us, we'll fuck your brains out tonight." Cory smiled. "I have a feeling we'll get out brains fucked out, even if we don't agree to watching

Goonies," he predicted.

Jewel and Brenda looked at each other knowingly. "True," they both said at the same time.

"But..." Brenda added. "If you agree to watching OUR movie, we'll go put on something super-sexy, then

we'll snuggle the hell out of you."

"And if you don't, we'll just stay dressed and sulk the whole time," Jewel teased.

The boys smiled at each other. The decision was a no-brainer. "Goonies it is!" Cory said.

"Good choice. Get it ready. We'll be out in a minute," Jewel said, as the two mothers disappeared into the tiny bathroom.

The teens got the film going on the TV, then sat down on the sofa across from it and waited for their moms to reappear.

"Ready snuggle-bunnies?" they heard Brenda asked.

The two gorgeous mothers stepped from the bathroom wearing sheer mesh knit lingerie bodysuits. Jewel's was white and Brenda's was pink.

"Damn! You guys look hella fine in those," Jackson exclaimed, gawking at the women's mammoth boobs and the way they were stretching the thin gauzy fabric out. The bodysuits were so sheer they could see their mom's tits almost as well as if they were naked.

"Well, we were gonna wear nothing, but then we realized that probably wouldn't be the most appropriate way for our sons to see us," Jewel said, turning slightly and cocking her hip, displaying her clearly visible buttocks for her son to see.

"You're right. A much more modest choice," Cory said with an amused, yet aroused giggle.

"Snuggle time," Brenda said, as they stepped over to join their boys on the couch. Even the crotch

portion of their negligee was see-through, allowing their teens a great view of their shaved vulvas.

The mothers snuggled up to their boys on the sofa as the movie started. They each draped a leg over their son's lap, reaching down and fondling their hard muscular cocks through their shorts.

"Mmm, I found a cave monster," Jewel teased.

"I have one over here too. A big strong cave monster," she said, gazing seductively into her son's eyes while squeezing her pretty hand around his cock.

"Your monster likes to explore all of mommy's pink caves, doesn't it, baby?" Jewel asked her son. "Yes," the boy answered, so turned on he could hardly stand it.

"Our caves love being explored by these big hunks of meat," Brenda said sensually. "And we love squeezing on them with our strong pleated walls."

"Mm, and soaking them with our slippery cuntal honey," Jewel added. "Damn, you guys are sexy as hell when you talk like that," Cory confessed.

"You like it, boys?" Jewel asked. "You like us being your filthy-mouthed mommy sluts?" "Oh hell yeah."

"You like us sheathing your hard cocks with our warm holes," Brenda said, gazing deeply into Jackson's eyes. "Letting you pound us like fuck dolls?"

"I could pound you right now," Jackson said confidently, eager to have more nasty forbidden sex with his pretty mom.

"I bet you could," his mother said with wanton smile. "I bet you could fuck me so hard that we just might cause a cave- in down here," she joked.

"Well, at least we'd be buried alive happy."

"Don't think that you're getting hot slippery pussy around your glans quite yet boy," Jewel said. "We're gonna slowly work our way to the mattress tonight. But don't worry, once we get there, and turn out all the lights, things are gonna get really fucking crazy down here."

Both women locked lips with their boys and they began making out. Their earlier debate over which movie to watch was pointless, since they weren't really watching the movie anyway.

Cody still felt like he needed to pinch himself to see if this was all real. His own beautiful mom had her huge, nearly naked tits pressed up against him, while they made out like newlyweds and she fondled his hard dick through his shorts.

Jackson loved the way his mom kissed him. Her lips were succulent and her tongue was long and thick, lashing around against his own in a frenzy of passion.

The teens could tell their moms were aroused by the way their engorged nipples pressed against the flesh of their chests. It wasn't long before the moms were straddling their hard-dicked boys, making out like a double date on prom night.

"I wonder how many couples have screwed on this couch?" Jackson wondered out loud.

"Probably a lot," his mom answered between giving him wet sensual kisses.

"I wonder how many of them were mother and son?" Cory said, making the mothers giggle. "Probably still a lot," Jewel answered.

"True, we moms love getting boned by our handsome sons," Brenda said. "It's the sweetest taboo."

"We went through a lot of pain to squeeze you out. We deserve to have you back, only this time to give

us pleasure," Cory's mom said as she licked his neck.

"Well, you won't hear any complaints out of us," the boy sighed, feeling his mom's skilled tongue flicker against his erogenous zone.

Jewel and Brenda ground their shaved crotches against their boy's boners in a slow but steady dry hump, feeling the stiff power of their young dongs digging against their aroused clits.

The boy's bell tips were throbbing like crazy as they plowed through puffy folds of cuntal flesh. Even through their thin layers of clothing they could feel the heat radiating from their mother's fuck holes, causing pre-jizz to seep from their piss-slits.

"Shall we play a little game, boys?" Brenda asked. "What kinda game?" her son said.

"The kind where we all get naked and play hide and go seek, moms against sons." "You mean run around the caves naked?" Cory asked, looking at his smiling mom.

"We should probably wear our sneakers to protect our feet, but otherwise yes, naked. WE ARE the only

ones down here after all," Jewel said.

"True," Jackson said. "I'm game if everyone else is." Cory nodded excitedly. "Let's play!"

After stripping naked, the mothers decided to hide first, rushing off the platform and down the lit cavern trail in nothing but their cute sneakers. Both Cory and Jackson squeezed their erect dicks as they stood side by side watching their mom's bare asses jiggle atop their sexy legs as they scrambled off to hide somewhere.

Brenda gazed back with an amused smile. "You're suppose to be turned around and counting to fifty,

cheaters," she shouted, her voice giving off a little echo along the stone walls.

"I know, I know," Jackson said, as he and Cory turned and started counting.

"I say we take some water with us and soak them both when we find them," Cory suggested. "Fuck yeah. It'll be like a wet t-shirt contest, without the t-shirts."


After a minute, the boys had reached the count of fifty, and both grabbed a cup full of water before setting off in search of Jewel and Brenda.

Even though there were a million places to hide, the moms weren't very good at it, and we're found

easily, crouched behind a giant boulder just off the trail.

"Got you!" Cory shouted, then doused his mom with ice-cold water.

Jewel let out a playful shriek as the water ran down her huge bobbling tits. "You brat!" she shouted,

then took off chasing after him.

Meanwhile, it was Jackson chasing Brenda as she tried to avoid being soaked as well. The mother giggled, her big oversized melons bouncing up and down as she ran, but her boy easily caught up to her. "Nooo! Don't you dare do it!" she playfully warned him.

Despite her plea, Jackson soaked her upper half with water, making her naked body glisten in the lighted cave.

"We just thought we'd make it more fun," Jackson said.

"I'll show you fun," Brenda said, grasping his boner and jerking it a little.

"We found you guys, and now you belong to us!" Cory said, lifting his mom from the ground and up over his shoulder. Jackson did the same to Brenda, so that their moms were draped over their strong shoulders, with their sexy bare asses pointed in the air.

The boys carried them back down the trail towards the suite.

"What, do you two think you're a couple of horny cavemen or something?" Jewel asked. "Taking us

helpless girls to the back of the cave, so you can have your way with us."

"That's right! That's what us cavemen do," Jackson said, his long stiff boner leading the way.

"At least we're not dragging you by your hair like you always see pictures of cavemen doing to their women," Cory pointed out.

"No, only soaking us with ice-cold water," Jewel said, reaching down and slapping her son's ass. "My nipples are already hard enough just being around you. I don't need you making them any stiffer, thank you very much."

"Speaking of stiff. Look at the boy's shadows, Jewel. Look at how big and stiff their dicks look," Brenda

pointed out.

Jewel peeked over and looked at the shadows that were being cast against the rock wall. Just as Brenda said, the silhouette of the boy's hard dicks looked enormous. They looked like big wooden clubs that cavemen supposedly carried around.

"You know, boys, guys your dads age pay a lot of money to get hard dicks like that," Jewel pointed out. "And even then, they don't stay erect nearly this long," Brenda added.

"Well, that's why you're not up there in bed with them, right? You're down here with us." Jackson said.

Brenda and Jewel giggled. "That's right, honey. Down here where us moms know we're gonna get fucked just the way we like it, with two incredible dicks that get hard, and stay hard, all night long," Brenda said.

When they got back to the suite, the boys put their moms down. "Now, time for you two to run along and hide," Jewel said.

"And that doesn't mean climbing a half-mile down into some unexplored cavern, boys," Brenda said.

"Go easy on us."

"Wow, that's the first time I've heard you say to go easy on you," Jackson pointed out.

"I'm not talking about fucking, honey. I would never say 'go easy on me' during sex. I'm talking about

not hiding somewhere that takes us all night to find you."

"I know," Jackson laughed. "We won't make it too tough on you."

The two boys rushed off.

"We're already at twenty!" Jewel lied, causing the boys to rush down the trail even faster.

"When do you wanna do it?" Brenda asked with a mischievous smile. "Let's let them get a little further away," Jewel answered.

"We're so mean," Brenda said, as if they were about to do something the boys weren't expecting. "Hey, they threw cold water on us. It serves them right."

Jackson and Cory stopped suddenly as all the cave lights went off, leaving them in complete pitch

blackness. "What the fuck?!" Jackson said in surprise. "Why did the light go out?" Cory asked.

They both heard their moms laughing their asses off in the distance. "Oh dude, they just got us bad,"

Jackson said, as he realized it was a joke they were playing on them.

"Looks like you have to feel your way back, boys!" they heard Jewel shout.

"Make sure it's the hard walls your touching and not something else," Brenda joked, making the Jewel laugh.

"Dude, it's so dark I can't even see my hand in front of my face," Cory said.

"They're right. We're just gonna have to feel our way back," Jackson pointed out as he began down the

trail, using only his sense of touch.

"Follow our voices, boys!" Jewel said. "We'll be waiting for you... in bed." "That's right. Eager to feel your balls beat against our asses!" Brenda added.

As they inched along back towards their suite, the boys heard their mothers both sighing and whimpering, as if they were already getting fucked.

"Oh my God, they are torturing us so bad, dude," Jackson said. "I know. This is WAY worse than freezing cold water."

"Oh baby! Come pound your cock in me!" Jewel cried out, her voice reverberating through the cave walls.

"Yes! Suck our big titties while you plunge your hard dicks in us!" Brenda cooed.

"Oh, Cory, baby, come let mommy wrap her legs around you. Let me clutch on to you and squeeze your pink dick with the hot pleated walls of my pussy!" Jewel sang out.

Along with listening to their moms, Cory and Jackson could hear each other's excited breath. They both had received more than a taste of what was waiting for them, and they knew it would be even more intense than how their moms were making it sound.

"I think we're turning that corner that leads into the room with the suite," Jackson said to Cory as he led the way, creeping along against the wall.

"Yeah, their voices are getting louder."

The "voices" were actually horny gasps and moans from the two mothers rubbing their horny pussies,

priming them for the big cocks that would soon be thundering through them.

After another five minutes, the boys finally arrived at the suite and climbed up the stairs of the platform.

"Now you guys are gonna get it!" Cory warned.

"Oh, is that a promise?" his mother asked anxiously, her voice incredibly close now.

Carefully, the teens felt their way back to the bedroom. "Mmm, come on, you studs. Come ravage us,"

Brenda said with a thrill in her voice.

When Cory's foot hit the bed, his heart nearly skipped a beat he was so damn excited. He kicked off his sneakers and practically jumped on to his mom. Slipping beneath the blanket, he felt her pull him up between her widely parted thighs. Her warm naked body felt incredibly soft as he brought himself down against it, mashing his long boner against her cuntal crevice. It sunk down between her shaved labium, like a sausage in a bun.

"That was incredibly mean of you guys," the teen sighed, feeling her pillowy tits squash against his chest.

"Oh, um, Cory, wrong mom, sweetie," Brenda said awkwardly, realizing it wasn't her son on top of her.

"Oh shit, sorry!" the boy exclaimed, climbing off of her.

The two moms burst out laughing. "I'm over here, baby," Jewel said.

"Yeah, man, stop trying to make it with my mom," Jackson joked.

"Sorry," Cory blushed, then found his way over to Jewel. She wasted no time pulling him down on top of her and throwing the blankets over them.

"I missed you," she whispered, sharing a series of sensual kisses.

"I could have been here sooner, but somebody turned out the lights."

"Mm, mommy will make it worth the effort you had to make," Jewel said, throwing her soft feminine legs high up around his back, interlocking her ankles. "Push it inside me."

Cory didn't need to be asked twice. He thrust his hips and felt his plum-sized tip squeeze through the hot socket of his mother's hymen. His glans tingled as they were surrounded in a slippery velvet grip.

"Oh God, yesss!" Jewel whimpered as her ribbed walls allowed her vagina to be stretched like an accordion around the contours of her boy's long fat cock.

The two of them were equally anxious to begin engaging in a heated fuck. Cory bucked his hips like an overly excited stallion, and his mom grasped his lean ass with both hands, digging her long nails in, aiding in his cock-plunging thrusts.

"Fuck, mom, I want you so bad!" the teen moaned, trembling from the feel of her warm cradling flesh beneath him.

"Take me, baby! I'm yours all night," she cooed, humping her hips from the mattress, screwing the slippery pink socket of her cunt up around the meaty cylinder of her boy's prick. This made her puffy outer folds smack against his cock-hilt over and over.

The old bedframes squeaked and whined as the boys pounded their mother's cunt tubes with their strong teenage dicks.

"Yess! Fuck meee!" Brenda cried out, her voice echoing along the cave walls.

With it being so dark, Cory could really focus on the feel of his mother's vagina as he fucked it steadily. He sighed in delight, feeling the rugae along her inner lining create a ribbed-like texture around the

meat his erection. Her cunt was secreting slippery fuck-oil, and the muscles along her pelvic floor assisted in creating the perfect sleeve for him to pound his prick though.

"Ahhhh!" he moaned, delighted by the sensations her pussy was providing.

"Yes! Fuck me, honey!" his mom gasped. "Make me gush on your cock."

The way her giant boobies were sloshing and quivering against his bare chest reminded him of how bad he wanted to suck them. Without breaking his rhythm, the boy tilted his head down and latched on to one of her swollen nipples with his mouth. He pressed his face against the mound of fatty tit-flesh, masking it in squishy meat, and sucked her entire nipple and areola into his mouth, gnawing at it like a greedy infant.

Providing this type of attention, along with his steady pussy-prodding, brought his beautiful mother to the brink of a hot orgasm.

The boy felt her body began to tremble at it's core, while her pretty voice gasped and whimpered.

Brenda was just as vocal, clearly skirting the edge of a juicy cum as Jackson pumped his cock into her with tit-jarring thrusts.

"Ohh, ohh, Ohhgghh!" Jewel's pretty voice screeched out as her back arched from the bed, lifting her humping boy up with her. Her curved frame remained suspended there as a powerful surge of pleasure shot through her like an electric current, making her entire big-titted body quake.

"Ohhhgghh, yesss!" Brenda screamed out as she too arrived in orgasm-land, her strong mommy-legs trembling delightfully around her teen.

The way the two beautiful mother's cries of pleasure echoed through the cavern walls was like pure magic. They were all alone, in their own wonderful world down here, twenty-one floors underground. All that existed in that moment was the feel and sound of their hot flesh beating together.

"Mmnnfff," Cory snarled, his face masked in tit-flesh, as he continued sucking and tugging on Jewel's rubbery papilla, while feeling hot girl-cum swirl around his pistoning boner.

His erection flexed excitedly, swelling with even more blood, digging relentlessly through his mom's squeezing cuntal tissue. Pre-jizz wept from the slit of his meatus, smearing against the puffy head of her cervix.

Jewel's powerful climax caused her vaginal walls to pulse around her boy's meat-sword, milking his glans in a tight juicy grip.

"Fuck, mom!" the teen exclaimed, her distended nipple popping from his mouth. Her exquisite grip on his cock sent a signal to his balls that it was time to blow his wad.

"Hose me down, baby!" Jewel whimpered, still trembling with her own drawn-out climax.

Cory frantically pumped in and out as deep as he could go. "Yes! I'm gonna shoot!" he groaned.

After a few more ball-bumping thrusts, he stabbed his prick in as deep as it could go, stretching his mom's uteri with his big bell tip. With a deep guttural grunt, his body shook, and a huge fat rope of

semen spread out across his mom's back wall in an explosive splatter. It was followed by another, then another, until the back of her vagina was drowning in his hot cream.

Jewel was right about what she had said earlier. Even though they were sleeping in a cave that night, they didn't really "sleep" in the cave that night.

The moms and sons fucked their asses off, cumming shamelessly, so many times they lost count. Jewel rode her son's cock longer and harder than she had with anyone else in her life. The fact that his dick could stay so hard for so long absolutely astounded her. Her big knockers beat together wildly as she pumped her pussy on her boy's unyielding hardon, gushing on it so many times she thought she might pass out from exhaustion.

The next morning Martin and Don were waiting outside the entrance when their wives and sons came

back up. "Well, well... the cave people have emerged. How was it?" he asked.

Jewel and Brenda both smiled at each other. "It was terrific," Martin's wife said with a big satisfied smile.

"Are you sure? Because you look like you had the worst sleep of your life."

"Well, yeah, to be honest... the sleep wasn't the best," Jewel said, peeking over at Cory, "but the overall experience of being in a cave for the night, and..."

The mother struggled to find the right words, since all she could think about was the mind-blowing sex she'd spent the night engaging in.

"And enjoying each other's company," Brenda said, finishing her friend's sentence for her.

"Yeah, that. We all had a great time, right boys?" Jewel asked, smiling over at them. "It was awesome," Cory said, trying not to look to guilty. "I would do it again."

"Me too," Jackson said, sharing a smile with his mom. "Lots of time if I could." "Alrighty then. Money well spent," Martin said, giving Don a fist-pump.

"Yes, indeed," Don said.

"Well, what do you say we get some breakfast and hit the road?" Martin suggested. "Sounds like a plan to me," his wife said.

Brenda nodded in agreement. "Me too. I'm not sure why, but I feel like I just burnt a million calories. I'm starving," she said, sharing a mischievous little smile with Jewel.

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