Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 27 Grinding Mode

The door to the 50th training room closed with a single push of a button and Number One finally relaxed. Even if Miss Black wanted to finish what she started, she would have to break inside and the Headmaster wouldn't let that happen.

Number One didn't really blame them for not stopping Miss Black as even he didn't think that she would try to kill him. He realized that fact only after he heard Nami's explanations and it was too late for him to escape.

"Ugh…" Number One grunted as he sat down near the entrance where his body wasn't affected by the room's pressure and let his Soul breathe. Soul Energy began to instantly fill his Soul and each second seemed to regenerate roughly two thousand units per second.

Almost the whole Academy was staring at him from behind the glass but Number One didn't care. He pretended to swallow a pill before taking off his bloody uniform which exposed numerous cuts on his back. Blood was streaming down with each movement but his inner ability was quick to stop the bleeding.

It might have looked that Number One was seriously injured but he was already safe by the time he walked into the Soul Training Room. His regeneration would always focus on the most serious wounds first which happened to be his ripped organs and left the open wounds for the last.

"Alright, I guess we are training out in the open today," Number One commented as he finally stood up and wore an old shirt that he didn't mind ruining. His crystal was hidden behind his palm this whole time so he didn't have to expose his secret.

Number One turned around to glance at the crowd and walked further into the room. He was prepared for the insane gravity pulling him down to the ground but surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as he thought.

"Is that all? I expected it to be harder," Number One commented casually as his muscles flexed under pressure. His golden liquid has been strengthening his body every day for years and his regeneration could refresh his stamina as long as he had enough Soul Energy.

Number One had no idea but his voice could be heard all across the cafeteria and it made everyone speechless. Even Darius stared at him as if he was a monster, but he wasn't aware and simply continued with his plan.

Number One lifted his arm and his finger lit up with light before shooting into the empty space. The wall wasn't even affected by the burning light which brought a smile to his face.

Every five seconds, Number One shot another laser and repeated the same for the next minute. It was suspicious to look at but he sat down again and his consciousness slipped into his heavenly space to check for any differences.

"It moved!" Number One called out happily when the light on the golden door moved up ever so slightly. He rushed to the golden bowl and brightened at the sight of twelve drops gathered at the bottom.

Number One stopped thinking about Miss Black momentarily and entered into a grinding mode. He gulped down the golden liquid to free the space in the bowl and returned to the real world excitedly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One by one, Number One began shooting into nothingness without caring about anything else. If he didn't waste even a single second, he could receive seven hundred and twenty drops every hour. That amount was equal to at least half a year of training which was bound to make him excited.

Number One could open the first door in a single night!


"This is boring…"

By the time Number One crossed fifty shots, almost every student was tired of watching him. They had to cover their eyes every five seconds to not be blinded which was not only annoying but also painful. Thankfully, they received some new entertainment in the form of two beauties that have suddenly appeared at the front.

"He is alive!" Nami called out excitedly and broke off her sister to rush in front of the 50th training room. Miss Black wore a complicated expression as she wanted to follow, but she was stopped by Darius' shout.

"Everyone get away from this woman! She is the one who injured Number One!" Darius warned sternly and he didn't need to repeat himself. All students scrambled away from the training room and hid behind the teachers who stepped forward with Soul Weapons in their hands.

"You think you can do anything to me?" Miss Black questioned coldly as she disregarded them completely. "I didn't come here to fight you so stay away before it gets ugly."

The teachers grew tense as they hesitated about what to do when a deep voice supported them from the entrance. "I'm afraid we can't do that Miss Black."

Headmaster Blake has finally arrived and together with him tens of Academy Guards stormed inside. They joined the teachers and blocked off all students from Miss Black with Headmaster Blake facing her directly.

"You violated the only thing I asked from you and that was to not lay a hand on anyone. Not only did you break your promise but you even tried to kill one of our best students," Headmaster Blake spoke sternly as a shiny red sword materialized in his palm. "I will ask you to leave the Academy Grounds. You are no longer welcome here."

Miss Black's face darkened but she didn't argue or cause more drama. "Nami, let's go. They don't want us here."

Nami turned to face her sister and didn't hesitate to shake her head. "No, I'm not going anywhere. It was all your doing so don't group me with you."

Miss Black was stunned but Nami had different plans from her. "Headmaster, is it possible for me to stay in the Academy? I have a Soul King rank and I will study well. I'm also not violent like my sister."

Headmaster Blake thought for a moment before nodding. "I don't mind you staying but Miss Black needs to leave."

"Thank you," Nami acknowledged with a bow and walked up to hug her sister. "Please, focus on your goals and let me focus on mine. I will meet you again in the Inner World."

Miss Black was still shaken but she eventually returned the hug. "If that is really what you want then I will not stop you anymore. You know where to find me if you change your mind."

The two moon goddesses took their time to say the last goodbyes and they finally separated. Miss Black gave Nami one last look and walked towards the exit under everyone's glance.

"Remember to take good care of her. If I hear anyone bullies my sister, I will come back and burn this Academy to the ground," Miss Black warned on her way out. "You don't need to escort me. I know where to go."

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