Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 161: The ceremony is completed

Chapter 161: The ceremony is completed

Bethel's illusory body appeared in the center of the battlefield. He seemed to have turned into a book that recorded countless mysteries. Every page he opened at random contained angel-level attacks.


The lightning storm jumped out in the void, and the terrifying electric snake was enough to chop Alistar into pieces when he was still at the second level of the sequence!

"Roaming is prohibited here!"

A young voice sounded here, and Bethel's body suddenly flickered like a frame was dropped.

His "roaming" was stuck, and half of his body had not had time to come over. This strange state greatly affected his condition, and the "Lightning Storm" also failed.

"King of Angels?" Bethel looked behind Alistair Tudor. The handsome Trunsoest, who seemed to be in his early twenties, was standing there, holding a brass book in his hand.

During the course of this war, He secretly became Sequence One, and incorporated more than one Sequence One characteristic, controlling the uniqueness of the "Judge" path.

"Violators should be punished!"

Trunsoest's voice came again, and a light flashed on the brass book, giving Bethel the corresponding punishment.


There was a crack in Bethel's illusory figure.

Trunsoest's timing was very clever. It happened that the "Wandering" was not completed. The moment Bethel opened the Book of Records distractedly, it was equivalent to forcibly isolating His body.

This is also very dangerous for the Angels. It will cause a sharp decline in status and increase the tendency of losing control.

A certain kind of repulsive force comes, and the content of "punishment" is banishment.

Trunsoest did not want to be an enemy of Bethel, but wanted to protect Alistair Tudor from his attack.

"Duke Bethel wants to kill me?" Alistair and Bethel's shadow were only a few dozen meters apart. He looked at Bethel expressionlessly, and then laughed wildly.

"You all want to kill me, but I just won't die! I will take one step further on this dead end and ascend to the throne of God!"

Alistair Tudor's eyes were full of crazy determination.

"Personally, I admire you very much." Bethel spoke. "You are able to make such a decision. Your courage and madness are unparalleled."

"Thank you." Alistair Tudor was startled for a moment, nodded slightly, and thanked him seriously.

"But today, if you want to ascend the throne of God, it is not that simple." Bethel's figure suddenly shattered, but there were two eyeballs made of stars shining there.

The starlight emitted from the two eyeballs is actually "star worms", which gradually combine to form Bethel's body.

Bethel sent the "uniqueness" here, forcibly breaking the isolation of the body.

"Uniqueness" exists only, so His body is also unique!

This is something that even a brass book cannot isolate.

He resisted the punishment of the rules and came forcefully, and the stars in his eyes were bright for an instant.

The interrupted "lightning storm" also came again, and the blazing white electric snakes jumping crazily gradually surrounded Alistair Tudor.

"Lightning is prohibited here!"


The lightning gradually flickered under the rules and was forcibly dispersed.

But as many offensive skills as recorded in the book of Bethel, He himself seems to have forgotten them.


Dozens and hundreds of angel-level attacks appeared, directly saturating the brass book to formulate more extreme rules.

"No attacks are allowed here!"

If these attacks are not prohibited, Trunsoest can still hold on, but Alistair Tudor will be consumed to death here!

But such rule-making is also a big burden for Trunsoest, and the luster in his eyes is inexplicably weaker.

Compared to Bethel, Trunsoest still has less accumulation.

"Exile!" Bethel stretched out his hand indifferently. The space where Alista was located seemed to be separated from the real world, and he was about to be exiled to the star realm where the battle between gods became increasingly fierce!

"Exile" is not an attack and is not subject to the rules set forth by the Brass Book.

"Huh!" Trunsoest sighed softly, stretched out his hand to tear off a piece of curtain from the shadow behind, and threw it towards Alistair Tudor.

Alistair Tudor's figure wrapped in the curtain suddenly entered a semi-hidden state, and Bethel's "exile" lost its target!

"The blessing of the 'Night Goddess'?" Bethel looked up, as if he saw the twinkling stars in the night sky.

"Ha! You can't kill me today!" Alistair Tudor looked extremely embarrassed under Bethel's crushing attack, but he was still crazy.

Bethel froze, as if he really felt the goddess' eyes locked on him.

"Haha!" Upon seeing this, Alistair Tudor no longer waited, but drew his sword and pointed at the Death Archon on the other side of the battlefield.

"Azeik Eggers! You lost! The Balam Empire lost! Lost to Alistair Tudor!"

Alistar's arrogant voice echoed across the battlefield, announcing the end of this war.

"I..." After the Death Archon heard Alistair Tudor's complete sentence, he was stunned for a second, and then felt that a certain shackle in his mind suddenly collapsed.

He suddenly remembered the priest he had received in the Balan ruling hall, and recalled those pure and clear eyes.

With the acquiescence of "God of Death" Salinger, the Sequence Two He was also powerless to resist in front of the "Utopian Angel".

A certain thought spurted out, and his thoughts were completely covered by the implanted thoughts. The Death Archon's head hung slightly, and his eyes lost their luster.

"I, Azik Eggers, lost! The Balam Empire also lost!"

The whispers of the Death Archon spread throughout the battlefield. Most of the Beyonder armies in the Balam Empire were of the "God of Death" path, and they were not qualified to resist the Death Archon.

Some Beyonder soldiers even dropped their weapons and surrendered on the spot!

"Azik, you need to pay the price for the failure of the war. From now on, I will deprive you of your identity as a consul!"

A majestic voice descended from the star realm, completely concluding the war.

This voice came from Salinger, the "God of Death", the emperor of the Balang Empire.

This is also Adam's arrangement. As long as Alistair Tudor shouts those words after gaining enough victory, he will win the final victory.

When the victory is strong enough, such an arrangement will have a limited impact on the God Becoming Ceremony, which is within the controllable range, but the initiative will completely fall into the hands of Alistair Tudor.

This is a great deal for a madman.

Emperor Balam indirectly admitted the defeat of the war and determined that this war could not be reversed by anyone.

Azik fell to his knees, and the phoenix crown on his head fell to the ground, splashing dust.

The morale of the Balam Empire army dropped to freezing point and they raised their flags to surrender.

At this moment, a powerful and strange aura suddenly emerged from Alistair Tudor.

His godhood ceremony is complete!

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