Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 75: Giant

Chapter 75: Giant

Hiss!" Truman jumped out of the underworld directly. The explosion of "River of Eternal Darkness" just now caught him off guard, and he almost couldn't restrain the Book of Dreams from colliding with it.

Once they collide, it will be beyond Truman's control.

"Hope it goes well." He took one last look at the depths of the underworld, then wandered away and came to the Land of Silver.

Things in the underworld are watched by Amanissis, and there is no need for him to interfere. However, now that the giant king Ormir has been defeated, the curtain of the giant king's court should also be opened.

The Country of Silver is a very important node.

Truman wandered out of the spirit world and saw Lilith who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Is the age of the ancient gods finally coming to an end?" Lilith was sitting casually on the wall of Silver City, with a hint of melancholy on her stunningly beautiful face.

That was also the era when He lived, and it was all the memories he had since he gained intelligence. Now these memories will fade away, and it is inevitable that they will be a little touched.

"This is the shortcoming of human nature." But soon Lilith began to analyze her own heart.

"In the past, I would have only applauded the death of guys like Olmir."

The ancestor of the blood clan proudly laughed at the former opponent who disappeared in the long river of history. This is what Lilith would do.

Truman nodded slightly, "That was you, and it's you now."

Both of them were sitting on the city wall, looking at the Giant King's Court which was still some distance away from here.

Dusk remains the same, giving the whole world a sense of desolation.

Silently, the secret angel arrived, and his faint figure made it easy for people to ignore his presence.


A crack appeared in the void, and Sasril, dressed as the deputy king of heaven, walked out of it.

This is the first offline event where all members of the Dream Parliament are present.

Under the sky and on the city wall, four figures stood or sat, waiting in tacit understanding, looking into the distance at the dusk that was gradually stained with blood.


Badheir was the giant god who left the underworld the fastest after noticing the escape of the giant king Ormir.

The God of Honor is integrating the remaining giant warriors and evacuating from the underworld, but this is not easy due to the crazy counterattack of the undead in the underworld, and it may be delayed for a while.

The Harvest Goddess is in a similar situation. Because of her identity as the Queen of Giants, she was severely attacked by the Phoenix clan during the war and is not in a good condition.

"Father God!" Outside the palace at dusk, Badheir knelt on one knee and worshiped devoutly towards the dusk inside the palace.

"I have organized a large-scale sacrificial activity within the clan." The large-scale sacrificial activities of "Anchor" help the giant king Ormir stabilize his own state.

"Bradhel is protecting the evacuation of the army. The loss..." Badheir suddenly paused and waited.

"How's the damage?" The dusk in the palace shook, and the Giant King's somewhat cold but weak voice came out.

"...More than half of the army that participated in the war was lost, but most of its characteristics have been recovered by me." Badheir lowered his head and answered.

"Very good." The Giant King's coldness softened a bit.

"Is there any movement in the Kingdom of God on the other side of the sun?" The Giant King was even more concerned about the actions of the ancient Sun God.

His current state is not much different from the time when Lilith self-destructed. Having his arm cut off has little effect. At most, it just loses some characteristics. This is what the ancient god's body lacks the most.

But what's worse is that the characteristics in his body can no longer be suppressed. The characteristics that have been forcibly aggregated have a tendency to separate, and then his existence will collapse.

If the ancient sun god attacks at this time, the outcome is already doomed. At this time, there will be no weak balance maintained by Lilith after her self-destruction.

"The Kingdom of the Sun God has not taken any action, but..." Badheir hesitated to speak.

"Say!" the Giant King shouted coldly.

"I found traces of 'bad luck' in the underworld." Badheir lowered his head and reported under the power of the Giant King.

"'Misfortune'?" The aura of dusk in the dusk palace was stagnant.

"Why this time?!" The Giant King's voice was low, with strong regret and anger in his tone.

The Goddess of Doom has always been hidden from the sight of the ancient gods, and her "secret" power makes everyone's efforts to find her in vain.

The giant family had been searching for the goddess of misfortune for hundreds of years, but found nothing.

But it happened to be at this time that Olmir heard the news.

"He must be looking for an opportunity to become a god during the battle between me and Gray Carrie. Once He finds a suitable opportunity..."

The Giant King, whose mental state was even slipping into danger, fell silent. The current scene was too good for the "bad luck" hidden in the dark.

His state is extremely unstable, and Gray Carrie is not much better. Once "Doom" becomes a god, he will definitely not be able to help but take action against the two ancient gods.

Even... the success rate is not low!

"Come in!" The Giant King suddenly spoke and summoned Badheir to enter the Dusk Palace.

"Yes!" Badheir stood up and walked heavily into the dusk.

The dusk in the palace slowly parted, revealing a road that went straight into the depths.

Almir could be vaguely seen sitting on the giant throne in the depths.

His poor physical condition was directly reflected on the giant's body. The giant, which represented decline and dusk, was now mutilated and rotting, with white bones exposed in many places.

There are faintly visible shimmers of different colors, which are characteristics of a tendency to disintegrate.

In this state, Ormir could not even move. This dusk filled with palaces was his last resort to protect himself.

"Take my sword, go find Boudelal and Omi Bella, and prevent 'bad luck' from ascending to the throne at all costs!"

Olmir's tone was extremely cold. This "at all costs" already meant that the remaining warriors of the giants and even the three gods of Baomi Bella were already expendable.

"...Yes, Father God!"

Badheir knelt before the throne of Ormir, expressing his submission.

Then he slowly stood up and walked towards the big sword on the edge of the throne.

This is the Giant King's strongest weapon. After obtaining this thing, the Giant King spent hundreds of years corroding and transforming it with his own twilight power, and became what it is today.

"Father God, how should I use this sword?" Badheir felt strong heart palpitations when he got close to the sword.

This thing is similar to the fusion of two characteristics, and these two characteristics are still in the path of "Giant" and "Red Priest".

It seems to have the power of eternal silence and the end of all things.

That is a power more terrifying than "twilight", "night" and "death".

"Its strongest power is 'End', which is more powerful than 'Dusk', but even I can't use it, otherwise the sword will disintegrate."

"Its second ability is what you can use, 'Slaughter', which looks for weaknesses and kills with one hit. Even rules can kill them."

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