Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 147 Inside Job

"GRRRRR" Vincent, consumed by anger , set his sights on Lex, the hunter armed with the sniper rifle. With his werewolf form granting him swift mobility, he closed the distance between them rapidly, determined to chased down the one who initiated the attack.

The wind and water elements users has their own unique advantages, making it more challenging to pursue them effectively, so he decided to focus his efforts on the person he deemed the most easy target, thinking that he would have a higher chance of catching .

His powerful strides propelled him forward, his senses sharpened as he closed the distance. The biting wind whipped against his fur, but he remained adamant, channeling his werewolf instincts and strength to navigate through the snow-laden terrain.

Lex on the other hand, sensing the danger, knew he had to think quickly. He understood the dire situation and the threat his enemy posed. He maneuvered to gain distance, utilizing the terrain to his advantage. He swiftly climbed a nearby rocky outcrop, knowing that his mobility would be limited compared to the four legged beast trying to kill him.

"GRRRRRR" Vincent roared . But Lex, with his experience and tactical expertise, know what to do.

He skillfully retrieved a button from his utility belt, his fingers instinctively finding their place upon its surface. He had prepared for such a contingency and had strategically placed devices throughout the area. With a firm press of the button, chaos erupted within the snow-covered landscape.




Explosions reverberated through the air as the devices hidden beneath the surface were triggered. The snow erupted into plumes of white, engulfing the surrounding. Shockwaves rippled through the air, setting off a surge of snow that tumbled down the slopes, a breathtaking display of nature's response to the unleashed power of  a modern weapons.

"Not good !" Vincent exclaimed as the ground trembled beneath his feet . The rumbling sound grew louder, drowning out remaining sound of the explosion. Snow descend down the mountainside, hurtling towards him with immense force.

As the avalanche roared down , Lex swiftly rode his custom ski equipment, gliding effortlessly over the snow-covered terrain. With skill and precision, he maneuvered through the treacherous slopes, utilizing his specialized gear to outrun the surging snow and escape the imminent danger.

Vincent on the other hand was consumed by his  concern for Nathan's safety. He made a quick decision to prioritize his friend's well-being. Realizing that giving chase in the midst of the avalanche would be futile, he swiftly changed direction, sprinting back towards the spot where he had left Nathan.

But it wasn't that easy. 

The avalanche raged around him, its sheer force and intensity threatening to engulf him. He tapped into his inner power and unleashed his energy. With a swift and precise motion, he slashed through the cascading snow, creating a path for himself.


His energy-infused claw cleaved through the avalanche, sending shards of ice and snow flying in all directions. The snow yielded to his strength as he relentlessly slashed through its icy grip. With every strike.

As he carved his way forward, his senses remained heightened, constantly scanning the surroundings for any potential threats or obstacles. The roar of the avalanche gradually subsided, replaced by the sound of his heavy footsteps and the occasional creaking of the snow beneath him.

The path he created provided a temporary break, allowing him to continue his sprint undeterred. He pressed on, his goal was to reach Nathan as soon as possible. 


The adrenaline pumping through his veins propelled him forward, each stride covering a significant distance as he raced against time to reach Nathan's side.

Meanwhile, Lex, having successfully navigated his way out of the avalanche's path, came to a  stop further down the mountainside. He surveyed the area, searching for any signs of Vincent's chasing him. Though his primary objective was to eliminate his target, he couldn't help abandon this mission after facing Vincent head on.

A mix of emotions surged within him. While he acknowledged the limits of their abilities as hunters, he couldn't shake the feeling of anger and frustration towards the person or organization that had provided them with incomplete information about Vincent. It was their responsibility to ensure the safety and success of the mission by providing accurate and detailed intel.

"I can't help but feel that we were set up," Lex voiced his frustration, his tone laced with resentment.

"They didn't disclose the full extent of our target's abilities. Those energy waves... it was something we were not prepared for." His regret weighed heavily on him as he reflected on the events that had unfolded. The death of Rosy was a stark reminder of the risks they faced as hunters, and the consequences of underestimating their targets. The reality of the situation hit him hard, and he couldn't help but blame their client for this outcome .

Surveying the aftermath, his gaze swept over the desolate landscape and the remnants of their failed mission, engulfed by a suffocating sense of defeat and frustration .

"I cannot let them get away with this," he spoke under his breath, his voice filled with resolve. "The High Table needs to know what happened and take appropriate action. The client have a responsibility to provide us with all the information"

His determination to report the incident to the High Table showcased his frustration and holding those responsible accountable. The High Table held a significant position within the hunter community, serving as a governing body that regulated and oversaw the activities of hunters worldwide.






Back at the spot where Nathan lay in the snow, Vincent arrived with urgency, his transformation slowly fading as he returned to his human form. Unlike last time, his special black clothing remained intact even after his transformation. The durable fabric clung to his muscular frame, providing both protection and agility. 

Concern and relief washed over him as he saw his friend unharmed but shivering from the cold. It was fortunate that the avalanche miraculously did not hit this particular spot. 

"Are you alright, Nathan?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Nathan looked up at Vincent with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, his voice quivering slightly from the cold. "What happened? "

Vincent quickly filled Nathan on what happened .

"I can't help but think that this is an inside job," Nathan suggested, his voice filled with suspicion.

"Why do you think it's an inside job?" he asked.

Nathan took a deep breath.

"Think about it, buddy. The time of the attack and the knowledge of our location, . It doesn't add up. It feels like someone who knows about our mission did this."

Vincent's brow furrowed as he listened to Nathan's words. The realization that the attack may have been orchestrated from within their own ranks hit him hard. He had suspected something was amiss, but hearing Nathan's observation solidified his suspicions.

"You're right . It seems highly unlikely that someone could have tracked us here by chance. This mission and our location were kept as secrets," Vincent replied, his voice filled with frustration. He began to consider the possibility of the High Ranking Vampires being involved. Not all of them were pleased with his rapid rise in rank, and Evangeline had warned him not to trust anyone completely.

"I'll check it out after we are done here " He took a deep breath, pushing aside thoughts of betrayal for now. He knew that their immediate priority was to locate the fragment he tasked to retrieve. Dealing with the internal threat could come later.

"Let's check on the guides first," he shifted the conversation. Nathan nodded, and together they made their way back to the campsite. Unfortunately, the campsite had already been completely buried under the avalanche.

They stood in solemn silence, their hearts heavy with grief for the fallen guides. Vincent used his ability to focused his sight ,extending his senses to scan the area for any signs of life. He searched for the faint traces of energy that might indicate survivors buried beneath the snow. However, his attempt yielded no positive results. The campsite remained devoid of any living presence.

Regardless, he understood the urgency of the situation and the need to salvage whatever supplies they could. With a deep breath, he embraced his werewolf form, his body transforming. He began digging into the snow with his powerful claws, swiftly clearing away the icy blanket that covered the campsite.

Nathan watched as Vincent's werewolf form effortlessly dug through the snow, his strength and speed evident in every movement. 

Working with a focused , he unearthed the buried supplies one by one. He retrieved the backpacks containing their food and medicine provisions, ensuring that they remained intact and undamaged. He also salvaged any equipment that could still be of use, such as ropes, tools, and other essential items.

Once the supplies were retrieved, he transformed back into his human form, his body covered in a thin layer of snow. He wiped off the snow from his clothes and took a moment to catch his breath.

"We managed to salvage some of the supplies," Vincent said, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and relief. "It's not much, but it should sustain us for a while."

Nathan nodded gratefully, understanding the importance of the salvaged provisions.

"Thank you, buddy. "

Vincent gave a nod in return, his eyes scanning their surroundings. He knew that their journey was far from over, and they still had much to travel .

Before they leave, Nathan cast a final glance at the devastated campsite, his heart heavy with grief for the dead guides. Vincent had taken the time to dig up their lifeless bodies, so they could be easily retrieved in the future .

"Once we finish this mission, let's make sure to take care of their families. It's the least we can do," Vincent suggested after seeing his friend's expression.

"You're right," Nathan agreed, nodding in confirmation. He was glad to see that the caring Vincent he used to know was still present despite becoming very powerful. 

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