Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 150 Frozen In Time

"How far is it?" Vincent's voice echoed through the vast cavern as he broke the silence with a question, 

The serpent let out a sigh, its immense body coiling and shifting with a sense of exasperation.

"This place is far deeper than you can fathom," it replied, its tone laden with weariness. "And might I ask, why are you still perched upon my back? I am not your personal mount, you know."

"He he he " Vincent chuckled, thoroughly amused by the serpent's protest. He had taken the opportunity to sit atop the serpent's head, simply driven by his curiosity to experience such an extraordinary position. Though the serpent lacked wings, it embodied a resemblance to a legendary eastern dragon, and he couldn't resist the chance to feel the sensation.

"Don't worry about small things" Vincent said, a smile playing on his lips. 

The serpent's eyes narrowed, a mixture of annoyance and bemusement dancing within their depths. It regarded Vincent for a moment before finally speaking, its voice laced with a hint of amusement.

"Very well, if it amuses you, you may continue perching on my head. Just remember your promise."

"I will, I will" 

With that in mind, they continued to traverse the deep cave, the serpent gracefully sliding through the passages. The sound of sliding scales against the cave floor echoed through the dimly lit corridors, creating a rhythmic melody in the stillness.

The air grew colder as they ventured deeper, the temperature dropping with each passing moment. Glittering stalactites hung from the ceiling like crystal chandeliers, glistening in the faint light. 

As they ventured further into the depths, Vincent couldn't help but be amazed by the serpent's fluid motion. Its undulating body seemed to navigate the cave as if it were an extension of itself, sliding effortlessly around corners and over obstacles. .

He was also in awe of the serpent's remarkable healing abilities. He witnessed it shed its damaged scales, revealing pristine ones underneath. As the old scales fell away, any wounds inflicted upon it disappeared, leaving no trace of harm. 




Finally, they arrived at a vast chamber, the walls adorned with shimmering crystals that bathed the space in an otherworldly glow. The sealed door, a gateway to their coveted destination, stood before them, its imposing presence a testament to the mysteries it guarded.

"Do you possess a means to open it?" the serpent inquired, its voice echoing through the cavern. It hoped that Vincent had some magical way to open the door.

"Na, let me give it a try first," Vincent said, shaking his head with a nonchalant look on his face. He leaped off the serpent's head and approached the sealed door. 

The serpent rolled its eyes, annoyed by Vincent's seemingly easy going behavior .

"That thing is tougher than you can imagine. I've spent countless years trying to force my way in, but it hasn't budged a bit," the serpent sneered, emphasizing its frustration at the door's unyielding nature.

"Did you try pushing it?" Vincent teased him.

"Of course I did!" The serpent exclaimed. "You'll be in for quite the embarrassment once you discover just how hard that door truly is."

"Let's see if what you're saying is true," Vincent chuckled.

As he prepared himself for a mighty push, he took a deep breath and positioned his hands. With all his strength, he pushed against the door... and nothing happened. The door remained resolutely shut.

The serpent couldn't help but chuckle at Vincent's failed attempt.

"See? I told you!" it exclaimed, a hint of mockery in its voice.

But just as they were about to move on, a sudden sound filled the air.


Both Vincent and the serpent turned to look at the door in disbelief. It had opened, revealing a passage beyond.

"Eh?" the serpent gasped, its eyes widening in astonishment. The creature that had spent millennia trying to crack the door was left dumbfounded as it swung open with a gentle push.

Vincent couldn't help but burst into laughter, his amusement echoing through the chamber.

"Well, would you look at that? Sometimes, all it takes is a little finesse!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his amusement.

"Impossible!" the serpent exclaimed, its voice tinged with awe. "I've spent centuries trying to breach this door, exerting all my strength, and yet it remained shut. How could it open so effortlessly for you?"

"I don't know," Vincent feigned ignorance, though he was well aware that the medallion inside him did something .

"Ah, of course, it must have been my countless years of pushing that loosened it," the serpent said, trying to salvage some dignity and regain its composure. It attempted to appear nonchalant, despite the undeniable truth that it had underestimated the door's resilience.

Vincent couldn't help but chuckle, seeing through the serpent's façade.

"Sure, sure," he replied, his tone playfully sarcastic. "Your relentless efforts must have weakened it over the centuries, and my gentle push just happened to be the final nudge it needed."

The serpent grumbled under its breath, not willing to admit defeat or acknowledge Vincent's teasing. However, a faint glimmer of amusement sparkled in its eyes, revealing that it was secretly enjoying their banter.

It couldn't help but develop a fondness for Vincent comedic nature. Despite their initial clash, Vincent' witty remarks and playful banter had managed to lighten the tension between them. It was refreshing to encounter a man with a sense of humor in such an unexpected situation.

Having been trapped in the cavern for countless years, the serpent found enjoyment in Vincent's presence. The long years of solitude had taken their toll, and the serpent had grown accustomed to the silence and isolation. However, Vincent's arrival breathed new life into the dreary existence it had known for so long.

"Listen," the serpent pleaded, a flicker of hope in its eyes. "The very thing you seek, the source of power that fuels this entire place, is also the key to my freedom. If you can obtain it, if you can take it from this chamber, then perhaps, just perhaps, I can break free from this timeless imprisonment."

Vincent's gaze softened as he absorbed the serpent's words. The weight of its confinement resonated within him, and he empathized with how lonely it must have been for it endure such a prolonged stay in this place.

"Alright," he said with confidence. "Wait for me here. I promise, I will find a way to set you free."

"I will await your return,"  A glimmer of gratitude danced in the serpent's eyes, a faint flicker of hope rekindled within its heart. Vincent's words offered hoped, a beacon of possibility in the darkness of its eternal imprisonment.

With that, he entered the chamber.

The chamber was shrouded in an eerie silence as he cautiously stepped forward. The air felt heavy, laden with ancient secrets and forgotten whispers. The walls were adorned with intricate symbols and markings, hinting at the chamber's mysterious purpose.

His footsteps echoed through the chamber, amplifying the sense of anticipation that hung in the air.

But as he reached the end , his eyes widened in disbelief. Standing before him was an exquisite woman encased in a frozen prison, her flawless figure accentuated by the ethereal glow of the ice.

"White hair? A vampire like Evangeline?" he whispered to himself, his mind racing with questions. He hadn't expected to encounter someone in this desolate place.

He couldn't deny the allure of her naked form; it seemed as though a master sculptor had crafted her with painstaking precision. Even with her eyes closed, her beauty transcended every women he had seen so far, radiating a mesmerizing aura.

Drawing closer, his  gaze fixated on her chest, where he noticed something peculiar. There, nestled within the ice, was the coveted fragment he had been searching for. But it had undergone a transformation, its once vibrant hue now turned pure white, as if the frigid cold had altered its very essence.

Cautiously, he extended his firm hand, feeling the cold seep into his fingertips as he touched the ice. Time seemed to stand still as he contemplated his next move. Should he free the woman and retrieve the fragment? Or were there hidden dangers awaiting him in this enigmatic encounter?

Suddenly, an indescribable feeling from deep within urged him to release the beautiful woman from her frozen prison. With steady resolve, he made his decision. He would liberate the woman from her frozen confines, for the fragment he sought and the completion of his mission lay intertwined within her very being.

Summoning his inner strength, he reached into his core and called upon his latent powers. Energy radiated from his palms as he directed a surge of power towards the ice, channeling his will to destroy the frozen barrier.


Cracks spiderwebbed across the surface, inch by inch, as the ice succumbed to the force of his power. With a final burst of energy, the ice shattered, releasing the woman from her icy prison. Without hesitation, he instinctively caught the woman in his embrace, ensuring her safety and warmth.

She nestled into his arms, her body trembling slightly from the cold and the overwhelming rush of freedom. As the frost completely dissolved, the woman's eyes fluttered open, revealing a piercing gaze that captivated Vincent's soul. She drew a shivering breath, her naked form now exposed to the warmth of the world once again.

In that moment, time seemed to pause as their eyes locked, a profound connection sparking between them. The air crackled with a mix of curiosity, desire, and lust. 

But what happened next caught him completely off guard. The beautiful woman, now freed from her icy prison, looked deep into his eyes and uttered a simple yet unexpected request.

"Kiss me."

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