Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 165 Redfang

"GRRRRRR!" Lowell's roar reverberated throughout the area, a thunderous declaration signaling the start of the impending battle.

"No wonder you call your group the Red Fang," he mused, his eyes fixated on Lowell's distinct transformation. He couldn't help but be impressed by the stark difference in Lowell's appearance. The crimson fur that adorned his body was truly captivating, catching the moonlight and seemingly emitting a red glow.

In comparison, his black fur whenever he transform appeared rather ordinary.

"GRRRRRR!" Driven by an insatiable hunger for victory, Lowell propelled himself forward with extreme speed and agility. His movements resembled that of an apex predator, closing the distance between him and his prey with every thunderous stride. The ground trembled beneath his powerful paws as he unleashed his predatory instincts, his eyes ablaze with killing intent .


Despite the approximately 50-meter distance separating them, he swiftly closed the gap in a matter of seconds.

However, Vincent was no slouch either. He activated his adrenaline manipulation, a unique human ability that Erika had emphasized he should not neglect in his training. It was a rare blessing that could not be utilized by most supernatural, so its was a worthy ability that he must honed to the fullest.

As he focused his mind, everything around him seemed to slow down in his field of view. However, Lowell's attack still approached rapidly due to his initial burst of speed, reaching an astonishing 0-130 miles per hour in just 10 seconds.

With lightning speed, Lowell lunged forward, his claw aimed at Vincent's head. But Vincent's heightened senses kicked in, allowing him to react swiftly, narrowly evading the lethal strike with a fraction of a second to spare.

BOOOOOM! The ground beneath Vincent trembled violently as Lowell's powerful attack missed and struck the pavement, obliterating it into a shower of debris.

"This would be a nice experience " Vincent's voice was barely audible as he muttered to himself, his gaze fixated on Lowell's every move. He adjusted his stance, preparing himself for the next onslaught that was sure to come.

In that moment, he embraced the thrill of the battle, recognizing the unique opportunity this encounter presented. His eyes sharpened, honing in on Lowell's muscles, detecting even the slightest vibrations that can show his next move. This was more than just a fight; it was a profound experience that would further increase his battle awareness. 




As expected, Lowell unleashed a barrage of devastating blows, each strike possessing the power to obliterate any vampire or werewolf present now with a single hit. Yet, despite the sheer force behind his attacks, he found himself at a disadvantage. Vincent's specialty lay in his unparalleled speed and reaction time, rendering this match-up ill-fated for his adversary.

Vincent relied on his agility, darting in and out of Lowell's reach, his movements fluid and precise. He utilized his acrobatic movements to somersault and twist through the air, evading the powerful swipes of his enemy.

Lowell, on the other hand, relied on his brute strength. His blows carried a devastating force, capable of shattering bones and sending shockwaves through the surrounding area. With every swipe, the ground trembled beneath their feet, and the air crackled with destruction.

But despite his formidable strength, Lowell struggled to land a direct hit on Vincent, who seemed to anticipate his moves with uncanny accuracy. 

In the sideline

The members of each respective faction hand stood frozen, their eyes wide with astonishment as they witnessed the incredible display of speed and power. Whispers of amazement filled the air, mingling with the sounds of gasps and murmurs of disbelief.

"Did you see that? They moved like lightning!"

"I've never seen anything like it! They're like blurs!"

The vampires and werewolves in the vicinity, accustomed to extraordinary abilities themselves, were awestruck by the sheer velocity at which the two leaders moved. Their actions defied the limits of what was considered possible, even among supernaturals.

Even among the newly appointed Alphas aligned with Lowell, a grudging admiration began to surface. They couldn't help but acknowledge that, if placed in Vincent's position, they would have succumbed to their death countless times already.

The awe-inspiring display of Vincent's speed and agility had even them questioning their own abilities. However, the steadfast loyalty of the old Alpha's remained unshaken. Their belief in Lowell's ultimate victory, fueled by years of unwavering allegiance, bolstered their resolve. They held fast to the conviction that their leader's strength would prevail in the end, even against an opponent as formidable as Vincent.

Yet, unbeknownst to the spectators, Vincent and Lowell were merely scratching the surface of their true power. Their movements, though swift and precise, were but a prelude to the tempest brewing within them. With each clash and dodge, their power surged bit by bit, the tension in the air building like a gathering storm. 

But it was only natural for the spectators to harbor such thoughts. They were akin to frogs in a well, unaware of the vastness of the ocean beyond. Their limited understanding of supernatural power left them unable to fathom the true depths of Vincent and Lowell's abilities. Like peering through a narrow keyhole, they could only catch glimpses of the immense power swirling within the two fighters.

The Redfang werewolves, accustomed to their criminal endeavors and the threats of the night, had rarely encountered adversaries on par with their own supernatural might. Similarly, Evangeline's faction, hidden in the shadows, had remained blissfully unaware of the formidable strength possessed by the elusive Rank S individuals. It was a moment of revelation, a collision between worlds unseen and untapped.

"This person is more powerful than I expected " Lowell's experienced eyes narrowed as he observed Vincent's fluid movements, his mind racing to unravel the mystery before him. This young man, Fir, possessed an uncanny ability to anticipate and evade his every strike. It defied his knowledge about vampires, for werewolves were known for their enhanced reflexes, surpassing even that of a vampire.

"I must admit, I'm impressed by your ability to match my every attack," Lowell grumbled, his words distorted by the growl of his werewolf transformation. Though his speech might have been incomprehensible to ordinary humans, Vincent's heightened hearing allowed him to understand.

"You flatter me, but I know that you're holding back as well." The primal instincts of his werewolf nature were now surging within him, fueling his desire for a true test of strength. He wanted Lowell to unleash his full power, to push him to his limits and beyond.  The prospect of a thrilling battle against an opponent of Lowell's caliber ignited a spark of anticipation within him.

It was true that Vincent had engaged in dozens of sparring sessions with Erika, who far surpassed Lowell in terms of overall power. However, those practice sessions, though intense, could never truly replicate the life-and-death stakes of a real battle. The absence of the genuine risk of losing and dying had imposed certain limitations on his growth. He craved the pure intensity and unpredictability of a true fight, where every move, every decision, carried real consequences. It was in these moments of danger that true power could forged, and he longed to test the limits of his own abilities in such an ordeal.

"Very well " Lowell jumped backwards and created a distance between them . 

"Let me show you some of my power !. GRRRRRRRRRR" With a resounding growl that echoed through the night, he unleashed an immense surge of energy. The air crackled with a crimson aura as his body became enveloped in a radiant, metallic-like fur.

"Iron ? Blood?" Vincent's eyes widened with recognition as he deciphered the source of Lowell's newfound strength after smelling the blood in the air. It was Blood, somehow Lowell has a unique ability that allowed him to reinforce his fur with his own blood, transforming it into a formidable armor. The sight was both awe-inspiring and intimidating, as the crimson sheen glimmered like molten metal, signaling the escalation of their battle to a whole new level.

"Don't die too fast " Lowell spoke with absolute confidence .

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