Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 182 Twin Horns -1

Huge and intimidating. Those were the only words that could describe the appearance of these two giants.

Their hulking frames were covered in coarse, brown fur that bristled every time they breath, emphasizing their heavy body that bolster strength. Muscles rippled beneath their taut skin, exuding an air of undeniable dominance. Each step they took reverberated through the earth, a testament to their immense weight and the force they possessed.

Their heads were a magnificent blend of human and bull features, crowned with majestic horns that spiraled from their foreheads. These formidable attachment crackled with an energy, radiating an aura of dominance. 

As they stood tall, a living embodiment of raw power and ferocity, it was clear that these transformed minotaur's had transcended their previous forms, becoming avatars of might and destruction. 

"Regretting not killing us instantly, are you?" Argos sneered, his voice dripping with contempt.

"Regret? You're not qualified yet to talk like that," Erika chuckled with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She found it amusing how these two men had become so full of themselves. It seemed that they were overly reliant on the effects of that drink.

"Your domain is useless against us now," Argos laughed, his voice tinged with arrogance. He stretched his neck, attempting to relieve the tension that accompanied his transformation. 

Erika's domain may have been stronger in terms of  power and quality, but the combined domain of the two bull-like creature created a distinct area enveloped in lush green grass. Even her ice-based domain proved ineffective against this area, unable to penetrate or affect the surroundings they had established.

It became clear that the two beast had reached the apex of power for Rank S, but the gap between Rank S and SS was not something that could be bridged by a mere drink. It required more than a simple enhancement to elevate one's rank.

"That liquid you drank... it came from her, right? But why aren't you going berserk?" she asked with a curious expression. Her mind was connecting the dots, grasping the idea.

However, according to her memory, that liquid should have had an adverse effect on the drinker's mind. It was supposed to temporarily boost their strength but plunge them into a state of berserk frenzy afterwards. She knew this well because during the war, it was given to the minotaur soldiers as a last-ditch attempt to turn the tides.

Curiosity mixed with suspicion swirled within her. Why were these two not succumbing to the berserk state like others had before? There had to be something more to that liquid, some hidden secret or modification that prevented the usual consequences.

"You don't have the right to know," Tuaric sneered, his newfound power and energy fueling his confidence. 

This was his first life and death encounter with someone significantly stronger, an opportunity that had eluded him in the era of peace that prevailed the world. But now, standing before a formidable opponent, his excitement surged within him. He relished the prospect of unleashing his power, eager to test his abilities and prove himself in a battle of strength and power.

"Ignorant fools! Do you really think that a mere liquid could bridge the gap between us?" Erika scoffed, shaking her head in disappointment. The younger generation had fallen far indeed. These two Rank S individuals, while seemingly stronger in terms of raw power compared their ancestors, lacked the intensity, the killing intent, and the experience to even pose a threat to her.

"That kind of power is a waste for you two" Her disappointment was evident. They may have achieved a temporary surge in strength, but they would forever lack the essence, the soul of a true  Minotaur warrior by relying too much on external items.

"Don't be too arrogant, Ice Empress. You might have been a bigshot before, but I will show you how far our race has developed!"  Tauric finally snapped, his patience wearing thin. Erika's words had struck a nerve, directly hitting their ego.

While they may not be the strongest warriors in the organization, they were accustomed to being respected, but her dismissive attitude towards them made them feel strangely insignificant. Adding to their frustration was the undeniable truth that Erika had every right to look down on them. Despite their impressive power up and tactical approach, they couldn't escape thinking that they still paled in comparison to her.

"Stop talking and just attack together!" Erika commanded, her voice laced with authority.

But contrary to her expectations, the two minotaur's stood their ground, refusing to initiate an attack. Instead, they adopted a patient stance, waiting for Erika to make her move. It was surprising to witness their strategic approach, a stark contrast to their massive and wild appearance. 

"If you will not attack first , then just stand there and freeze ," With a swift flick of her wrist, the wind within the domain intensified, swirling and howling like a furious blizzard. The air grew colder, and visibility diminished as snowflakes danced and swirled around their respective domain.

Within the heart of this tempest, Erika stood like a tempestuous goddess, her power resonating with the very elements she commanded. The gusts grew stronger, whipping at their barrier, testing their endurance.

"So strong..."Argos muttered in awe, his voice barely audible. They had already reached their most powerful forms, but Erika still possessed enough power to threaten them. He couldn't help but wonder if this was her full power already .

"Argos, we need to attack her head-on," Tauric spoke in a muffled voice, his words barely audible amidst the raging blizzard. 

The howling winds and swirling snowflakes masked their conversation, providing a semblance of privacy within the chaotic storm.

Argos, equally determined, nodded in response, his gaze focused and unwavering. He knew that facing Erika head-on was their best chance at overcoming her overwhelming power. . Unlike her, minotaur's like them thrived in close combat, relying on their formidable strength and durability. Their tank-like build was precisely for this purpose – to withstand attacks and deliver devastating blows in close quarters. 

"I will go first. Find a way to attack her later," Argos declared, stepping forward with resolve. He knelt down, adopting a four-legged stance reminiscent of a bull preparing to charge. As he focused his energy, a transformation began to take place. The temperature in the vicinity rose, and a searing hot gas emitted from his hardened muscles. His horn, once ordinary, now gleamed with a fiery red hue, resembling metal tempered by the intense heat.

With every passing moment, Argos grew more formidable, his power surging. The aura of heat that enveloped him exuded an intimidating presence, as if the very air around him was vaporizing .

"Rrrruuuurrrr" With a thunderous roar and a powerful first step, the ground beneath him cracked under the sheer force of his charge. He surged forward with his full strength, shattering the blizzard storm into two, creating a clear path.

As the storm was temporary cut, Erika's location was immediately revealed, but she remained unfazed. She understood Argos' specialty lay in his immense strength and durability .

Argos closed in, his horn ablaze with fiery intensity, But Erika  gracefully evaded his direct path. She sidestepped with ease, using her speed and agility to her advantage.

As Argos' initial charge was evaded by her deft movements, she seized the opportunity to command her domain. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned ice tendrils to ensnare the rampaging beast. However, to her surprise, the ice was shattered upon contact with Argos' impenetrable, hard skin.

"Too thick," she muttered to herself, realizing that the drink not only reinforced their energy but also their physical bodies. The immense strength and durability displayed by him were a direct result of the enhancement granted by the liquid they had consumed.

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