Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 188 The Secret Of Domains Part 1

Inside the oppressive confines of this place, darkness reigns supreme. It is a realm devoid of any discernible light, where even the concept of illumination seems to have been banished. The absence of light was so absolute that it wraps around you like an impenetrable shroud, rendering all visual senses useless.

"Where am I?" he wondered. He was just sucking Selene's milk a few seconds ago , then he suddenly found himself surrounded by darkness.

"What is this feeling? What is this damn place?" he exclaimed, his heart racing with each passing moment as the gravity of the situation weighed upon him. The overwhelming sense of fear and isolation wrapped around him like a suffocating blanket, intensifying the horrid idea of being alone in such a dark place. Even the bravest of heart will always fear the unknown.

"No, I need to move forward and find a way out," he asserted, his voice steady as he made a conscious effort to calm his racing mind. 

However as he attempted to navigate through the perplexing darkness, a deep sense of disorientation took hold. His usual sense of direction, seemed utterly futile in this dark realm.  There was no sense of forward momentum or backward retreat. It was as if the very concept of direction had been twisted and distorted, leaving him suspended in a swirling vortex of uncertainty.






Inside the place of darkness, where shadows loomed and light seemed like a distant memory, a solitary figure continued to walk. 

"How many years have I been walking? One? Two?" he asked himself with a tired voice. Each step had felt like an eternity, a ceaseless cycle of traversing the same dark abyss, with no sense of progression . The relentless monotony of the void threatened to erode his resolve.

In his weariness, his mind played host to doubts and questions. Was there an end to this endless place? Would he ever find his way back to the world he knew? The answers eluded him, lost in the void as he grappled with his own growing sense of futility.

His thoughts drifted back to those he had left behind, their names danced on the tip of his tongue, desperate to be spoken, but the darkness that enveloped him had taken its toll. It had stripped away his ability to see images, even the memory of their faces fading into an abyss of forgotten recollections.

He strained his mind, attempting to grasp the fading fragments of their existence, but they slipped through his grasp like grains of sand. Their names, once so familiar, became elusive wisps, teasing his consciousness and slipping away before he could fully grasp them.

Then for the hundred's time , a sudden surge of energy emerged from his chest once again, allowing him to remember everything. 

With a jolt, his mind became a canvas where vivid memories painted themselves with vibrant hues. Faces he thought he had forgotten materialized in his thoughts, each detail coming into focus. Their names echoed through his consciousness, resonating with a newfound clarity.

Sophia, Evangeline, Erika, Isabella—each name carried the weight of the connections he longed to return to. He yearned for their presence, their warmth, their reassurance that he was not alone in this unending abyss. 

"I can't give up. I need to find a way to come back! They're waiting for me" Despite the fatigue that gnawed at his heart, he refused to surrender completely. He mustered the last remnants of his strength, the ember of his will, and pushed forward.

"Mind over body"

"Mind over body"

"Mind over body"

With each step, he repeated a mantra to himself, an affirmation of his determination and his unwavering will to escape. The echoes of his voice somehow reverberated through the darkness for the very first time, fueling his resolve. He would persevere, regardless of the time it took, for he refused to be consumed by this damned place.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Vincent caught sight of a glimmering light in the distance, its radiance piercing through the oppressive darkness. It beckoned to him, inviting him to approach.

"A light!" he exclaimed, a wild smile stretching across his face. The sight of that faint illumination ignited a surge of exhilaration within his weary heart.

Without hesitation, he abandoned caution and raced toward the distant beacon, driven by an insatiable desire to escape the suffocating void.  In that intense pursuit of freedom, the destination beyond the light mattered little to him. All that occupied his thoughts was breaking free from the suffocating darkness.

"I finally made it!" he shouted with uncontainable joy, his voice echoing through the vast horizon. As he emerged from the blinding light, his eyes gradually adjusted to the new surroundings that enveloped him.

Gone was the suffocating darkness; instead, he found himself immersed in a realm of pure, pristine whiteness.

The landscape stretched out before him, an endless panorama of white that seemed to extend into eternity . But the sheer size of this place and the one he had just traversed filled him with worry once again. 

"Is it not over yet?" He sank to his knees, his spirit broken and his body weary. Doubts gnawed at his mind, questioning whether he had the strength to continue. The boundless nature of this new realm seemed to mock his futile attempts to find an end, amplifying his feelings of hopelessness.

A surge of frustration built up within him, swirling like a tempest in his chest. The overwhelming desire to curse out loud welled up, threatening to escape his lips. He wanted to release his anger and discontent into the almost infinite horizon that surrounded him. But then, a realization struck him.

What purpose would it serve? Who would hear his cries of frustration in this cursed place? The emptiness  will just echoed back at him, mocking his desire for freedom. There was no one to witness his anger, no one to acknowledge his pain. The futility of it all hit him like a cruel joke.

"Oh, someone actually made it this far," a voice echoed behind him. Vincent's heart skipped a beat as he swiftly turned around, his eyes locking onto the figure of an old man.

The old man possessed a distinguished appearance, with a flowing grey beard and hair that mirrored the wisdom etched upon his face. His pale, almost ethereal skin seemed to radiate an otherworldly presence, while his golden eyes shimmered with depth and wisdom. 

"Another person ," Tears started flowing from Vincent's eyes as he cherished the sight of another person after all those long years. The overwhelming emotions of relief, joy, and gratitude cascaded through him, manifesting as tears streaming down his cheeks.

To see another being, to connect with someone after enduring such  solitude, was an indescribable moment for him. 

Vincent tried to compose himself, his voice quivering as he spoke.

"I... I can't express how happy I am to see someone," he managed to speak, his words laced with a relief . "Your presence here gives me hope in escaping this place."

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