Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 190 The Secret Of Domains Part 3

"I am not arrogant enough to call myself God."

"If you were truly facing that guy, do you think you'd still be alive and standing here now?" The old man's words carried a sense of humor, subtly reminding Vincent of the vast power and danger that lurked within the supernatural realm.

"Senior, if you're not God, why did you refer to him as "that guy"? Are you someone with equal power, or maybe even stronger?" He couldn't help but be intrigued by the old man's choice of words. It was evident to him that someone who could casually refer to God in such a manner must possess an extraordinary level of power and familiarity with the divine being.

"You have quite the sense of humor, young man," he remarked. "But it's best not to delve too deeply into such questions. You are still at a stage where your strength is limited, and pondering matters of such magnitude may be overwhelming for you." 

'Limited?' he muttered to himself . He was taken aback, his heart pierced by the words of the old man. Despite the old man's gentle demeanor, the truth in his words resonated deeply within him.

"I understand , but can I at least I ask for your name, Senior? " he inquired respectfully. 

Having recovered from the traumas of that dark cursed place, and seeing the old man's strength and benevolence, Vincent saw an opportunity to establish a connection with this powerful entity . Unlike others with overwhelming powers , this old man seemed more gentle and easygoing so it was chance he could not miss. 

"Even if I want to tell you my name, you're not strong enough to know it. You would simply perish if I were to reveal it," the old man shook his head. Such was his immense power that the mere knowledge of his name could cause someone to ceased to exist . 

The concept was beyond anything Vincent had ever imagined. He had always dreamed of becoming strong, having the ability to destroy mountains with a flick of his finger,  but never did he imagine a point where his name would possess the power to bring death.

"This is beyond anything I could have dreamed of. I know it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." he whispered to himself . He would be dumbness person in the universe if he leave this place without getting any benefits .

Vincent's thoughts swirled as he sought a way to continue the conversation. Suddenly, an idea ignited within him.

"Then …. If revealing your name can have that consequences, I won't ask further. Instead, I would be grateful for any knowledge or guidance you can offer me. "

"Oh?" The old man's gaze met Vincent's, and in that moment, he sensed an insatiable hunger within the young man. It was not merely a thirst for knowledge, but a burning desire for power. A power so overwhelming that it could consume everything in its path.

Having lived a long life and encountered numerous individuals driven by ambition, the old man recognized the familiar greed . Those type of people were always driven by hidden agendas, personal goals, and specific purposes. But with Vincent, it was different. The old man could sense that there was something deeper within him, an intense craving for power, for dominance without any clear goal at all.

"There's no point," he sighed. "Once you leave this place, everything will fade from your memory."

"I still want to learn regardless," Determined, he attempted to convince the old man. This was a rare opportunity, one he couldn't simply pass up.

As for the risk of losing his memory, he held onto hope that the medallion within him would somehow intervene. If it failed, well, he reasoned that he wouldn't be disappointed since he would have no recollection of it at all.

"I dislike your greed, young man ,but I like your spirit" the old man said, his fingers gently stroking his beard as he spoke.

"Knowledge is a double-edged sword. While I can impart wisdom and guide you on your path, there are secrets that must remain hidden. However, I shall share what I can to satisfy your thirst. Ask your questions, and I will provide what answers I am able to give."

Vincent paused, realizing that this might be his only opportunity to get some answers  from the old man. With a sense of urgency, he gathered his thoughts and carefully chose his questions.

"I will not hold back ...please enlighten me on how to create a World Domain," Vincent inquired. He found himself captivated by this realm, realizing that not even Erika or Evangeline were aware of its existence. This revelation only reinforced the notion that attaining such power was an arduous feat, bordering on the realm of impossibility.

Vincent waited anxiously for his response, fully aware that there was a high chance the old man wouldn't share such secrets with him. Nevertheless, he had taken the opportunity to ask, knowing that he had to try.

"You possess more ambition than meets the eye, and I find it intriguing," the old man chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Vincent's question about the secret to world domain.

To someone like Vincent, the secret to world domain may have been a treasure, but for the old man and others who possessed equal strength and knowledge, it was a relatively insignificant matter. Their experiences and perspectives had granted them a broader understanding of power and its implications.

"Very well, let us begin with the fundamentals."

"When one embarks on creating a domain, their soul must immerse itself in the void to absorb the profound understanding of space and time," the old man explained. "Typically, the strength of one's will can only endure for a couple of month, or perhaps a year at most. Yet, you, have persevered for over five years."

Vincent nodded in understanding. It became clear to him that he was only able to get this far because of his medallion, which provided him with renewed energy and clarity every time he felt like giving up.

"I understand," he replied.

The old man paused, deep in thought, before resuming his explanation.

"The longer one remains in that place, the more attuned they become to the power of space and time," he stated.

"Longer... Then that means..."

"Exactly," the old man interjected, his eyes gleaming with insight. "You spent a considerable amount of time in that realm, far longer than most others. This extended exposure has undoubtedly heightened your understanding of space and its intricacies. Once you establish your own domain, you will be able to comprehend the true effects of manipulating space and wield it to your advantage."

"But you said that I will forget everything after I leave this place. So, how can I utilize that knowledge about space?" he asked, seeking clarification, his concern evident in his voice.

"Don't worry , while it is true that you will forget the specific memories and details of your time here, the essence and understanding of space and time will remain within you. It will manifest in the form of intuition, instincts, and a deep understanding that may not be consciously accessible but will guide you nonetheless. "

"Trust in your own potential, and when the time comes, you will instinctively tap into the knowledge you have acquired during your stay in this realm."

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