Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 214 Last Time

Diablo clenched his jaw in frustration as he witnessed Vincent's astonishing increase in speed.

Vincent's movements had undergone a drastic changed, becoming swifter and more agile than ever before. Each of his attacks carried a deadly precision that seemed almost instantaneous. Only through Diablo's sharpened reflexes and instinctive reactions did he manage to maintain his ground.

It defied the natural order of combat, where a moment's thought was necessary to formulate the next move. The gap that should exist, the brief pause to strategize, seemed nonexistent in his seamless movements.

However, for some reason, Diablo could sense that his enemy's current focus was not on him. There was no emotion emanating from his attacks—no anger, no killing intent.

"You're still weak, Diablo. You rely too much on that flame of yours," the silence was suddenly broken as Vincent finally spoke, abruptly ceasing his relentless attack.

"Fenrir," Diablo gritted his teeth, the name rolling off his tongue with a mixed of anger and recognition. This way of talking, the arrogance and superiority in his enemy's voice, it all clicked into place for him.

"So you finally decided to stop pretending, Fenrir or should I say Moonlight Overlord ?" he retorted. He had sensed Fenrir's presence the moment Vincent transformed. Being a demon lord hailing from hell, he was highly attuned to souls and could easily detect other's essences. 

The mask that Vincent had worn before had concealed this truth, but its fuction was completely suppressed when he transformed.

"You can call me anything you want. It won't change the fact that you will be defeated today"

"You're still the same arrogant person. I hated that side of yours!" Diablo sneered.

"But I must admit, you were able to completely deceive those girls. They went to unimaginable lengths for you," Diablo grudgingly acknowledged.

"What can I say, I'm loved by all." Fenrir playfully remarked. 

"Don't be too arrogant ! You will suffer for this. You know the consequences. Once they realize you've returned, they will hunt you down once again," Diablo spoke, attempting to stall for time so he could regain some of his energy.

"They won't be able to win this time. This body is more powerful now," Fenrir chuckled confidently.

"You may be able to hold on for a while, but we both know that you will still perish. We each have our own fate, Fenrir, just as I do. I am not destined to die, which is why Xavier could only imprison me. And like you, cursed by fate, you will meet your demise once again," he declared.

"You're still all talk and no action," Fenrir shook his head in boredom. "Let's put an end to this. I will prove to you that I have the power to shatter the destiny you all believed in."

Fenrir closed his eyes, and Diablo's instincts immediately went on high alert.

The energy around the domain began to congregate around his mouth, forming a powerful concentration.

"This power !" Diablo's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the technique unfolding before him. It was the very same technique that had defeated him in the past, but this time, it was far more potent, at least 20 times more concentrated. The realization sent a chill down his spine, for he knew that a direct hit from this attack could be fatal.


The pure blue energy swirling within Fenrir's mouth shifted, gradually becoming more powerful . The very space around it began to crack, unable to contain the immense power that emanated from within.

A sense of foreboding settled over Diablo, his instincts screaming at him to prepare for the worst. He could feel the destructive potential of this pure energy, resonating with a terrifying force.

However, dodging or escaping was not an option. He found himself trapped within the enemy's domain, where his opponent could easily alter the trajectory of the attack if he moved too early.

"I have no choice ," Realizing the immense danger before him , he was forced to also unleashed his full power. He channeled his energy, focusing his power into a single, decisive attack.I think you should take a look at

The flames that once enveloped him dwindled as he concentrated all of his energy into his clawed hands, forming a colossal blue flame that burned with an intensity unmatched by anything he had ever summoned before.

The air burned as he held the massive flame aloft, its radiant glow casting an fiery light upon the battlefield. The encroaching cold air seemed to recoil, momentarily weakened by the sheer force and brilliance of his concentrated attack.

"GRRRRRRRR!" Fenrir's roar echoed, and what followed was a colossal beam of energy, capable of obliterating anything in its path.

"Azure Flame of Destruction!" Diablo roared as he unleashed his own devastating attack in response.


The clash between the two attacks was akin to five nuclear bomb hitting each other, an event that shook the very fabric of space. The pure blue energy from Fenrir's mouth surged forward like a relentless tsunami, aiming to engulf Diablo in its destructive embrace.

Simultaneously, Diablo's concentrated blue flame aimed to counter the destructive beam of energy.

The collision of the two forces created a violent explosion, a blinding display of energy and flames intermingling in a chaotic battle. The shockwave rippled through the domain, causing the ground to tremble and nearby ice mountains to crumble under the sheer force of the clash.

For a moment, it seemed that the two powers were evenly matched, locked in a fierce struggle for dominance. 

But gradually, Fenrir's energy began to overwhelm Diablo's blue flame. It consumed the vibrant flames, swallowing them whole and continuing its relentless advance.

"No!!!" Diablo roared in denial as he felt the imminent surge of energy that threatened to claim his life.

But the destructive force did not stop there. It continued to surge forward, piercing through the fabric of space itself.

As the dust settled, Fenrir stood victorious, his body radiating with the remnants of his blue energy. Diablo, though battered and broken, managed to survive the onslaught. He struggled to breath, his wounds oozing with pain.

With a stable steps, Fenrir transformed back to his human form and approached Diablo with triumph in his eyes.

"You're still alive even after being hit my most powerful attack , " Fenrir shook his head in disappointment. 

"I told you, Fenrir. You can never change destiny," Diablo chuckled with a mix of arrogance and relief. Surviving the devastating attack had bolstered his confidence, fueling his belief in the inevitability of his fate.

"I know. I just wanted to see it with my own eyes," Fenrir sighed, a hint of resignation in his voice. Despite his earlier bravado, there was a sense of acceptance that destiny couldn't be easily altered.

"This will be the last time we see each other. I hope you've learned a lot from our little talk," Fenrir chuckled.

"Little talk? What the hell are you talking about?" Diablo was puzzled. 

"I'm not talking to you, idiot," Fenrir chuckled, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity before it turned back to normal.

In that moment, Diablo could sense that Fenrir's soul was actually vanishing in real time. It was as if the very essence of Fenrir was dissipating slowly .

"I will leave everything to you my other self. Please protect them all. Show them the loved that I was not able to provide. " Fenrir uttered, his voice fading as his essence continued to dissipate.

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