Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 223 Ice Twins

Atop the world's highest mountain, there lay a majestic and untouched landscape, stretching as far as the eye could see. The air up there was crisp and thin, carrying with it a sense of tranquility and danger at the same time.

This place was something that only a few humans dared to explore, as the harsh conditions and treacherous terrain posed great challenges. However, those who braved the journey were rewarded with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and a profound connection to nature's grandeur.

But on this day, an unusual occurrence stirred on top of the mountain's peak, disrupting the previously serene atmosphere.

Earth shaking...

The ground beneath rumbled and shook, as if the very earth was awakening from a long slumber.

"Did you feel that?" one of the American explorers spoke, looking around in confusion.

The once calm and stable landscape now seemed unsettled and unpredictable, leaving the entire group of explorers on edge.

They exchanged worried glances, uncertain of what could be causing such a disturbance in this remote and isolated place. The last thing they feared was an avalanche. Being so close to the top, it would be a disaster if that happened.


Out of nowhere, a blood-colored ice protrusion shot up from the ground, towering over the explorers at the peak. The sudden tremor added to their sense of unease.

Its crimson glistening surface reflected the sunlight, creating an eerie and unsettling sight. The unexpected appearance of this strange phenomenon left the explorers in awe and a unnerved.

But as explorers, some of them couldn't help but see this as a potential opportunity to discover something entirely new. Despite the initial awe and unease, curiosity began to take over. 

"Let's check it out. I think the earthquake just now revealed something at the top," one of the explorers suggested.

Some of them were absolutely adamant about climbing higher. However, the allure of discovering something entirely new along the way proved to be an irresistible temptation, stirring a sense of greed within them.

And as expected for true thrill-seekers, the group collectively made the bold decision to venture forth together and explore what lay ahead.

Fear was an emotion they had grown accustomed to suppressing, as their passion for climbing dangerous mountains was driven by the pursuit of excitement and adrenaline. Such adrenaline junkies were not easily frightened by what might typically terrify others.

Climbing closer to the peak, their eyes widened in astonishment at the unexpected sight before them.

There, amidst the snow and ice, stood a colossal ice pillar, and to their amazement, they could make out the shape of a two humanoid figures encased within it. The sight left them in awe and bewilderment, as nothing in their wildest dreams had prepared them for such a mysterious and surreal encounter.

With their hearts racing, the explorers couldn't help but speculate about the origin and nature of this enigmatic beings frozen within the ice

"I think we should report this; it's getting scary," one of the explorers spoke with a quiver in his voice. He felt uneasy, and his hand instinctively went to the pendant hanging on his chest, the one that held the picture of his wife and son eagerly waiting for him back home.

He had never intended to climb the mountain for personal reasons; it was simply his job to guide those who sought the challenge.

Of course , his unease was mirrored by the growing concern among the group. The sight of the mysterious red ice pillar with two humanoids trapped inside had heightened the sense of unknown and unpredictability in their expedition. Facing something beyond their understanding left them all feel afraid, despite their earlier bravado.

"You're right," one of the explorers stated, he glanced around at his fellow companions, sharing the uneasiness that had settled upon them.I think you should take a look at

"We can't overlook the potential dangers," he continued, his eyes darting back to the weird structure. "For all we know, this might be the remains of some ancient people, and who knows what inside? It's possible that it could even carry a deadly virus."

"A deadly virus ?" Everyone grasp . 

They were well aware that such extreme and isolated climates could sometimes harbor unknown viruses that could pose serious risks. The red coloration of the ice added another layer of concern, as it could potentially indicate an accumulation of an unknown and dangerous bacteria.

Each member of the group understood the implications of their discovery. The excitement of unearthing something unprecedented had now been tempered by the realization that they were treading into uncharted and potentially hazardous territory.

"Let's climb down first so we could get a signal. Then we can report this findings." the guide spoke.

"Alright ." The explorers nodded in agreement.

But as the group turned around to head back, a spine-chilling moment unfolded when the humanoids unexpectedly opened their eyes, revealing an unsettling, white blank gaze.

The sight was so alarming that nearly everyone in the group jumped back in fright. Anyone would have been shocked to witness such an eerie scene. 

Unfortunately it was too late for them to processed everything.

For some inexplicable reason, their blood began to flow outward, gushing from their mouths, ears, and noses, coloring the ice that surrounded their bodies crimson. The sight was horrifying, as the red hues starkly contrasted with the icy cold, creating an eerie scene straight from a gore movie.

"Ahhhhhh!" A muffled scream for help escaped their lips as blood flowed out from their mouth, reverberating through the icy surroundings.

As their blood continued to flow, a sense of dread and helplessness overcame them. They were witnessing a nightmarish reality, unable to comprehend the cause of this horrifying phenomenon. The encasing ice seemed to feed on their blood, draining their vitality with each passing moment.

Finally they were consumed by death , and then the crimson ice the covered their bodies started to melt and was absorbed by the pillar.


The towering pillar broke down, and the humanoids trapped inside finally escaped from its icy prison. The release of the humanoids sent shock-waves through the surrounding area, as if a powerful force had been unleashed.

As they emerged, their eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, revealing their true nature as a being of pure ice and cold. The sight was terrifying . They stood 6 foot tall, their frozen and bloodied form shimmering in the light, emanating a powerful aura.

Upon closer inspection, they possessed curvaceous bodies adorned with striking features. Their skin bore a deep shade of red, creating a captivating contrast against the pristine whiteness of the surrounding snow.

The most captivating aspect of their appearance was a mesmerizing  red crystal scale that adorned their tits and pussy, as it was the only thing covering their private parts. The play of light on the crystal scale created a captivating spectacle, as if it held the essence of blood and ice within itself. 

Moving gracefully, they revealed an ethereal white glow pulsating within their veins, adding to their mystique and hinting at their otherworldly nature. The radiant glow seemed to emanate from within, as if a powerful energy coursed through their very beings, further accentuating their enigmatic presence.

"We are finally free." a dangerous glint appeared in one of the humanoid's eyes as she gazed upon the horizon.

"We need to free the others ." she added .

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