Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 229 Stopping Momentum

"Don't be too angry, I was just testing if you have a way to protect your soul,"

Vincent's eyes narrowed, his wolf gaze piercing through the woman's nonchalant but insulting words. 

Despite the aftermath of their clash, her demeanor seemed almost casual, as if toying with him and almost damaging his soul was just a trivial matter.

"Bullshit, that attack was meant to kill me," he growled, his eyes burning with fury. He couldn't deny the reality staring him in the face. 

He had become too confident, convinced that he had reached the pinnacle of this world, and let his guard down, allowing the woman to strike at him not once, not twice, but three times. 

The taste of his own vulnerability was bitter, almost choking him with the bitter truth that he was not invincible after all. This woman, whom he had underestimated, had come dangerously close to snuffing out his existence.

"At least you're still alive, "she replied.

The woman's response only fueled his anger, so before she could even say more, he had already propelled himself forward with breathtaking speed. 


The ground crumbled beneath him as he pierced through the air, closing the distance between them within seconds.

However, as his claws were mere inches away from her head, she simply raised her right hand, and a dark flame covered it.

The moment their attacks clashed, Vincent, with all his momentum, was brought to a sudden halt, as if hitting an impenetrable barrier.

He felt no resistance from the woman's hand, but for a brief moment, he felt the force of his attack was taken away. 

"You're fast, I'll give you that," she remarked. "But speed alone won't be enough to defeat me."

"GRRRRRRR," Vincent's anger only grew stronger.

With a loud growl, he unleashed another surge of power, channeling it into his claws, determined to break through the woman's defenses. He knew that raw strength alone might not be sufficient, but he had to try, to push himself to his limits.

As his claws pressed forward with even greater force, the woman's hand visibly started to be pushed back. Her calm demeanor didn't waver, but there was a glint of surprise in her eyes.

"Your energy reserve is really out of this world," she acknowledged, her voice steady despite the evident struggle against his power.

Her eyes narrowed as she sensed the increasing intensity of his attack. The dark flame on her hand flickered and surged in response, like a living entity fighting against the invading force.

For a moment, it seemed as though the balance could tip either way .

But then, with a sudden twist of her hand, the woman redirected Vincent's force, effortlessly pushing him to the side. He stumbled forward, caught off guard by her countermove.

"You're strong, but you still lack finesse," she repeated, her tone calm and collected. "To defeat me, you must learn to wield your power with precision."

"You talk too much , " Vincent's anger remained as he launched a continuous series of powerful strikes. 




Each strike was formidable, possessing enough force to cleave through mountains. However, as if defying the laws of nature, every time his attack came in contact with the dark flame, it seemed to lose momentum inexplicably.

She was effortlessly countering his strikes, her power acting as an impenetrable shield against his relentless assault.

"Your strength is wasted on you," she remarked calmly, her voice cutting through the tension. "Too much wasted energy,"I think you should take a look at

Vincent gritted his teeth, his frustration mounting. He had faced countless opponents before, but this woman's power was unlike anything he had encountered. It was as if she could cancel out his attack.

Angered, he continued to attack, determined to find a way through her defenses. 

He had to be creative, to think outside the bounds of his usual attacks. His instincts as a werewolf urged him to adapt, to push the boundaries of his own abilities.

With a burst of energy, he changed his attack pattern, feinting to one side and then quickly switching to strike from another angle. The woman's dark flame followed his every move, always one step ahead of his attacks.

"It's time to end this " Tired of playing games with Vincent, the woman effortlessly parry his powerful claw strike, her movements fluid and graceful. 

Then, in a split second, she closed the distance between them, her palm coming into gentle contact with his chest.


The touch was deceptively soft, but the impact was devastating. Vincent was sent hurtling away 100 meters through the air. The force of the attack wreaked havoc on his internal organs, leaving him gasping for breath as he crashed into the ground.

Struggling to regain his footing, he saw the woman approach with a serene demeanor. There was a hint of scrutiny in her eyes, as if she was disappointed in his performance.

"You have potential,but you still have much to learn."

"Are you finally willing to listen?" The robed woman's voice was calm, a stark contrast to the intensity of their previous encounter.

She lifted her hand and pulled back her hood, revealing her striking features fully. Her long, black hair cascaded around her shoulders, and her small, black eyes gleamed like the void.

Vincent couldn't help but be taken aback by her appearance. Her beauty was ethereal, like that of a mythical Japanese doll come to life. Her features were so perfect, so otherworldly, that it was almost as if she transcended the boundaries of humanity.

However, he quickly pushed aside his momentary pervasive thought, remembering the dangerous woman she had proven herself to be.

"I learned not to trust others too easily... Especially beautiful women" he replied cautiously, his eyes locked onto hers.

The woman's lips curved into a faint smile.

 "A wise approach," she conceded. "Trust must be earned, not freely given."

"As for why I'm here," she continued, her expression was serious, "I have an offer for you."

"How about telling me your name first?" He asked, his werewolf form gradually transforming back into his human form. 

He was still furious, but he realized that this beautiful woman was not really planning to kill him. 

And as for his previous internal injuries? Well, he couldn't help but marvel at his regenerative abilities.

In just a few breaths, 100% of the damage he had taken had already healed. His regenerative power had grown to such an extent that he could now repair his body even if half of it were destroyed. 

This was the first time he had truly realized how terrifying his regenerative power was. Even Diablo had not been able to damage him to this extent, so he had been unaware of its full potential.

"You barely qualify to know my name, but I will make an exception today .My name is Yuki,"

"Yuki ? Who are you, and how come I was not aware of a powerful existence like you?" Vincent asked with a firm tone. He searched his memories, but he could not recall this woman at all.

"That's only normal. I'm not allowed to intervene in the mortal world. The only reason I was able to hurt you this badly is because you're not bound by fate," she answered.

"How did you know that I'm not bound by fate ?"

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