Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 238 Believe In Me

The room was filled with a sense of anticipation as everyone took their seats, totaling fifteen individuals in all. 

At the forefront, Vincent sat confidently between the supportive presence of Erika and Evangeline.

However, he could sense the curious glances from the others, and it seemed like they were looking at him and Evangeline with a knowing smile.

He couldn't help but wonder if they had somehow figured out what had transpired between them just moments ago. 

Though he had requested someone to clean the room after their passionate sex, he couldn't deny that some lingering scent remained, and it was likely that this powerful individual could detect it as well.

"I need to fix this awkward atmosphere" Maintaining his composure, he focused on the matter at hand.

"Thank you all for coming. I'm happy to see some familiar faces," he greeted them.

As his words resonated, the room seemed to relax.

"Thank you for inviting us , Leader ," They all replied in unison. 

"Evangeline, please discuss the reason for this meeting" he ordered.

Evangeline heard him, so she took the initiative to steer the conversation forward. 

With confidence and authority in her voice, she began to speak.

"The reason we've called this meeting is to address two major issues," she announced.

The room remained hushed as everyone patiently waited for her to start.

Her reputation for taking charge of situations and handling matters on her own had instilled a deep sense of trust and respect among the gathered individuals.

They knew that if she had called them here for a meeting, it signified that the topic at hand required careful consideration and collective attention.

"I'm pretty sure you all know that everyone in the supernatural community is already well aware of the Moonlight Sanctuary. Our Leader actions and power during the fight against Diablo have earned us a reputation that commands respect and, at times, fear," she stated, her words holding a sense of pride for Vincent's accomplishment.

"Operating without any major issues has been possible due to the power we've projected and the fear we've instilled in others. And that has kept potential threats at bay."

"Unfortunately, as I expected, our period of relative calm may not last much longer due to the interference of the Vatican," she revealed, her voice filled with annoyance.

Most of the people here had a bad experience against the Vatican. 

"They have taken action against us by kidnapping a few of our Intelligence officers stationed in Europe. This act of aggression is a clear message that they are not taking our existence seriously. To make matters more pressing, they have demanded a Supernatural Summit."

As the words "Supernatural Summit" resonated in the room, the expressions of those present underwent a noticeable change. 

Concern and caution were etched on their faces, as they comprehended the gravity of this upcoming event.

The significance of the Supernatural Summit was well understood by everyone except Vincent.

After the holy war, there was no denying that the overall power of the supernaturals had significantly weakened. However, it remained strong enough to pose a real threat to humanity before the era of technology flourished.

In response to this delicate situation, the Supernatural Summit came into existence, serving as a crucial forum to establish universal laws and regulations for all supernatural beings. 

This initiative aimed to maintain order and prevent any potential conflicts that could arise between different factions.

The fear of reprisal from the Summit's union members served as a deterrent for any individual or group who considered breaking its rules.

The power and influence of the Supernatural Summit were truly immense, as evidenced by its rankings among the various superpowers. 

Despite its formidable status, the United State Supernatural Force (USSF) only held the 12th rank within the Summit's hierarchy. Similarly, the Vatican, known for its authority and might, stood at the 5th rank only.

Of course, it was important to understand that these rankings were based on the public force and capabilities that each organization was willing to display. Behind the scenes, each group possessed hidden strengths and resources, making them formidable in their own right.I think you should take a look at

"I think it's better for us to establish ourselves and join them. They already acknowledge our power, so there's a high chance that they will accept us," Benedict spoke up, breaking the silence in the room.

"It's a good plan, but we need to consider whether they would accept a group led by werewolves, vampires, and witches," the woman in black clothing spoke, voicing a valid concern as the current representative of the Witch Clan.

The members of the Supernatural Summit had a tendency to outcast creatures of the dark, much like those within the Moonlight Sanctuary. 

It was also the reason why Evangeline had made sure to keep a low-key profile until their family gained enough power to protect itself.

"We can't fight them either. Our leader might be powerful, but he's only a single person," Benedict replied, his tone earnest and concerned.

While Vincent, was undoubtedly formidable, taking on the entire Supernatural Summit would be an overwhelming task for one individual, no matter how powerful he was.

"Don't be a coward, Benedict. We should fight them head-on if they try to eliminate us," Lowell chimed in, his tone assertive.

"That's right ! We should show them that they can't bully us !"

As other members joined the conversation, it became evident that opinions within the Moonlight Sanctuary were divided. 

Some echoed Lowell's sentiment, emphasizing the need to stand up for themselves and not back down from any potential threat posed by the Supernatural Summit.

On the other hand, there were those who remained cautious, acknowledging the vast strength of the Summit and the potential consequences of direct confrontation. They argued for diplomacy and finding a way to gain acceptance through cooperation and showcasing their strengths.

"It's getting noisy ... What should we do, Leader ?" Erika spoke in a playful manner.

The room fell into silence as she finally suggested turning to Vincent for his opinion. 

All eyes turned to him, recognizing his authority and the significant impact his decision would have on their course of action.

"Did we even get invited?" Vincent's gaze shifted to Evangeline as he inquired.

"Yes , the summit will be held in two weeks,"

"Two weeks?" A smile appeared on Vincent's face. It seemed that the timeframe was more than sufficient for him to gather all the fragments he needed.

'This would save me a lot of time, ' he muttered to himself.

"Let's watch and see for now. If they dare to do something underhanded, then I will show them that it's not so easy to bully us," he declared confidently. 

Then in an instant, his aura surged forward, and a ball of ice, fire, and earth manifested before them.

"Three elements!" Everyone present was taken aback, astonished by the display of power. 

Vincent was already formidable with just his ice element, but now he possessed three different elements.

"Don't be too surprised. This is just a taste of what I will show them in two weeks," he calmly remarked, his aura still brimming with power. 

This demonstration was just to show everyone that he could handle everything the summit threw at him.

"We believe in your power , Supreme Leader!," Lowell cheered.

"We believe in you, Leader! " 

"Let's show them who's the strongest, Leader !"

Excitement rippled through the room after Vincent's declaration, and everyone started getting hyped up.

"Don't worry and just trust me" he reassured them with a confident smile.

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