MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 220 - 220 Hunting (Additional 2250 Votes)

Chapter 220: Chapter 220 Hunting (Additional 2250 Votes)

Translator: 549690339

Li Yao didn’t take the matter lightly at all. In his previous life, conflict raged between the two factions in the later years, people would kill each other at the drop of a hat.

Besides, they were naturally in opposition. The fact that the other party could transform into a troll, especially within this fortress, made it obvious that they were on some kind of mission.

Li Yao was absolutely clear that when the two factions cooperated, the tasks assigned were always the same—they were in constant competition.

If Li Yao were slower in completing the mission than the Light Faction, it would most likely amount to a failure.

In the early stages, the two factions primarily cooperated, but that didn’t mean there were no disputes.

The adventurer game was a solution to conflicts, devised by the bigwigs of both factions.

Whenever a divergence arose, adventurers were often dispatched, especially in chaotic maps, where the adventurer game determined which faction gained control over the map.

The most direct manifestation of this was that guild headquarters were usually placed in chaotic maps, causing fights among guilds from both factions. NPCs would rarely send troops until a large-scale war broke out.

Although it was still uncertain, Li Yao had basically judged that this player and his guild had likely received the same mission.

As conflicts were inevitable between them, considering that they belonged to opposing factions and were in competition, killing the other party didn’t seem wrong to Li Yao.

Li Yao began to be more cautious, being deceived by illusions even though he possessed the Eye of the Creator was indeed a careless mistake.

After observing his surroundings and finding no more trolls, he began to take out the map given by the mission. Depending on his own observations, the mission map would record Li Yao’s observed items and defense arrangements.

Of course, drawing a defense map wasn’t that simple; patrolling was just the most fundamental part—other factors like armories and hidden posts also had to be considered.

From the stone column where Li Yao was standing, he could observe a great distance. After spending ten minutes, he had completed about 10% of the map.

Meanwhile, unknown to Li Yao, ‘So Frank’ was seething with rage. Being one of the skilled players in his guild, dying in such a frustrating manner was unbearable.

“Frank, how did you die?” Blood Mist Wind, the leader of the Blood Leaf Guild, asked.

“Ah, don’t even mention it, it’s frustrating.” ‘So Frank’ didn’t want to talk about it.

“What, was your transformation discovered by the trolls?” Blood Mist Wind asked with furrowed brows.

“No, I was killed by another player, just see for yourself.” ‘So Frank’ shared the recorded video in a depressed manner.

In the video, ‘So Frank’, disguised as a troll, was seen patrolling around the stone column. Everyone knew he was looking for an opportunity to climb the stone column to draw a map of the fortress defenses.

However, at the sound of a whistle, the moment ‘So Frank’ turned his head, a strand of Magic Spider Silk had already sealed his mouth. The ensuing exemplary actions of Li Yao left everyone in the Blood Leaf Guild dumbfounded until ‘So Frank’ fell to the ground and died, only then did they come back to their senses.

“What the hell? Is he even human?”

“So, you can kill someone like that, damn.”

“There wasn’t any hesitation at all; he calculated every tiny detail, incredible.”

“Who is this mastermind, he’s so damn good.”

“How do you judge this, he only used two or three skills, Ice Trap, Shadow Roll, they are common to any Hunter.”

The guild members were astounded by this astonishing way of killing, completely forgetting that their fallen comrade had just been killed.

“What the hell is wrong with you guys…” ‘So Frank’ was depressed.

“Ahem,” Blood Mist Wind spoke, “Who would have thought of using Spider Silk to seal a troll’s mouth? It’s unnerving that he could even consider such details. It seems he mistook you for a troll. Also, he used this covert way of entering the fortress in combination with his region channel talk, seems like he too has a mission here.”

“Boss, what do you mean?” ‘So Frank’ asked.

“The same as you, everyone stay alert. Regardless of whether his mission is the same as ours, we have to kill him. We can’t let him interfere with our operations. Remember, right now, we have the advantage. As soon as we spot him, just shout out. We don’t have to do anything, the Drywood Trolls will take care of him. Frank, you should go back first. Without a transformation tool, you can’t get in.” Blood Mist Wind told him.

“Take revenge for me.” ‘So Frank’ said it resentfully.

“Don’t worry.” Blood Mist Wind responded, “Everyone, stay focused. It won’t be that easy to infiltrate this fortress undetected. At the same time as you create the defense map and look for opportunities to heavily damage the fortress, keep an eye on this player.”

Li Yao, like a nimble cat, relentlessly used trees and tents as cover while advancing. There were too many trolls accompanied by pets around, so he couldn’t afford to be negligent. He was also unaware that the leader of Blood Leaf Guild had the same thinking as him―they both considered each other as competitors and targets to be hunted.

Li Yao carefully progressed along the edge of the city wall for about ten minutes before he finally noticed that something was off.

The troll in front of him seemed blurry and unreal, so he became alert. As he suspected, this troll didn’t move like an ordinary one.

Li Yao hid behind a large tree, took a moment to observe his surroundings and waited until the troll’s gaze wasn’t on him.

Li Yao took out a soft chain that carried small, backward-facing barbs, carefully shaping it into a loop. When the transformed player turned to walk in another direction, Li Yao emerged from the tree and swung his chain.

Li Yao forcefully threw out the chain, catching the transformed player by the neck, much to his horror. The strength of Li Yao, fueled by the Power of the Bull, was terrifying.

He directly yanked the player by the neck, pulling them to him. He then dragged them behind the tree. Regardless of the players’ painful struggle, Li Yao directly stabbed through their mouth with his rapier. It went right through their skull, killing them instantly.

Li Yao quickly cut the soft chain, then slowly faded and disappeared. By the time the nearby trolls returned, they found a human corpse.

The trolls angrily roared, and someone went to report the incident. But they didn’t waste the player’s body; they collected it right away. In the trolls’ eyes, apart from their own kind, any other creature was considered food.

“Woo…woo…woo…Boss, I’m dead.” Dancing City wept in the guild’s channel.

“Little Dance, don’t cry, what exactly happened?”

“Yeah, Little Dance, what happened, don’t cry, just tell us.”

“I…I don’t even know what happened. I was choked, it scared me to death, it really hurt, I thought I was actually going to die.” Dancing City was genuinely frightened. Such a cruel death was terrifying.

“Damn, it must be that beast again.”

“Damn, is he crazy? Killing people like this?”

“Get him, damn, how dare he mess with Little Dance.”

“That’s too brutal.”

Blood Mist Wind said, “It’s certain we’re going to kill him, but you all also need to learn something. This time, he didn’t use a single skill, it’s not about being brutal, it’s just that only this way can ensure one-hit kills. Neat and clean. Don’t let anger cloud your judgment. This enemy is quite terrifying.”…

PS: My position in the monthly ticket leaderboard has been blown up again, please vote for me, Mario thanks you.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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