MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 110 The Training

Grave entered the forest and started looking around. He saw many snakes coiling around on the trees and side of tracks in the forest. Some were even hiding in flowers near the entrance. At the entrance, more than 20 snakes were  present all around him. Just then, 2 Snake strike at him with their mouth wide open with their fang out.

Grave bent his body to dodge their mouth. He used his sword to scratch their body. This was the start. One after another, snakes started jumping on him.

Grave started dodging here and there with large movements. His high agility made it easy for him to dodge all the snakes. He started moving all around the forest and there was no close call.

Grave made a one-round around the forest, and no snake was able to scratch him. There were hundreds of snakes chasing behind him, trying to catch him. "This won't do it." Grave shook his head and slowed down his speed.

He walked out of the track. Snakes stopped changing them. Grave shouted. "All of you assembled in front of me."

All the snakes started to assemble in front of him. They all had one or two sword scratch makes on their bodies.

Snakes were in no way compared to the pandas. The thing was both panda and snake had a major difference. Pandas were agile on the land, allowing them to react according to the player and then surround them.

But snakes were not as agile as pandas. They were fast in a simple straight motion, but if Grave started jumping from one tree branch to the other, their no way snakes would able to catch up to him.

But snakes had an enormous advantage over pandas, in that they had faster striking speed than pandas. Grave looked at all the snakes. 'No one was property using their attack speed advantages.' He thought to himself.

"I want all of you to spread out throughout the forest. But this time all you must hide."

"Hiss Hiss"

"One more thing, do not chase me. Once you attack me, then once again go to hiding, waiting for a second chance."

"Hiss Hiss"

"Disperse now" Grave motioned them to move away. Within 20 mins all the snakes disappeared from his site. He looked around and find no one in the open. "Much better," Grave said, and walked back to the track.

Silence. No one jumbled at him. He changed his sword grip. He used the god's power on the sword to make it indestructible.

He grabbed it with both hands. He bent down a little and started sprinting. Many snakes jumped at him this time. They had better timing and angle to attack, but Grave used the flat side of the sword as a bat.

Snakes jumped at him.


"Strike!" Grave shouted had hit them so hard that snaked fly all around the forest. "Ha, bastards, improve your timing or I will mutate you into a flying snake. Hahaha"

The madness started to unfold in the forest.

"Hiss hiss" Snaked jumped at Grave.

"Bammmm." The sword bat hit them.

"Strrrrrrrike!!!" Grave shouting. This scene repeated for 2 hrs straight.

Grave lay on the ground outside the forest. "Damn, it was so much fun. Right, guys?" Grave turned to 250 snakes. All of them had blue marks all over their bodies.

"His…"[no] few of the snakes hissed at him.

Grave nodded his head. "Haa, I knew you guys would love this training." He looked at them with a wide smile on his face. "Let's do this training dally."

"Hiss hisss" [No No No] all the started hissing at him.

Grave ignored them and got up. He looked at the forest and said, "learn how to hide in the forest, and until anyone of you bites me this training will continue," Grave said that and walked out away from there.

Snakes just helplessly lay on the ground with blank eyes.

Grave walked to the gene lab. Now, he needed to devote himself to the experiment. He entered the Artificial room; he saw Yunyun with a bunch of snakes in a corner.

Grave walked there and saw many snakes present there with a bunch of eggs beneath them.

"Oh, master, you are here." Yunyun looked at him.

"Mmm" Grave nodded his head.

"Did you finish training snakeys?"

Grave shook his head. "Nope, I need more time to train them. I just give them some time to rest."

Yunyun nodded her head and focused back on the snakes in front of her.

Grave looked around and saw a few more baby snakes around Yunyun. He asked her, "Yunyun at which round you are at."

Yunyun looked at him and said, pointing to snakes in front of her, "Only 2nd round, master."

"Mm, so how many baby snakey born in the first round?"

Yunyun looked down and started counting, "1..2… 5 no not this one…" She said after a few mins, "19 baby snakey master."

"Ooh, that's a good number. Good work Yunyun." Grave patted her head. Yunyun smiled at that.

"Yunyun, you use that snakey as the main snakey in the first round, right?"

"Yes master, I did with the same snakeys as you wrote in the notes. I changed nothing."

"Excellent!" Grave summoned his lab notes in front of him. He opened a page and show it to Yunyun, "Here, I want to know if any of the babies here were from these either of these 3 groups."

On that page, there were 3 pairs of snake species written. The first species in each pair was the same but different second species.

"Yes master," she pointed to 2 nearby baby snakes. "These 2 are the baby of the first pair and" she then pointed to one other small snake, "that one belongs to 3rd pair."

"No one from the second pair."

She looked down and said, "No, master."

"Well, no problem 3 will do." Grave grabbed 3 baby snakes and walked toward the gene machine.

"Wait, master." Yunyun grabbed his arm from behind.

Grave turned back in confusion. "What?"

"You are not going to hurt them, right?" Yunyun said, looking at the baby snakes.

"I Don't know yet," Grave said with a poker face and walked out of the Artificial room.

"Stupid master! Try not to hurt them." Yunyun shouted to him. Grave just sighed at that.

Grave came to the gene lab and started the gene machine. He looked at his notes and then at 3 snakes. The parent species of these snakes had the highest compatibility with plant essence. Grave hoped to find a breakthrough to this problem by using these snakes.

He placed the first snake under the gene machine and examine it a snake. Grave had a frown on his face as he looked at it. "Shit, its has nothing new in him."

Grave examined the other 2 snakes, one after another. All of them were similar. "Fck, combining combing two won't make a difference."

He had hoped to see some change in their genes, but no, there was nothing special in them.

Grave blankly looked at the 3 screens in front of him. Each of them had one baby snake detail.

"Should I take out their essence," Grave mumbles to himself and turned to stare at the 3 snakes. As Grave stared at them, all the baby snakes got in an alert position.

"Nah, that won. Do it." Grave shook his head and looked up at the ceiling. He had 2 choices now. Either he waits for a combination to show some result or just tries other things.

"Combination... Combination…" Grave said to himself, "This is not the main path of evolution. To see some major change, I need to combine at least 12 different snakes… Clicked!" He knew from his experience that making a 12-combination snake successfully would take a minimum month time.

Grave looked at the whiteboard. He knew that 1 month was too much for him to wait for.

"Fck it, I will just spend some more money on experiments." Grave checked his inventory and found 400 plant essence and 2  kg of cloud soil in there. Grave dumped all the plant essence in one corner of the hall. He then took out the cloud soil in a glass pot.

The cloud soil was completely white and there were many shiny particles present in the soil. Those were the different divine nutrients. There were a few red vein-like things present in the soil. That was the specialty of the cloud soil.

Grave knew that as of now, only server 1 player could get the resources with the divine elements. No other server had excess to it.

There were many divine soils and the cloud soil was the only divine soil that had veins in them. The number of veins represents the quality of the soil.

Grave looked all over the pot and counted the vines in the pots. "5 veins. Fck, that's a medium grade. How the hell he even got that?"

Grave was in a good mood to get his hand on this divine soil. This soil would help him in the 1st step of the world tree seed germination process. Germination of the world tree seed was a big hassle itself.

Grave carefully placed the cloud soil at the side and then shouted, "Yunyun, come here!"

Within a second, Yunyun came running.

"Ahhh, you guys are good, right?" She rushed to the snakes and hugged them. "Master did not hurt you, right?"

"Hiss hiss hiss" Baby snakey hissed at her.

She turned to Grave and said, "Stupid master, you scared baby snakeys."

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