MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 134 First Stage End...

Grave looked at the seed in Yunyun's hand. The Esmeralda seed carried much more hidden power that needed to uncover. He grabbed that seed and shove it into the white soil.

Yunyun looked at the pot and grass and asked, "Master, you are amazing!! Divine soil and then holy water from the river of life, this is great of World tree seed."

Grave nodded his head. "Yeah, I know."

"But master Seed will take a year to germinate, you know that, right?"

Grave nodded. 'It would take 15 days even if he stop coming to the lab and let the time flow in an ideal limit. But it is still too much.' Grave smiled and took the golden fairy honey out of his inventory.

"Hehe, this baby will help me reduce the time."

"Waaaaaaa," Yunyun's mouth was wide open as she saw that pure golden liquid. She pointed at the liquid. "Master, where did you steal this liquid from?"

Grave looked at her and said, "I just took a huge loan on my head."

She backed away from him, "Yo... You sold your body for honey."

Grave stared at her in shock. "I did not sell my body, and why the hell do you know about all this?"

"Shuu shu," she avoided his gaze and started whistling.

"Damn, Yunyun, you little thug girl."

Yunyun looked at him and shouted, "Stupid master, I am not a thief. You are the body-selling thief. Hmmmmpf," she pouted at him.

Grave shook his head. "That's not what I mean, anyway this honey will solve the time problem."

Yunyun nodded her head up and down at him.

Grave dropped 3 drops of the golden liquid on the soil. That was all the honey he had. 'Sigh so much loan for just 3 drops.'

As the honey touched the white soil, it seeped deep into the soil. All the honey gathered around the seed and honey formed a golden coat over the seed.

After that, Grave took the holy water and emptied the whole content into the soil. This time, white soil did not shine when it came in contact with the holy water. Instead, all the water got absorbed by the honey coat.

The plain golden coat formed many water bulges on it.

For the germination of the world tree seed, only holy water and divine soil were sufficient. But the problem was he need to provide a paltry amount of holy water every day for the proper growth of world tree seed.

There were many problems with that, but the major one was that whenever he entered the space village, the time flow of the space village changed from the ideal time of 1/24 to the active time of 1/10.

The god power had the power to control the time up to the active limit, but nothing above the active time. So that method was very time-consuming, and it was a hassle. But the solution to that was fairy honey.

The fairy honey provided many nutrients to the seed but the key feature of the fairy honey was that it absorbed the nutrient from the surrounding and then release it over time.

The world tree seed was the most vulnerable stage at the germination phase. If he did not provide the proper condition for it, then it would never germinate.

Now fairy honey with holy water in it would release a constant amount of it daily and it would also absorb the nutrient from the soil.

The honey worked as the perfect controller, and it removed his involvement in the experiment. Now honey would control how and when to provide nutrients to the seed.

Grave looked at Yunyun and said, "You are responsible for this seed, okk."

Yunyun looked at him in confusion. "But master, what do I need to do??"

"Just monitor the pot and informed me as soon as the first leaf comes out of the soil."

Yunyun nodded her head and asked, "Master, what about the snakey study?"

Grave looked around and said, "pause that study for now and just focus on islands and this seed."

Yunyun nodded her head. Grave walked out of the Artificial room with Yunyun following behind him as soon as both of them came out of the room. The cloud covered the roof of the room and it poured heavily.

Grave did not know how much time that honey would save, but he was sure that it would be at least 2 times faster. 'Mmm around 8 days in ideal time. This is tough, but now I can focus on other things.'

Thinking that he teleported to the Brave Fang flowery forest. "Haha, need to give these guys lessons first. Hahaha, moterfckers get ready." Grave limited his god power and then took out a trash sword.

'Ta tk' stretch his muscles and popped a few bones and then he walked into the forest. He looked around. It was all quiet. He closed his eye and focused on the sound. Wind brush passed him with the sound of leaves.

Then there was nothing. In this eerie silence, there was no sound of bird or insect. He unconsciously tensed up. He opened his eyes, trying to find a creature, but there was nothing. Grave smiled. "Good. This is what I want. A silence that made you tense."

He knew that when tensed; the muscle became stiff and moving in that state consumed far more stamina compared to normal motion.

"Mmm, these guys improved so fast," He mumbled to himself.

At that time.

"HISSSSSS HISSSSSS," 2 snakes strike at him. Grave dodged one snake, and then he smacked the other one with the flat side of the sword.

Then there was silence once again. He looked around for the other, but no one jumped at him. "Fuufuu, they really master the silent art." Grave relaxed his mind and started moving around while singing loudly.

Slowly, snakes attacked him, but only in the group of 1 or 2 with no coordination. It was nerve-racking but not much difficult. He moved around the forest more easily than before.

'Fck, these guys become so focused on hiding that they forget the main purpose.' Grave shook his head and moved to the side. "All of you come out."

"Hissss Hissss," One after another snakes came out. Many of them were very smug, and these fckers did not even attack him a single time. Grave rubbed his forehead. He used the God speech. "You moterfcker what you think you were doing here."

"Hisssss hisssssss," [Hiding God]

Grave slapped his forehead. He stared at them and shouted, "Idiot, you did not protect the forest at all. What the point of hiding when you did not even attack me."

"Hisss Hissssss HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS," [God you said hideeeee]

"I said that, but you also need to attack me from time to time."

"Hissssss" All the snakes looked confused at him.

Grave sighed and then explained the 2nd stage of training to them. The snakes already mastered the first stage of stealth. He explained to them the second stage of camouflage and faints.

In his last life, he had developed this 3 stage training method for a few groups of high-grade snakes. In his last life, he did not focus on the lower-grade snake at all. This caused a situation later where all the low grades snakes become burdens in the dungeon.

At that time, there were millions of normal-grade snakes and it became impossible to teach the fighting method to all of them. He did not want that same situation. That was why he was spending his time training all these normal-grade snakes as the future teacher for others.

After much thought, he came to the decision that using the 1st group of brave fangs in a fight or experiment would be a waste, but using them as a force that spread his teaching to the normal snake would be far much better.

These snakes would spread his teaching to other snakes in the snake forest and then the future generation of normal snakes would learn from their seniors and in this way, he did not have to teach millions of them.

Whenever Grave thought about that, he felt very excited when he imagine the future of having millions of trained snakes to use.

Grave spent the next few hrs beating- teaching snakes about the 2nd method and how to improve their stealth in the attack.

Grave moved out of the flowery forest. He was fully relaxed. Playing cricket with snakes was always satisfying for him. He would become the best batter in this snake civilization.

"Now let's see those guys." He teleported to the fighting pits. He looked down and found how both Goblin and orcs were working together to fix the problem in the mega construction. One of the Dwarf was commanding them.

The path leading to the pits had changed to stone one and the number on each pit differed from what he assigned, but now it was easy to assess them. Then there were changes in the floor of the pits. They constructed the floor in each pit using the loosed sands.

Grave had a smile on his face. Things were progressing smoothly at this end. He moved to other areas where new mega-construction started and there was no problem with them.

Then he teleported near the lab. Here, 2 dwarfs were working on a mechanism for easy excess of recovery water from the gene lab to different mega construction. He looked at the large wooden construction that just confused the fuck out of him. He shook his head and checked the poison snake forest.

The new elite Rocky snakes were now in dozens of numbers and other snakes also did not have any major issues with them. "Everything is going well in the serpent village," Grave said to himself with a smile on his face.

"Now to the dungeon."

Grave teleported to the dungeon master room. Looking around in the dark empty room, he felt peace.

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