MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 21 [Bonus 2] Start Of Construction


232 - 216 = more than 10. So here the bonus


Grave plan of poison jars has 3 main structures. First was the construction of 2 deep empty pits, one at the north and the other at the south end of the vast overall construction.

The 2 large pits will be very far away from the whole construction.

In between both large pits will be small thousands of small pits. Which are 10-15 meters in diameter. Now each of these smaller pits has 2 small channels. One will connect to the northern large pit and the other will connect to the southern large pit.

And each of these pits will have one entrance through which snakes can enter the smaller pits.

There smaller pits will be poison jars. Yeah, Grave is making death arenas for the snakes.

Grave speaks to the goblin chief.

"Divide yourself into 4 teams. 2 teams of 150 goblins each will dig a massive hole in the north and south side. 3rd team made of 400 goblins will work on thousands of pits and the last team of 300 goblins will work on channels."

The goblin chief look at the plan in his hand and nodded his head.

Grave asked.

"How many days it would take to make all of these?"

The Goblin chief looked at plans, then at the goblins, and said.

"Jaggajajaahajah (6 - 7 months)"

Grave cannot talk to a goblin, but in the serpent village, he has God's communication that will translate both his voice to a goblin's tone and Goblin's voice to something he can understand.

Grave stared at the goblin chief speaking nothing. Seeing Grave like that Goblin chief gulp down in nervousness and once again speak.

"jajaajajajajaaj (will finish in 3-4 months if we do some overtime)."

Grave nodded his head and spoke while looking into the baby body green monster's eyes, but his voice was loud enough that every present goblin can hear that.

"I will give you 4 months, one more day, and you see that jungle over there."

Grave pointed at the faraway forest.

Every goblin looked at where Grave pointed and then nodded their head. Grave continue.

"That forest had 10,000s of snakes in present in them if you all were not able to finish your work on time. I will release all of them on you."

All Goblins start shaking in fear. At this time, someone with purple hair spoke from the side.

"But Master, we only have about 500 snakey at present. Where will you find all the other 9500 snakey from?"

Hearing this, Grave slapped his forehead.

' Dumb supporters are far more harmful than a smart enemy. So true..'

Hearing Yunyun's voice, Goblins start smirking.


Grave looked at Yunyun, who has a pure look on her face, and spoke.

"Yunyun, how have you become so smart today?"

Yunyun puffed her chest and spoke.

"Humph Humph, stupid master Yunyun was always intelligent. Master was stupid to not understand Yunyun's smartness."

Grave nodded his and look at smiling Goblins.

' Hmm, so these green babies are smarter than my helper. Need to work on that.'

Grave looked at Yunyun and spoke.

"Smart Yunyun, what do you think about how many new snakey will be born in 4 months?"

Yunyun started counting on her fingers. Seeing this Grave has a sunned urge to stab himself to death.

Controlling that urge, Grave asked.

"Lil Yunyun, do we have sufficient food for all snakeys born in 4 months?"

Yunyun stops counting and looks at Grave and speaks.

"No, master, we have so little food. How can all new snakey live on so little food?"

' no comment'

With a smile, Grave asked.

"Lil Yunyun, you want baby snakey to die without food."

Yunyun fastly shake her head and shouted.

"How can Yunyun do that, master?"

Grave continues with an innocent smile.

"You see all these green frokies in front of you."

Yunyun nodded her head.

"Why don't we feed baby snakey these green frokies?"

Yunyun asked in a concerned voice.

"Master, will baby snakey be okay after eating green frokies?"

Grave gave a pure smile to now freeze goblins and spoke.

"Yeah, you see, eating old frokies will make baby snakey very strong. Don't you want snakeys to become strong?"

Yunyun looked at Grave, who had an innocent smile, and Goblins who were pale. Looking back and forth a couple of times, she shouted to Grave.

"Master is right. Yunyun will give baby snakey green frokiey to eat. But Master, what to do if green froakieys refuse to become baby snakey food?"

Grave looked at the goblins and laugh.

"haha aha, Yunyun you only need to tie their hand and feet then they will not say no. Yunyun will do anything for baby snakey right? Hahahaahaah"

Hearing Grave, Yunyun also happily spoke.

"Master is genius. Yunyun will do hard work of tying green frokiey for baby snakes. Hahahaahahaha"

Both Grave and Yunyun start laughing. Seeing them like that, many weak heart goblins pass out from fear.

Looking at Yunyun, who was laughing while looking at the goblins, his inner voice came into Grave's heart.

' So bad, Grave, you are corrupting a pure soul. God will not forgive you….. wait, I am the god here.'



After some time, Both Stop laughing. Grave looked at the shivering Goblins and spoke.

"What are you guys waiting for? Go, start working. otherwise, Yunyun will tie you down and take you to meet some snakes."

Yunyun nodded her head to the side.

Just like that, the construction of a 4-month mega project started.

Well, for Grave, it's only a 5-day long project. (1 hr of real-life = 1 day in serpent village)

Well, Grave threaten the goblins in a funny way, but what he said was 100% percent true.

Grave will not tolerate any lazy goblins shit in this life.

Grave was not a pimp who believed in friendship, giving power or whatever shit. Believing in monster friendship shit was one of the most fatal mistakes of Grave's past life.

He only cared about results. If goblins could not complete the construction in time, then killing half of them will not cause much damage financially. A goblin has a somewhat high fertility rate so they could repopulate.

This was still nothing. Grave mega poison jar plan was crueler than anything.

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