MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 75 Easy Way Of Power In Liberty.

Roan said with a smile, "Just play Liberty online."

Aria said from the side, "Sir, I think this is bad for little sir's development."

Both brothers looked at her and started laughing.

Aria asked, looking in doubt, "Did I say something wrong?"

Both of them ignore her. "Bother, let go with the second option. You know I also got my Gaming pod installed."

"Excellent decision. Time for an ice cream celebration." Roan said.


While eating ice cream, Dhruv asked, "Brother, how can I beat you in the game?"

​ Roan looked at Dhruv and said while smiling, "Simple, you just need to become hell stronger than me."

Dhruv nodded his head up and down. "But where should I start in the game? Do I choose randomly or to a specific beginner village?"

"Any beginner village near the Gazzi city will do. Beginner villages are not much different from one another, so it did not matter. Do you still remember the earlier advice?"

"Yes, you said that to spend as much time as possible in the beginner village and try to do everything there."

"Good," Roan nodded his head.

"But brother, I looked though everywhere. I did not find the reason about why to try every job in the beginner village not focus on specific jobs and moved on. "

"So here the thing. In liberty you have 3 easy way to become stronger.

1st is level up. Whenever you level up, your stat increases. This increase in stat is what I call base stat."

"level up. Base stat." Dhruv nodded his head.

"2nd is class. Having an excellent class helps you with 2 things."

"I know those. First, is more power class gets more stats. And second, is all powerful class can unlock powerful skill that make them stronger than other."

"So you really done you research. Good. Now the 3rd is Tier up. What do you know about Tier up?" Roan asked.

"I read every player can challenge in trial and once they win the trial, they will get tier up. A player can get special skills, stats, sub-classes, and species upgrade after they tier up. Tier up is one of the biggest power up in the game." Dhruv said.

"Ok, now tell me based on your research what do you think is most important and what is least out of all 3."

Dhruv said after some time, "Well, I think Tire up is most and class is least important."

"So you are placing level up above class?" Roan asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, because you need to reach a certain level before you can try the trial. I also know that the more rare the class you have, the more difficult to level up. So yeah, class is lowest in term of power gaining I think."

Roan smiled, "Here is the question, then. Why are people then running to get a rare class? I am talking about pro and top level player. Why all of them want a rare class when they can just become stronger with normal class quickly?"

Dhruv closed his eyes and started thinking. After some time Dhruv looked at him and said with an uncertain look, "may be because normal classes do not have mysterious, powerful move that make their fighting style very predictable or something. I know little about inside details as of now, so I do not know the exact answer."

Roan shook his head. "You are wrong."

Dhruv looked at him in confusion. "Then why they want rare class?"

Roan said with a smile, "possibility. It all because of possibility."

"What do you mean by possibility, brother?"

"You see Liberty Online is not a simple game where you just pressed some button and become powerful. A normal sword man level up fast and becomes powerful quickly.

Now people with a rare class related to sword need to do task like swinging their sword a thousand times or cutting this and that to unlock their special skill.

Let us say a person who loves to swing sword got special class. Then he will not simply swing the sword to complete the task."

Dhruv asked, "What else can do there?"

Roan said, "He will experiment with different swing. which swing gives more power and which swing gives more speed and more.

Doing all that grinding will allow him to reach a higher level where he needed to grind more, but he will get excess to special training method that open the special world of sword for him. This is the possibility."

Dhruv said "oh so you are saying, same class in different person hand can lead to low and high outcome."

"Exactly, It not about finding a rare class, but find a rare class that suites you. If you find a rare class that does not interest you, then that rare class would become a shackle for you and slow down your growth speed but if you got excess to a simple class you love that class would evolve into something destructive and beyond. It all about how much you are into your class."

"I understand now. If I understand a class than I may grind it in a way that it may has the chance evolve to a more powerful class."

"Yup, and all this is possible when you choose a rare class." Roan asked, "Do you have anything in you mind?"

"Well, I want to do something like magic and research in the game."

" nerd."

"What you say." Dhruv stared at him.

"Nothing." Roan looked around, avoiding Dhruv's eyes.

Dhruv shouted at Roan, "Idiot, you are THE nerd. You played game for one year. So you are a game nerd, not me."

Roan looked at Dhruv and shouted back, "What? How could you say that it hurt, you know?"

"Hurt my foot. You are the one who started this."

"Shut up, smartass, and start playing game."

"You do not need to lecture me."

Saying that Dhruv rushed to his room while shouting, "Idiot, I will show you how outstanding player I am by defeating you."

"Yeah yeah, I am waiting for that day."

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