MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 87 Grinding..

Grave walked to the next hunting ground. The White forest.

Many layers of white webs covered trees in the forest.

There were many players crowded at the entrance of the white forest.

Most of them were non-guild players.

A few guild players were standing at the entrance with the Abyss guild logo on their armor.

The Abyss guild controlled this hunting ground. Grave walked to the entrance of the Dark forest.

2 guild players rushed toward him, "Good day, sir."

Grave nodded his head. Today's meeting had done wonders to spread his reputation through the guild.

Gave asked, "So give me a description of this hunting ground."

Both guys nodded, "Sir, this was one of the best hunting grounds around the city."

Grave nodded his head and motioned them to continue.

"Sir, our guild explores 3 parts of the hunting ground  to date. 1st Core part, one level 50 EPIC Tier 0 MOTHER SPIDER, controlled that area."

Another guy said, "We knew that the epic monster lived in a huge nest. We had no more information about her."

"Around that nest, there were 1000s of spider monsters guarding her. That region is the core of the dead forest. Further, you moved away from the nest the lesser powerful and low-grade spider monster present there."

"Our guild marked those regions as the middle and outer regions. "

Grave asked them, "So how many times has the guild tried to fight that epic monster?"

Both of them started looking around and then one of them whispered, "2 times sir, and from what I know, the First time 1000s lvl 50 players tried attacking her but they were not able to cross the middle region. "

"And next time there were around 5000 level 50 players, but still they could only see the epic spider from the distance. Our guild stopped their attempt after that and just focus on controlling the number of spiders in the area."

"Sir, this area generates many resources for quests like…"

Grave ignored him and walked into the forest.

In Liberty Online, the Grade and Tier of the monster were symbolization of terror. Anything above rare grade had well-developed intelligence. They also had the power to command other low-grade monsters, as Epic grade monsters all were boss types.

Tier worked the same as humans. Each tier-up represents a huge power-up.

When the epic-grade monster came out of the space crack, it closed the space crack of that hunting ground. The space crack would only open when the epic-grade monster died.

But there were a few fck up epic-grade monsters that had high birth rates. These types of epic monsters just create a significant amount of soldiers.

Players could conquer the hunting ground by killing the epic-grade monster, but each of these nests was limited to the tier of epic monster.

Higher-tier players would get cursed if they attack the monster in the nest.

Grave had no word for the developer of the game. He had given full freedom to players, but then there were many fck-up consequences if you deviated from common laws to save the game from chaos.

Just like reality.

Grave stopped thinking, as he had no intention of fighting that spider. The effort was not up to the reward, so why waste time?

He started moving around the border of the dark forest in search of a lone target.

After a little time, he found his first prey. A normal-grade spider monster of around 20 levels was on one tree in front of him.

Grave looked at his bounded sword and opened the sword information.


Unending Tyranny (Bronze) (Bound):

A weapon made from the fang of an unknown furious beast. Beast had so much tyranny that even the bade made for its fang have a natural tyranny to it.

+ 10 Str

+ 10 Agl

+ 5% Critical chance

Special skill 1: Fear of tyrant- Freeze your opponent in fear for 3 seconds (may fail). Cooldown: 3 mins.

Special skill 2: Razor sharp - Inflict bleeding status on your opponent.

Evolving conditions: This is the blade of Tyrant that needs blood.

Level up to silver grade -

* Need to absorb blood (0/100L)

* Need to absorb the blood of different Elites monsters (0/10)


Spider-type monsters were quite difficult to deal with and this one was even 6 levels higher than his level.

Grave smiled. He had a good plan and aimed his sword at the spider monster's head. Especially at the eyes. This was his solution to hunting these exotic spiders.

[Throw: anything you throw can act as a weapon. Deal 120% damage; A critical hit deals 150%; Cooldown: None]

Sword pierced deep into the spider's eyes.


Spider screamed loudly.



Spider fell to the ground. Grave used this chance and jumped on the spider's head, kicking the sword deep into its head.

[Level up]

[Level up]

"Haha, it's so easy to hunt these monsters. I love the fatal system." Grave walked to the dead spider's corpse and hold his sword.


[Tyranny detects blood. Do you want to absorb the blood?]

"Oh, so I need a dead monster for blood absorption. Cool," Grave selected yes.

The spider monster's corpse shrank down. It crumbled into a small ball.

[5 ml blood absorbed]

"Mmm, the spiders have less blood in their body," Grave pulled his sword and started moving in search of his new prey.

His method was super, but it was only helpful when there was only one spider. Once 2 spiders came, he would be left with a fcking trash sword in his hand.

Grave started his grinding of spiders to gain some levels.

As Grave was grinding, there was a tremendous uproar in the forum.

All the hiding cells of the Panda god organization were spamming comments on a photo with the title, [Panda god blessing to Panda hero]

There were thousands of comments on this blessing to become a panda hero. Thousand of people want to idealize the man in the photo who was holding the panda baby god.

They fcking made the first panda hero their unofficial first pope.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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