My Plunderer System

Chapter 45 45 - Rank Reevaluation

When waking up the next morning, Milo tried to recall what the tests were when he first took the rank evaluation. There was the overall ability test, the strength test, the agility course, and the magic power assessment.

After thinking through the tests he was prepared for whatever was thrown at him, he was determined that he would blow away his old scores and set new records among the first years.

Before entering his evaluation, he steeled himself one more time and walked in to take the test, just like last time, the ability test was the first one up, he walked up to the platform and when the evaluator gave him the signal he unleashed his magic power. When he activated his ability, the temperature in the entire building dropped to freezing levels, the ground around his feet froze over and spread covering the floor of the evaluation room, while the ice spread, five ice spears began to form behind his back, each impressively sharp and in the next second all began to give off a sharp whirring sound as they spun like drills.

What Milo was unaware of, was the fact that his two favorite teachers were in another room, watching his retest on a monitor. Seeing what was going on in the room Mr. Kruz was shocked once again, as he realized that using the spears wasn't the extent of his power and he had actually held back while in the practical training room.

Mikael on the other hand was ecstatic, "Hohoh! he really is a strong one," he said with a hearty guffaw, "I can't wait to see how he stacks up against the other X ranked students."

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Back in the evaluation room, the evaluator called the end of the ability test and they had to take a short break to allow the room to thaw.

After the room returned to its normal temperature the tests proceeded with the strength test next. Milo walked up to the target he had to strike and unlike the first time he took the test, he chose to use the ice ability to strike the target rather than secretly use the reinforcement ability.

Milo took a step back and reactivated the ice ability and focused it into a single point. When he did, a massive ice spear was formed over his right shoulder. After it was about the size of a small car, it began to spin extremely fast. After taking a second to build up speed, the veins in Milo's forehead began to pop out as he focused all his mental strength into making the massive ice spear spin as fast as possible. Soon the massive spear was making a high pitched squeal from how fast it was spinning, and when Milo couldn't make it spin any faster, he threw his hand forward with a grunt of effort. When the massive ice spear made contact with the target, a loud bang was heard as the ice spear exploded, filling the room with thousands of glistening particles of ice, as the ice particles sparkled as they caught the light, the numbers on the machine continued to climb until it eventually stopped at 94. After seeing his score, Milo smiled with satisfaction as a bead of sweat dripped down his forehead, he hadn't tried this hard on the first test and now he was giving it his all.

His next test to take was the agility course, it involved going through a course with many different obstacles the faster he completed it, his score would get higher, and all uses of abilities were allowed. If used creatively abilities could also be used to completely bypass certain obstacles completely. When starting the agility course, the first obstacle involved climbing over and under different beams. Rather than climbing over the beams, Milo instead used his ability to create pillars of ice lifting him up and over the beams. After the first obstacle, he then moved on the second which involved jumping over a gap up to an elevated platform, when doing so, the person would grab the ledge and pull themselves up and over the ledge. When approaching the obstacle Milo created a bridge out of ice and was able to reach the top of the elevated platform without having to climb over the ledge. With this he had completed half of the course.

The second to last obstacle was a moat of water with platforms at the top of it, to get across, Milo would normally have to jump from one to the other, but by creating a path of ice, he could just run across the moat. In the final obstacle, the person had to climb ropes to get to the top of staggered platforms before ringing a bell found on the tallest one. He did as he did on the first obstacles and used his ice to bypass the obstacle entirely, ringing the bell in record time.

Finally the last test was up, and it was the Magic Power assessment. He stepped up to the platform and just like last time placed his hand on the magic orb device, once he did so he unleashed his ability and the orb device began to shine as it measured his Magic Power, once it stopped getting brighter, the monitor to the side showed the number 35, over double what it was when he first tested.

After his final test, the evaluator totaled his scores,

"Milo Fenix reevaluation; ability rank X, strength rank X, agility rank X, magic power rank X. Overall class ranking, X"

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