My Plunderer System

Chapter 54 53 - Big News

In their Friday class, Milo and Zach walked into lecture and were surprised to see two new faces. The first belonged to an older gentleman who looked extremely buff for his age. He was wearing what looked like a very expensive tailored suit and had slicked back gray hair and a pointed beard. When seeing the two of them, Zach seemed surprised to see the older gentleman. The second man looked younger than the first man but was still sporting an expensive suit and gray hair, only the younger man's hair was a bit longer and unkempt.

After all the students had taken their seats, Ms. Teller quieted the class down and directed their attention to the two men. The first to introduce themselves, was the younger of the two men, "Good morning everyone, My name is Richard Brand and I am the president of the Global Awakened Association," he said.

After hearing who he was, the entire class got extremely quiet, whether that was out of fear of angering him or out of respect, it depended on the student. Milo was of the latter, the man in front of him was considered the strongest in the world, and was the one who was the sole reason for the GAA's power. Milo was extremely curious and couldn't help himself and activated the inspect skill.

[Richard Brand]

Ability: Burst

Status: Healthy

Relationship: Respected Elder


When reading the description provided by the system, Milo blinked a few times. The GAA president had a strange ability, what the ability did, Milo was unsure, but it had to be extremely powerful given who he was.

Milo was considering trying to plunder the ability but lost any thought of doing so when he read the condition to copy. "Defeat the target in combat" after reading those words, Milo was smart enough to know that he was nowhere near ready for a task like that.

After the president's introduction, the older gentleman introduced himself as well. "You may have seen my face or heard my name around campus. I am unable to make as many public appearances nowadays but it is nice to finally see you all, my name is Sheldon O'Neal. I am the headmaster of this academy and a good friend of the association president here."

The headmaster then continued on, "Being the best and brightest we have to offer at the academy, we try to do our best to introduce you to the life of a gatecrasher sooner than the other students. Because of this, I came here today with the association president to inform you of an opportunity that will soon be presenting itself to you. Being X ranked students, you already have the strength to compete with at least D ranked gatecrashers, the biggest difference being that they have already experienced gates at lower ranks."

He continued, "Because of this, we work with the GAA in order to offer chances for the X ranked students to enter lower ranked gates and learn the ins and outs of closing gates at in field experiences. If you would like to take this opportunity, you will need to break up into groups of four students, you will then be partnered with an association member who will assist you with closing the gate you enter. You will also be paid for as well as receive the loot you obtain within the gate."

Hearing this news, Milo felt excited that he would be able to enter and train in a gate, as well as earn the chance to gain experience and obtain more essence cores, which could help him to finally raise his Magic Power stat again.

Ms. Teller then took over and explained that this is where class would be ending for the day, "For your in field experiences, I will need you to break off into four person groups and let me know who will be on your team by Friday this week."

Now Milo just needed to get his group of four together.

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