My Plunderer System

Chapter 99 98 - More Training

After resting for the night, Milo woke up and went to the guild to work out and practice a bit with his chain sickle. His team was given the day off after constant simulation training so Milo chose to spend it checking in with his friends.

He first checked how Krista was doing, she had gotten a part time job at a store working as a cashier to pass the time and earn some credits. She hadn't done anything other than that but she got some fun out of using her ability to read people's minds while working. It made for some funny moments, like when she would hand someone what they were looking for before they could find it.

Allana had been practicing with her ability at her family home, due to her brother being guildmaster of the Incubus Guild, he had amassed a ton of wealth which allowed him to put training rooms like the guild had, in his own home. She was trying to get to the point where like her brother she could use her bone manipulation to give her extra armor. Milo could see her becoming a tanker in the future if she was successful, maybe even an all rounder like her brother, something he hoped to become eventually as well.

Chris had been practicing at his family's home to train his ability as much as possible. He had come up with some new techniques with his ability and couldn't wait for school to start back up so he could test them sparring with Milo. He was still hell bent on beating Milo's ice with his flames, and while Milo considered this a hassle, it pushed him to improve. Chris was also hoping that he would be strong enough to test into the X ranked class once school started back up as well so that he could be in the same class as Milo and Zach.

Mark had been helping his aunt take care of his younger brother. He was also aware of the Fellowships movement in Ontario as it was making national headlines, and seeing they were on the move again he had been training his ability as much as he could. Just like Chris he wanted to get into the X ranked class when school started, although his reasons were a bit more righteous than Chris.

Milo then checked in with his other friends in the X ranked class. Maria was stuck in an office position at her guild, and also made appearances in advertisements for the guild. Given how beautiful she was the guildmaster most likely chose to use her looks to their advantage. She was annoyed that she couldn't get into any combat force but hoped that maybe they'd eventually recognize her skills and allow her to join a strike force.

Zach chose not to do an internship, and instead focused on raising Waki. He had been practicing with Waki, learning to fight with him was important and having his ability allowed Waki to easily learn to respond to his commands. Waki had grown quite big and was beginning to look more and more like an adult Thunderhawk, only since he was a tamed beast he wasn't quite as large as an adult thunderhawk would normally be. Since taming Waki, Milo was wondering just how much Zach's ability had grown. It was common for those with the Beast Tamer ability to tame multiple beasts once they had grown their ability high enough. At a low level, a user of the Beast Tamer ability wouldn't have enough mental capacity to tame more than one, but if Zach had trained his enough he could be looking for another beast to tame.

Milo informed his friends of his doings since his birthday party they had all gone to. Hearing that he was a part of a strike squad his friends were all super proud of him. It wasn't common for students on an internship to be placed on a strike squad right off the bat. Not only this but he had been chosen as a squad captain, Milo argued that he was only a co captain and that in reality, Harvey was also a commander but that fell on deaf ears as he still was in charge of a group of other gatecrashers as a student. Chris and Mark in particular toughened their resolve and decided to double their training in order to reach Milo.

Overall, it seemed to Milo that his friends just like him were still training their abilities as often as they could, even Krista, by using it while at work. This made Milo happy that they would also be coming back to school having some growth. He was afraid that he would outgrow them with how much he had been training and growing, but they were growing right alongside him even with the countless number of miles between them while home for the summer.

Milo's schedule over the next few days included more simulated gate training in B rank gates. These gates were much easier due to them not being elemental types and the team continued to make their clear time faster with each new gate they closed. Milo had also improved vastly, his decision making and leadership skills grew with each gate they closed.

Seeing Milo's improvement, David and Jorge were amazed. He was doing things and making decisions that seasoned veterans would do, and on the rare chance he made a mistake he never made it twice. The rest of the team was also making large strides in their development, the twins were no longer attempting to show off, Ken was doing a much better job at monitoring the backline and the supports as always knew when to heal their team at opportune times without putting themselves in danger. Overall the team was beginning to look like a seasoned strike squad and within two weeks they were clearing B ranked gates at the same pace as any other squad in the guild.

It was now the end of June, and school was set to start back up at the end of August. Milo had grown to level 30 by this point and was inching his way towards his goal. He was currently resting in the lounge with the rest of his team following closing another simulated gate when David walked in.

"Everyone gather round," he announced, "I've got big news."

Milo and the others who had been goofing off and playing games all made their way to the seating area and looked at David curious what the news was.

"As of today, I got clearance from the guildmaster to send you guys to a real gate," he said.

Hearing this news Milo got excited, after training in the simulation for so long he was itching for some live action for multiple reasons, he'd get more experience from defeating real beasts, he could also get essence cores to grow his magic power stat. Overall, the prospect of taking on a real gate had Milo itching to get started right away.

"In terms of details, the gate is C ranked so you shouldn't have any difficulty with it." David continued, "Along with this, it is located on the outskirts of the city. You'll be accompanied by me, however I'll be functioning as a sort of spectator and will also be a porter, carrying any loot you guys get. You'll all be receiving a commission for closing the gate, as with all gates, and a certain percentage of the loot will be spread among you, while the rest is distributed to the guild as it normally would. Your set strike time is 12 noon the day after tomorrow, so get to headquarters around 10 am for a briefing and we'll leave from here to head to the gate. In the meantime get some rest and prepare yourself how you see fit."

Hearing all the details for the gate, Milo signaled this as the start of his grind to reach his goal. Now that he was going to be closing a real gate rather than a simulated one he'd be getting credits and loot. After closing the gate he could probably send Avery the stuff she needed to make him a chain whip sword.

Milo went home and did some research on different things to find out metal prices and a bit more. With the E ranked gate he received a 2,000 credit commission meaning for a C rank gate he'd probably get more which would mean he could afford to put more into it. He wanted to get something that would hopefully last him a long time as well as something that would be of a high tier.

Milo continued to think of things he could do, and he hadn't considered asking if multiple essence cores could be implemented at once. Because of this he asked Avery if that was possible and she informed him that it was indeed possible and most of the time it would be better to combine compatible cores from elemental beasts, by doing so attached skills of that elemental attribute tended to appear more often. The lightning element core he used for his chest plate was luckily strong enough to make an elemental attached skill appear.

Milo then decided that he'd have to keep that in mind when deciding what to use essence cores for. First though he had to get into a real gate to get cores, which would be happening the day after tomorrow.

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