My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 158 Aren't Sacred Quests Simply Too Much?

Currently under the pressure of the area, I felt that my movements were way too sluggish. I saw a giant shadowy limb rushing towards me. The water trembled as a wave of power hit me, throwing around a bit.

[You have lost 100 health points]

From the shockwave alone I lost a surprising amount of health points. Feeling disoriented, I wasn’t able to move my body out of the way and was instantly hit by the limb that was coming. It was simply way too big to be normal. I took the full brunt of the attack, hoping that I could at least tank it a tiny bit with my [Fluid Armor] and [Anguix Bug Armor] active. They formed a weird extension on my bird form, but gave me a good boost in stats, adding 1000 to my defense stats.

[You have lost 400 health points]

[Due to the possession of a [Sacred], the domain restrictions of the [Legendary Domain] have been lifted]

The system told me. However, I could feel something inside my body snap in half.

[You have been inflicted with the status [Broken Bones]]

[Your stats will reduce by 10%]

I had broken a bone, which was a bit surprising. I hadn’t had broken bones in quite a long while. Maybe, I wasn’t ready for fights on this level yet.

<<Danger level has proven to be higher than the originally conceived strength. Your opponent is simply too strong.>>

‘Eh? What? What’s its rank?’

<<It is of the Imperial Beast Rank or better known to you, A+>>


Shocked, I ended up feeling a great sense of dread. I was basically taking on Minerva at this point. Wasn’t this simply too much for me?

‘A-Agent. Be real with me, right now. What are my chances of surviving?’

<<As was stated earlier on, your chances of survival are 40%>>

‘Still 40%? In that case, what do I do?’

I asked after having myself get wrapped up in the giant tentacle. It was squeezing me, but I simply shrugged myself beyond the tentacle’s squeezing level and swam out. I was losing health points slowly, but because of [Auto Regeneration] and [Pain Nullification], I couldn’t feel anything.

<<Activate the skill [Multiple Minds]>>

‘Eh? Akira? Forgot about him. Ah, sure.’

I activated the skill, then I heard a yawn in my head. It would seem that whenever I turned off the skill, my multiple mind would go to sleep.

‘What’s happeni- HOLY SHIT! What is that?!’

His voice resonated through my mind, giving me a slight headache.

‘Not the time for theatrics, kira. We need your help.’

I told him, then proceeded to avoid the next tentacle swing. Since I was unable to use magic, fighting the monster was going to be exceptionally hard. Due to my current form, I was unable to use the [Ignition Feather] skill. [Stealth] was pointless here and the only attacks would require that I got up close, but seeing it’s silhouette alone was terrifying.

‘How do I help?’

<<There is a magic aura that is nullifying the use of magic in the area. However, with the servant Yokino’s unique skill, [Spell Weaver], and your unnaturally high affinity towards raw mana, you should be able to create a spell that nullifies this and allows you to use mana.>>

It explained to us, making me feel a bit annoyed that I wasn’t just told earlier. Then again, it was still me getting the information either way.

‘How long will it take?’

<<5 minutes>>

It responded.

‘Oi! I don’t think I can keep swimming non-stop for five minutes straight using [Super Engine]! I’ll run out of stamina.’

<<Not to worry. With the skill [Undying], your body will function normally even if your stamina stat runs out>>

‘Eh? But why do I still pass out even when my stamina goes low?’

<<That is simply due to mental fatigue.>>

I swam out of the tentacle’s way, but the wave still hit me, sending me some distance away.

[You have lost 500 health points]

I was informed about the total amount of damage I took from merely being around here. I was recovering 100 health points per second thanks to [Auto Regeneration], however, I failed to see how that was going to help me.

‘So, I’m just supposed to avoid it for 5 minutes?’

<<Certainly. This will allow for your stats to rise drastically as well.>>

‘I feel like you only say that when it’s convenient for you.’


Yokino let go of the bandit in her hand and his body floated down lifelessly. She then looked at Sunalla who was handling the leader roughly. He was in whirlpool with lightning constantly striking him while she interrogated him.

“Where is the princess?”

She asked. The leader grunted and only glared at her, leading to more powerful bolt to hit him. The Arachne drew in close to the duo and noticed that the leader was scarred, proof that he had been several tough situations. And the shark fishmen in particular were known for their resilience. No matter what, they wouldn’t give in, meaning this interrogation was useless. Sunalla should have known that. No, Sunalla did know that. She was the one who even told Yokino about it.

Yokino noticed Sunalla’s eyes. They were purely ballistic, showing that she was not even doing it for interrogation purposes at this point.

Sunalla had two sides to herself.

The normal, reserved and fearless leader. Then there was the war crazed version of herself that would ruthlessly wipe out any army. Back in Larm, she didn’t show this part since she didn’t see the events as worth her time, allowing children to even participate in it. However, this time, it was dangerous. The stakes were on a national level and Sunalla, the Raging Sea, was not going to let the situation go out of hand.

“U-Um, before you end up killing him, could I try to get information?”

Yokino tapped the spirit’s shoulder, bringing her out of her murderous state. Sunalla clicked her tongue then stopped the lightning bolts. Rather she left the whirlpool over him as a sort of bind. Yokino shrugged then spread her hand over the leader.

“Try yer best, delicate lady.”

He said offensively. Yokino took it as a compliment and giggled. From her finger tip, a thread shot out to the leader’s head. He glared at her and prepared himself for a new powerful torture method. However, her threads turned red, meaning her blood was spreading through it till it touched his head.

Yokino’s skill [Blood Link], was one that ensured that as long as her blood was in contact with someone, she had control over their body, with the exception that their will was simply stronger than hers. Yokino had still not met any such person and she definitely wasn’t meeting one today.

Her leader’s eyes were clouded with blood, leaving him blinded.

“W-What’s happening?”

He cried out. However, Yokino did not respond to him. Her threads simply started to drill into his head. The leader was hit with a jolt of pain in his head. As if he had no defenses whatsoever, Yokino stabbed his arm, and the pain sent shivers down his spine.

“As I thought. You’re only cocky since you have this tough hide of yours.”

She said mockingly. The leader grit his teeth after realizing what she meant by that.

“There’s easy ways to do this, like directly extracting the information from your brain.”

She shot a thread to his neck. This thread was laced with her potent poison. Even with his defenses, he would have still been affected immensely, but now that she had multiplied his abiity to feel pain ten-fold. It would be the equivalent of having his neck being melted slowly and gruesomely, in a seemingly endless torment.

She licked her lips.

“Shall we begin, with the extraction then.”

While she was doing this, Sunalla had managed to calm down, allowing her to ask the question:

‘Where’s Hinotori, though?’



There was something like an explosion after I got slammed in between two tentacles. It would seem the creature got pissed off by how I kept managing to swerve its attacks. I could feel my health points being drained quickly. After being squeezed between the equivalent of two steel walls, I slowly floated down, barely having any energy in my limbs anymore.

Well, it was all mental obviously, so I quickly recovered then swam away.

‘Ok, it’s ready.’

‘Then let loose!’

Kira used up a bit of mana and through some complicated means I still didn’t understand, we managed to create an area in which I could use magic. Happily, I wasted no time in summoning as mana shadows as possible. They swarmed it in the darkness, proving to be way fiercer than an A+ rank creature as a swarm. Heartlessly, they attacked it and even tore off one of its tentacles. The creature bellowed mightily, giving me chills then I realized the shadows were only slowly chipping away at its health points.

I summoned as big a water spear as I could, then shot it off at the creature, having basically no effect on it. My magics still weren’t affecting it.

Still, all I needed to do was evade it and let the shadows slowly chip away at its health. At least, that was what I thought till I noticed a weird crystalline glow in front of it. The water kept on revolving around the point of the glow and I could feel mana gathering over there. I gulped as a pillar of light came rushing for me.

It’s width and speed were simply too much for me to overcome. I knew for certain that were I to take that hit, I was a goner. Reluctantly, I decided to teleport out of here, thinking that the agent might have been mistaken about my chances of surviving this fight. However I looked at it, this thing was simply way out of my league.

[You cannot teleport out of the [Legendary Domain] during a [Sacred Quest]]

[Till the time limit for the [Sacred Quest] runs out, you cannot leave the [Legendary Domain]]

‘Oh, Come on!’

I cried out. I activated every single thing I could muster.

[Fire Force], [Super Speed Engine], [Jet Propulsion], [Fluid Armor], [Anguix Bug Armor] and [Lightning Armor] for speed and defense. I refused to activate the [Sigma Armor] since it would only slow me down in exchange for defense.

Still, the attack was simply way too big. I wouldn’t be able to make it in time. I wanted to sacrifice some soldiers for my safety, but most of them had already been wiped out by the attack.

‘Agent! Kira!’

‘Mawstewr! I can stop this!’

Kawaii suggested, but I didn’t take her seriously. I was still stronger than her, so she saying she could take this was simply her trying to impress me.

<<Possible solution would be to erase the attack.>>


‘Basically, we can use [Void Shot] to erase the attack. Only problem is, we probably won’t be able to create a big enough shot in time.’

‘Shit. Wait- Kawa-’

While I was thinking about the issue, Kawaii got restless and jumped off towards the beam. I tried to grab her, but then she started to expand.

‘What’s happening?’

<<The servant Kawaii may be attempting to absorb the attack>>

‘Eh? She can absorb the attack?’

<<No. She will be destroyed.>>

‘Eh? Eh? Eh? Stupid slime.’

I threw threads at her, but the threads only floated lifelessly in the water, my control barely having any effect in the water.

It was too late now. I couldn’t do anything about the situation. The beam was at point blank. Kawaii and I were doomed. The bright light almost blinded me, but then, what came next was shocking.

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