My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 217 Cursed Tomb Of The Sea Devil Makrov - Fifth Floor Pt.I

Charybdis was a name that sent fear throughout the old residents of ancient Atlantis.

A being whose very movements created tremors. His breath could wipe out armies and his anger could level all three kingdoms with ease. A beast so fearsome, the three original mermen were forced to antagonise. Through their efforts, they managed to kill the beast and spread peace amongst their people. At least, they thought they killed it.

Unfortunately, at the time, a certain devil saw this as an opportunity to acquire immense power. This devil made a deal with Charybdis with the promise of reviving the sea dragon to full power. All it needed to do was be consumed by the devil. Naturally, one would be sceptical of such a deal, but devils were strictly bound by their words when making a contract. It agreed and was swallowed by the devil, slowly regaining its former strength. While it did this, the devil was also acquiring some of its power.

Centuries passed and the devil that was supposed to revive him was slain. Charybdis was not frightened by this though, since a devil wouldn’t return to hell till it completed the terms of the contract. As a way to stay, the Devil’s body was transformed into a tomb. All the creatures that had been consumed by the devil were forced to protect his core from any who would try to destroy it. It was almost as if the devil had been preparing for a day like this, gathering terrifying monsters that would break any.

Charybdis soon found that he wasn’t the only who had made such a deal with the devil. That didn’t bother him though, as it implied that all he needed to do was protect the devil till its resurrection so it could fulfil the promise. Was someone to try to resurrect the devil, of course he would help with all his might.

Someone had already attempted once. The fourth ever person to shatter his pride as the strongest being in the seas. He won that battle, albeit with sheer luck. It was the second time in its life it was forced to acknowledge the fact that there were stronger beings out there. But now, a mere insect had appeared before it. Charybdis didn’t see the liar as worth a fight, so it gave the insect a trap. One that had been created by the sea devil.

The [Help Ticket] as it was called, was one that put the user into a trance where they’d believe they’ve summoned their strongest ally to fight. There was a trick to breaking free from that trance and actually summoning a copy of that ally to aid in battle, but no one would ever be able to do that. You needed help from an ally in order to snap out of the trick to summon an ally. In a twisted way, the [Help Ticket] required an ally you didn’t have, to summon an ally you would need. It’s creator, Makrov had a twisted sense of humour.

Charybdis closed his eyes to sleep, knowing that the insect would end up dying later.

Just then, Charybdis’ scales shook mightily. His spine felt like it had been electrocuted and his heart raced. There was now a presence it hadn’t sensed since a few years ago. It wasn’t something it thought it would ever have to sense ever again, especially since that being lost to him. His eye snapped open and next to the insect, a monster had appeared. Its scales were whiter than anything he had ever seen and its eyes were pitch black with red pupils and yellow irises.

The monster smirked at him, revealing her fangs. Charybdis could feel his heart sink. The creature was stronger than he remembered it to be.

“Oi, Charybdis. Remember me?”

She held a sword in her hand. It was a sabre that was half her size. The blade looked like it was made of black rock, with cracks that glowed white. The blade itself was unorthodox and didn’t look like anything a normal person would be able to use. Strangely, it felt natural that the monster would be wielding something so terrifying. The power he sensed from it made him feel like he would actually die this time.

But, once the fear of the monster of the monster subsided, he developed a new fear. The insect he underestimated was smirking next to the monster, pitch black claws at the ready and was at the size of the youngest dragon in the dungeon. The ugly monster winked at him.

For the second time in his life, Charybdis actually felt it. The foreboding sense that he could actually die. This was possibly the end of the great king of sea dragons.


I won! I beat the giant dragon and the 5 other dragons with ease, all thanks to me summoning Daxia.

Or so I was led to believe. Shitty ticket was a trap. The others knew about it and didn’t let me in on the plan. I didn’t like the lack of communication between myself and them. It felt like I was always out of the loop because I was piloting the body.

They woke me up from the illusioned world. Something about it not working if I was aware of the fact that it was an illusion. I quickly summoned Daxia after breaking free.

I didn’t get the actual Daxia. It was more like a copy of her. This copy had the same stats as the original so no harm done. Charybdis also looked terrified of her which made it even better. This summon carried a large scary looking sabre that I’d never seen Daxia have. Then again, Daxia had the swordsmanship class, so I guess it sort of made sense that she had a sword, but it looked too strong.

Each swipe from it caused 10,000 damage. I’d be dead by the fifth hit were I to fight her.

“Take on the five dragons at the top, I will handle Charybdis.”

‘Eh? Eh? You want me to fight five dragons?’

“Or do you want to fight Charybdis?”

‘I’m good.’

I was already on my way towards the dragons. A battle plan was being formulated because I saw no way of beating them with magic. A bit saddening since all I had going for me was my magic.

‘Guess we’re brute forcing this one!’


‘Hi guys.’

I moved next to the dragon Castil who was shocked by my sudden appearance.


[Your physical stats have shot up by 10%]

A [Fiery Kick] with my strength enhanced with [Mithril Body] and [Aura Burst]. I’d poured 5000 mana into my strength stats, so my strength was now 48,590. The attack managed to hurt the dragon in the face and throw him some distance away.

The others looked at me with shocked expressions, definitely not expecting to see me able to body their brother with ease.

‘You cur.’

The older sister hissed then opened her mouth. Some energy was being released. The room temperature dropped drastically to the point I could even feel it with [High Cold Resistance] on.

<<Alert! Incoming high powered Ice beam>>

‘Ice beam?’

I shot off towards her, but was hit by an invisible barrier she had surrounding her.


In my moment of confusion, the other three dragons acted quickly. Castor swiped at me with his tail, but I easily evaded that, only to be grabbed in the claws of Castillian, the green dragon. I tried slipping out by shrinking, but there was something about his claws that prevented my body from changing size. It was like I was attached to his skin.

[Adhesive Contact]. What kind of skill was that!? Why would someone have such a skill!? Like, come on! Stop messing with me.

Castillo fired off her Ice beam at his hand.

‘Eh? Eh? This is beyond my pay grade.’

‘What are you doing, sister!?’

Apparently, that wasn’t part of the plan because Castillian immediately let go of me when that happened. Enough time for me to avoid the beam. Unfortunately for the green dragon, the attack managed to hit his claw, turning it to a popsicle.


I fired off scales at the arm and ignited them, shattering it. The dragon wailed in pain and started turning rampantly, creating immense waves. The siblings were completely unfazed by this however, and the brown dragon Castract was on me now. He threw swipes at me that I was unable to avoid.

[You have lost 1000 health points]

[You have lost 1123 health points]


Just then, Castil came up and tried to swallow me whole from behind. I was forced to hold up his mouth so he couldn’t eat me up. The others were all preparing beam attacks.

‘Oi, oi, he’s an idiot, but he’s still your brother!’

‘You stupid insect! For tricking me, I’ll kill you.’

​ He was completely unconcerned by the fact that his siblings were coming to kill him along with me.

<<Dragons are naturally prideful and as such, don’t care about anything other than themselves>>

‘Seriously? So they don’t consider themselves family?’

‘Looks like.’

My mind went to the black dragon who had been quietly monitoring all the events from afar. Was he just waiting for the perfect moment to strike or was he not interested in fighting me?

‘Wait a minute.’

The beams all came flying at me in that moment. An icy blue, fiery red and jet-black blast, all possessing enough power to wipe out a city with ease.

‘A-Are they even dungeon mobs?’

<<Most likely not>>

<A/N: Please give me your power stones, reviews, comments and golden tickets! 50 reviews this month!

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400 power stones = 2 extra chapters!

600 power stones = 5 extra chapters!

Let's try to get this goal. Have a nice day!>

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