My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 225 Proper Plumbing?

Day 60

Today officially started out some dark elves coming to us. They were those that left originally to go find their village. According to them, their village had been wiped out. They couldn’t stay since it was on the outskirts of the forest, a place humans can easily go to. They weren’t certain what caused their village’s destruction, but from the fact that they hadn’t been to the village in 5 years, I could easily surmise what happened.

I offered them a place with us. They were stoked, though I warned them about the looming threats. Their special skills were spirit arts. Spirit arts was like magic, but more in the sense of invoking the power of the spirits in the surroundings. So unlike most mages, they had a huge variety when it came to options in a fight.

For now, I had them go help Yuuna and Tsuna with raising hob-goblins. Some could show potential for such skills which could benefit me. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to determine what exactly one would develop. I presumed one should simply have their class printed out, but even according to Yuuna, when some into a hob-goblin it took a while for her true ability to manifest. She and Tsuna were rare occurrences where they show potential from even the goblin stage.

With that settled, I went about my daily business. Arisu, much like me, didn’t sleep so I got time to talk with her. She told me about how things were in her time and how she was forced to evolve to this point because of how dangerous monsters were back in her time.

B ranks were roaming about like a pile of goblins so you could only imagine how truly terrifying things were for her. You could say she was nothing special when she was growing up, but one day, she ate a jewel. It tasted good, so she kept eating it and slowly she became a variant species, completely diverting off the evolutionary path of regular fanged bunnies. That was why she was so special and became their queen.

I sort of understood why she ate her own children now. That was simply how things worked back then for her. Only the strong survive. If you couldn’t avoid being eaten, you were never going to survive anyway.

Sadly for her, there was a new comer recently who did something similar to her. He also ate what she said looked like jewel, but different from hers, it gave that monstrosity power and the attention of a god. This was Hefla, the king of the horned rabbits. She refused to let an upstart overtake her position, so the two had been having a feud for the past three years. Hefla only grew stronger over time though, while she remained stagnant.

Eventually, she lost the fight against Hefla and was forced to flee. In desperation and trying to hide amongst humans, she developed the skill [Human Transformation] and she was captured with the anti-skill collars that forced her to stay that way and be treated like a slave. That is, till I accidentally freed her.

She was grateful to me, but the only thing on her mind was treasure and revenge. She was using the goblins and others in the familiar to go fight Hefla, but none wanted to do so and I eventually revoked her position as familia general.

In the end, I could pity her, but not to the point of completely forgiving her for putting my people’s lives on the line for her useless rivalry.

I ended up agreeing to help her handle her problems, but at a different date due to the preparations we were making for the meeting with leaders. I went into the dungeons today to investigate things.

These were the current stats.


Dungeon Name: Forbidden Dungeon

Dungeon Rank: C

Dungeon Master: Hyakkiyako

Dungeon Level: 5 Experience Points: 102/40,000

Dungeon Population: 35/300 Mana Crystals: 20/20 Mana Crystal Production Rate: 1%

Dungeon Attribute: -

The dungeon was essentially the same as I left it. I decided it’d be best to focus on it now that I was here. Considering I didn’t have much points, I couldn’t summon proper mobs. For now, I could fill it up with spawns I personally made.

But my issue was the fact that there were zero mobs in the dungeon. Amethyst wrecked them all into oblivion. I get that they wanted to train and all, but my precious dungeon points went into them.

That was when I developed the ingenious idea. If I had everyone train against my shadows, wouldn’t they get stronger over time and faster? I’d have to test that out later. I’d go back to that later though.

I pulled up my dungeon stats.


[Dungeon Master Name: Hyakkiyago Hinotori

[Dungeon Master Level: 0

[Experience Points: 3200/50000|

[Wallet: 3,210DP| 11GP

[Reputation: 0 points (Non-Existent)

[Titles: -

[Skills: [Dungeon Travel], [Dungeon Control]



I surprisingly had enough money to get more summons. This was due to me accidentally completing a dungeon task while away.


# Summon your first dungeon mob |200XP||10DP||1GP|(COMPLETED)

# Summon 30 Lesser Undead||3000XP||200DP||10GP|(COMPLETED)

# Summon 10 Undead Knights||2000XP||200DP||10GP| (0/10)

# GAMBLER! Use the Gacha Function once||100XP||500DP||20GP| (0/1)



# Bring In 1000 Monsters into The Dungeon||5000XP||3000DP| (Completed)

# Lure and Kill creatures||2000XP per human||1500DP per human||200GP per human|

While looking at it and thinking of what to summon this time, Akkun came up with the genius idea of moving the dungeon to the outskirts of the forest so the brave human adventurers would soon discover it and die. That way, we could increase our revenue and both us and the dungeon could level up at an exponential rate.

Obviously, there was one downside to this. How in the world was I going to move an entire dungeon!? The skill [Dungeon Control] was limited to shifting dungeon floors, altering the interior design as well as lordship over the dungeon mobs at best. Unlike my regular skills, these didn’t have levels so I could surmise that this was the best the skill could.

Then, Hyakkun came in with the suggestion of us buying the skill [Dungeon Movement].

Speaking of which, the [Multiple Minds] skill fused with other skills to become [Supreme Logic Council]. With it, they were essentially super computers that were presented with multiple routes for any proceeding. They could scan through twenty of possible paths in a second and come up with the one with the best result out there.

We settled on this and used up all my remaining store points to buy the skill. Well, not like it was much trouble since I could easily buy more store points with the Atlantean gold I had.

Now for the annoying part. The skill [Dungeon Movement] required me to grab the dungeon core from its location and place it wherever I wanted to relocate the dungeon to. If it was that easy, what would I need an entire skill for?!

Albeit a little pissed, I glossed over the issue and teleported to the outskirts of the forest. There, I saw some elecza wolves and treants handling a pile of human adventurers. I hadn’t expected to see them so soon, but at least I knew that the humans would come into this area then. The perfect place to set up a dungeon.

When I scanned further ahead, I saw that there were no other humans for a long distance. I asked the wolves to leave the adventurers to me and they agreed without much of a problem. I killed the humans, but after scanning them with [Dark Mirror]. I also ate their souls, giving me four 10% boosts in physical stats.

I tested out the [Cloning] skill. Unfortunately, due to its low-level, the skill only produced something a third of my size. I had it use [Mimic] from the image I had copied and it transformed into a virtually perfect copy of the person.

The clones were like immobile robots though. They’d only follow my orders to the letter, so my plan for them would fall flat. However, Akira moved into one of the clones. His excuse was that since it was technically us, he could move as freely as he wanted between clone and body.

I wasn’t too pleased knowing that a version of me could go into a different body without informing me. He told me he was just going to complete the mission I wanted and that he’d be back in no time, especially since he had the guy’s memories after we consumed the souls.

After a lengthy discussion with the others, we decided that as long as he returned in the next two days, there’d be no issues. Akira was so peppy about being able to move freely that I was getting bad vibes from it.

He left with the other clones immediately, using teleportation magic to avoid certain problems, like monsters mistaking him for me. My clones were at best C+ in rank, so we couldn’t be certain that he was safe. Neither were we sure what would happen to him if we destroyed a clone he was still in.

I started setting up the dungeon at a relatively good spot. In between two rocks at the base of a hill. I had to cover up the rocks with moss to make it look like it had always been there, hidden by natural camouflage. It had to have that new ancient discovery vibe to it, even though there were no monsters in there.

I couldn’t do much about the dungeon mobs except put in some shadows to wait patiently for any creature that enters. That way, it could kill them and I gained experience.

Starting with the lowest ranked shadows on the first floor and increasing the order as the floors went down. I was starting to feel like a proper dungeon master now.


[Fusion] + [Synthesis] = [Time till completion: 48 hours]

Day 61

The night was so quiet and boring I decided to delve into the Familia system. And let me tell you now, I’ve never seen something so important in my life!

Depending on the familia’s rank, you could gain access to certain features like buying houses and other important buildings. I bought a small condo for 90 familia points to test it out and what a good investment it was.

Possessing 6 floors, it was a massive empty building with 30 rooms for sleeping as well as a general bathroom for everyone to sleep in. Though, all these things were completely empty. Even the general bathroom had no water in it, though that could be solved with magic, but I also found it inefficient to be wasting magic every time one wanted to bath and it wasn’t like everyone could use magic. Only if I possessed proper plumbing knowledge.

For now, the goblins and other races who wanted could sleep in the condo. I had placed it next to the mansion by accident so it kind of blocked the sunlight from entering my room, but I couldn’t complain.

I was tempted to buy even more stuff, but the more I thought about it, the more I realised, it’d probably be better to create other buildings for the guys. I wasn’t sure what exactly it was they needed, so I sent out a survey through the system. When they woke up and answered, I’d have the others look through it and tell us their suggestions.

When the everyone woke up, I went to Oki and Taiku to inform them of my idea of making them fight against my shadows. Both were hesitant, but I told them my shadows wouldn’t kill any goblin.

There was the simple and easy route of making the shadows stay immobile and die for the goblins to level up, but that didn’t build any real skill and creativity amongst them. They would have to be fighting humans who weren’t so stupid to just stand and get stabbed.

It was a gruesome experience where the goblins were beaten to near death, but that didn’t matter much since we had Sylvie’s renosue potions to heal anyone who went unconscious. From the looks of things, we’d be seeing some goblins evolving in the next few days.

I wanted to have some of Reiman’s rat men on this, but they were all busy with their duties. I spent the day overseeing the goblins’ training. I also practiced my own swordsmanship and techniques against some shadows. I really was an amateur swordsman without my strength, so I would need to fix that.


[The skill [Novice Swordsmanship] became [Novice Swordsmanship Level 4]]

[Fusion] + [Synthesis] = [Time till completion: 24 hours]

<A/N: Please give me your power stones, comments, golden tickets and reviews! It really helps the book get out there to new readers, thank you and have a nice day!>

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