My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 49: Episode 49 The Mystery of the Fans

Chapter 49: Episode 49 The Mystery of the Fans

Episode 49 about this thing called Shen Feng has little to do with him, and he and him are just a one-sided relationship, which is not a deep friendship.

After he woke up, Li Tian said goodbye to him.

Thinking like this, Li Tian found a dilapidated sofa next to him and lay down, silently thinking about his own thoughts, where is his wife now, he is still being hunted down by a fraud organization.

Did he ever think that he still had that eldest lady Tang Feifei, how was she?

She is a daughter, what else can she do, she must be doing well.

Thinking of this, Li Tian became more and more depressed, depressed and unable to sleep, Li Tian, who sat up from the bed, reached out to touch his travel bag.

But when his hand touched the travel bag, Li Tian was instantly stunned.

The travel bag was already soaked, there was no way, he walked in the heavy rain for an hour or two, and if the travel bag had to be almsgiving, it would be called a strange thing.

He hurriedly opened the travel bag, why was he so nervous, and Li Tian's heart was pounding, the reason was that the broken book, he was afraid that the broken book would rot after being wet.

So he hurriedly opened his travel bag, and after opening it, he saw a broken book soaked in water droplets at a glance, and quickly took it out.

Thinking like this, Li Tian hurriedly took out the book, but saw that there was nothing big on the cover, after all, it was made of animal skin, and although the cover was a little wet, fortunately it was fine.

But unexpectedly, after Li Tian took it out, he saw that the corners of the cover that had been soaked in rain seemed to be molting.

Li Tian, who was stunned for a moment, hurriedly uncovered the layer of skin with his hands, and as his hands slowly uncovered, he saw a thin layer of skin being uncovered by him.

After uncovering the cover at once, I saw that the cover was completely new, it was a black cover, there was no font on it, no pattern, only a strange picture and text left in the corner.

The graphic was like a dragon's totem.

Li Tian couldn't help but be slightly stunned, looked at it carefully, and thought to himself, hey, why is this book so strange, he seems to be getting more and more unable to see through it.

Then, he didn't care about the cover anymore, he quickly turned the pages inside, he was afraid that the tadpole text inside would be soaked in the rain and become nothing.

In that case, you will really waste yourself in the future, and you will no longer be able to use it to improve the potential of your body.

After he quickly opened it, the page inside was fortunately nothing serious, although after the baptism of rain, he could still clearly see the tadpole text column inside.

After turning a few pages, Li Tian was finally relieved that the tadpole patterns on the first large piece were still there, and they had not become unclear because of the rain.

Li Tian, who took a look at it like this, hurriedly found a place to dry.

There was a fireplace on the left side of the book, and it was still steaming slightly, so Li Tian squatted on the stove with the broken book, and carefully dried the book.

When more than ten minutes passed, Li Tian had almost dried the front part, and just as he was about to dry the back, his eyes flicked casually, and he saw that there were some pictures and texts in the middle of the broken book.

This made him stunned for a moment, because he had flipped through the whole book before, and he had never seen anything like pictures and texts, but now he actually glanced at it at random and saw pictures and texts, which of course shocked him, so he quickly opened it to look at it, and was stunned.

The picture and text is the second largest, yes, it is indeed the second largest.

This broken book is divided into three parts, in the past, the first major article was a tadpole article, and the second and third major articles were completely blank and had nothing.

At the beginning, Li Tian thought that it was waste paper, but now, the second big article actually appeared out of thin air, and the pictures and texts that were carefully looked at turned out to be strange human movements, and a small figure painted on it posed in a strange pose.

It's like the martial arts filmed in a TV series.

This made Li Tian suddenly shocked, and quickly turned the back page to look, but saw that page by page were all such strange movements, some with their hands together, and some with tricks, could it be that this is martial arts.

Li Tian was shocked, quickly turned around and sat on the sofa, and began to look carefully, even the pillar turned more than a dozen pages, all of them were in this weird posture, Li Tian was stunned at the time, there were more than 20 pages in the second largest article, and now these more than 20 pages are all strange human postures.

After turning over these more than 20 pages, it is the third largest article.

When Li Tian, who was curious, flipped through the third major Chapter and wanted to see what it would be here, he was disappointed again, it turned out that the third blockbuster was still blank and there was nothing.

Why is this happening, and why is there a weird pattern all of a sudden?

Is it because it is only shown after it has been flooded?

Could it be that all the questions that came out after the fire red dry were crowded in Li Tian's mind.

How did he know that in ancient times, there was a strange potion, the name of that potion was fog water, as the name suggested, it was a special potion that was not easy to be discovered.

Once the potions are dropped, the words disappear and must be dried over a blazing fire before they can be read clearly.

Li Tian uncovered the secret of the second part of the book by chance, and I don't know what kind of changes will happen to him in the future.

said that after Li Tian discovered the secret of this second blockbuster, he began to lie on the sofa.

A closer look at the first page of the second large piece shows a small figure sitting cross-legged with his hands crossed over his chest.

Looking at this pattern, Li Tian was slightly stunned, what kind of weird posture is this?

After thinking about it, Li Tian sat up from the sofa very smartly, and then he really sat down awkwardly according to the posture on the figure.

He wanted to see what the hell this figure was.

After sitting down, Li Tian only felt ridiculous in his heart, but he still sat down with his legs crossed, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and sat exactly the same as the posture on the figure.

But when he sat down, he didn't react, but he felt like a fool.

What are you doing in such a stupid pose?

Gu Gong Gu Nyima's work, isn't this playing on yourself?

Li Tian scolded in his heart.

Just as he was about to get up and stand up, a cool breeze blowing in from outside the window suddenly turned a few pages of the broken book in front of Li Tian.

I turned to the tadpole text on the first big article at the front.

When Li Tian's eyes looked at it, something strange suddenly happened, and those tadpoles suddenly began to wander very actively along the strange posture of his body.

This kind of very active feeling was something Li Tian had never had before, which couldn't help but make Li Tian feel surprised, as those tadpoles roamed around his body at will.

A strange image appeared out of thin air in Li Tian's mind, and the image was a villain comparing various moves and martial arts in his mind.

This was Li Tian's first feeling.

Li Tian, who closed his eyes tightly, slowly experienced the moves in his mind, while the tadpoles in his body automatically swam on the meridian acupuncture points of his body.

As Li Tian closed his eyes and focused on the posture of the villain in his mind, his hands began to slowly gesture with the movements of the villain.

Moreover, the energy that had accumulated in his abdomen also slowly moved with the strokes of his hands, and his whole body was poured into his arms.

When this astonishing discovery was made in Li Tian's mind, he began to slowly become familiar with the moves in his mind.

He found that the villain in his mind made three movements tightly, and he slowly practiced according to those three movements.

The three movements are relatively simple, one is grasping, one is full, and the other is massage.

These three poses are simple, but they contain a lot of things.

First of all, the posture of grasping alone made Li Tian think about it for a long time, because Li Tian, who was in contact with the moves for the first time, was still not familiar with the direction of each movement and the angle of the shot.

He is now slowly following the movements of the villain in his mind over and over again, and the repetitive practice is like this, Li Tian, who only cares about practicing the villain's tricks in his mind, almost forgot the time.

He was like no one by his own, quietly practicing the time for 1 minute and 1 second, and a single grasp move made Li Tian comprehend five or six hours of time.

I don't know if he was sleepy, or if Li Tianshu was thinking about the moves in his mind, just like that, he was quietly cross-legged alone, like an old monk in a meditation, sitting there motionless.

When the sun rose in the early morning, Shen Feng, who was drunk yesterday, tried his best to open his eyes, looked at the sunlight shining through the window, seeped a big lazy waist, and got up from the bed with a grunt, and then saw a certain man sitting there cross-legged like an old monk.

Shen Feng, who blinked like this, thought that he had fucking seen it wrong, and Shen Feng, who shook his head, looked carefully, and was shocked a lot, what is your mother doing Shen Feng who stood up from the bed was depressed at the moment.

Hey, bro, what are you doing?

Shen Feng walked over and asked.

After the old monk Li Tian heard the voice, his eyes slowly opened, and at a glance he saw Shen Feng standing in front of him with a pair of surprised eyes.

Are you awake?

Li Tian asked curiously.

That Shen Feng felt that Li Tian was a strange person, and said there depressedly, It's morning, big brother, can I not do it.

What's the morning of the next morning?

Li Tian was stunned for a moment, and sat up from the ground with a grunt, looking at the sun's rays shining in from outside.

Li Tian was completely stunned, why did he just sit like this, how could he spend the night all at once, how could it be?

Turning his head to look at the sun outside, he quickly took a few steps forward and looked out the window.

Li Tian's whole person was shocked, he really spent the night there, and he really just sat down all night.

Oh my God, I was thinking hard in my mind last night, and I spent the night with a trick.

Brother, are you alright?

Shen Feng looked at Li Tian with a stunned expression and asked curiously.

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