Pale Flesh

Chapter 13 13

Thaddeus boarded his flight to Aravon City with unease churning in his gut. Something was clearly wrong with Aiden. His usually confident son now sounded hollow and distant during their brief phone call, deflecting most of Thaddeus's questions with terse, dismissive answers.

The hour-long flight dragged by at a crawl as Thaddeus replayed their conversation over and over in his mind. Each listen revealed new subtle cues that heightened his worry - a slight tremor in Aiden's voice, an uncharacteristic hesitancy before responding. But Aiden had revealed so little, revealing none of whatever troubled him deeply.

Thaddeus tried to imagine what could have changed so drastically in only a few weeks' time. Aiden had seemed fine during their last visit - content with his booming tech company, focus solely on work as always. But now an invisible wall seemed to separate father and son, shutting Thaddeus out.

Landing in Aravon City, Thaddeus was whisked through crowded streets in the hired car Aiden had provided. Every bustling sidewalk and building façade blurred by unnoticed as worries swirled through Thaddeus's mind.

His first stop, visiting an old friend hospitalized here, passed in a haze. Thaddeus hardly registered the warm greetings or friendly jokes shared. His thoughts kept circling back to Aiden.

During the too-brief hospital visit, fleeting images haunted Thaddeus - Aiden as an infant, clutching his father's finger; Aiden on his first day of school, nervous excitement in his boyish grin; the proud teenager who invented his first circuit board. Memories of a loving, intelligent son who until recently had shared everything with his father.

What could have changed so abruptly, severing that bond of trust between them? Thaddeus searched for answers but found only more questions.

As the car wound its way to ExoTech headquarters, unease prickled the back of Thaddeus's neck. He felt in his gut that whatever awaited would irrevocably alter his relationship with Aiden, leaving his son forever changed in ways Thaddeus could never truly understand.

The guard waved him through the gates, and Thaddeus braced himself for the reveal that he somehow knew - deep down - would shatter everything he thought he knew about his son.

After the too-brief visit, Thaddeus' next stop was ExoTech headquarters. As he entered the lobby, he braced himself for what awaited - he could feel in his gut that Aiden had changed in ways Thaddeus could not yet comprehend.

The secretary recognized Thaddeus immediately, escorting him up to Aiden's top-floor office with thinly veiled respect. As the elevator rose, Thaddeus steadied himself.

The doors opened and Thaddeus stepped out, seeking his son. But the man seated at the desk was both familiar yet strange - Aiden, yet not Aiden. Some transformation had occurred, leaving its mark in Aiden's very presence.

Aiden looked up, his face lighting up in an attempt at familiarity. But Thaddeus saw past the facade, knowing in that moment his son had forever changed in ways Thaddeus could never truly understand.

Aiden stood as his father entered, a torrent of emotions rising within him - fear, shame, sorrow but also relief that Thaddeus had come.

He moved around the desk and wrapped his arms around his father, holding on tight. For a moment, Aiden was a child again, seeking comfort in his father's embrace.

Thaddeus hugged him firmly. "There's something important you must know, about our family," he said grimly.

Pulling back, Aiden steeled himself for whatever revelation was to come. A small part of him sensed he already knew the truth his father was about to reveal.

Thaddeus began, hesitant yet firm. "There is a story passed down from father to son. One kept secret to protect our bloodline." He drew a deep breath. "We are descendants of immortal ghouls that once wreaked havoc across the universe. Though our bloodline has since been suppressed, leaving us with only minor traits."

Aiden listened intently as his father continued. "We have an extremely carnivorous nature, physical prowess far beyond normal men, but I thought these traits were more suppressed in you."

Thaddeus spoke of their ghoul ancestors - vicious predators who fed on the living, leaving trail of carnage wherever they went. "We have carried this dark legacy within us for generations."

Thaddeus explained how one of their ancestors had once awakened their dormant bloodline - causing instability that spread like a plague. Each manifestation was different yet shared the same ghoul-like nature: an insatiable hunger for flesh and blood.

"Our ancestors were called ghouls, demons, ogres..." Thaddeus said grimly. "They made vampires and werewolves seem tame in comparison."

Aiden absorbed this revelation in horrified silence. His father named their ancestors - the Vektra, meaning 'predator'. The word fit Aiden uncomfortably well.

Aiden finally spoke, hesitant yet resolved. "That's why I've changed. I've awakened some part of this 'Vektra' within."

Thaddeus nodded solemnly. "It seems so."

Father and son stood in silence, wrestling with the grim truth of their monstrous heritage - and Aiden's transformation into something no longer fully human.

Thaddeus placed a comforting hand on Aiden's shoulder. "The awakening of our bloodline often signifies an impending catastrophe," he said gravely. "It could spell either ruin or redemption for the world."

Aiden flinched inwardly at his father's ominous warning. A monstrous beast now lurked within - an endless hunger he feared losing control of.

Aiden absorbed this, struggling to reconcile his monstrous instincts with the grim responsibility now placed upon him. He looked to his father for guidance.

Yet as Aiden met his father's steady gaze, he saw not condemnation but unconditional love and belief in his son's humanity. It was a look that said: 'No matter the darkness within you, I see the light that still remains.'

Thaddeus squeezed Aiden's shoulder firmly. "You have passed the first test, my son," he said, pride mingling with sorrow at what lay ahead. "The road before you will not be easy."

Thaddeus spoke grimly. "You carry a hunger within you now that will only grow. It will threaten to consume not just your humanity, but the very world."

Aiden absorbed his father's warning heavy heart. The beast within him stirred at the thought, tempting him with promises of power and fulfillment. Aiden pushed the thought roughly aside.

Thaddeus smiled, pride warring with sadness in his eyes. "My son, you give an old man hope." He clasped Aiden's shoulder again. "No matter the path you walk from here, remember: the light within you can never truly be extinguished, so long as you choose to let it shine."

[Updated status board]


HEALTH - 110%

STAMINA - 110%

HUNGER - 60%





SPEED - 16




Marksmanship[LV 9]








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