Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 114 Let's Begin

'When will he teach me how to fight?' Lucas thought as these movements and swimming around was already getting into his head.

"That's it," Luu announced, "try it for yourself."

Lucas took a deep breath and followed Luu's example. The sensation of the sinking was new to him. He felt light-headed and dizzy. He lowered his head and focused on his breathing.

"You can do it," Luu encouraged him.

Lucas took another deep breath and held it. He lowered himself until his head was submerged in the water, and he found that he could breathe more easily than before. He waited until he felt confident and then pushed off with his feet.

He pushed them against the sandy bottom, just like Luu had done, and sank gently down. Lucas stopped once he reached the sandy area and stayed there for a while, practising his movements.

"The trick here is to sink slowly," Luu explained, "slowly enough so that you don't feel as though you're falling. You have to control how deep you go without making it obvious, otherwise, everyone will know exactly where you are."

'How will I ever manage that?' Lucas wondered, 'I'm not even sure how to fight yet!'

He decided to try something else instead and decided to move forward by kicking his legs against the sandy bottom. Luu joined him and helped him to sink. They both practised sinking and swimming for the rest of the afternoon.

"You're ready to fight me now," Luu told Lucas as he grinned.

"I doubt it," Lucas answered, "why would I be ready to defeat you after all this time?"

"Because you've learned how to sink," Luu insisted, "and you're much better at swimming now too. If you learn how to sink properly, you can use it to your advantage and surprise your opponent."

'Maybe he's right,' Lucas thought to himself, 'he might actually be able to win.'

"Alright," Lucas accepted, "let's do it tomorrow."


Lucas woke up early the next morning and got dressed. Luu was already waiting outside for him.

"Let's go," Luu called out to him.

They started their journey, heading towards the other side of the lake. When they arrived at the other shore, Lucas realized why he hadn't seen anyone else yet. It was covered in snow.

"It looks beautiful," Lucas commented.

"As long as you don't fall," Luu reminded him.

Lucas nodded and followed him across the snowy terrain. As they walked along, he noticed a few people staring at them from afar.

"They are extras, ignore them," Luu told to Lucas.

"Why did you call them extras?" Lucas asked him.

"Because they aren't important," Luu responded, "they won't even remember us after today."

Lucas didn't want to argue with him and decided to take his word for it. He was going to fight his master, he wanted to see how much he had improved with his strength and abilities.

"When you lose today, take this as an experience to improve today," Luu spoke suddenly, then dropped the bag he was holding on the snow and placing his both hands together he looked at the snowy lake, "we won't need this," he said.

Luu used his magic to melt the snow around him, revealing the water underneath. He bent over and picked up his bag, then walked through the hole he created. Lucas hesitated for a moment but remembered what Luu had said. He stepped through the hole that led underwater.

"Remember your breathing," Luu said, "you'll feel lighter as you descend deeper."

Lucas nodded and slowly descended deeper and deeper. He felt like he was floating almost. He quickly adapted to the new environment, and when he finally reached the bottom, he breathed in deeply.

"You can do it, Lucas," Luu said, "just focus."

Lucas closed his eyes and concentrated. He tried to concentrate on his breathing and his movements. He felt like he was moving through water. He took another deep breath and exhaled. He kept doing this over and over again, taking slow breaths, and increasing his speed with every passing second.

Once he felt comfortable enough, Lucas opened his eyes and began to move. It was hard for him to judge his distance because there was no ground beneath his feet. Lucas turned to the left and moved slowly to the right, trying to find Luu.

He soon felt his hands brush against something and he moved ahead.

"There you are," Luu called out to him as he struck his left foot against Lucas's stomach, forcing him back.

Lucas fell backwards into the water, gasping for air. He tried to get up, but Luu grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him towards him.

"You lost again Lucas," Luu laughed, "how disappointing."

Lucas remained silent and looked away from him. He didn't want to admit the fact that he was defeated. He knew he should have been stronger than his master by now, 'I will show you!' He clenched his jaw and tightened his fist, then spoke.

"I will beat you now, master!"

"Oh really? Then let's begin," Luu said, "here is my sword, now use yours."

Lucas grabbed hold of his own weapon and stood up. He prepared to strike, but Luu held his hand up, telling him to wait. He removed his cape and folded it, then placed it on the snow.

The cape was white and made of cloth. Lucas liked it because it was different from the others. His had a red colour and was woven from animal fur.

Luu smiled and placed his hand on the ground, preparing to absorb some of the water within. Lucas was about to attack but stopped. He wanted to see what Luu was going to do.

"Now," Luu commanded, "strike."

Lucas raised his sword above his head and swung down at Luu. He expected Luu to block his strike, but instead, he blocked it with his own blade.

The water rose up around them and Lucas could see Luu's face clearly. He saw the same smirk he always wore, and his eyes were filled with amusement.

"Ha!" Luu said, "you still underestimate my magic."

Lucas scowled at Luu, not wanting to admit that he had been wrong. He was used to fighting in the arena, where one couldn't use any of their abilities. Now, he was facing his master, who was a powerful sorcerer.

He quickly got used to the changing environment, and he was able to match Luu's movements. He waited for his chance to strike, and when it came, he moved forward and attacked. Lucas was surprised at how strong Luu was, despite being a Sorcerer.

But Luu was still just a novice sorcerer, while Lucas was already a skilled protagonist. He could tell that if he continued to fight Luu, it would be an easy victory.

"Is this all you have?"

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