Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 116 Another?

Lucas did miss his world and especially his own family. His caring mother and protective father, his sick little sister and his video games. Everything was so different now.

"Yeah," Lucas replied, "do you wanna know how it looks out there?"

"Sure, but will never get to see it. I'm just a character, remember?"

"Yes..." He inhaled, "but the outside world is nice," he stared at the sky, "I wish I could see them again."

"Well, I hope you can someday," Luu said, "my ancestors live in a beautiful castle," he pointed at the setting sun, "and there are many pretty flowers."

"Really?" Lucas asked, "I haven't seen any places like that."

"Of course, you have," Luu shook his head, "you just haven't realized yet."

"What do you mean?"

"It's all around us, we just haven't noticed it. There's beauty everywhere we look."

Lucas thought about what Luu had said and took in his surroundings. He was surprised to discover how beautiful everything really was. The leaves on the trees were a bright red, the grass was a vibrant green and the clouds floating in the sky looked fluffy and white.

He stood up and looked at Luu. "You're right, it's all around us," Lucas smiled.

"I am glad to hear that," Luu said, "do you want to keep working or should we call it a day?"

"We can keep practising if you'd like," Lucas smiled.

"Alright, let's get ready," Luu said.

Lucas returned to the edge of the field and saw a few sticks lying near the dirt. He picked them up and waited for Luu to do the same. Once they had both picked up their sticks, Lucas suggested that they use the sticks as weapons.

"We can play some tag," Lucas said, "if you win, then it's your turn to jump rope."

"Sounds fun," Luu agreed.

Lucas and Luu began running around the field, trying to hit each other with the sticks. They played for a while until Lucas won by knocking Luu over. "Finally!" He jumped in the air with both of his hands over his head. "I hate losing," he said as he fell to the ground.

Luu laughed and tried to stand up. He failed and crashed into the ground. "Oh, man," he groaned, "I really lost," he sighed.

Lucas gave him a thumbs up, "good game."

It was a little victory, but that helped him to boost his self-esteem, 'I wish Kali was here.' He wiped the sweat off his forehead when a loud noise made him stop.

"What's that?" Lucas yelled.

"I don't know," Luu replied, "but it sounds close."

"Come on, let's find out where it came from," Lucas said.

"I'll go first," Luu said, "just in case there's something dangerous."

"I should go with you," Lucas insisted with a raised tone in his voice.

"Lucas, please," Luu pleaded, "it might be nothing, but you never know."

Lucas held his breath and followed Luu. They went to the edge of the field and looked down. There was a small pond filled with water. It appeared to be a lake surrounded by trees and bushes.

"Do you think that's it?" Lucas asked as he pointed at the sound.

"Could be," Luu replied, "come on, follow me."

Lucas nodded and they crossed the field. They stopped near the middle of the pond and stared into its murky depths.

"It seems safe enough," Luu said, "let's take a closer look."

"Shouldn't we stay back?" Lucas asked.

"No way, I'm going in," Luu replied, "this is an adventure."

"Okay, but I'm not doing anything," Lucas replied.

"I guess we should go together," Luu said.

They slowly walked towards the edge of the water. Lucas didn't like getting wet, but Luu seemed excited, so he decided to join him. When they got to the edge, Luu crouched down and started to wade into the water. Lucas hesitated for a moment, wondering if this was such a good idea.

Then he saw Luu's smile and felt it was better to trust him than not. "Let's go," Lucas said.

Together, they stepped into the water. It was cold compared to the air temperature and it made Lucas gasp. He quickly put his hands in front of him and tried to get used to the feeling. After a while, he relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of being under the surface of the water.

The current carried them away from the shore, making Lucas and Luu swim faster. Soon enough, they reached the middle of the pond where the water was clearer and deeper. The area was surrounded by rocks and large plants.

"This place is amazing," Lucas said as he looked around, "I've never seen anything like it."

"Me neither," Luu replied, "but something here is not right," he added.

"Maybe we should leave," Lucas suggested.

"It doesn't feel like it," Luu said, "we have to check it out."

"There must be a reason why we're drawn to it," Lucas said, "let's see what's there."

"If you say so," Luu replied, "but let's be careful."

Lucas nodded and they continued their search for whatever was hidden in the lake. They swam through the water for a long time but didn't spot anything unusual. But they couldn't give up. They were determined to uncover the mystery.

After swimming around for a while, Lucas noticed a rock formation sticking out of the water. He pointed it out to Luu and they moved closer to investigate. They could make out a series of caves underneath the rocks. The rocks were strange shapes and colours, but one thing was clear: the cave system was large and complex.

"That's weird," Luu whispered, "why would someone create a maze underwater?"

"Or maybe it's not a maze," Lucas replied, "maybe there's something else we haven't found yet."

"You may be right," Luu said, "let's keep exploring."

Lucas agreed and they kept searching for any sign of life. The lake was quiet and empty. No fish or other creatures hid within its waters.

"How far do you think we are from the entrance?" Lucas asked.

"I can't tell," Luu replied, "the water isn't deep here, so I'm not sure how far the exit is."

"Is it possible that we missed it?" Lucas asked.

"Maybe," Luu said, "but my instinct is telling me that it's not, so let's keep looking."

Lucas had no choice but to agree. They stayed still and observed their surroundings. They barely breathed, trying to make as little noise as possible. A few minutes passed before Lucas spotted something in the distance.

"Long time no see."

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