Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 124 The First One

The battle was supposed to be a simple one to check Lucas's abilities and to see if he was ready to leave the training ground, but some current events changed that and now Lucas was determined to win against anyone, even Luu.

"Hey!" Lucas shouted. "I'm gonna beat you this time!"

Luu smirked. "Yes, you will. But let's start with something easier."

Luu moved away and left Lucas in a training arena on its own. Lucas was confused, but he was also curious about what was going to happen next.

After a moment of silence, Lucas heard a loud noise. It was a bell ringing.

Lucas looked around and saw five guys coming towards him. All of them were wearing black robes. It looked like they had been hit by lightning.

The first guy stood in front of Lucas and bowed down. "My apologies, Hero," he said with a low voice.

"Hero?" Lucas frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"We will have to fight you now," the man replied.

"Are you ready to lose?" Lucas grinned.

"Of course, we are not," the man sneered. "You're nothing compared to us."

"Oh, really? Let's find out." Lucas stood up and faced his opponent.

They both pulled their swords from their scabbards and charged towards each other.

"Alright, this should be easy," Lucas thought. "I'll probably win against these weaklings."

Lucas soon found out that he was wrong. He lost his balance as soon as he released his sword to block one of the man's attacks. He tripped and fell to the ground. He got back up and tried to strike his opponent, but the man easily dodged it, 'damn it!' He clenched his jaw and tried to push through, but the man struck him in the stomach. Lucas fell to the ground again, and he felt his knees crack.

"Looks like I need some more training," Lucas groaned, then slowly stood up again and looked at Luu who was watching him from the white balcony that just appeared behind him.

"We can't have that," the man said as he jumped from the arena, landing right on top of Lucas.

"Ughhh!" Lucas rolled under the man and kicked him in the knee, causing him to fall onto the ground. 'I should summon Renexa, but that's too early!' He thought as he pushed himself back up.

The man quickly picked up his sword and charged at Lucas. Lucas blocked the man's attack, but the force of the blow sent Lucas flying. He hit the wall, which broke, and he fell to the ground.

"You're done!" the man laughed.

Lucas got up and saw one of the men running towards him. He jumped and grabbed him by the neck. He lifted the man off the ground and threw him to another one of the guys.

Lucas quickly jumped to the side and tried to counterattack, but the man blocked his sword with his own. Lucas felt the electric vibration in his arm and shoulder, 'damn it!'

"Damn, you're strong," Lucas mumbled.

"You're done," the man said.

"As if," Lucas pulled his arm away and tried to pull his sword out of the man's hand.

"Wow, you're tough," the man smiled.

Lucas growled and tried to stab him, but the man blocked it, sending Lucas to the ground again, 'fuck! How many times do I need to be flying?' Lucas thought as he tried to stand up.

The man got back up and charged at Lucas. Lucas saw that the man had two swords instead of one. He quickly pulled his sword back and blocked the man's attack, "tttccch" forcingly gritting his teeth, Lucas called out for Renexa, "now!" He shouted when his old friend appeared.

Renexa pulled her fings back and pushed it forward, opening her mouth, she screamed letting squeaking vibration travel through the air. The man's eyes widened and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Great!" Lucas smiled.

Lucas looked up and saw Luu lifting the left corner of his lips, "wooow."

"Told ya' that I would beat you tone day too," Lucas puffed out his chest proudly.

Luu nodded and continued watching the fight.

"Now, I'm ready to go to the academy," Lucas said, he was eager to face the real enemies out there, once he was out of there.

face. His black hair fell over his eyes, making him look like a demon.

"You're good, but you still have much to learn," the man said and pointed his sword at Lucas, "I suggest you train more and come back when you've reached the next level."

"I think, I've trained enough already," Lucas replied with a sarcastic tone as he charged with full force.

"Yah!" Lucas yelled as he swung his sword at the man, who blocked it with his own. Lucas slashed his sword upwards and hit the man's body, making him fall to the floor.

"That's what happens when you don't listen to me," Lucas spoke in a low voice.

"One is out!" Luu shouted from above announcing Lucas's victory.

Lucas looked up and saw Luu waving to him from the balcony.

"You can take five minutes break," Luu spoke loudly, referring to Lucas.

Instead of wasting his energy on talking, Lucas walked out of the training ground and went to the fountain that was nearby. He took a seat next to it and tried to calm down. Then he saw a shadow approaching him.

"It was a bit tough, but I managed," Lucas spoke to the person thinking it was Luu.

An awkward silence filled the area before a young woman approached Lucas, yes, indeed it was a tough battle, but you managed it well. I'm proud of you!" A cute, feminine giggle blessed Lucas's ears. The voice that just spoke was none other's, but the beautiful girl he had be missing the most right now.

Lucas didn't move or say anything, because he was surprised at who was standing next to him. He saw her silver-like hair blowing in the wind, her blue eyes sparkled with excitement and her freckles made her even more gorgeous than before. She looked happy and satisfied, just like always.

She took a step closer, and Lucas held back his emotions. He never expected this to happen, especially not now when he had to focus on his journey to become stronger.

"The way you don't pay attention to me, I'm guessing you don't miss me." Her voice was sweet and gentle yet powerful.

Lucas remained silent.

"Why are you ignoring me?" She asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

Lucas looked down. "I...I missed you, Kali!"

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