Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 128 The Avatar

Lucas entered the arena through the metal doors and looked at the crowd seated on the benches. They were wearing different colours, some blue, some green, and a few reds, 'I guess that's how it is,' he thought and walked towards the middle of the arena.

As he approached, he saw a large platform with four pillars at each corner, standing on top of the surface was a person with long, dark hair that fell to his shoulders. He wore a black robe and a white mask covering most of his face.

"Welcome to my arena." The man spoke in a deep voice. Lucas didn't stop walking.

"Do you wish to proceed?"


"Very well. Do you know how to fight?"

"Yes," Lucas simply nodded.

"Well then, if you want me to teach you, I will. I am the God of Water, Sayu. I command the element of water, and I control all life within the sea. Before you leave this place, you must accept my challenge."

"I accept." Lucas stepped forward and faced Sayu.

Sayu drew the symbol of water on the ground before him, then glared at Lucas. "You may begin."

With a quick gesture, Sayu summoned water from the pond and shot it towards Lucas.

He dodged the attack by jumping aside and spun, rolling on the ground before getting up and running towards the pillars. He jumped, grabbed one of the pillars, and then climbed it. He could see Sayu's figure below him, trying to climb the pillar as well.

Lucas focused his mind and used the pillar as a stepping stone, hopping from one pillar to the next until he reached the top.

"Stop!" The masked man shouted.

Lucas ignored him and kept going, climbing higher and reaching the highest point of the arena. He looked down and saw Sayu standing on the platform. His eyes shone with rage and hatred as he looked at Lucas.

"This is the end for you."

Without warning, Lucas swung his fists and sent waves of water flying towards Sayu. The water hit the masked man straight on and pushed him off his pillar to the floor below.

"Hey!" Sayu yelled in anger as he tried to stand up.

"You should know that I have great strength and speed. It'll take more than just a few attacks to defeat me. But you don't care about that, do you? You're just a mindless fool." Lucas sighed as he watched Sayu struggle to stand.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sayu growled as he clenched his jaw.

"Nothing. I'm just disappointed."


Sayu glared at Lucas for a moment, then looked away. "Why do I feel like that's not true? Maybe it's because you're too blind to see the truth."

"That's enough from you. I don't need your insults."

"You really don't get it. I'm not talking about the fight." Sayu paused and looked back at Lucas. "I'm talking about you."


"Yes. You're a fool who thinks he's stronger than everyone else. Even though everyone knows you're nothing but just a protagonist.  Your pride is getting in the way of your own growth, Lucas." Sayu paused for a moment, and then continued, "and I will crush it. I cannot allow you to continue thinking you can win against me. You're nothing but an insignificant character in a game, Lucas."

Sayu's words stung Lucas' heart, and he felt anger rising up inside him.

"You're wrong."

"Wrong?" Sayu laughed. "I didn't say anything wrong. I said everything that needed to be said. You should listen to what I have to tell you."

Sayu then drew a large circle on the ground before him, then summoned water from the pond and shot it towards Lucas.

"Get out of here!" Lucas dived into the water and swam towards the opposite side of the arena.

Before he knew it, he was already on the other side of the pond and swimming through the other pillars, trying to escape from the angry water god.

As Lucas escaped, he suddenly heard a loud explosion behind him. He turned around and saw that Sayu had blown up one of the pillars with a wave of water.

"Damn it!" He cursed and swam faster.

The loud noise was followed by several more explosions. Soon, the entire arena was filled with water, making it difficult for Lucas to breathe. He struggled to swim, but the water seemed to be getting thicker and heavier. He closed his eyes and prayed, 'please....' He said, but then a realisation hit him, 'this is all just a test! I'm here to collect the avatar and it belongs in the water!'

Lucas opened his eyes and looked ahead. He saw another pillar, floating in mid-air. He swam towards it and grabbed hold of it. Once he got close enough, he jumped onto the pillar and stood on it, giving himself a better vantage point above the pool. He could see Sayu lying on the ground with his arms stretched out. He was struggling to find his footing, as the water around him was pushing him away from the platform.

Lucas looked over his shoulder and saw two pillars flying towards him, headed straight for his head.

Without hesitation, he moved his arms towards the pillars and caught them with his hands. He held on tight and then jumped again, hitting the ground just beside Sayu. He quickly stood up and drew a symbol on the ground before him.

Water shot out of the ground and hit Sayu's body, knocking him off balance. The masked man fell sideways and landed on the platform. With one hand, he held onto the edge of the pillar, while his other hand tried to wipe the water off his face.

"This is it!" Lucas shouted.

"Over there!" Sayu pointed at the pillar.

Lucas rushed towards it and jumped, catching hold of it and pulling himself up. He stood on the platform and looked down at Sayu, who was still struggling to stand up, "so you're the avatar."

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