Raised in Dungeon

Chapter 243 Margareth Albreda Wildenhall

Chapter 243 Margareth Albreda Wildenhall

When Albreda married the king and became his fourth queen, her deepest desire was to have a son who would carry on the legacy and become a future leader. However, Albreda remained childless, while the fifth and sixth queens were blessed with sons who were highly regarded by all. This unfortunate circumstance caused Albreda to constantly feel inferior in the presence of the other queens and nobles. She developed a sense of paranoia as she interpreted their smirks and whispers as mocking remarks about her inability to conceive, even though the king chose Albreda as his wife not only for her beauty but also because he believed she possessed the ability to bear him an heir worthy of continuing his bloodline.

As time passed, she finally became pregnant and gave birth to a child. However, much to her surprise and the expectations of others, the child was a girl who was born with a congenital heart defect. This unexpected turn of events left her feeling both confused and disappointed. Unfortunately, rumors began to circulate suggesting that she had an affair or used amnis to conceive the child. These rumors were clearly false, as her daughter possessed the king's yellow hair and blue eyes. Despite this evidence, Albreda couldn't escape the judgmental glances and disdain from many people, reminding her once again of how she was still looked down upon in their eyes.

That child was Margareth, the 10th prince of Wildenhall Kingdom, and the only child Albreda had until now.

Margareth had been ignored by her mother all her life and was considered a disgrace to her own mother.

'I am an unwanted child,' was how Margareth thought of herself.

Eventually, Margareth had enough of everything. At the age of 9, she came alone to the palace prison and killed one of the criminals with her own hands.

That's where she got her god's blessing.

At her 10th birthday party, everyone in the kingdom applauded her.

"Getting God's blessing at that age, he is indeed a genius child like other princes."

"I knew he was really the king's son, a prince who could make the kingdom better."

"I'm sure he'll surpass his sister Alicia one day."

'What a hairy ape,' Margareth thought at that moment. She glanced at her mother, who was also clapping, smiling at the praise from everyone.

Margareth took a deep breath in front of everyone, and with the most beautiful smile she could put on, she announced:

"I hate the knights, I hate the people, I hate the nobles, I hate my family, and I hate this kingdom. My wish for the future is the destruction of this kingdom, leading it to the beautiful underworld.

For those who hate this kingdom too, I hate you too, so don't expect anything from me; don't think that I will become someone as great as my siblings because all my hopes for this kingdom are nothing more than a desire to bury it."

After Margareth delivered her powerful speech expressing her deep-rooted animosity towards the kingdom, a profound silence fell over the room, abruptly halting the rhythmic applause. It was a moment that left a lasting impact on everyone present. The transformation of Margareth, who had previously been known for her timid and sensitive nature, into an ominous figure reminiscent of an evil princess struck fear into the hearts of all who witnessed it.

Hatred after hatred piled up inside her, making her feel powerful and superior to others. Having a unique character made her feel happy and differentiated her from her genius siblings.

As fate would have it, she crossed paths with Allen and discovered an unexpected connection—a shared, profound loathing.

However, much to her dismay, after three long years of not seeing him, the Allen she once knew had transformed into someone remarkably gentle. The piercing gaze that belonged to him now exuded warmth and tenderness.

In those very eyes, she found herself feeling foolish as they silently conveyed the message that true happiness could only be attained if she were to release her deep-seated animosity, just as Allen had done.

But if she forgot her hatred, what was left of her?

"He must still have that hatred, I'm sure. I will make him feel that hatred again. If I make him my servant, I'll make him come back to his senses. I'll tease him until he hates the whole world again! Maybe I will kill Felicia in front of him. I wonder what would happen to him if I did that."

But that thought was instantly shattered when she saw Allen cooking. She knew right away that there was no way she could bring back that look in his eyes.

"Hey tell me, Allen. How could you lose the hatred inside you? Where did you vent all your hatred?"

Leofric was already dead, and he must have killed many others to vent it all. But no matter how many he killed, it wouldn't be enough. Just like Margareth, who would not feel enough until she could completely destroy the kingdom she hated so much.

'I can't take it anymore... This child, I might as well kill him; if he exists, I feel like my existence in this world is being denied.'

Margareth began to grasp the broken glass.

Allen immediately grabbed her shoulders while bending his head.

"I told you not to touch-"

"You said you were still hungry, right?" Allen asked.

"Yes, so what?"

"You also said that no matter if you're full or hungry, your feelings won't change; you'll still be stressed out because of the hatred you have."

"That's right; I don't care if you believe it or not, my feelings have nothing to do with the food I eat, whether I like the food or not, I will still hate everything to its roots."

Allen lifted his head, looked at Margareth, and said

"Then let's prove it."


"My master said that a hungry person can't think; I'm sure that's true, and I'm sure you're the way you are now because you're hungry.

I will cook you the food you like, and if you like it, you must finish it without anything left."

'Huh, whatever, I'm already tired of dealing with this guy.'

With more tender eyes, Allen said

"Then, after you eat, let's talk.

I'll listen to your problems, and I'll tell you my problems; I'm sure that way we'll understand each other. And I'm sure you will get better when we understand each other."

Allen, in Margareth's eyes, now looked shining and very reliable.

And she thought it was very disgusting.

"No need; I don't care about you anymore," Margareth said. "You don't need to be my servant anymore. I'm tired of dealing with you, go away, don't deal with me anymore."

'How pathethic, how disgusting,' Margareth thought. 'He must be feeling sorry for me; I'm really fed up with people who have that high sense of justice like him.'

"Huh how so!" said Allen, raising his voice slightly.

"You're free, go away," Margareth replied with an unconcerned look on her face.

"No! We need to talk; you can't just let me go all of a sudden."

"Of course I can; I'm the one who gave you the order; now get lost. I'm sick of you continuing to pity me. That justice of yours makes me want to vomit. You don't have to think about me anymore; just go."

Allen then scratched his hair.

"What a stupid princess," he muttered.

"Huh? What did you say just now?" asked Margareth, unconvinced.

"I said you're stupid, an idiot, and so troublesome! I indeed care about you a little because you resemble me back then, but that doesn't mean I really pity you."

"Haha now you're suddenly changing your character? You don't need to provoke me; it's pointless."

"It's because I'm already annoyed with you."

"Of course you're annoyed, I'm doing it on purpose so that you start to grow hatred within yourself-"

"Enough with the hate; I really don't want to hear it!

I'M JUST PISSED because you didn't finish your food!"


"I don't care about you at all; I'm trying to listen to you and engage you in conversation so that you will once again eat my cooking and finish your food!"

"What the hell is that-"

"You're annoying! You're not finishing your food, even though you like it! I don't understand that at all! That's why I made that useless bet. So that you'd actually finish your food."

"I told you that I hate-"

"That's what makes you annoying! You think of useless things! If you like it, then eat it; if you don't like it, don't eat it!"

'This guy—does he really have this kind of personality?' Margareth thought. 'As far as I know, he's a quieter, less expressive person.'

Allen brought his face closer to Margareth while holding her shoulders.


"Remember, today I will cook a new soup for you. Wait at the pavilion in the garden, I'll deliver it in ten minutes! Understood?" Allen asked  with annoyed and angry eyes.

"Wh-what?! I don't-"


"O-okay," Allen's intimidating aura defeated Margareth.

At that moment Allen immediately left the room.

"Remember! Wait in the pavilion! I don't care about your problems AT ALL; you just have to finish your food!"

Then he closed the door violently.

"I remember this feeling; just like Felicia back then. But she's more annoying than her."

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