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7 days ago
The global release of the first of its kind VRMMO is imminent, Yaeger had miraculously gone back in... Read more The global release of the first of its kind VRMMO is imminent, Yaeger had miraculously gone back in time, taking with him all the gaming experience and various strategies. He believed that he could rise to the summit and bring about the miracle of immortality. However, just when the game started…Yaeger: «Wait, why the heck am I forcibly turned into a girl!!!» Collapse Arrogant Characters, Beautiful Female Lead, Fearless Protagonist, Female Protagonist, Game Elements, Handsome Male Lead, Level System, Loyal Subordinates, Lucky Protagonist, Male to Female, MMORPG, Money Grubber, Overpowered Protagonist, Ruthless Protagonist, Second Chance, Strong to Stronger, Sudden Strength Gain, Virtual Reality This has the potential but it is not good. I decided to value my time more and got the courage to drop it on Chapter 88, it were 88 chapters full of redundant/useless information that become useless as soon as it is introduced. The author show us dozens of different items and each one of them have better Stats than the other, but the stats don't serve much purpose because the author doesn't share the Damage done and how much HP the protagonist or the enemies have left, so these stats and percentages might as well not exist.After 88 chapters we were still in the beginner Village. but the MC already has the whole world against him. After ONE day of playing the MC showed how OP he is, and now every secret organization in the World is out for him and its only a matter of time for them to get him. He wasted more than 10 chapters making the MC cause trouble and sell equipments in the Beginner Village, and it stopped being fun by the 3rd chapter of it. Auction Houses? Never heard of it, such a brilliant idea to open a Stall by the road and attract so much troublesome attention.It also makes little sense and it takes a lot of mental gymnastics to convince yourself the story is ok. After a convoluted explanation we understand that the MC went back 3 Years in time and he will finally have his chance to change his destiny and become a Boss, but the moment he opens the game an Anomaly occurs and an extremely powerful entity appears before him and for what? The author made the MC draw the worst prize ever and this entity came to "fix" and probably make the future plot as needlessly complicated as it can. The MC is constantly having a mental battle because his ingame char has been turned into a woman and I honestly expect 0 romance from this novel until 500+ chapters.This novel is pure Nightmare Fuel, it has all the worst elements of VRMMOPG novels where the world is controlled by the rich and as soon as someone stands out they are cut by the root if they don't join the powerful and rich, just thinking of it happening to me I think of deleting myself from existence. Dude was extremely poor and had to hide like a rat because he attracted too much attention with his beauty and some underground organization wanted to make him an escort, then he lived a miserable life until Death. He gets reborn and has his character forcibly changed into a Woman because of the interference of a Powerful Being and now he sleeps not knowing if he will wake up tied up in some basement or straight up die. Произведение для третикласника. Aiyoo How did you post that? And do you know how to edit the spoiler tag so it says anything besides spoiler? Vip lol and for spoiler do this... [spoiler=Destroyerxxx] Destroyerxxx hi like this? Really good novel. Nice comedy and story. Give it a chance and don't trust these comments who are looking for some world breaking supervising novel. I can say after reading novels for years this one is above average at least. I like Rank: C+good more bad I stopped reading at chapter 66 … from that point I already knew I would not enjoy it further. Later I took a peak at chapter 200something Spoilerand I read something about cia searching for mc and him killing their agents … if you are familiar with Chinese novels you know the plot #panic# double chapter Eren Yaeger!!!! How does anyone have interest seeing a guy become a girl? Like why would you be intrigued by that you maniacs. *thinks about redo of healer* Fax Yo!The amount of dislike is just madAre we really reading with fellow humans? Quote: Tian04I was gonna help you out but there is too little chapters bro lets wait for the next guy to remind usGive it a try.. In my opinion it's very good.. But the leveling pace very slow and the story moves very slow.. But it's good It's interesting. I read the raw, it's good to read if you don't have nothing more to read, but you have to lock your intelligence before read this. you have to turn your brain off when reading MTL.....i got to chapter 500 before it became to hard to read......and that was when translated chapters were 30 How do you turn off your brain? I need advice. My brain just keep on thinking and thinking. 1 don't think about how something should or should not happen let it be, 2 go with the flow3 try to piece together the meaning of the chapter when missing 80% of the chapter (looking at you MTL) btw this was forced and not a skim4 get in between the length of a skim and a deep dive when reading I have been enlightened. I see i am happy to see it translated to mid 200's.....but I have already been tainted by MTL up to chapter 600ish Question absolutely nothing. Dude has some random object that was never mentioned? Sure, who cares. Dude somehow has a gun? Questions = 0. Just assume everything works; if the entire plot is filled with plot holes, then the plot holes become the plot Thank you sensei You can also think of it this way; when the plot holes are across the whole field, the whole field is effectively just lowered a few meters, or however deep each hole is, thus continuing to be an even field 'without' plot holes, as the plot holes become the plot itself, you see? Read aloud helped me i usually play on edge aria(female)