Reincarnated With A Divine Bloodline System

Chapter 35: -35- Pride

Chapter 35: -35- Pride

Silas was at first a little worried when the spirit brought up that he wasn't actually human, but after that, he said that it wasn't his business, so Silas sighed in relief.

"You are now the inheritor and disciple of Daoist Silent Sage..." the old man said with a sigh and a look of longing. This old spirit clearly missed its master.

The old man continued, "...With that title comes not only the great power he left behind but also the heavy burden of his regrets and wisdom. His legacy is not just a path to strength, but a cautionary tale—a reminder that the brightest flames burn the quickest if not tempered by patience."

"This is when I would normally tell you about this immortal estate, its creator, and what's expected of you, but I'm aware that you are not alone and that that little mouse will likely become a disciple as well," the old man said, a smile still on his face.

"But first, let me give you back your beast companion."

With a flash, Red was teleported next to Silas.

"Silas, are you ok?" Red asked. He clearly had been worried.

"Yea, I'm fine big brother. Don't worry, I passed," Silas said, wanting to ease his nerves.

Red then flew to Silas's shoulder and began to look around.

"Now that you have your beast companion, it's time to watch your wife and your second beast companion take on the different floors," the old man said.

"Now that I'm an inheritor, can you not just let my wife through?" Silas asked. He didn't see why she would have to challenge the battle pagoda anymore.

"No, while you are now an inheritor of this immortal estate and a disciple of Daoist Silent Sage, you only have so much access to the immortal estate and you cannot do as you please," the old man said.

"However, since she's your wife, if she is strong enough to pass the 7th floor, she will be allowed to enter this place. She will not be able to take advantage of what's inside, but she can enter this grand hall."

'Damn,' Silas thought. He was hoping she might be able to take advantage in some way without passing the 8th floor because he knew she didn't have the strength to do that.

"Kai, you can tell Thea I'm done and she can begin, but tell her not to under any circumstances challenge the 8th floor. She's not strong enough," Silas sent Kai through the system.

"You got it, boss," Kai sent back.


Thea then challenged the floors one by one and soon she was at the 7th floor.

Silas was at first slightly worried that her peak offense wouldn't be enough to break through the formation barrier, but his worries were soon gone.

"Boom!" With one solid attack, Thea broke through the barrier.

Not too long later, Thea was teleported into the large hall.

Thea and Silas both smiled when they saw each other. This had been their goal, their dream for a long time, and now they had done it. They would finally be able to leave the inheritance realm and enter the wider world.

"Congratulations, Thea," Silas said as he walked over to her and gave her a huge hug.

"Thank you, and congratulations to you as well," Thea said. "The spirit told me that if it wasn't for you passing the 8th floor and the fact that I'm your wife, I wouldn't be allowed to enter this place and I would have just been tossed out of the immortal estate into the real world."

Silas nodded his head, seeing no reason to lie, "While you can enter this hall, you can gain nothing else from this place."

Thea still had a smile on her face. "It's fine. As long as I can leave this inheritance realm and enter the real world, then I'm ok with not being able to gain anything from here. My freedom is more than enough for me."

Silas nodded his head, "I'm glad."

"Kai, it's your turn and don't mess around. Give it your all or don't come complaining to me if you fail," Silas sent Kai.

"Got it," Kai said.


As expected of Kai, who was more or less the same strength as Silas now that he had raised his lesser Dao of Cleaving to minor completion, he passed the 8th floor with just a slight struggle.

As Kai teleported into the grand hall, he looked around in amazement.

"Wow, boss, this place is awesome," Kai said, amazed.

The spirit then walked over to Kai and told him the same thing he had told Silas.

"Congratulations on passing the trials and becoming an inheritor of this immortal estate as well as the newest disciple of Daoist Silent Sage."

"To claim your right as an inheritor as well as the disciple of the Daoist Silent Sage, go kowtow three times in front of the throne."

Upon hearing this, Kai had a blank look on his little face, "Boss, I don't want to kowtow even once, but he expects me to do it three times... I'm a divine beast... Hmph!"

This slightly pissed Silas off. Why now of all times did Kai have to let his pride as a divine beast get in the way of things?

"I don't fucking care, just do it. Please, for me, just fucking do it. The spirit of this place is finally starting to like me, don't ruin it. What if you piss him off and he kicks you out of this place and doesn't let you leave this inheritance realm? What will your pride as a divine beast do for you then?" Silas sent back.

"Hmph," Kai raised his head, clearly unhappy. "Fine."

Kai then walked over to the throne. "If I do it in my human form, I guess it isn't as bad. Hmph, three times."

Unlike Silas, who made sure to bang his head three times, Kai just barely touched the ground, not even hard enough to make a sound.

"Hmm..." the old man said with a small frown on his face, "I guess that... will suffice."

"Kai, what the fuck..." Silas sent him.

"Hmph, I did it, didn't I? The master of this place should be happy to have a divine beast like me as a disciple, not the other way around. Hmph hmph," Kai sent back, clearly still frustrated.

After that, Silas heard some noise to his left and right, so he quickly looked around.

"Treasure Hall"

"Battle Hall"

"Divine Abilities Hall"

"Insights Hall"

There were now four halls, two on each side of the main hall.



[A/n: I changed some of the ranks it now goes:

1. Mortal

2. Transcendent

3. Revolving Core

4. Golden Core]

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