Reincarnation Sim Game

Chapter 134 134 – The Big Lizard

“Are you sure about all that, Erbau?” I asked the god of building again.

The god’s voice came from my game UI. “That’s right, Ray. That’s all I know. I think the other gods would say the same about the elves.”

“I see.” I rubbed his face. Before Erbau, Frei had told me more or less the same thing. “Goodbye, Erbau. I’ll contact you if I have any other questions. Thanks.”

“No problem, Ray. Just call me again if you need anything else. Bye.” After saying that, Erbau hung up the call.

I tried to contact Renee one more time, but that woman still didn’t pick up.

At times like this, I think that it turns out that a god is not as mighty as it is depicted in various things.

My finger, which was about to close the UI, stopped moving. My mouth couldn’t hold back the laughter anymore. Isn’t this just a game? Why do I think like that?

My UI beeps again. This time there was a voice message from Levi, one of the two supreme beings in charge of the realm of gods..

I frowned when I heard Levi’s explanation. All these stories from the gods made no sense, and I was becoming increasingly clueless.

What the hell happened.


After getting up early and having breakfast, Vilja and her friends continued their journey. It only took them about three hours to reach their destination: a river bank with large stones. The place is similar to where Raymund’s servants met Kimi, but without the large waterfall.

“Be aware of your surroundings.” Vilja whispered as she and the others walked in that place, following Mona and Kaine sniffing down. “The monster could be anywhere.”

Kaine stopped behind a rock the size of a sheep, staring at Vilja but not barking. The wizard signaled to her companions to hide behind the stones. Yua and Elise peeked and found a giant lizard twice the size of an adult with greenish scales.

“That’s…” Elise gulped when she noticed the holes in the creature’s back and head.

“Are you okay, Elise?” Raymund asked.

Elise took a breath, signaling her master with a thumbs up.

“How long are we going to be like this, Vilja?” Marko hissed, sounding impatient. “We’re not going to attack it by sneaking behind it, right? That’s suicide.”

“I know. Give me time to observe for a moment.” Vilja grumbled, continuing to observe the lizard. The beast was crawling near the river. After a few seconds, the woman gave the order. “Okay, let’s go.”

While Marko jumped over the rock forward, the others ran away from the spot.

“Come here, ugly lizard!” The red-haired warrior spread out his arms. “Fight me!!!”

The salamander growled, and the holes in its back and head shot up orange flames.

“Oops!” Marko laughed, running away from the monster who started chasing him.

In no time, the lizard was able to get close to Marko, even though the red-haired warrior wasn’t a slow runner.

Once he was in the forest area, Marko hid in one of the trees. The plants weren’t too close together, and the ground was also flatter, so it was definitely a better place to fight than the rocks by the river.

Vilja shot chunks of ice from the top of a tree. However, the lizard managed to dodge the attack.

Of course, the adventurers weren’t done yet. An arrow from Henrik shot up, exploded in midair, and showered the monster with other, smaller arrows. The lizard couldn’t dodge this time, but none of those things could penetrate its skin.

Now it’s Elise’s turn. She came out from behind one of the trees, immediately ran, and thrust the tip of her sword forward.

Charging thrust.

However, the lizard jumped and caught the blade of Elise’s sword with its mouth. The monster’s teeth managed to destroy the female warrior’s weapon with one bite.

Elise fell to her knees, but luckily Yua attacked from another direction. In one fell swoop, the woman seemed to perform multiple sword slashes at once.

Thousand slashes.

Unfortunately, those attacks only inflicted a few superficial wounds on the monster’s skin. But that doesn’t mean the kunoichi’s attack was in vain. The monster staggered.

Marko took advantage of that by jumping and swinging his giant sword. Again, the lizard was able to dodge, and this time it shot a fire ball at the man, who was forced to block with his weapon.

Marko and Yua then cooperate with each other to continue attacking their enemy. The red-haired man gave a powerful and explosive attack, while the kunoichi made consecutive slashes.

“Give me that, sir.” Elise made a request, throwing her now shattered sword.

“Are you sure, Elise?” The master asked.

“I have no other choice.” The female warrior continued to watch the fight while kneeling. The lizard kept getting pushed and was having a hard time dodging. “And I think I can fight better with that sword. As long as you don’t use blood steal, I don’t think it’s a problem.”

“In that case, okay.” Moments after Raymund said that, a wisp of mist appeared above Elise’s head. Then, the female warrior’s dark sword fell from there.

Elise wasted no time. As soon as she caught that sword, she joined the fight. The female warrior managed to give three slashes to the lizard, who was not ready for her arrival. This time, the attacks managed to injure the monster.

After receiving another swing from Marko that sent it flying into the air, the lizard received several more slashes from the kunoichi.

And Elise was already prepared with her moves. She ran with the tip of the sword down. As soon as the lizard lay on the ground, the woman moved her sword from below towards the top, forming a curve.

Rising slash.

Unfortunately, before the move was fully executed, the lizard’s back let out a gigantic, deafening explosion. Elise, Yua, and Marko were instantly blown away. Raymund’s two servants hit a tree but survived thanks to their magical armor. Meanwhile, Marko was writhing on the ground with a body full of fire.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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