Reincarnation Sim Game

Chapter 146 146 – The Supreme God

What? Why did she become a candidate for a servant?

A notification appears at the bottom of the screen.

[Do you want to make Kimi Laitinen your servant? If you choose yes, then you can’t select a regular servant from the earth at this point]

My servants have already carried out five missions after I chose Yua, so after this, Osiris will come to me for the selection of a new candidate.

A man with a thick beard entered my place. “Looks like your mission is over, huh? I sensed something was wrong here, so I came.”

“Lord Levi.” I lowered my body slightly because I recognized that man’s voice. “Welcome to my humble place.”

My two servants also stood up and paid their respects..

“Don’t be like that. I am indeed your leader, and use this…” Levi pointed at the golden crown on his thick black hair. “…but I want you to think that I’m your equal. Maybe you can’t get rid of the word Lord. It’s okay because others are used to it too, even though I’m not a fan of it. However, you really need to stop such gestures of respect.”

“So, what are you doing here, Lord Levi?” I asked that man who was wearing a red king-like robe and his face was full of wrinkles

“Is her that anomaly?” The leader of the gods glanced at Kimi, who was still lying on the floor.

“Well, I can explain it to you,” I respond. This is my chance to ask about various things. “That’s if you don’t mind.”

“Please.” Levi sat cross-legged on the floor. “I want to hear it.”


Mona has changed into her human form and is sleeping near Elise’s temple as usual. Meanwhile, Kimi lies on Elise’s bed, accompanied by the female warrior and the kunoichi.

“Well, I was surprised when I found out that there was a prayer that appeared in that land of mist. Finally, the mystery that the gods couldn’t solve was answered.” Levi nodded after listening to my explanation. “Just so you know, I gave the missions to you.… Well, technically, I didn’t do it… I just set up some kind of system that would select prayers that fit the desired criteria.”

So, some kind of algorithm?

“What kind of criteria are they?” I raised an eyebrow.

Instead of answering right away, Levi folded his arms across his chest. “I’m not sure whether you deserve this information or not. After all, you’re a newcomer with little proven ability.”

“What do you mean? Isn’t it…” I choked. “Aah, you sent Anja to keep an eye on me, right? She will report various things to you. Then, based on that, you will consider whether I deserve to know the truth or not.”

“You’re smart, but unfortunately, the God of merchants still calls her for other jobs sometimes. Meanwhile, finding someone else who isn’t suspicious is very difficult. I’m afraid you’re sharp like your predecessors and can sniff it out easily.” Levi snorted and was silent for a moment. “Aah, now that I think about it, it’s unfair that you don’t know anything. Alright, I’ll tell you. My system sends missions that might relate to one of your predecessor’s former servants.”

I squinted. “My predecessor’s servant? Is that the scarlet wizard? She is also called Akaimajo, right? Her name appears several times.”

The supreme God snapped his fingers. “That’s right! Scarlet Abigail Monaghan or Scarlet Wizard, or… She has many names… Well, even if your servants haven’t been able to defeat her, at least they can investigate.”

So, that’s her real name.

“What did she do to attract the attention of the gods?” I continue my questioning.

“It’s simple.” Levi wore a big smile. A smile that gives off a mysterious impression. “She ran away from the previous Raymund and wanted to be a god like us.”

It’s not simple at all.

“Don’t ask about her motives.” The leader of the gods raised one hand up to his face. “I didn’t know that. Your predecessor didn’t want to tell me. He argued that it would cause a stir in the realm of God.”

“I see.” I rubbed my chin while looking at the floor, thinking for a moment. “Could it be that she researched how to get god-like powers?”

“Yeah. About some hundred years.” A sigh escaped Levi’s mouth. “She was honestly a concern for us for a long time. So, when I found out that you had risen again…. I mean, when you appeared as the new God of hope, I immediately gave you those missions.”

“I don’t understand, Lord Levi.” I shook my head. “Why? Why me?”

My leader shrugged. “Because you are lord of hope, your desire to help Levidna’s living beings is so great that it makes you develop a power. A power to send servants who can help those who pray.”

I turned to my pond of magic. So, that represents my power as a god of hope? Well, it was my predecessors who had a strong desire to help the prayers, not me.

“One more question, sir,” I spoke again after we had been silent for a while. “All the power of being a god is related to magic, right? Why don’t you ask the God of magic to stop the Scarlet Wizard from performing the ritual to obtain the power of the God?”

“Actually, it is a form of pure energies, which can become magic, or become the divine aura that we have, and so on.” Levi’s tone became more and more serious. “Yeah, you’re right. Everything would be easier by asking the God of energy for help. The problem is, we haven’t been able to find that God yet for years.”

The statement surprised me again. “Can you use the ritual in that mist-covered land to pinpoint them? Perhaps that elf wizard got that massive energy from the God of energy, right?”

“Yeah, some of my servants are already on the move looking for him… Or her.” Levi rose from the floor. “I have to go. I still have a lot of work to do. Bye, Raymund. I wish you success in your next missions.”

“I still have some questions, Lord Levi.” I also stood up. “Why did you establish a cooperative relationship with Earth to send souls…”

“That’s a story for another day.” Levi waved his hand as he walked away. However, just as he was about to enter the mist, he looked at me again. “Ah, you’d be better off keeping the elf. Maybe she could provide analysis and insight into the rituals to gain that god-like power. She’s done it before, after all. But, don’t tell others who she really is, or the gods will be anxious. They are afraid if any beings from below could come into this realm. They feel their position is threatened.”

“Ah…” I didn’t have time to give a proper response, but that supreme God had walked into the mist.

To be honest, something is still bothering me. Was that man really the supreme god, the leader of the gods and goddesses in this realm? Why can’t I feel something special about him? There’s no overwhelming charisma or intimidating aura. He really is like the other gods I’ve ever met.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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