Systemless in a Parallel World

Chapter 73 Search

At first, Zayn didn't really want to listen to the gossip around him and the young receptionist, who seemed to be Silas from the Levian family, but that was quite literally impossible.

The voices around him were too loud for someone with one Soulring to ignore. While the biggest use of soul particles was an amplification in strength, the accumulation of soul particles was actually something that created an overall enhancement in the entire being. This also meant that Zayn's senses improved the more soul particles he amassed and the more Soulrings he was able to create.

"Is Silas serious right now? What a dork…"

"This idiot is a disgrace for the Levian family, but his sister is even more so…still, I never expected Silas to be influenced and change so much just because of his sister…"

"To think that he could change that much after treating his sister like trash in the first place. He was the first to abandon his sister for being a Normie…what a hypocrite…"

Zayn wasn't really interested in the gossip of the Blessed around him. His focus was on the form in front of him. He filled it out while the receptionist, Silas, was fidgeting with something behind the counter. Silas was trying to keep his calm but he noticed that Zayn was staring straight into his eyes after he was done filling out the blanks of the form.

"I didn't abandon her…I tried to help, but ended up doing the wrong things…" Silas mumbled to himself but Zayn heard him.

Zayn continued to stare at the young receptionist for a few seconds before he gave him a shrug.

"Everyone has their own circumstances. Who am I to judge you?"

There was literally no reason for Zayn to judge anyone. He had done worse things than Silas and he would do much worse in the future as well. Zayn didn't want to think about it, but he knew that not all Gods, let alone Blessed would allow him to grow unhindered. He would turn into a threat for society as it existed right now.

That meant he would have to fight his way through the human territory, to either leave it in the future or create his own domain in the human territory. He didn't really feel like dwelling on it right now since it was something that could happen in the far future.

Silas looked at Zayn for a few seconds before he sighed in an inconspicuous manner. It was a sigh of relief that Zayn noticed.

It didn't take long before Zayn's Adventurer ID had been created. The card was made out of a somewhat flexible and durable material that felt similar to plastic. It looked just like an ordinary ID card, which was enough reason for Zayn to smile oddly as a sense of familiarity overcame him.

He required a few seconds to get back to his senses.

"Do you know where I can find a good but not overpriced Inn that accepts Normies?" Zayn asked Silas who required a few senses to regain his composure as well.

He cleared his throat, retrieved a map of the city, and showed him a few places where he could find a good place to stay and rest for a decent price.

Zayn was thankful for Silas' help but he was also extremely tired. He hadn't gotten much sleep in the last week and it was about time for him to get his well-deserved sleep in a comfortable and cozy bed.

He was ready to leave after he paid for the registration fee as an Adventurer when Zayn stopped in his tracks for a moment.

"The Adventurer Hall will open with the first rays of the sun, right?"

Silas nodded his head in response to the question. That was enough of an answer for Zayn. He left the Adventurer Hall and found his way to the closest of the few Inns which Silas had recommended to him. The Innkeeper frowned upon seeing Zayn but he allowed him to lodge a room.

That was everything Zayn needed, in addition to some food and water. He ordered that as well, took a nice hot shower, ate his fill, and went to sleep with a satisfied smile on his face.

When the sun rose, Zayn woke up from bed as well. Stretching his body a little, he quickly readied himself.

A quick shower and a light breakfast later, he stepped out of the Inn without any further ado. Now that he was full of energy, it was about time for Zayn to do what he came for.

It didn't take long before he found himself back inside the Adventurer Hall. The atmosphere was much lighter than the day before and it was much brighter in the hall as well.

'I will take that as a good omen,' Zayn told himself as he approached the counter.

Interestingly enough, he found out that Silas had a double shift which was quite nice. Zayn was not exactly sure what the staff had to do once the Adventurer Hall closed for the night, but it was probably some sort of clerical work such as counting money and making sure that everything was reported properly. There were probably a few more things the staff had to pay attention to, but it was not as if Zayn had to know everything.

"Welcome back. You really came with the sunrise," Silas greeted him with the same calm demeanor. Zayn could also see a subtle smile on his face.

'Seems like he was doing fine in the last few hours.'

Zayn nodded in return before he came to a halt in front of the wooden counter.

"Can I take a look at the listed Instructors of the Adventurer Hall? I am looking for someone to teach me the most fundamental steps of training in Martial Arts. It would be best if there would be a Martial Artist who is adept at using blades, and it would be even better if it's not necessary to use soul particles when fighting," Zayn requested with a little hope gleaming in his eyes.

He was not sure what to expect but he hoped for the best.

Yet, even before he could take a look at the list that Silas retrieved from somewhere behind the wooden counter, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Kiddo, how about my Sword Style?"

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