The First King of Beasts

Chapter 28 River Of Death

In just three days, Dustin had succeeded in drawing out the full advantages of the sacred levelling up ritual.

[Tamed Monsters]


-Horned Boar

-Wild Wolves (20)+


[Horned Boar]

Rank: E

Favourability: High

Hp: 100

Mp: 50

[Skill tab]




Thick skin (F)


[Wild Wolves]

-Wild wolf

Rank: E

Favourability: High

Hp: 100

Mp: 50

[Skill tab]



-Wild wolf

Rank: E

Favourability: High

Hp: 100

Mp: 50

[Skill tab]



-Wild wolf (17)

Rank: F+

Favourability: High

Hp: 100

Mp: 40

[Skill tab]




With these terrifying process, Dustin had ranked up three beasts from F rank to E rank, in three days no less. Now that the beasts were E rank, they now displayed 'unable to increase rank.'

Apart from the three now E rank beasts that had advanced in rank, the remaining 17 wolves had not been able to rank up, but had reached the highest point of their rank, hence the F+. This meant they were at pseudo E rank level.

Another benefit Dustin had enjoyed was the passive cultivation of exp he got whenever one of the beasts made a kill. In total, he managed to harvest over 10,000 exp. Naturally, as the beasts got stronger, the frequency at which Dustin was getting experience points reduced, and after a while he no longer got any.

"This is almost too good. Is my existence not that of a cheat? Like a bug in a game." As the thought excited Dustin, it also made him think.

If a bug appeared in a game, the producers would simply launch a patch, or an update that would fix it, or get rid of it. If the gods were the producers in this world, and he is the bug, doesn't that mean they would also try to get rid of him? This spawned another thought. Just how powerful were said gods?

Surely, the gods are not stupid enough to hand out power great enough to threaten their own self. Thinking about this, Dustin couldn't help but curse his good luck. 'Doesn't this mean I'll be targeted? I'll have to do something about this. But that can wait for now, though.'



Level: 16 (2,710/7,430)

Name: Dustin

Title: Progenitor, Slaughterer


Nature: Cold-Blooded

Hp: 1,080

Mp: 1000


Strength: 26

Agility: 32

Sense: 26

Vitality: 26

Intelligence: 21

Unallocated stat point: 51

[Skill tab]

Passive: Bloodlust (A)

Active: Taming Master (A), Reality Manipulation (A)


Dustin had once again gotten a little stronger. 'Something is urging me to tame as much of these guys as I should. That reminds me..'

"System, how many beasts can I tame using my skill?" Dustin asked.

This question, though unknowingly, was an excellent question. He was about to learn something very important.

.. 'Using your skill 'Taming Master', you can tame a total of a thousand monsters at once. Without the skill, there is no limit, really.' The system answered, with a cool voice.


"I guess I can tame without the system, never thought of it."

Just as planned, Dustin entered a taming spree, and in the course of nine days, maxed out his capacity, 1000/1000.

[Tamed Monsters]


-Horned Boar

-Wild Wolves (998)+


Amongst this wolves, he continuously untamed and tamed almost every wild wolf he can across, and in the end was able to add 5 more wolves that could evolve into E rank, and over 300 that were able to reach F+. "This will be very useful. I can always remove the useless ones and add a stronger one.. Actually, I should remove up to 20 of these guys at the lowest rank, and leave those spaces vacant."

Dustin had accomplished a small goal, and now had the urge to start pushing forward once more. He could feel himself close to the destination, so he just wanted to get there already. He resumed his travel, and not long after, over the spun of some days, he reached a challenge.

Though this was a challenge, at least, it was meant to be, it was just another easy pick for Dustin. The insanely large gorge of water before him, that spun out as wide as a lake cut through the land and separated the two sides of the land. Even after looking left and right, Dustin couldn't see its end. In simple terms, it was a huge river.

"This was definitely meant as a challenge, and an incredibly insane one at that." Dustin said, as he traced his steps backwards until he had given a considerable distance between himself and the river banks.

Dustin pushed his back leg into the ground, readying for an explosive take off. When he released himself, he shot forwards and towards the banks, then jumped, in attempt to leap over the river.

For a while, it looked like he would reach the other side, but life was imbalanced. Even with all his jump, Dustin had gotten only so much further from the half point. The river seemed to be even wider than initially thought by Dustin. He begun descending rapidly in to spread out river body, like a catapult over the cities wall.

'Sshit, I won't make it.'

As Dustin descended and got closer and closer to the river, he noticed an enormous shadow move past, inside the river, but still close enough to make out it's figure. The figure of this monster was so clear, it was an humongous snakelike creature.

Seeing this creature forced Dustin to activate his taming skill, and immediately, he could see the beasts within the vicinity, and he could also sense them.

"Fuck..." Dustin was speechless. The entire radar map was covered red. 'Just how many monsters are there!?'

Using his skill, and not wanting to take the risk and carryout any impromptu experiments, Dustin immediately took control over the army of monsters, just before he crashed into the water.


Dustin crashed hard into the river, and what he saw inside it's almost murky water caused to almost breathe in water. These monsters in the water, were snakes. Thousands of snakes that continuously swarmed around each other, and through the entire river.

'Fucking hell. This is a blatant death trap!'

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