The First King of Beasts

Chapter 38 Swim Fest III/Sacrifice

Kane didn't quite understand what Benny was on about, but whatever hope he had left in his mind caused him to anticipate. Was Benny really onto something here? Or was it something else.

Benny himself had calmed down his excitement and returned to his normal expression. For whatever reason, he didn't want the other people around to notice anything, or get any idea that there might be hope. 'I don't need everyone depending on me, not yet. And if possible, not ever.' Benny said in his mind, as he scanned through the vast crowd of people silently.

"Hey kid, come over here." Benny said to Kane. 'Just what type of heart this kid has, I don't know. And how hardened that heart is, is also a mystery. I can't read minds.' Benny said mentally.


"Cut that shit, call me by name." Benny said, a bit irritably.

"Ah, ok. You said you had found a way to get to the other side? Is that possible?" Kane asked.

"Hmm. How close are you to your team?.. You are the leader, right?" Benny asked, his tone coated with a sliver of seriousness, as if he was about to reveal the biggest spoiler of a movie.

Without wasting much time thinking about the question, Kane answered, "all of them." He said, then became silent, awkwardly staring at Benny for a second.

"Well, not all of them, at least it's not that deep. But, my sister is also part of the group, and I cherish her."

'Smart kid.. He might have caught on to something.'

"Hmm. The plan I have is going to require some people to be sacrificed for the greater good-"

Benny continued explaining his plan to Kane. All in all, according to his assumptions, the shark doesn't attack until at least two people get close to the banks on the other side, and it always attacks from behind, or the middle. This observation, he was able to do after witnessing the monster's attack twice. His plan was to get as much people into the river, and naturally, sacrifice some for the others to escape.

After listening to Benny's deduction and plan, Kane didn't know exactly what he should do. It sounded viable, but sacrificing others for his own life? That was a bit much. As Benny looked at him contemplating and over-thinking it way too much, Benny couldn't help but get a bit disappointed.

'Did I expect too much from this kid?' Benny thought. Just then though, Kane's face turned serious all of a sudden, and he turned to Benny.

"I'm in. But-"


"Can you guarantee my sister's safety? And mine."

"You idiot, will I ask you to help me and then allow you to die?..."


"I see your point. You will be safe. We will be the ones taking the lead after all, and others will have no issue with that, as they too will be too scared to go forward." Benny said as he continued to explain the plan to Kane.

The plan was a brilliant one, but even as it seemed feasible in thoughts, getting people to follow them was another thing entirely. Everyone there had just witnessed the group of women get murdered by the monster, no amount of persuasion would convince them to jump straight to their deaths.

"First of all, we need a way to make them listen to us, somehow. Maybe we can bring a few people in on this?" Kane suggested.

Actually, Benny had also been thinking of this, but now it was certain. Such a plan would be hard to carry out alone with just two of them, against the mass.

They began scouting for someone who would fit their description, and surely, before the day ran out, they found the perfect person for the job.

"Your Nick right? DO you understand everything I've said?" Benny asked their new companion.

"Yes, I get it. So, it'll be me to drive the monsters towards here, or I guess it will be more of baiting them." Nick said.

"Yes, you up to it right?"


Everything was finally in place for their plan to succeed. That night, Nick sneakily left the place where everyone was gathered, around the river, and headed back into the forest. While he was on his own mission, Benny and Kane prepared on their end, as Kane went to inform his sister that they would be leaving that night. He didn't explain the specifics, but the trust between the siblings was strong, he needed not to.

"Everything's set." Kane said.

"Good. Now, all we have to wait for is Nick to take care on his end, and we'll see how this thing goes." Benny replied, his eyes cold, anticipating the happenings to come.

Time passed by really slowly for Benny and Kane as they waited for Nick who seemed to be taking all the time in the world. When midnight came close, three wolves and one ape attacked the site, but because of the number of people present, the monsters were taken care off without any hiccups.

"It's time. Let's get into position." Benny said, as they moved towards, closer to the river.

It didn't take long, before Nick returned, and behind him came running tens upon tens of monsters. The area near the river didn't get frequent monster attacks, but it didn't mean it was a safe zone. With a bit of work perhaps, Nick had managed to lure quite the number of monsters. The number of people by the river were at least something close to 70 or so, but compared to the number of monsters Nick brought, they surely would get slaughtered.

'This guy's actually pretty useful. He managed to bring so many. Is his special ability monster baiting? The plan sure won't go to waste.' Benny thought, as a trace of smile appeared on his face.

"What is that idiot doing! How did he get so many to tail him!" Someone shouted. The place was beginning to get a rowdy.

Benny immediately called everyone's attention and tried to persuade everyone to get into the river and swim to the other side. Unlike how he pictured it in his head, it wasn't working as well as he planned. The people seemed to want to fight the swarm of monsters than face whatever the fish monster in the river.

'Shit!' Benny cursed. He was scrambling his brain at this point, trying to find a way to get everyone to follow his plan, when Nick screamed.

"Everyone! Run! Run for your damn lives if you don't want to die!!" Nick screamed, as he ran into the crowd of people. "There's one deadlier than the monsters we have seen before!" Nick said, as he gasped for air.

"We have to get out of here fast. There's something more terrifying than these things coming." Nick warned, as he placed his hand on Kane' shoulder trying to catch his breath.

Nick's team had ran towards him at this point, and without thinking too much about it, he began heading towards the water. Without hesitation, he jumped in and started swimming. The people observing him while also keeping their eyes on the approaching monsters couldn't process why he would so willingly jump into the river, even Benny.

'What is he talking about?'

Just then while everybody was still contemplating, a loud roar broke through the forest trees and unto the ears of everyone. The roar must have had something in it, as merely hearing it sent everyone into chaos mode, this coupled with the monsters that had reached them and started attacking.

"We have no other choice." Someone screamed in fear, as they dashed for the river.

In this state of confusion, rash decisions were made so easily without much of a thought as to the consequences, as many ran towards the river without thinking, and out of fear for what was coming. By this time, Benny, Kane, and his sister had already joined Nick and were at the front of the line.

People stared jumping into the river without looking back, and it wasn't till after they had gotten in that they realised what they had done. They were now in the river, where that terrifying monster lurked underneath. They couldn't go back since if they did they would die, and they for sure couldn't stay in the water, so everybody could only pick one choice. Swim as fast as could to the other side, and hope they are lucky enough.

Surely, after a while Benny and his little group reached the other side of the river, and the monster also had yet to attack. More people came, and after about 10 people reached the other side safely, just as Benny predicted, the shark monster showed its face.

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