The First King of Beasts

Chapter 80 [Bonus ] New Stat

As it would continue, he would have to continue feasting on the meat, and from what he knew, the better the quality, the worse it's taste was. Seriously, he wasn't looking forward to the next batch at all!

Eir mostly spent his time lazing around, as he virtually had nothing to do. Most of his work was already being carried out automatically. While he lay on the ground around the humongous snakelike creature doing nothing most of the time, this time.. 'yeah, he clearly doesn't look like someone who is going to fight anything.' Dustin said in his mind.

According to Eir, it would take at most a day before he was back, so during that time Dustin had nothing to do than to just wait there till Eir returned. During that time, Dustin was actually planning to look into something else. Eir did say that with enough practice, he would get better at using his sixth sense and improve on it, so that was what he was going to focus on during that short period. Maybe it was because of the system, Dustin really didn't ever try to develop any skill on his own. He had thought about it as he had a theory of his own played out in his mind, but he never tried it out at all. Remembering that, he made a mental note to try his theory out at a later date.

Some hours later, and Eir sprung unto his feet, and after a few stretches, "I'll be leaving now."

"Alright, see ya later."

Eir gave Dustin a little nod, then slowly a whirling circle of light and whatever it was made out of appeared before Eir, and he stepped into it. The light from the portal wasn't enough to illuminate much of its surrounding, but with the miniscule amount, Dustin caught a glimpse of Eir's form just before he went through the portal. Maybe if he opened him eyes in time he would have been able to see it in more detail, but he was late and only opened his eyes as he thought about the man was going to reach wherever he was going. Since he spent the time in total darkness these days, he always kept his eyes closed as it was much more comfortable that way, and there was no reason to open them even. As for Eir's form, it was, if not exactly, then close to what he thought it would be.

"Alright, let's see.." Dustin said as he sat up with one hand on the ground supporting him. Good thing his body had grown accustomed to the raw meat and adapted, if it were during the first weeks he wouldn't have even dared to sit like he was currently.

Dustin popped open the system screen and looked at it, which was something he hadn't done in a while. As there was nothing to kill nor were there any new additions to his skills except for the sixth sense, there was actually no reason for him to open up the system. To make things worse, the system seemed to have lost its sentient nature, and was just like any other system he would see in a video game. 'At least, its still unique after getting such a harsh downgrade.' Dustin thought. Compared to the system others got which only displayed a little information about their stats and state, nothing else was there, definitely not even worthy of being called a test programme compared to his which allowed him to get stronger just by distributing stat points. Such a godly cheat.

Much to Dustin's surprise however, after he opened his system, his eyes immediately caught on to the change in his stats, which he was sure wasn't as a result of him distributing any extra stat points into anything, or was his mind playing trick on him?

'I really don't remember doing anything like this? Or did I perhaps add some in here during the fight with the night crawlers back then?' He said to himself as the thought passed his mind. As though that was not enough, just below that was something different entirely, and for this one Dustin was a hundred percent sure his system had never had this stat. 'What the fuck happened to my system?'

Right now, Dustin's system read...


Level: 19 (1,190/12,130)

Name: Dustin

Title: Progenitor, Slaughterer


Nature: Cold-Blooded

Hp: 1,230

Mp: 1,150


Strength: 37

Agility: 40

Sense: 32

Vitality: 30

Constitution: 5

Intelligence: 31

Unallocated stat point: 34

[Skill tab]

Passive: Bloodlust (A), Sixth Sense (E)

Active: Taming Master (A), Reality Manipulation (A)


As from what Dustin could remember, his vitality stat was 28 the last time, and there was no constitution stat to begin with. He never knew the system could under go such changes. 'This new stat, is the demonic energy really influencing the system too?' Dustin thought. Eir always spoke about the meat strengthening his constitution and something like that, but for that same constitution to appear in his system, Dustin couldn't help but think if he actually didn't have any constitution before, or whether this one was special.

Also, the idea to just pump in a few undistributed stat points into the new constitution stat was very present, and Dustin had to refuse the urge no matter what, as he could think of a couple of ways that could make things go wrong. So far Eir felt like a good guy and like he wouldn't actually hurt Dustin, and there was absolutely no reason to antagonize him, but then again, one can never be too sure.

The knowledge of the system was going to stay a secrete for now, and if there was no reason for him to expose it, then it would stay that way. If Eir was to somehow find out about it later though, then so be it. After all, Dustin could tell that whatever it was Eir was planning, he seemed to be an important piece of that plan, so he still at least had the grace of many years to come.

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