The Lone SF Transmigrator in the Otherworld Forum

Chapter 72: World

Chapter 72: World

"Anyway, I have to do as I'm told."

Selena began pushing Karma into her 'Dream World' Authority.


The sensation of her entire soul being sucked in. But at the same time, the feeling of conceiving and creating a new world was a privilege that only she could experience.





As the amount of Karma Points invested increased, the Dream World became more solid and detailed.

By the time over 100 million points of Karma had been invested, beads of sweat formed on her forehead.


Like a child struggling to properly wield a heavy iron sword, she was already feeling her limits.

But she had endured this much before.

Selena bit her lip after checking her balance.

At this rate, who knows when it will end.

Although there was no need to finish quickly, this was an order from none other than the 'Cosmic Emperor'. She couldn't drag it out indefinitely.

Her strong fear of the Oradge strengthened her resolve.

"Even if it's a bit reckless..!"

She began to increase her speed with the help of various artifacts and the machinery he had sent.

By the time over 10 billion Karma had been invested, she felt like she wanted to lose consciousness.


"Ugh! The performance is... too..."

The machinery built according to the blueprints sent by the Oradge.

Of course, she hadn't installed it herself. It was the work of the great Sir Worker(?).

Was that why?

The performance was too excellent, far too excellent.

So much so that even if she wanted to faint, she couldn't!

Whenever it seemed a bit dangerous, numerous mechanical devices around where she sat moved busily as hologram numbers changed rapidly.

The entire space's machinery caressed her in ways she couldn't even comprehend.

Before she knew it, she would feel fine again.

Is this really okay?

It felt like being forced to run even when she wanted to walk.

She was anxious, but what else could she do!

There was no choice but to run like crazy!

Contrary to her thoughts, she couldn't design the 'Dream World' with precision.

Increasing stability, focusing on resilience and expandability, or setting themes full of her preferences.

She couldn't even dream of such things.

Just cramming in the massive amount of Karma was overwhelming enough.

Before she knew it, she had surpassed 100 billion points.

Endure it. I must endure it.

When else would she have such an experience? Given the full support she was receiving, this experience probably couldn't be bought with money.

As she continued to push in Karma endlessly for days on end, expanding the 'Dream World'...

She sensed that something had gone wrong.

From the place connected to the coordinates he had given her, something massive began to cross over.


An alien silver energy, somehow different from the Karma she was handling.


Flustered, she tried not to lose control, but once the influx of this alien energy exceeded a certain level, even that became difficult.

To avoid losing control, she drastically increased the amount of Karma input.

She was able to regain her balance, if only slightly.


But it was still precarious.

A sense of crisis overwhelmed her.

Because of this, she didn't stop inputting Karma. Limits or not, she just kept pushing it in.

If she loses control like this, everything will be for naught!

No! She couldn't produce such a result after receiving this much investment!

All sorts of ominous rumors about the 'Cosmic Emperor' came to mind. Her will surged forth vigorously.

As a result of recklessly pushing in massive amounts of Karma without looking back...


Something was different. It wasn't the usual sensation.


The sensation of the 'Dream World' sucking in Karma in reverse!

The 'Dream World', having crossed a singularity, was trying to devour all of her remaining Karma. Not only that, but it seemed to be sucking in even the alien energy from the other side.

More terrifying than an empty bank account balance was...


"Uh oh?!"

Th-That's not it!

If it sucks in so recklessly...!

"It's going to burst!"


It almost felt like she heard that literal sound.

A heavy vibration shook her mental image.

Kyaaak! I’m screwed!

Vulgar words sprang forth involuntarily.

She couldn't stop the 'Dream World' from starting to suck in everything around it like a black hole.


***At that time, in a certain Dimensional Passage.

[The damage is severe.]

A man wearing a laurel wreath on his head clicked his tongue as he looked down at the battlefield.

[Why on earth to this extent....]

On the battlefield, the battle was in full swing.




Silver giants facing off against frenzied Kaiju charging at them.

Although they seemed to have the upper hand at a glance, considering their numerical disadvantage, it wasn't such a good result.

At that moment, a silver figure flew towards him.

[It seems those bastards are at their limit too. Looks like they're about to retreat.]

[Hmm... Indeed.]

Compared to the beginning, their offensive had certainly softened. Continuously sending Kaiju must be burdensome for the 《Chaos》 side as well.

[A battle in a Dimensional Passage.... It's unheard of.]

[Collecting spoils... we'll have to give up on that, right?]

[There's no way around it.]


The man with the laurel wreath burst a Kaiju that fell above his head with one hand.

The two remained vigilant while surveying the battlefield.

[If only the battle would end, we could try something...]

[The more we desire, the more those 《Chaos》 bastards will too.]

[We have no choice but to both back off.]

[Damn it.]

They gained nothing and suffered massive damage.

[At least a victory is a victory.]

[That's true.]

The Kaiju side began to retreat stealthily.

In response, the Sephiroth side started to pull back their forces.

Reading the situation, both sides were pulling back their frontlines.

The end was now in sight.

[If we could just deal with that one...]

In the direction they were looking, a giant turtle Kaiju was continuously spewing out other Kaiju.

A rare Kaiju of the 《Chaos》 faction called the 'Summoning Turtle' or 'Dimensional Turtle'. Its size was so vast that even the giant form of the silver giants couldn't compare. It was an ultra-large Kaiju blocking nearly half of the Dimensional Passage.

The ability to instantly move nearly infinite Kaiju through connected Turtle Kaiju from other dimensions.

Moreover, it was a Kaiju of concern that could make summoned Kaiju withstand the Dimensional Passage by coating them with its bodily fluids.


Those with some standing within Sephiroth wanted to deal with the Turtle Kaiju first, but...


[Are your wounds alright?]

It wasn't easy.

The Turtle Kaiju itself could be killed without much difficulty if given enough time.


A small red Kaiju sitting on top of the giant Turtle Kaiju's shell.

A Kaiju with four arms, two legs, and red blades protruding all over its body was leisurely watching the battlefield with a long staff resting on its shoulder.

A high-ranking Kaiju of the 《Chaos》 faction.

'Red Ghost’

A name given within Sephiroth because it was elusive yet ghostlike in battle.

The Red Ghost was on a different level from other Kaiju who blindly charged in relying only on their physical strength.

The wound on his waist was also inflicted by the Red Ghost


It had turned dark red and was spreading poison throughout his body.

As he was gritting his teeth towards it...



[This feeling is...?]

Something strange was happening.

[Everyone, use Sacred Blood to deploy Formations!]


[What is going on?!]

[This feeling is definitely from those inferior dregs...!]

[But the scale is...!]


The Dimensional Passage began to shake violently and become unstable.


Someone who was thrown off by the sudden change collided with the wall of the passage and disappeared from existence.



This was no different for the Kaiju.

Everyone on the battlefield felt tension and fear.

The Dimensional Passage was already a place with high instability, making it difficult to move carelessly. Especially this passage, which was so narrow that extra caution was needed!


[Everyone gather!]

The outlines of all beings in the passage became blurry.



A powerful shock that shook their very existence overwhelmed everyone.

Eventually, a pitch-black spot appeared in the central void.

The spot began to swirl and grow larger.

A vortex like a bottomless abyss that sucked in everything gradually engulfed the passage and grew enormous.

All beings there, along with Silver Blood and even Kaiju corpses, were sucked in.

[Quickly connect with Mother!]

That way, we can at least leave coordinates!

A minimal lifeline.

This was no different for the Kaiju side.

Sensing something ominous, the Red Ghost cut open the Dimensional Turtle's belly and took out its heart, taking at least some kind of measure.


Soon after, darkness fell as the black vortex swallowed the entire passage.

***"How's World?"

[It seems the initiation was successful.]

"But the control over it is..."

[That is the problem, but...]

"Isn't this an error?"

[The observation results are surprising.]

Karlstein and Aria looked at the same screen with interested gazes.

[Yes. It seems some anomaly has occurred.]

"It's truly enviable."

All sorts of figures on the hologram were breaking through the ceiling.

An absurd, enormous Ether reaction compared to the input amount.

Various other data were being observed as well.

"This would more than cover all the war expenses for this first operation."

[Wouldn't it be dangerous?]

Karlstein looked at Aria with a grin.

"Me? In danger?"


"Since we invited them to the battlefield, shouldn't we go greet them?"

[The spoils should be quite substantial.]

The wall of the room where Karlstein was slowly opened, revealing a dark metal tube.

As Karlstein approached, the complex opening mechanism of the metal tube automatically opened.

Inside was a body strikingly similar to Karlstein Babylon, with its eyes closed.

"The downgrade is unavoidable, but..."

[It should be fine for temporary use.]

"Take good care of the main body. And finish up the first Barrier Advance."

[Please do not worry.]

"Alright. Shall we go welcome our guests then?"

A huge capsule was already prepared in the center of the room.

And at that time, in one of the dimensions…

"Yong-hi, yong-hi, oh oh, everyone yong-hi!"

A red-haired boy was smiling mischievously while looking at the empty air.

"Everyone's been waiting a long time, right?"

His appearance of talking to himself while staring at empty space was incredibly bizarre.

"Today is the advanced edition! It's an exciting game of just slightly touching the passage using Dimensional Magic."

ㄴthis guy, look at him go again. he just can't hold back.

ㄴisn't it a disease at this point? LOL

ㄴ(TheLichIsRich): Yongyong Sensei. It is hard to keep up with your tutelage.

ㄴeven a dragon developed this magic by luck LMAOO i mean doesn’t that say it all LOL

ㄴCan he survive this time too?

ㄴseems like the Oradge is secretly enjoying it too. maybe he's deliberately keeping him alive?

ㄴdo you really think that looks like he's trying to keep him alive?

ㄴit looks like he's hitting him just enough not to die LOL

'FlameYongYongie', who was quite popular in the [Integrated Dimensional Community].

"The materials needed would be a Dragon Heart... and a sturdy body that can withstand the Oradge's nuclear noogie, I guess? Hahaha."

However, Yongyongie had no idea what he was about to experience.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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