The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 111: The Wise Di Xin

Di Xin casually flipped through a few pages after receiving the book, but she soon grew serious, her reading becoming more focused.

Even though there were no formation diagrams or patterns in the book, with her deep knowledge of formations, she could tell just from the materials required that this formation was far from ordinary.

In fact, she didn't even need to look at the book. Any formation that required high-grade spirit stones was bound to be complex, and she had already suspected as much.

After a while, when Di Xin reached the last page of materials, her expression changed drastically. She widened her eyes in surprise, looking at Long Xuan with a rare display of loss of composure.

The last page listed all the rare spiritual herbs that she had recently planted in her herb garden. When had this little thief written them down? His hands were unbelievably fast!

Using a bunch of spiritual herbs as materials to set up a formation—who was he trying to fool?

Di Xin took a deep breath, her chest heaving as she struggled to suppress her growing anger. Slowly, she put the book down and looked at Long Xuan, her gaze full of meaning as she said, "Your formation is quite extraordinary. At the very least, it's a deadly formation."

"The level of danger in this formation is something I've rarely seen in my life. It could easily rank among the top three in all the formations I know."

"Give me the diagram for this formation, and I'll offer you two high-grade spirit stones and a third of the materials listed in this book. I'll cover it all."

Of course, Long Xuan couldn't agree to her request. If he handed over the diagram for the Five Elements Reversal Formation, wouldn't that mean she could enter it at will? That was absolutely unacceptable.

Long Xuan looked at her with some surprise and said, "There are only materials listed here, and they're not even complete. Yet you can already tell that this formation isn't simple? And you're willing to offer such a high price for it? Aren't you afraid you'll be at a loss? To be honest, this formation is actually quite weak."

Di Xin's lips curled into a smile, as if she were looking at an idiot, and she laughed lightly, "Please don't insult my professional expertise. Your formation requires the most precious materials of the Five Elements attributes. The effect of the completed formation should be a deadly formation with five formation eyes, allowing for a Five Elements cycle. If such a formation were simple, it would be truly strange."

"A barrier formed by the Five Elements cycle can be self-sustaining and self-repairing, making it nearly impossible to break."

"And your formation even requires the setup of so many barriers. Are you so afraid of death that you're planning to lay down ninety-nine barriers in your own home? That's a bit exaggerated. Doing so would be highly energy-consuming. Could it be that you're trying to guard against the Gu King?"

Di Xin looked at him with a strange expression, her eyes glinting.

Long Xuan was completely stunned by Di Xin's understanding of formations. He realized that he had severely underestimated her knowledge in this area. This person was not just a genius in formations; she was a monster in the field, and nothing related to formations could escape her notice.

"Let me be honest with you. There's no way I can give you the formation diagram. Otherwise, I wouldn't feel safe with you, a master of formations, around."

"If you're really interested in the diagram of a deadly formation, I actually have another one. I guarantee that its power is no less than my own formation, and it might even surpass it. It will definitely meet your expectations."

Long Xuan smiled as he placed a book with a blank cover on the table, his expression full of confidence.

This ultimate deadly formation was naturally the one from the Empress's tomb, a guardian formation of the highest caliber, especially since it utilized advanced solar energy technology.

Under the Eye of Heavenly Secret, this formation no longer held any secrets for him. To study the solar energy technology of this formation, he had even ordered his clone to meticulously copy down the diagram of this deadly formation.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that this formation was on par with his Five Elements Reversal Formation.

The strength of his Five Elements Reversal Grand Formation lay in its scaled-down formation patterns, but due to limitations in realm and formation knowledge, many aspects of it were still quite rough.

Without microscopic technology, his Five Elements Reversal Formation wouldn't have much of an advantage compared to the top formations of this world. The only aspect worth noting was the Divine Cube Formation.

Curious, Di Xin picked up the book from the table and casually flipped through a few pages. There's an unspoken rule in trading knowledge and inheritance: one can only look at a few random pages, not the entire book.

So she casually flipped through the book before sensibly putting it down.

She curled her lips into a smile and said, "The formation in the Empress's ancient tomb? This formation is indeed deadly. I didn't expect that she would place the formation diagram meant to protect the tomb inside the tomb itself. I wonder what she was thinking."

"I'm really tempted by the formation diagram of this deadly formation. I'm willing to trade it for a piece of peak-grade Spirit Stone."

Hearing this, Long Xuan's smile froze on his face. He quickly said, "Are you so sure that a single peak-grade Spirit Stone is equivalent to the formation diagram from the Empress's tomb?"

"Do you even know how powerful that formation is? That formation utilizes extremely advanced solar energy technology. I dare say that there are very few people in the world who understand this technology."

"Just a moment ago, you were willing to trade two peak-grade Spirit Stones and half of the materials from the book for my Five Elements Reversal Formation diagram. The power of this diagram is certainly not inferior to the Five Elements Reversal Formation, so how could it be treated unfairly?"

Di Xin shook her head with a smile and looked at Long Xuan, saying, "The problem is that I already have more than half of that formation diagram."

"Without my guidance! Do you really think that group of fools could have broken this fierce formation? Without my guidance, the various clans would only continue to lose people in this ancient tomb, and they wouldn't be able to bring out a single treasure."

"Otherwise, how do you think I suddenly broke through to the Marrow Cleansing stage? Without a large amount of Spirit Surge Grass from the tomb, could someone with my talent have possibly broken through?"

"When I was cracking this fierce formation, I had already figured out most of the principles, except for the solar energy part, which I could never solve. That's why the various clans can only enter the tomb at night."

"Since I already know the general idea of this formation, its value naturally decreases greatly. If you want to trade this formation diagram with me, then I can only offer you one peak-grade Spirit Stone."

Upon hearing this, Long Xuan said no more. He placed a Gu pouch and a storage bag on the table and said, "I learned from you. After I mastered the technique to break formations, I also raided the treasure vaults of various clans like crazy."

"Knowing that you like high-quality spiritual insects and elixirs, I picked out all such items. Just exchange them for the remaining materials."

Di Xin opened the Gu pouch and storage bag, casually glanced inside, roughly estimated the quantity, and then closed them.

She chuckled and said, "These things of yours cannot be equivalent to my peak-grade Spirit Stone. They can barely be exchanged for the materials in the book."

Although Long Xuan often raided the gambling houses of the Qian clan and the Seven Great Clans, and the number of high-quality spiritual insects in his Gu pouch was unknown, the value was indeed far short of exchanging for one-third of the materials in the book and a peak-grade Spirit Stone.

Long Xuan was already mentally prepared and said directly, "Just tell me what you want, and I'll get it."

Di Xin suddenly revealed a strange smile, leaned forward, and looked at Long Xuan with a playful expression, saying, "Take out the tree you stole from the cave, and I'll trade. Other than this, I won't exchange for anything else you offer."

Hearing this, Long Xuan was shocked, but his expression showed confusion. He looked at her and said, "Tree? What tree? I don't understand what you're talking about. You're speaking so strangely!"

"Heh heh!" Di Xin laughed playfully and said, "Keep pretending!"

"Only a few of us knew about that cave. After we left, I returned shortly after, only to find that the treasure of the cave had been stolen in such a short time."

"The one who left was clearly just a clone of yours. Apart from you, no one else had the time to commit the crime. If it wasn't you, then who could it have been?"

Di Xin gritted her teeth as she looked at him and said, "You're really cunning! You stole the treasure of the cave, but now I'm the one bearing the blame. Everyone thinks I'm the one who stole the treasure."

"That Old Li Laodao keeps coming after me for this. Every time I go to a trade fair, he nags me about it. Now I can't even defend myself! All these years, you're the only one who's managed to trick me, Di Xin!" Di Xin glared at him fiercely.

Long Xuan rubbed his nose, knowing that no matter how much he denied it, Di Xin wouldn't believe him. After all, he was the only one who had the time to commit the crime, so it was hard to shake off the blame.

So, he could only reluctantly say, "You know, that kind of tree is impossible to transplant. At that time, I was selfish, fantasizing about successfully transplanting it to my own herb garden, but in the end, it still died."

Since there was no way to deny it, Long Xuan could only come up with another excuse and say that the tree was already dead.

This explanation was reasonable, and Di Xin was likely to believe it.

Di Xin nodded and said, "Of course, I know you couldn't have successfully transplanted that tree, but you definitely picked all the fruits from it."

"You couldn't possibly have eaten all the fruits yourself, and with your personality, you wouldn't dare to sell such things, so you definitely have some left. There's no need to tell me how many you have left. I won't believe you anyway."

"Two fruits for one peak-grade Spirit Stone. No bargaining. Just say whether you want to trade or not. If you insist you don't have any, then this peak-grade Spirit Stone will be out of your reach."

Seeing her expression, Long Xuan knew that if he didn't take out the Fire Dragon Fruits today, there was no way he'd get the peak-grade Spirit Stone.

With no other choice, he placed two jade boxes on the table and said with a bitter smile, "Believe it or not, I really only have these two left."

Giving away the Fire Dragon Fruits didn't bother him at all. He had already developed a resistance to them, and they were of no use to him now. Even if he kept them, they would eventually rot, so getting rid of them today might actually be a good choice.

When Di Xin saw the two jade boxes, her face lit up with joy. After opening them and seeing the two fruits inside, which looked as if they were on fire, her smile grew even brighter.

To prevent too much medicinal power from evaporating, she quickly closed the boxes.

"Two peak-grade Spirit Stones. Here you go. I'll go prepare the remaining materials from the book."

Di Xin stood up, tossed two glowing stones to Long Xuan, gathered all the items on the table, and turned to walk toward her little room.

Not long after, Di Xin came out of her little room, threw a pile of storage bags to Long Xuan, and there were so many of them that they nearly covered the entire table.

At the same time, a giant beetle also came out of Di Xin's medicine garden and placed several storage bags on the table.

Di Xin instinctively looked toward her herb garden and found that a large patch of her paradise had been gnawed away like a dog had chewed on it, and her mood instantly soured!

"Take your stuff and get out! Don't let me see you again!"

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